SWIM/DIVE TICKET CONFIRMATION FORM Due Date: Wednesday, March 4th by 9:00 a.m. Fax: Lisa Lissimore @ 763-569-0499 or Email: llissimore@mshsl.org School: ______________________________________________________________ Coach: _______________________________________________________________ Section: _______________________ Class: _____________________ Each school is required to complete and submit a Ticket Confirmation Form via email to Lisa Lissimore at llissimore@mshsl.org or fax to Lisa Lissimore @ 763-569-0499. Please be sure to indicate the exact number of tickets to be purchased from your school allotment. PLEASE NOTE: Schools are required to purchase any and all tickets ordered. ALL checks must be payable to the MINNESOTA STATE HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE. REMINDER: If you email the ticket confirmation form to the League office, please RENAME the file to include your school name (e.g. Eagan ticket form). Ticket Allotment Formula – Use this formula to determine your ticket allotment Each participating school will receive 15 tickets for each qualifying relay team. One relay = 15 tickets Two relays = 30 tickets Three relays = 45 tickets Please note that schools without relay entries will be allotted three (3) tickets per individual qualifier. In addition, three (3) tickets will be allotted for each diver that qualifies to state. Each participating school’s ticket allotment will be posted on the League web site by 12:00 noon Monday, March 2. Number of tickets for swim preliminaries Friday, March 6: ____________ Number of tickets for swim finals Saturday, March 7: _____________ Please note any special seating requirements such as wheelchair seating or diving well seating in the space below. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ LML/swimming/ticket confirmation form rev. 2/13/2016