MODERN STUDIES - Principal Teacher: Miss L Childs

MODERN STUDIES - Principal Teacher: Miss L Childs
Social Work
HM Forces
International Relations
Local Government
Health Care
Building Society Work
Community Education
Social Sciences
Personnel Work
Clerical Work
The Media
European Union
Consumer Protection
Town and Country
 Trade Union Work
 Civil Service
 Insurance
S5: Standard Grade Modern Studies at Grade 1 or 2.
S6: The course is well within the capabilities of hard
working S6 students who have not completed
Standard Grade Modern Studies, but have completed
Higher English and another Social Subject
Syllabus Content
This is divided into three units.
UNIT 1: Political Issues in the United Kingdom (40 hours)
Decision Making in Central Government (e.g. How powerful is the Prime
Minister? Should pressure groups be banned? Discuss.)
UNIT 2: Social Issues in the United Kingdom (40 hours)
Wealth and Health Inequalities in United Kingdom (e.g. To what extent is
there a link between income and health?)
UNIT 3: International Issues (40 hours)
The United States of America (e.g. Assess the effectiveness of government
responses to inequalities in participation and representation.)
The People’s Republic of China (e.g. To what extent has the government
of China made progress with regard to human rights? Assess the extent
to which al Chinese citizens have benefited from social and economic
Formal Homework
To be successful in this course students must complete all set homework,
which will mainly be in the form of essays, and group and individual
presentations covering each of the study themes above. Homework will
consolidate your knowledge and understanding; prepare you for the unit
assessments, prelims and SQA examinations.
Pupils who do not make satisfactory academic progress will be advised to
switch to Intermediate 2 Modern Studies.
Each of the three units have closed books assessments. The assessments for
Units 1 and 3 are essays. The assessment for Unit 2 is a decision making
exercise. Reassessment will be offered on one, or exceptionally, two
occasions after further work on areas of difficulty.
SQA Examination
The external examination consists of two Question Papers. Paper 1 (four
essays) lasts for 1hr 30 minutes; and Paper 2 (DME and evaluation questions) 1
hour 15 minutes.
Next Step – Higher Politics.
S5: Standard Grade Modern Studies, or another social subject, at Grade 3 or
This course ideally builds on the knowledge and skills acquired during the two
years Standard Grade Modern Studies Course.
The course will be taught alongside the Higher Modern Studies will broaden
pupils understanding of contemporary political, social and economic issues,
and develop the skills of evaluating complex sources.
Syllabus Content
Intermediate 2 Modern Studies is divided into three units dealing with Political,
Social and International issues.
UNIT 1: Political Issues in the United Kingdom (40 hrs)
 Government and Decision Making in Central Government (e.g. In which
ways do pressure groups attempt to influence the government?)
UNIT 2: Social Issues in the United Kingdom (40 hrs)
 Equality in Society: Wealth and Health in the UK (e.g. How are health
needs met by central government? What actions have been taken by
recent governments to tackle poverty?)
UNIT 3: The People’s Republic of China (40 hours)
 Political issues in China – the role of the Chinese Communist Party. Social
and Economic issues in China – to what extent have all Chinese citizens
benefited from the economic boom?
Formal Homework
To be successful in this course all students must complete all set homework.
These will mainly be in the form of short essays to develop knowledge and
understanding and writing skills. Secondly, questions will be set to develop the
skills of evaluating information.
Each of the three units have NABs. The assessments for all units consist of ‘short
essays’ and evaluating complex sources.
SQA Examination
The external examination is based on one Question Paper lasting two hours.
Next Step – Higher Modern Studies.
Higher Politics
Normally students must have attained a grade A or B pass at
Higher level in Modern Studies and at least a C grade in Higher
Syllabus Content and Syllabus
The course is divided into three units: Political Theory, Political Structures and
Theories of Representation
Politics has been defined as “the activity through which people make,
preserve and amend the general rules under which they live”. Politics is
linked to both conflict and co-operation. The fact that there are
opposing and diverse opinions, needs and interests guarantees
disagreement about these rules. On the other hand, people recognise
that, in order to influence these rules, or ensure that they are upheld,
they must work with others. For these reasons Politics is often described
as a process of conflict resolution despite the fact that not all conflicts
can, or ever will be, resolved.
The study of Politics enables learners to develop analytical, reasoned
and critical argument which is crucial not only in this subject but in
personal and vocational contexts. While Politics is in a sense
everywhere and significant in everyone’s lives there is no single focus,
no entire approach that can provide all the answers to political
There will be three NABs throughout the course of the year.
SQA Examination
The external examination consists of two papers testing core knowledge and
understanding, along with your understanding of social science research