Science Notes


Science Notes


Hypothesis- educated guess

Scientific Methods- problem solving procedures.

Science- is a processs of observing, studying and thinking about the world to gain knowledge.

Earth Science- the study of earth and space.

Variables- factors that can change in the experiment.

Independent Variable- the variable you can change in an experiment.

Dependent Variable- the variable being measured in an experiment.

Constant- the variable that does not change in an experiment.

Technology- the use of scientific discoveries for practical uses.

ISS- International Space Station

Atlantis- taking solar panels that absorb the sun’s energy and makes it into electricity.


Global Warming: The earth is getting hotter, we have heated up by using fossil fuels.

Also the Greenhouse Effect, scientists believe that CO2 allows the sun’s energy in the atmosphere but not out. The water heats up causing more severe storms.


Scientific Method:

1. Have a problem. Think back to past experiences, research.

2. Hypothesis. An educated guess that could perhaps be the answer.

3. Perform the experiment.

4. Analyze the information.

5. Draw a conclusion.


On average there are 42 inches per year and 3.5 inches per month.

Normal September 3.98 inches

Pretty Boy, Loch Raven, Liberty are reservoirs in Baltimore.


A successful experiment:

Needs to have and follow rules, regulations and factors.

Variables are factors in an experiment.

Dependent Variables are the variables being measured, Independent variables are the ones that change during the experiment, constant is the variable that does not change and the control is the standard for comparison.

Scientific Theory- explanation or model based on many experiments and tests.

Scientific Law- descries the behavior of something in nature.

Ethics- moral values of good and bad.

Bias- a personal opinion.


The first day of fall, September 21.

Sunrise: 6:53 A.M : Sunset: 7:05 P.M : 12 hours 12 minutes of daylight

CBF- Chesapeake Bay Foundation: non-profit organization that wants the Chesapeake

Bay to be clean. They want: 1. Slower growth in Maryland. 2. Farmers to stop run-off.


Space Shuttle Atlantis- the mission was successful and safe, NASA may send one up to fix the Hubble telescope.

Technology- putting scientific discoveries to practical use.


Transferable Technology- designed for 1 task but gets used for many others.

*titanium, WWW(world wide web), communication, GPS, Weather instruments.


Department of Commerce

NOAA- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

NWS- National Weather Service

Scientific Theory- An explanation backed by many experiments and tests that were done repeatedly with the same results.

Scientific Law- The way nature works, but does not explain how.


Science can’t answer (ethics) moral values. A bias is a personal opinion.

all in first test taken


Hubble is been up in space for 16 years and has been worked on 4 times.

NASA is putting shuttle to rest.

(10-1 through 10-6 was camping trip) (10-9+10-10)

Matter- is anything that has mass and takes up space.

Atoms- are tiny particles that make up matter.

Elements- are substances that are made of only one type of atom and connot be broken into simpler substances by natural, chemical or physical means.

Protons- are particles in the nucleus that have a positive electric charge.

Neutrons- are particles in the nucleus that have no electric charge.

Electrons- have a negative electric charge and are around the atom.

Atomic Number- is the amount of protons in an atom.

Mass Number- is equal to the number of protons and neutrons.

Isotopes- Atoms of the same element that have a varied number of neutrons.

Matter- anything that takes up space and has mass.


Sunrise 7:11 A.M : Sunset 6:35 P.M : 11 hours 24 minutes

Normal October: 3.16 inches

Matter- anything that takes up space and has mass.

Atoms make up matter- the structure and the properties/characteristics will determine when an atom is by is by itself and when it joins another one.

An element can not be broken by physical means.


Parts of an atom:

Proton- positive charge in the nucleus.

Neutron- neutral, no charge, found in the nucles.

Electron- Negative charge, found around the nucleus or the “cloud”.

Atomic Number = Number of protons.

Atomic Mass = Protons + Neutrons.


Electrons are found in the cloud, protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus.

Like charges repel, (they don’t like each other) the neutrons hold the protons together, the strong force is what hold them together.

Unlike Chargers attract. Atomic Mass = Protons + Neutrons


7:17 P.M 6:27 P.M 11 hours, 10 minutes of daylight. 2.01” so far. 3.16” regular October.

Ion- an atom that has gained or lost electrons and becomes charged.

Isotope- An atom of the same element with added neutrons.

Compound- contains elements of more than one type.

Molecule- group of atoms combined by a covalent bond.

Ions- electrically charged atoms.

Mixture- two or more substances that are not chemically bound.

Heterogeneous Mixture- are not mixed evenly and each component retains its own properties.

Homogeneous Mixture- mixture that is even throughout.

Solution- another name for a homogeneous mixture.


There are 92 natural elements.

Compound- atoms of one or more different element chemically combined but the new substance has different properties/characteristics from individual elements. i.e: water

Chemical Properties- changes that occur in one substance in the presence of another.

Why do atoms join? Because the behavior of electrons when atoms share electrons.


Why do atoms combine?

1. Covalent Bonds- atoms share electrons

2. Ionic Bonds- bond between oppositely charged atoms, atoms will lose or gain electrons out of convenience, NaCl.

3. Metallic Bonds- allow electrons to move easily.



1. Covalent Bonds is where they share electrons, H2O.

2. Ionic Bonds- Electrical Charges, opposites attract, NaCl.

3. Metallic Bonds- metals that electrons move through easily.

4. Hydrogen Bonds- Bond between two sides of molecules that have charges.

Compound vs. Mixture

Atoms joined separately and cannot be joined easily especially physically.

Atoms that are combined and are easily separated, including physical means.

Density- measure of a mass of an object. Mass/Volume


Cogeneration is using resources in two ways.

PAC-MAN eats the sewage, than takes a crap and methane gas is formed after being burned, than the methane gas is used for electricity.

Mixture- 2 or more substances combined that are NOT chemically combined but can be separated through physical means.

Heterogeneous Mixture- mixture that is unevenly distributed between substances. i.e. a rock or backpack.

Homogeneous Mixture- even distribution between substances.

Solution- Dissolved material that is very much like a homogeneous mixture.


Hubble has been in space for 17 years, and is constantly moving. Needs fixing.

All Hubble Science(great photographs) is processed down at JHU.
