hw1 - Computer and Information Science

Expert System
Applications (Diagnostic)
Advanced Diagnostic
Software (ADS)
Detail Description
AGREX: Center for Informatics Research and Advancement, Kerala help the Agricultural field personnel give timely and correct a
the farmers. These Expert Systems find extensive use in the areas of fertilizer application, crop protection, irrigation scheduling, an
diagnosis of diseases in paddy and post harvest technology of fruits and vegetables.
Alien Employee Visa
Classification Wizard
Alien Employee Visa Classification Wizard: EXSYS This system will assist you in determining the types of visa classifications th
appropriate for a particular alien seeking to be employed in the US. The system will ask you questions about the specific type of
employment, the sponsoring company and individual. It will then display a list of visa classifications that could be used. Each visa
classification has associated fees and limits. A table presents a side-by-side display comparing the visa classifications selected so t
most appropriate one can be selected. http://www.exsyssoftware.com/CORVID/corvidsr?KBNAME=../sba_demo/classify.cvR
CaDDiS (Cattle Disease
Diagnostic System)
CaDDiS (Cattle Disease Diagnostic System): University of Strathclyde, UK CaDDiS is designed to serve as a component of a larg
support system which will provide information to decision makers within the African agricultural community on the relative likeli
cow having different diseases given that you have observed that it exhibits particular clinical signs.
Camcorder Selector
Camcorder Selector: EXSYS This example provides advice on which camcorder is best you. It replicates an interaction you would
an experienced sales person who is very knowledgeable about product features and different uses of camcorders.
CNC EXPERT: Juneja [9] and Tabucanon et al. for diagnosing a CNC machine based on causal modelling, or a diagnostic strategy
structure and behavior of the system link
CockPit Floodlight
CockPit Floodlight Troubleshooter: developed by Cessna using Exsys CORVID software for the Cessna’s Citation X aircraft.
This system illustrates many display features of Exsys CORVID. http://www.exsys.com/cessnatop.html
CockPit Floodlight
CockPit Floodlight Troubleshooter: developed by Cessna using Exsys CORVID software for the Cessna's Citation X aircraft. Thi
illustrates many display features of Exsys CORVID. http://www.exsys.com/cessnatop.html
DriveRight Trip 500AL
Hardware Installation
Expert System
DriveRight Trip 500AL Hardware Installation Expert System: EXSYS This is a step by step hardware installation troubleshooting
instrumentation which stores trip information, "accident logs", and provides safety and fleet management. It makes extensive use o
intermediate repair options to try. If they do not fix the problem, the system asks more questions and continues to other recommen
Advanced Diagnostic Software (ADS): EDO Corporation is a Microsoft Windows® based maintenance advisory tool that provide
system knowledge, gathered from experienced engineers and technicians, to advise maintenance technicians on possible solutions
malfunctions using a modified Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) expert shell.
Enhance Diagnostic
Accuracy of Alzheimer's
Expert System Developed to Enhance Diagnostic Accuracy of Alzheimer's Disease with FDG PET Scans Peter Bartenstein, depart
nuclear medicine, University Mainz, Mainz, Germany, June 20, 2005 a computer program that enhances the diagnostic accuracy o
emission tomography (PET) scans with Alzheimer's patients, opening the door for earlier treatment of this progressive brain disord
of their findings were provided at the Society of Nuclear Medicine's 52nd Annual Meeting in Toronto.
Environmental Compliance
Environmental Compliance Self-Appraisal: EXSYS to assist in achieving compliance with ISO 14001 standards. The system prod
detailed report on the status of a facility and determines if it meets the required level of compliance. Necessary actions can then be
before any type of formal audit.
Failure Starting the Engine
Failure Starting the Engine developed by Cessna using Exsys CORVID software for the Cessna's Citation X aircraft.
This system shows an alternate interface using Exsys CORVID - This Cessna system makes extensive use of hypertext to display w
diagrams, schematics and photos of controls. These, combined with the expert system running in a CORVID applet, provides very
diagnostic and repair information. http://www.exsys.com/cessnatop.html
Farm Advisory System
Farm Advisory System: Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana to support agri-business management. The conversation betwee
system and the user is arranged in such a way that the system asks all the questions from user one by one which it needs to give
recommendations on the topic of farm Management.
Identifying Holes in Paper
Identifying Holes in Paper: EXSYS This system was developed at a large paper manufacturing plant. It will diagnose the causes o
types of holes in the paper produced. The system asks a variety of questions on the type and location of the hole, and about machin
characteristics that can be easily seen by the operator.
INTERNIST/CADUCEUS: University of Pittsburgh aided internal medicine diagnosis and decision making
MACSYMA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) assisting individuals in solving complex mathematical problems
MYCIN: Standford University diagnosed bacterium and meningitis infections, which is the first diagnostic Expert System ever dev
ever http://www.generation5.org/content/2005/Expert_System.asp
Public School Disciplinary
Action Advisor
State of Wisconsin - Public School Disciplinary Action Advisor: EXSYS This online program was developed to help schools app
apply the law when students are subjected to disciplinary removals from school. After the user responds to all relevant questions, t
generates a summary of disciplinary options and required procedures. http://www.exsys.com/witop.html
Recovery Boiler
Recovery Boiler Advisor(TM) expert system Stone & Webster's Advanced Systems Development Services, Inc. an aid in monitori
operations of black liquor recovery boilers. This real-time expert system helps operators.
Rice-Crop Doctor
Rice-Crop Doctor National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) an expert system to diagnose pests and d
rice crop and suggest preventive/curative measures. The rice crop doctor illustrates the use of expert-systems broadly in the area of
agriculture and more specifically in the area of rice production through development of a prototype, taking into consideration a few
pests and diseases and some deficiency problems limiting rice yield.
Spectrum-based Diagnostic
Spectrum-based Diagnostic Expert System BeiJing Sendig Technology Co. Ltd. Specially designed for data collector to diagnose m
User editable bearing database include 50,000+ models;
User editable diagnosis rule base;
Spectrum-based diagnosis of machine with shaft, bearing & gears;
Automatic calculating characteristic frequency of bearing & gears;
Chinese & English interface selectable
Interactive Tool: Symptoms-to-Root-Causes Expert System NDMA.com This expert system helps executives diagnose the root ca
their organizational concerns. a tool to help diagnose the root causes of leadership concerns
Turbine Engine Diagnostics
Turbine Engine Diagnostics (TED): U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and the U.S. Army Ordnance Center and School (US
a diagnostic expert system that aids the M1 Abrams' mechanic in finding and fixing problems in the AGT-1500 turbine engine. TE
designed to provide the apprentice mechanic the ability to diagnose and repair the turbine engine like an expert mechanic.
Weather Instrument Product
Weather Instrument Product Selector EXSYS This system is a product selection system that selects the correct weather instrument
based on a users requirements. It was built using Exsys CORVID Metablocks which allow the details of the products to be kept in
spreadsheet, separate from the decision-making logic that is kept in the system rules. This makes it very easy to update and mainta
product data simply by modifying the spreadsheet. http://www.exsys.com/Demos/APEXS/Vantage/start.html
a subsidiary of MYCIN, was used as an expert system shell. It has all the properties associated with MYCIN e.g. if .. then rules etc
added knowledge base development and refinement facilities.
MYCIN’s knowledge base is used as the foundation of a tutorial system called GUIDON. GUIDON had a number of implementat
problems such as ineffective teaching strategies and very limited learner interaction. It did however, play an important role in the
development of AI techniques in intelligent computer based learning. http://www.cs.mdx.ac.uk/staffpages/serengul/GUIDON.htm
The Analyst™
The Analyst™ is an expert system that is unsurpassed in its ability to piece together the c
that your body is giving about its current (and likely future) state of well-being. The Analyst™ is a
diagnostic tool, now accessible online, that fills the gap between what you need and what busy, human do
can offer. With less and less time to address a patient's individual needs and yet more and more researc
other information to digest, incorrect and incomplete diagnoses are frequently made. http://www.diagnose
Expert System Development (Diagnostics): An Automated Diagnostic System (ADS) was developed to perform no
invasive checkout of a launch vehicle propulsion
system. http://reliability.sandia.gov/Industrial_Engr/Expert_System_Design/expert_system_design.html
Mine Burial Expert System
Model (MBESM)
Cancer Expert System "Onco-Logic" - An Expert System for prediction of Cancinogenic potential of Chemicals.
Expert System For Mine Burial Prediction
Sponcom - An expert system to predict spontaneous combustion potential of a coal mining operation.
As an expert system, CORMIX is a user-friendly application which guides the water quality analysts in simulating a site-specific d
configuration. http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/models/cormix.html
An expert system for diagnosing pest damage of red pine stands in Wisconsin,
PREDICT, runs on IBM or compatible microcomputers and is designed to be
useful for field foresters with no advanced training in forest pathology or entomology.
PREDICT recognizes 28 damaging agents including species of mammals, insects, and
pathogens, as well as two types of abiotic damage.
An Expert System for Marine Environmental
Monitoring in the Florida Keys National Marine
Sanctuary and Florida Bay
Expert System for Control of Plasma, Beam and Wave Dynamics in Microwave Tubes
The CFD expert system for the analysis of rotating machinery. http://www.flotrend.com.tw/downloadpdf/STAR-CD/STAR1/es-tu
Expert System To Address Problems Of Electromagnetic Interference http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1997/11/9711060707
CATALISP (Computer Aided Transient Analysis coded in Lisp) is a prototype expert system which is the result of a project investigating and implementin
confidence-levels (used by reactor safety experts in reactor transient analysis) in the form of an expert system. Currently, CATALISP is designed to diagnose reactor
analyzing simulated sensor and plant thermal hydraulic information from a system simulation. CATALISP uses a knowledge base of existing emergency nuclear pla
guidelines and detailed thermal-hydraulic calculation results correlated to confidence-levels. CATALISP can diagnose a number of reactor transients (for example, l
accidents, steam-generator-tube ruptures, loss-of-offsite power, etc.). Future work includes the expansion of the knowledge base and improvement of the “deep-know
qualitative models
General Dynamics' Radar Diagnostic Expert System (RDES) analyzes radar signatures of objects such as the 1/3 scale model C-29
below. Each test case is compared to a reference with a known, acceptable signature. If a radar cross-section (RCS) domain compa
indicates an anomaly, subsequent image processing permits detailed comparisons of the test and reference objects for defect detect
isolation. Advanced phase history editing techniques, shown at the right, permit removal of pylon response from target measureme
enabling an improved overall measurement capability. http://www.veridian.com/offerings/product.asp?offeringID=435&historyID
Gear Diagnostic Expert System
An effective Gear Diagnostic Expert System (GDES) can improve the operability
and availability of the equipment. Such system can detect gear faults
The new flame monitoring expert
The University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC) has created an expert system that employs video images and artificial intelligence to
flame characteristics, temperature, and melt sepration during prodution. The on-line furnace diagnostic and control system is the fi
kind. http://www.eere.energy.gov/industry/sensors_automation/pdfs/flame_image.pdf
A diagnostic expert system for structured reports, quality assessment, and training of residents in sonography
General Dynamics' Signature Diagnostic Expert System (SDES) analyzes radar signatures of objects such as the 1/3 scale model C-29 shown
Each test case is compared to a reference with a known, acceptable signature.
Expert system to support documentation and diagnosis of sonographic findings http://www.openclinical.org/dm_sonoconsult.html
Computer program that enhances the diagnostic accuracy of positron emission
tomography (PET)
New medical
provides early
detection of skin
MicroDERM medical imaging equipment and Expert System multi-application software is capable of scanning, recording, comparing, and anal
lesions to aid the clinical diagnosis of skin cancer. Used as part of an on-going patient management system it can be used initially to detect sk
and subsequently to monitor subtle adverse changes in skin lesions.
The "CHDR" (Coronary Heart Disease Risk) expert system is designed for diagnostics and for estimation the level of the coronary
desease risk and for generation the individual preventive recommendations.
The prototype expert system "INFARCT" helps to doctors in diagnosis of infarction patients and to evaluate their state and
prognosing of development of following complications of myocardial infarction.
Expert system "DCAMG" (Diagnostics of CAncer of Mammary Glands) is destined for early diagnostics of tumors of mammary g
Diagnostics is based on knowledges of expert oncologist, which are grouped on following clusters: thermo graphy, anamnesis, phy
examination, echotomography.
Expert system "HEPATITIS" is destined for diagnostics of acute and chronic diseases of liver. This system gives a possibility: to f
cause of liver's disease to limite it and to get therapeutic effect; to precribe medicaments for treating of liver`s diseases; carry out s
valuation of therapeutic remegies to the patients.
Controling and learing expert system "PEDIATRIST" is destined for testing of professional knowledges of a doctorpediatrist and f
determining of his qualificational stage. Expert valuation of doctor knowledge is produced on following directions: gastroenterolog
hematology, pulmonology, cardiorheumatology, nephrology, neonatology, physiopathology of newborns.
Controling and learing expert system "PATHPHYS" (PATHological PHYSiology) is destined for valuation of knowledges of stud
their learing on following devisions of pathological physiology: circulation, white blood, red blood.
The "ISCAD" is Intellectual System of Cluster Analysis Data. It is intended for solving problems of diagnostics and autom
classification of multidimensional objects using expert`s knowledge. The system allows to select both non-fuzzy and fuzzy cluster
interactive, intellectual (based on the knowledge of experts), automatic modes.
An Expert System for SEM Fault Diagnosis http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~nhmc1/firstaid.html
New medical imaging equipment provides early detection of skin cancer