Miss Algaier’s Week 7 Overview September 19-23 Ms. Cambre- SLU Important Notes: Please turn in your TAKE HOME FOLDER signed. The student will: Work on plural nouns; how to write a paragraph; antonyms Work on thinking addition to subtraction; using data from a picture; problem solving application. Identify long and short u in spelling unit 7 by proofreading, and analogies. Read the story, A Harbor Seal Pup Grows Up and define the following vocabulary words: young, normal, rescued, examines, mammal, hunger Focus on social studies geography vocabulary: landform, ancestor, producer, consumer, natural resource, crop, conservation Focus on heart rate, lungs, and the digestion of the human body. Textbooks and Resources: Macmillan and McGraw Hill ELA; Louisiana Scot Foresman Social Studies and math; Spelling Zaner Bloser; St. Tammany Guaranteed Curriculum and Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum; Harcourt Brace Science Homework and Practice: See daily folder: ( spelling- below, math- sheet, reading: 10 minutes daily) Spelling: sun, duck, cup, bud, bump, dude, rule, cube, fume, rude, rose, hope, food, together, through Monday- Write six sentences using six spelling words. Tuesday- Write your words in ABC order, and circle in color the vowels. Wednesday- Write a letter to Mrs. Cambre using 6 spelling words not used on Monday in your letter inviting her to your party. Thursday- Use five spelling words and write the phone numbers to match. ( Sample- Catnip – 228-647) 2: abc 3: def 4: ghi 5: jkl 6: mno 7: pqrs 8: tuv 9: wxyz