Costing Research Projects - Basic Guide Contents INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 2 COMPLETING A COSTING BUDGET .................................................................................................. 2 Staff Cost .................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Estimating Principal Investigator (PI)/Co-investigator (CoI) time ............................................................................................. 3 Consultant Clinical Academics ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Research Assistants/Post-Doc Researchers .......................................................................................................................... 3 Visiting researchers................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Student costs .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Staff that attract Estates and Indirect Costs ............................................................................................................................ 4 Staff that do not attract Estates and Indirect Costs ................................................................................................................. 4 Equipment Costs ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Student Fees ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 Consumables ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Travel and Subsistence ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Biological Services .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Management Costs for Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMPs) .................................. 6 UCL Major Research Facility or Small Research Facility .................................................................................... 6 Other Costs (Directly Incurred) .............................................................................................................................. 6 Other Costs (Directly allocated) ............................................................................................................................. 6 Estates costs ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 Indirect Costs ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 Exceptions ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 VAT on projects ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 1. Output (Sales) VAT ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 2. Input (Purchase) VAT.......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Computing Resources ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Indexation ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 NHS TRUST FACILITIES AND SERVICES .......................................................................................... 8 UCL RESEARCH ETHICS .................................................................................................................... 9 JUSTIFICATION OF RESOURCES ...................................................................................................... 7 CROSS DEPARTMENT RESEARCH GRANTS COSTING .................................................................. 9 RESEARCH GRANT AND CONTRACT APPLICATIONS WHERE UCL IS NOT THE LEAD PARTY.. 9 ANNEX 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 11 ANNEX 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 12 1 INTRODUCTION This document is intended to offer basic guidance in costing research proposals. For more detailed advice on any aspect of costing, please contact the appropriate Research Finance Officer (RFO) in the Research Finance Unit (RFU). Sufficient time needs to be allowed for departmental review of grant applications. Individual departments have their own internal procedures and timeframes. It is therefore essential that academic staff planning to submit a grant application contact their Departmental Administrator, Finance Officer, Research Co-ordinator or Head of Department well before they undertake the application process. Ensure you allow sufficient time for the submission process via Research Services. You should allow at least 10 working days before the sponsors’ deadlines. All research applications must be costed according to the principals of Full Economic Costing (fEC) using the UCL costing tool pFACT regardless of whether the sponsor meets all the costs associated with fEC. A detailed pFACT user guide can be found at: A brief Glossary of fEC Terms is shown at Annex 1. Guidance describing the UCL procedures for various grants/contract applications can be found at: A more detailed description of how to submit your pFACT project costing for approval is also provided under Annex 2. COMPLETING A COSTING BUDGET It is important to read your sponsor’s guidelines carefully to see what staff and costs are eligible for inclusion in the grant application. When completing a costing you need to consider everything you might need to undertake and deliver your research project. All projects must be costed using UCL’s costing tool pFACT and approved by the Research Finance Unit. The following items should be considered when costing a research proposal: Staff Cost Equipment Cost Non-Staff Cost VAT on Projects NHS Trust Facilities and Services (Estates and Indirect Costs are automatically calculated by pFACT) Staff Cost The total cost of employing a member of staff on a research project should include the following elements: basic salary, London Allowance, Employer’s National Insurance and superannuation contribution, as well as yearly salary incremental progression. In addition provision for future pay increases (where appropriate) and any anticipated future promotion should be costed. Where discretionary points or promotion is anticipated during the lifetime of the project liaise with your RFO contact for guidance on how to enter the additional information on pFACT. Ensure you include the costs of all staff working on your project, for example: Existing academic staff (including your time, and your co-applicants’) 2 Research assistants or other research staff Administrative/secretarial support (add administrators to large projects) Technical support Project Studentships Consultants Replacement teaching costs Casual staff Support staff Estimating Principal Investigator (PI)/Co-investigator (CoI) time Investigators should include the estimates of time they will spend working directly on the project. More detailed guidance and advice on how to estimate PI time can be found at: You will need to take into consideration the fact that although a low estimate will make the costing cheaper it could indicate a lack of commitment to the proposal. Feedback from sponsors indicates that they do not consider artificially low-cost proposals to be either more cost effective or attractive for funding. UCL has implemented a system of banding for Directly Allocated professorial salaries (currently two for non-clinical and one for clinical) rather than actual salaries. (Note: if your salary will be paid for directly from the grant, the costs must be based on the actual salary and presented as a Directly Incurred cost). Please refer to your RFO contact for guidance. Principal Investigators, Co-Investigators and Fellows whose time and salaries are 100% funded from other fEC research or fEC fellowship grants provided by the Research Councils should still indicate the number of hours on the new proposal, but with zero salary/estate/indirect cost charged to the grant. Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators whose time is not fully funded on other Research Council grants, but who are not paid a salary by UCL (e.g. Emeritus or honorary staff) should indicate the number of hours attributed to the proposal, but with a zero salary plus estate and indirect cost request. Consultant Clinical Academics When costing a new consultant clinical academic please contact the relevant Divisional Manager to ascertain the individual's starting spine point and future progression points. Contact details for Managers may be found on the relevant Division webpage. Research Assistants/Post-Doc Researchers It is important to contact HR to seek advice on the most appropriate grades for staff to be employed on Research grants and contracts. The RFU can provide advice on costing and funders’ rules only. Refer to HR website for grades: - Visiting researchers Support may be requested to provide funding for senior scientists from the UK or overseas who are of acknowledged standing to visit and work at UCL. Support may be requested for specified individual visitors and general support for unspecified (usually short-term) visitors. The support requested should be justified in the Case for Support. The funding can cover the costs of hosting visiting researchers, including travel, subsistence and associated estates and indirect costs. 3 Student costs When costing a project student (typically a PhD student) you need to consider both the stipend costs and the tuition fees. The stipend costs are entered under staff costs. The appropriate tuition fees should be included under ‘Non-Staff Cost’ as Student Fees . Check if the student is overseas or UK and use appropriate tuition fees rate. UCL’s schedule of tuition fees can be obtained from the UCL Registry site. Some sponsors have set a fixed contribution towards these costs. Some Research Councils e.g. BBSRC and MRC do not fund students on all grants. Always check Terms and Conditions for eligibility and costs. For more information on Research Studentship see the Research Services website. Staff that attract Estates and Indirect Costs Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator Researchers (i.e. Research Assistants (Grade 6B) /Fellows/Associates, Research Nurses, Clinical Fellows, Support Staff satisfying the definition of “researcher” etc.) Emeritus professors Visiting staff from industry Honorary Staff Visiting Academics Also see Definition of a researcher. Staff that do not attract Estates and Indirect Costs Technical Services Staff undertaking support Administrative Support Staff (Professional Services/Clerical Grades) Equipment Costs Funds for equipment1 may be sought as a directly incurred cost, provided that it is essential to the effective conduct of the research and is not already at UCL. Equipment costs may cover the purchase of equipment outright or in part, sharing across a number of projects where appropriate. Full justification for equipment must be given. Examples of equipment costs include: the costs of purchasing/hiring/relocating all necessary equipment equipment fully dedicated to the research project e.g. computers and laboratory/workshop equipment major equipment spares project dedicated software equipment installation charges e.g. delivery, calibration, essential premises modifications e.g. provision of clean rooms, extensions to air conditioning. Where VAT is chargeable, all new equipment required for the project should be costed inclusive of VAT at the appropriate rate. (For further information on VAT see UCL’s VAT Guidelines) Check the sponsor’s definition of Equipment and also any special requirements. 1 For Research Council applications this means only equipment costs greater than £10,000 (any less than £10,000 must be applied for under the Consumables heading). For equipment £10k to £121,588 the Research Councils require a University contribution of at least 50%. Refer to RCUK Equipment Changes for further guidance 4 You should seek the advice of your Departmental Administrator/Finance Officer when completing this part of your proposal. In all instances contact the Procurement Office. In the case of purchases costing more than £50k discuss with the Head of Procurement ext. 41918 and consult the Procurement Web site for UCL and EU rules. Student Fees Student fees should be recorded under this heading. UCL has standard rates for student fees available from the UCL Registry site. However certain sponsors will have a limit to what they will pay – always refer to sponsors Terms and Conditions. Consumables Costs to consider may include; Laboratory supplies Computer sundries and small equipment Test costs Licences Fees, including patient fees if applicable for clinical research Project specific stationery, copying, postage, telephone, fax (only if directly supporting research, for example questionnaire based study).2 Project specific specialist journals Project specific courier costs It is essential that such costs are clearly described and justified in the justification for resources. A list of products and suppliers can be found on Procurement Website. Where VAT is chargeable, all consumables required for the project should be costed inclusive of VAT at the appropriate rate. (For further information on VAT see UCL’s VAT Guidelines) Travel and Subsistence Travel and subsistence costs for journeys, conferences and workshops that are directly related to the research project can be sought as a directly incurred cost. Standard fares should be quoted to include taxes, parking costs, rail/taxi transfers from the airport (where applicable). Costs to consider include; UK and Overseas travel Subsistence Costs Travel insurance Conference fees Staff and patient travel The UCL approved travel supplier is available to assist in pricing the travel requirements. Train Fares : http :// Travel Expenses: http :// Subsistence comprises accommodation in hotels, guesthouses etc. and meals Travel Insurance : Biological Services UCL Biological Services are classified as a UCL Major Research Facility and from now on entered as a Directly Incurred cost. Biological services brought in from outside UCL are also Directly Incurred. The words “project specific” must be entered in front of all these consumable costs headings in order to ensure application is not returned for correction. 2 5 If your project involves work with animals, you may need to consider the following: Animal purchase Facility Hire, Equipment Hire, Consumables Animal Maintenance Statutory Fees (Personal Licenses, Ethical Review Process, Accredited Training Course Modules) Experimental procedures Management Costs for Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMPs) It is now mandatory that all UCL grant applications for clinical trials of medicinal products include a costing for the clinical trial management support that is provided by the Joint UCLH/UCL Biomedical Research Unit. You should now contact the Joint Unit (tel. 020 7380 6978) or email for a costing to include in your grant application. The Joint Unit needs a minimum of 3 days to confirm costings. All clinical trials of investigational medicinal products (or CTIMPs) require a sponsor that must have systems with procedures that assure the quality of every aspect of the trial and thus is able to take on full accountability for the activities of the trial at all stages including setting up. It is crucial that CTIMP proposals are identified at the earliest possible stage so that sponsorship arrangements can be clarified and appropriate funding sought to enable the clinical trial to meet the demands of the clinical trials regulations. UCL Major Research Facility or Small Research Facility For fEC purposes UCL is required to exclude the cost of research facilities from the estates and indirect cost rates. When applying for research funding from Research Councils and Government Departments the costs for accessing research facilities need to be charged separately on applications to these sponsors. Therefore usage of UCL facilities must be costed on pFACT using the facilities option and selecting the appropriate facility from the approved list. Other Costs (Directly Incurred) Costs of other items dedicated to the project including: Predicted costs of dissemination of research outputs e.g. publication in author-pays journals, where these will be incurred during the period of the grant Recruitment and advertising costs for staff directly employed on the project Field work Reprint/page charges Computer costs dedicated to the project; e.g. specialist stationery supplies, software licences not associated with central computing facilities; Equipment related items (if not included as part of the Research Organisation’s estates costs), e.g. maintenance; relocation. The case for support should describe the service being sought, the usage and the basis of charging. Purchase/hire of vehicles Other Costs (Directly allocated) These costs may include, for example, the costs of shared resources including: Estimated costs of laboratory technicians in academic departments 6 All non-laboratory technicians, secretarial and computing staff who are part of a ‘staff pool’ supporting a range of facilities and projects Access to central and distributed computing Access to clean rooms Maintenance of major research facilities Estates costs Estates costs are automatically calculated by pFACT and should be shown as a single figure (£ total for the project). They do not need to be justified in the Case for Support. Infrastructure Technician costs Infrastructure Technician costs are automatically calculated by pFACT based on the FTE for academic/research staff on the project. This cost is applied only to those Departments that have been identified to have technicians which are involved in the general running of a laboratory. This cost should be entered on the proposal as a single figure under the Directly Allocated – Infrastructure heading. They do not need to be justified in the justification for resources. Indirect costs Indirect costs are automatically calculated by pFACT and should be shown in the proposal as a single figure (£ total for the project). They do not need to be justified in the justification for resources. Exceptions This term is used by the Research Councils for Directly Incurred costs that will be funded in full (i.e. at 100%), subject to actual expenditure incurred. Usually these are student stipend and fees and equipment costs in excess of £50,000. Justification of Resources All costs associated with the research project must be justified. This statement should be used to justify the resources required to undertake the research project and is a mandatory addition. Applicants should: Explain why the indicated resources are needed, taking account of the nature and complexity of the research proposed. Note that it is not sufficient merely to list what is required. Have regard for the breakdown of resources into the summary fund headings Directly Incurred, Directly Allocated and (where appropriate) Exceptions. In some cases, such as investigator time, use of internal facilities and shared staff costs (all likely to be Directly Allocated costs), the basis of the costing need not be justified, but the need for the resources does need justification. Try to be explicit about the need for the level of investigator time sought, bearing in mind the complexity of the research, the need to manage the project and supervise staff and any wider considerations such as collaboration or facilities usage. Estates and indirect costs do not need to be justified. Justifying computer resources: Any proposals requesting items that would ordinarily be found in a department for example nonspecialist computers, should include justification both for why they are required for the project and why 7 they cannot be provided from the research organisation’s own resources. The following text can be included in the justification for resources: 'the computer is project specific because ...etc etc... or/and ... there are no other sources available to fund this computer within the Department, UCL provides computers for established members of staff from Departmental funding allocations (which include indirect costs) but NOT for new staff who are recruited for specific research projects' Please refer to the sponsor’s guidance notes for specific detail. VAT on projects There are two types of VAT 1. Output (Sales) VAT Research projects for Research Councils, Government Departments and Charities are all VAT exempt i.e. we do not charge VAT on the prices that we charge to these organisations. Commercial Contracts are charged at the standard rate of VAT. Non-UK based research is outside the scope of UK VAT, but local taxes may apply. 2. Input (Purchase) VAT In general we have to pay VAT on all purchases of goods and services for research unless there are special exceptions – see UCL’s ‘VAT Guidelines’ on the Finance website for more information. The main Zero-rated items are UK travel, printed matter for reading, equipment for use in medical research, substances for use in medical research. If in doubt about whether VAT is applicable, it is safer to include VAT in the application form and grant. Computing Resources The Computing Resource Group (CRAG) ( must be consulted where access to UCL Research Computing facilities is required as part of the research project. Indexation All costings should be at current prices, inclusive of VAT and other taxes where applicable. Check sponsors terms and conditions for rules regarding inflation/indexation. All salaries are indexed by 4% unless the Sponsor indicates it will not pay indexation or pays at a lower rate. If in doubt, add in. For more information see Appendix A at pFACT User Guide. NHS Trust Facilities and Services Applications using NHS Trust facilities and services require approval of the relevant NHS Trust R&D Office. These costs maybe nominal and therefore not generally included as part of the costing or the application although some sponsors – e.g. MRC may need you to identify these costs as part of your application. If however there are costs you are requesting from the sponsor on behalf of the NHS Trust they should be included as part of the application but NOT as part of the UCL pFACT costing. The relevant NHS Trust will need to provide you with these costs for inclusion within the application. Contacts: 8 UCLH - Nick McNally Whittington Hospital - Senga Steel Royal Free Hospital - Clara Kalu 020 7380 9833 020 8288 5674 020 7317 7557 UCL Research Ethics All NON-NHS research proposals involving living human participants and the collection and/or study of data derived from living human participants undertaken by UCL staff or students within the geographical boundaries of UCL or elsewhere require ethical approval by the UCL Research Ethics Committee. This is to ensure that the research conforms with general ethical principles and standards. For details on the ethical review process and how to apply, please visit the website: and/or contact the Ethics Committee Administrator about any issue relating to research ethics: Faculty Level Costing Procedures For Departments All proposals involving more than one department within a Faculty at UCL have a choice to either prepare: a) one Faculty costing OR b) individual departmental costings One Costing per Faculty 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The lead department must notify their RFO of a Faculty pFACT costing by typing “Faculty Costing” in the “Project Name” before the title. Further relevant information such as the names of the collaborating departments must be entered in the pFACT notes. The lead department must coordinate and liaise with the collaborating departments for details of all their staff and non-staff costs. These costs must be added to pFACT, indicating to which department the costs apply. The RFO will liaise with the Lead Department re any queries such as how staff are funded The lead department’s RFO will be responsible for approving the pFACT costing The lead department is responsible for obtaining HoD Approvals for all Departments involved. NB: Authorisation of pFACT by HoD confirms authorisation has been received from all HoDs The RFO will check the costings to ensure it conforms to the sponsors T&C’s. Individual Department Costings 1. 2. 3. 4. The lead department must notify their RFO of the pFACT project id of all other collaborating departments. These id’s should be noted in “Project Name” before the title to alert the RFO. Further relevant information must be entered in the pFACT notes e.g. collaborating institution name, subcontracting party name. The collaborating departments must liaise with their own RFO for approval. The lead id should be noted in “Project Name” before the title to alert the RFO. The lead RFO will ensure the total costings as a whole conform to the sponsors T&C’s. The lead RFO will prepare a Joint Proposal spreadsheet containing all the combined costs to the lead department to assist with completion of the application. Research Grant and Contract Applications where UCL is NOT the Lead Party 9 Pre-Award requirements and procedures with regard to research grant and contract applications where the main application is being submitted through another organisation i.e. where UCL is NOT the lead party: A pFACT costing is prepared and approved by the Research Finance Unit as per our normal procedures. A copy of the application is sent to the RFO contact - whether or not a UCL authorised signature is required for the application to be submitted. The RFO confirms (by email - where no signature is required) that the figures entered on the application form are correct and, where relevant, are under the correct cost headings. Please note failure to follow steps 2 and 3 in the process will cause significant delays for the allocation of the account code when UCL is notified of our 'share' of the main award. In addition if the application is not checked against the approved costing there is a risk that funds will be awarded under the incorrect cost headings which will impact on the financial administration of the funds Post-Award. 10 Annex 1 Glossary of fEC Terms Term Direct costs Directly Incurred (DI) Costs Directly Allocated (DA) Costs Principal Investigator (PI) & Co-Investigator (CoI) costs Estates costs Indirect Costs Definition Costs that are necessary for the delivery of the project. These are split into Directly Incurred and Directly Allocated costs. Costs that are specific to the individual project. These are charged directly to the project and are supported by an audit record. Costs necessary and directly attributable to the project. These are generally shared across a number of projects and are based on estimates rather than actual costs. Investigator time, estates costs and research facilities are generally the major DA costs. Costs associated with the PI and CoI time which are directly attributable to the project. These are normally presented as Directly Allocated costs. (An important exception is in the case of Fellowships where these costs are Directly Incurred against the project). Costs which cover the following: building and premise costs, basic services and utilities, cleaning/portering/security/safety, lease/rent/rates, insurance etc. Costs that are non-specific to an individual project which are charged across all projects based on estimates and not included under any other costs. These include: Library services/learning resources, Secretarial/typing, Finance, personnel, public relations and departmental services, Central computing costs and cost of capital employed (includes redundancy costs) 11 Annex 2 Procedure for submitting costs for approval Step 1 - pFACT status ‘Draft’ PI/DA enters costs on pFACT in “Draft” status. NB Enter Project id (e.g. p2780) in subject matter of all email correspondence. Information which should be placed in pFACT: Sponsor’s Deadline Date (not department’s deadline) Ensure email and contact number entered. Sponsor’s Name and Proposal Name Provide weblink for Sponsor’s T&C’s Consumables should be broken down so that RFO can advise on DI/DA and justification. For new staff entered on pFACT ensure an amount is entered in Max Spine Point otherwise progression will not calculate all possible increments. Enter important facts in pFACT email or notes. PI/DA passes Costing to DA by changing status to “Request Dept Review”. Step 2 – pFACT status ‘Request Department Review’ DA checks application, if correct passes application to RFU by changing status to “Request RFU Approval”. Step 3 – pFACT status ‘Request RFU Approval’ NOTE: A MINIMUM OF FIVE WORKING DAYS IS REQUIRED FOR THE COSTING TO BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE RFU. The RFO checks and advises on the costing. Amendments If costing requires changes the application is returned by RFU to the DA through pFACT to “Request Dept Review” to allow amendments to be made. Approved Costing Once a costing has been checked and approved by the RFU the costing is frozen, no further changes can be made unless the project is sent back to the PI “Draft” or DA “Request Dept Review”. The costing now requires the approval of the HOD or Dean. The RFU changes the status of the costing to “Request HOD/Dean Approval” to allow approval Step 4 – pFACT status “Request HOD/Dean Approval” The Head of Department or Dean approves the costing by completing the additional fields section and moving the costing to the “Approved by HOD/Dean” status. The approval of the Dean is only required if the PI is the HOD or where recovery is less than 100% fEC in a commercial contract. Step 5 - Finance details entered on Application PI/DA produce appropriate submission reports from pFACT and enter financial figures from the reports on to sponsors’ electronic or paper application. The pFACT number must be entered as the research 12 organisation reference. Important Note: the application should reflect the figures on the pFACT Submission Report. The application is then forwarded electronically or manually to the RFU. NOTE: THIS MUST BE ACTIONED AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE THE DEADLINE DATE TO ENSURE SUBMISSION ON TIME. Step 6 - Application checked and submitted Applications received by RFU electronically or on paper. RFU checks that financial details and justification (see notes on justification above) on application are correct and appropriate RFU submits/signs finalised application to the Sponsor. Once application has been submitted/signed pFACT is updated by moving status to “Submitted”. 13