Principles of Biology Lecture Notes Fall, 2006 CHROMOSOMAL INHERITANCE The Chromosome Theory of Inheritance - The Chromosomal Basis of Mendel’s Laws Genes are located on chromosomes •Mendelian genes have specific loci on chromosomes •Chromosomes undergo •And as they do, •Today's Lecture: 1st Evidence Sex-Linked Genes Linkage, Recombination & Mapping Morgan’s Experimental Evidence: Scientific Inquiry •Thomas Hunt Morgan: A. first to observe and note genes and chromosomes move together B. provided convincing evidence Mendel’s heritable factors are on chromosomes C. worked with fruit flies – Why? breed at a high rate new generation every 2 weeks only 4 pairs of chromosomes •NOTE: –Wild type –Mutant Correlating Behavior of a Gene’s Alleles with Behavior of a Chromosome Pair •1 of Morgan’s crosses: (mutant) X (wild type) –F1: CONCLUSION: F2: mutant allele must be located on the Chromosomal Basis of Sex & Sex-Linked Genes •An organism’s sex – Is –Sex chromosomes have genes for many characters •SEX-LINKED GENE = Systems of Sex Determination Humans & other mammals: X & Y = sex chromosomes D:\116106002.doc other organisms: 2/12/2016 Inheritance of Sex-Linked Genes •Sex-linked genes follow specific patterns of inheritance Linked genes •Inherited together because •Each chromosome has How Linkage Affects Inheritance: •Morgan crossed flies that differed in traits of two different characters •Morgan determined that –linked Genes –Unlinked genes Genetic Recombination and Linkage Inheritance of two characters – some offspring have combinations of traits – Linked genes Linkage Mapping: Using Recombination Data: •A genetic map –Is –Can be developed using •Linkage Map Is a Alterations of Chromosome Structure •Breakage of a chromosome can lead to four types of changes in chromosome structure •Certain cancers are caused by translocations of chromosomes D:\116106002.doc 2/12/2016