UCL Cruciform Library (Cruciform Enquiry Services) Temporary


UCL Cruciform Library

(Cruciform Enquiry Services)

Temporary location from July 2013 to 2014

Second Floor, Science Library (DMS Watson Building),

Malet Place, WC1E 6BT

: 020 7679 6412

Email: lib-crucienq@ucl.ac.uk

Web : www.ucl.ac.uk/Library/crucilib

Blog: http://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/cruciform-library-iskills/

The following information skills training sessions are available for UCL Students and UCL /

UCLH Staff. Please email in advance to confirm times and to see if places are available:-

Learn about how to construct a search strategy using keywords and the PubMed thesaurus MeSH

Learn about systematic reviews, retrieving comprehensive results, filtering results, and truncations & wildcards.

Learn to save and email your results, search history.

Brief overview of other biomed databases

05/02/15 10:00-11:00

06/02/15 10:00-11:00

10/02/15 10:00-11:00

12/02/15 10:00-11:00

NHS/ is the NHS portal providing access to comprehensive evidence base for everyone working in health and social care.

Discover the NHS Evidence resources.

Explore the resources

(databases, electronic journals and ebooks) and get help self-registering for a

NHS Athens account or/and using your


Available on demand for individuals or small groups

Learn about systematic reviews and an evidence based approach to retrieving medical and biomedical literature

Explore a range of databases including

Discover some tools and techniques to help make your searching more effective, so that you can find the best evidence for your topic.

Learn about multidisciplinary databases that cover biomedical and social science resources – useful for comprehensive biomedical and psychology literature searches

Available on demand

Available on demand for individuals or small groups

11/02/15 10:00-11:00

24/02/15 10:00-11:00

27/02/15 11:00-11:30

06/03/15 11:00-11:30

Discover some useful resources supporting critical appraisal, including the

checklists, and develop critical appraisal skills that can be applied to your study or work.

Learn how to export references from various databases into your library and use build your bibliography on Word documents to

Available on demand

12/02/15 10:00-11:00

16/02/15 10:00-11:00

03/03/15 14:00-15:00

05/03/15 14:00-15:00
