Q 29: Overview Statement - Caring Solutions (UK) Ltd


Capacity and Capability

Caring Solutions (UK) Ltd does not directly employ staff but has a number of professional associates available. The Company is currently able to manage multiple investigations simultaneously and is able to increase capacity whilst maintaining standards. The associates include consultant psychiatrists, registered mental health nurses, qualified social workers and clinical psychologists. All fully qualified members of their respective professional bodies, attend CPD activities as required and are fully experienced autonomous health and social care professionals who can demonstrate achievements as senior managers of NHS mental health services. In addition, Caring Solutions (UK) Ltd is able to draw on professionals from other fields of expertise, such as general management, social science and criminal justice, as required. The Company also engages an associate as Panel Administrator to provide administrative support to panel members and to act as link person with Strategic Health

Authorities, NHS Trusts and any other organisations whose assistance is appropriate to particular investigations.

Dr Colin Dale, Chief Executive of Caring Solutions (UK) Ltd acts as overall director for programmes and represents the company in high level liaison between commissioners and stakeholders involved in the investigations. Dr Dale has been an Executive Nurse in three NHS Trusts; has worked as a professional adviser to the RCN, NIMHE, NPSA and the Dept of Health and has a track record of research publications and international conference presentations. He has successfully worked on a large number of projects in recent years including:

Caring for Prisoners (an evaluation of the role and responsibilities of the Prison nurse); The RCN Primary Care Education project literature review on interdisciplinary education; work for the Nursing and Midwifery Council, the Dept of

Health, the Prison service for England and Wales and a number of local and regional projects for individual Trusts and organisations. He was a National

Project manager for the National Institute for Mental Health in England and a

Senior Policy Adviser for the Offender Health services at the Department of

Health. He has worked on several previous mental health inquiries; led the NHS

London review of 40 homicides and was Project Director for the NHS North West

Legacy review.

The calibre of Caring Solutions (UK) Ltd associates is exemplified by Dr Michael

Rosenberg and Mr Peter Green. Dr Rosenberg is a consultant psychiatrist.

Between 2003 – 2006 Michael was the Chief Executive and Honorary Consultant

Psychiatrist South Downs Health NHS Trust; a Trust where he had previously been the Medical Director between 1998

– 2003. Michael was responsible for the

Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit at Mill View Hospital from 1999 to 2005 (a modern 10-bedded unit caring for acutely mentally ill patients, requiring shortterm intensive treatment). He is approved under Section 12(2) of the Mental

Health Act 1983. Michael has extensive experience of the investigation of critical incidents and advised on the management of complaints in his Trust. He was the


lead director for the Trust Patients’ Advisory Forum and responsible for developing the Trust Strategy for Patient and Public Involvement.

Peter Green is a qualified psychiatric social worker and general manager with significant experience as a senior executive in local government, the National

Health Service, the Mental Health Act Commission and latterly independent psychiatric hospital provision and consultancy. Peter has worked in all three high security hospitals and developed considerable expertise in the assessment of mentally disordered offenders and evaluation of service delivery.

Caring Solutions (UK) Ltd would only engage associates for work on investigations who are independent of any of the organisations involved with the incident and have had no involvement in any other investigations in the locality to date.

Flexibility is a particular strength of Caring Solutions (UK) ltd. We engage our personnel on an Associate basis and negotiate their availability for investigations individually; consequently we are able to construct a team which meets the demands of the commissioner by ensuring the closest match of skills and expertise of the panel to the needs of the clinical presentation of each case. We have a proven track record of responding rapidly to requests to carry out investigations at short notice and of completing reports within a specified timetable.

Investigation Methodology

The investigation team will agree a consistent method of data analysis and method of working and identify lead personnel for aspects of the work programme. All associates are professionally aware of and comply with the Data

Protection Act and Caldicott principles: it is a condition of engagement that all personal identifiable information is processed in a safe and secure manner with access strictly restricted to colleagues who have a need to know.

The investigation team will have ownership and involvement in all aspects of the process. They will undertake interviews with key staff and family members arising out of the initial review of the documents. Our experience has shown that when carrying out interviews the value and importance of preparation, by being clear about priority issues and the questions to be framed. The most effective approach is to have the team involved who bring their individual perspectives.

The team understands the stressful nature of an interview for both family and professionals given the circumstances. The approach adopted will be characterised by sensitivity, with a focus on objectively gathering information, and at the same time engendering within the interviewee a belief that they have had a fair hearing and been given the opportunity to make their point.


The team will thoroughly and objectively examine the care and treatment of the perpetrator in order to identify any shortfalls and establish the lessons to be learned to minimise the possibility of similar events and to make recommendations for the delivery of Mental Health services in the future. The investigation will be sensitive to any police and coroner involvement.

The investigation will apply a root cause analysis process which will provide clear conclusions and recommendations in line with the standard specification prepared by the commissioners. Associates are fully trained in root cause analysis (RCA) and any team will always include at least two such members.

The investigation will specifically examine the circumstances surrounding the care, treatment and compliance of the perpetrator, in particular the history, quality nature, scope and monitoring of his health, social care and risk assessment/management.

Caring Solutions (UK) Ltd will report to commissioners on a monthly basis and be responsible for ensuring all information is appropriately communicated; for the day-to-day running of the investigation; and for ensuring all key stakeholders are involved in the project as appropriate.

