Why study Biology

Living systems are the main study subject of Biology. Biological research
provides vast important knowledge encompassing the broad area of
biological study of life from molecular levels, through cells, tissues and
organisms and on to populations and ecosystems. This wide spectrum is
reflected in the structure of study specializations and their study programmes.
The Faculty of Natural Sciences offers two Bachelor study programmes:
Biology and Systematic Biology. Teaching is provided by nine departments:
Department of Anthropology, Department of Botany, Department of Ecology,
Department of Plant Physiology, Department of Genetics, Department of
Microbiology and Virology, Department of Molecular Biology, Department of
Zoology, Department of Animal Physiology and Ethology. These departments
form part of the long-leading centres of excellence in Slovakia. Therefore,
biological studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences are the most complex and
the highest quality in Slovakia. This Faculty also guarantees the highest
educational quality due to the number of research projects, including
international projects, with its scientific results being published in renowned
international journals. Our experts cooperate with a number of prestigious
foreign scientific institutions and participate at many projects, thus providing
our students a good perspective of a successful career.
All this makes the study of Biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of
the highest quality in Slovakia, and comparable with other European
Bachelor‘s degree
 Biology - Prof. Mistríková; virumis@nic.savba.sk
 Systematic Biology - prof. Krumpál; krumpal@fns.uniba.sk
 Teacher–education in Biology and Mathematics - Assoc. Prof.
Ušáková; usakova@fns.uniba.sk
 Teacher–education in Biology and Geography - Assoc. Prof. Ušáková;
 Teacher–education in Biology and Environmental Science - Assoc.
Prof. Ušáková; usakova@fns.uniba.sk
Master‘s degree
 Anthropology - Prof.Siváková; sivakova@fns.uniba.sk
 Biotechnologies - Prof.Krajčovič; krajcovic@fns.uniba.sk
 Botany- Prof. Mičieta; micieta@fns.uniba.sk
Ecology - Prof. Krno, krno@fns.uniba.sk
Plant physiology - Prof.Lux; lux@fns.uniba.sk
Animal Physiology and Ethology - Prof.Zeman; zeman@fns.uniba.sk
Genetics - Prof.Tomáška; tomaska@fns.uniba.sk
Microbiology - Prof.Gbelská; gbelska@fns.uniba.sk
Molecular Biology - Prof.Turňa; turna@fns.uniba.sk
Virology - Prof.Mistríková; virumis@nic.savba.sk
Zoology - Prof.Krumpál; krumpal@fns.uniba.sk
Doctoral degree
 Botany - Prof. Mičieta; micieta@fns.uniba.sk
 Ecology - Prof. Krno, krno@fns.uniba.sk
 Plant Physiology - Prof. Lux; lux@fns.uniba.sk
 Animal Physiology - Prof.Zeman; zeman@fns.uniba.sk
 Genetics - Prof.Tomaška; tomaska@fns.uniba.sk
 Microbiology - Prof.Gbelská; gbelska@fns.uniba.sk
 Molecular Biology - Prof.Turňa; turna@fns.uniba.sk
 Parasitology  Virology - Prof.Mistríková; virumis@nic.savba.sk
 Zoology - Prof.Krumpál; krumpal@fns.uniba.sk
Graduate’s Profile
Graduates in Biology are ready to solve problems in both fundamental
biological research and applied biology. They have got knowledge and skills
in experimental methods at the different levels of living systems, from
molecules and cells to ecosystems. The graduates acquire knowledge in
Anthropology, Biotechnology, Botany, Cytology, Ecology, Ethology, Plant
and Animal Physiology, Genetics, Hydrobiology, Immunology, Microbiology,
Molecular Biology, Parasitology, Virology, Zoology and other branches of
Biology. The graduates also acquire basic scientific knowledge in Chemistry
and other interdisciplinary branches and are able to apply both biological
and chemical methods in solving practical tasks.
Our graduates in Systematic Biology are able to identify species of fauna
and flora in Slovakia and throughout the entire world. They can also
identify commercially used species of fauna and flora listed in CITES
(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora). Graduates have basic scientific knowledge of the laws
concerning nature protection and they master methods of sampling in the
field, as well as preparation of biological material and documentation of
fauna and flora.
Bachelor study programmes are followed by Master and Doctoral study
programmes in which students acquire profound knowledge of biological
theories and methods.