GEOLOGY INTERMEDIATE 2 Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships Completion Exercises for Blocks 1 (a) i. Complete the right-hand side of the block diagram to show the rocks after they have been moved down by 10m on the fault. Diagram 1 (a) 10m fault ii. How has movement affected the outcrop pattern over the surface of the block? …………………………………………………………….…………………………… …………………………………………………….…………………………………… ………………………………………….……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 1 1 (b) i. Complete the right-hand side of the block diagram to show the rocks after they have been moved up by 10m on the fault. Diagram 1 (b) 10m fault ii. How has movement affected the outcrop pattern over the surface of the block? …………………………………………………………….…………………………… …………………………………………………….…………………………………… ………………………………………….……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 2 1 (c) i. Complete the right-hand side of the block diagram to show the rocks after they have been moved down by 10m on the fault. Diagram 1 (c) 10m fault ii. How has movement affected the outcrop pattern over the surface of the block? …………………………………………………………….…………………………… …………………………………………………….…………………………………… ………………………………………….……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 3 1 (d) i. Complete the right-hand side of the block diagram to show the rocks after they have been moved up by 10m on the fault. Diagram 1 (d) 10m fault ii. How has movement affected the outcrop pattern over the surface of the block? …………………………………………………………….…………………………… …………………………………………………….…………………………………… ………………………………………….……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 4 1 (e) i. Complete the right-hand side of the block diagram to show the rocks after they have been moved down by 4m on the fault. Diagram 1 (e) 10m fault ii. How has movement affected the outcrop pattern over the surface of the block? …………………………………………………………….…………………………… …………………………………………………….…………………………………… ………………………………………….……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 5 1 (f) i. Complete the right-hand side of the block diagram to show the rocks after they have been moved up by 4m on the fault. Diagram 1 (f) 10m fault ii. How has movement affected the outcrop pattern over the surface of the block? …………………………………………………………….…………………………… …………………………………………………….…………………………………… ………………………………………….……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 6 1 (g) i. Complete the right-hand side of the block diagram to show the rocks after they have been moved down by 4m on the fault. Diagram 1 (g) 10m fault ii. How has movement affected the outcrop pattern over the surface of the block? …………………………………………………………….…………………………… …………………………………………………….…………………………………… ………………………………………….……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 7 1 (h) i. Complete the right-hand side of the block diagram to show the rocks after they have been moved up by 4m on the fault. Diagram 1 (h) 10m fault ii. How has movement affected the outcrop pattern over the surface of the block? …………………………………………………………….…………………………… …………………………………………………….…………………………………… ………………………………………….……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 8 Completion Exercises for Maps 2 (a) Complete the right-hand side of the map to show the outcrops after the rocks have been moved down by 10m on the fault. (Clue: When beds dip at 30º, the width of the outcrop is equal to twice the thickness of the bed) 10m Map 2 (a) Sedimentary rocks in order of age siltstone breccia conglomerate shale sandstone 30 10m mudstone fault 2 (b) limestone Complete the right-hand side of the map to show the outcrops after the rocks have been moved up by 10m on the fault. 10m Map 2 (b) Sedimentary rocks in order of age siltstone breccia conglomerate shale sandstone 30 10m mudstone fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships limestone 9 2 (c) Complete the right-hand side of the map to show the outcrops after the rocks have been moved down by 10m on the fault (Clue: When beds dip at 30º the width of the outcrop is equal to twice the thickness of the bed) 10m Map 2 (c) Sedimentary rocks in order of age limestone 30 breccia sandstone shale conglomerate mudstone fault 2 (d) 10m shelly limestone Complete the right-hand side of the map to show the outcrops after the rocks have been moved up by 10m on the fault. Map 2 (d) 10m Sedimentary rocks in order of age limestone breccia sandstone shale conglomerate mudstone fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 10m shelly limestone 10 2 (e) Complete the right-hand side of the map to show the outcrops after the rocks have been moved down by 4m on the fault. Map 2 (e) 10m Sedimentary rocks in order of age 30 limestone shale sandstone 30 10m conglomerate fault 2 (f) Complete the right-hand side of the map to show the outcrops after the rocks have been moved up by 4m on the fault. Map 2 (f) 10m Sedimentary rocks in order of age 30 limestone shale sandstone 30 10m conglomerate fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 11 2 (g) Complete the right-hand side of the map to show the outcrops after the rocks have been moved down by 4m on the fault. Map 2 (g) 30 sandstone 30 shale conglomerate 10m mudstone fault 2 (h) Complete the right-hand side of the map to show the outcrops after the rocks have been moved up by 4m on the fault. Map 2 (h) 30 sandstone 30 shale conglomerate 10m mudstone fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 12 2 (j) Complete the right-hand side of the map to show the outcrops after the rocks on the right have been moved horizontally 50m to the north. Map 2 (j) N dolerite 30 30 Sedimentary rocks in order of age 30 sandstone 30 mudstone shale limestone 50m conglomerate vertical dyke 30 30 50m fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 13 2 (k) Complete the right-hand side of the map to show the outcrops after the rocks on the right have been moved down by 20m on the fault. Map 2 (k) N dolerite 30 30 Sedimentary rocks in order of age 30 sandstone 30 mudstone shale limestone 50m conglomerate vertical dyke 30 30 50m fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 14 Establishing age relationships The relative ages of geological layers and structures may be established in two ways: overlying (or superposed) relationship : provided the rocks have not been turned upside down by folding, a younger layer or structure lies on top of an older layer or structure. cross-cutting relationship : a younger structure cuts an older structure. Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 15 3 (a) Using overlying (superposed) relationships, place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Deposition of coal B – Eruption of lava C – Deposition of river gravel D – Deposition of boulder clay E – Deposition of sandstone F – Deposition of conglomerate Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram and key for 3 (a) Key : Rocks and deposits not in order of age. tuff coal mudstone lava sandstone limestone conglom-erate boulder clay Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships river gravel 16 3 (b) Using overlying (superposed) relationships, place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Deposition of boulder clay B – Eruption of volcanic ash C – Deposition of limestone D – Formation of gneiss E – Deposition of conglomerate F – Eruption of lava. Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram and key for 3 (b) Key : Rocks and deposits not in order of age. Directions of strike and dip with dip in degrees volcanic ash gneiss boulder clay limestone lava conglomerate Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 17 3 (c) Using cross-cutting relationships, place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Intrusion of agglomerate B – Intrusion of dolerite C – Intrusion of gabbro D – Movement on fault FP E – Movement on fault FQ F – Intrusion of granite Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram and key for 3 (c) Key : Rocks not in order of age. granite sandstone limestone dolerite gabbro agglomerate F fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 18 3 (d) Using cross-cutting relationships, place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram and key for 3 (d) E A B F D C Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 19 3 (e) Using overlying (superposed) relationships and cross-cutting relationships, place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Intrusion of granite B – Deposition conglomerate C – Movement on fault D – Eruption of lava E – Intrusion of dyke F – Formation of schist Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram and key for 3 (e) F Key : Rocks not in order of age. dolerite granite conglom-erate schist limestone lava F fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 20 3 (f) Using overlying (superposed) relationships and cross-cutting relationships, place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Intrusion of granite B – Movement on fault C – Intrusion of dolerite D – Deposition of sandstone E – Eruption of lava F – Deposition of conglomerate Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram and key for 3 (f) Key : Rocks not in order of age. mudstone sandstone limestone conglom-erate granite dolerite lava fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships Directions of strike and dip with dip in degrees 21 Block Diagrams 4 (a) i. What type of fold is fold T? : ………………………………………... ii. What type of fold is fold U? : ……………………………………….. iii. What type of surface is surface R? : ………………………………. iv. What type of surface is surface S? : ………………………………. v. Explain why dyke P is not seen at the surface. : …………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. vi. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Deposition of conglomerate B – Intrusion of dyke P C – Formation of fold U D – Intrusion of dyke Q E – Formation of surface R F – Movement on fault F Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram 4 (a) sandstone conglomerate gneiss surface S shale limestone surface R dyke Q fold T fault F dyke P fold U Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 22 4 (b) i. How is an unconformity formed? : ………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ii. How many unconformities are shown on the diagram? : ……… iii. How can you tell that surface S is a thrust fault and not an unconformity? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. iv. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Formation of intrusion Q B – Formation of gneiss C – Formation of thrust fault T D – Formation of surface S E – Deposition of conglomerate F – Formation of intrusion P Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram 4 (b) thrust fault T surface S sandstone conglomerate unconformity gneiss intrusion P intrusion Q Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 23 4 (c) i. What type of intrusion is formed by dolerite P? dolerite P : ……………………………………….. ii. What type of intrusion is formed by dolerite Q? dolerite Q : ……………………………………….. iii. Explain why the fault displaces dolerite P more than it displaces the granite. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. iv. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Deposition of sandstone B – Movement on fault C – Intrusion of dolerite P D – Intrusion of granite E – Folding of rocks F – Formation of gneiss Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram 4 (c) fault mudstone dolerite Q sandstone granite conglom-erate dolerite P Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships gneiss 24 4 (d) i. Which three statements are correct? A – The conglomerate lies unconformably on the limestone B – The sandstone is folded into a syncline C – The tuff lies unconformably on the mudstone D – The lava has come from the dolerite intrusion E – Part of the dolerite forms a dyke F – The fault is a tear fault Give only the letters: ____ ii. : ____ : ____ Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Intrusion of the dolerite B – Eruption of lava P C – Eruption of lava Q D – Deposition of sandstone E – Folding of sandstone F – Movement on fault Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram 4 (d) dolerite lava Q mudstone sandstone lava P tuff fault dolerite limestone agglomerate conglomerate Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 25 4 (e) i. What type of intrusion is form by the granite? type of intrusion : ……………………………………………………. ii. What type of intrusion is formed by dolerite P? type of intrusion : ……………………………………………………. iii. How can you tell that dolerite R forms a sill and not a lava flow? …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. iv. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Intrusion of dolerite R B – Intrusion of dolerite P C – Intrusion of dolerite Q D – Intrusion of granite E – Deposition of mudstone F – Movement on fault Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram 4 (e) fault dolerite P mudstone limestone dolerite Q conglomerate granite dolerite R Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 26 4 (f) i. How many unconformities are present? : …………………………. ii. How many lava flows are present? : ………………………………. iii. How can you tell that lava flow R ran on to land and not on to the sea bed? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. iv. Which statement is correct? A – The breccia has been deposited by the volcanoes B – The tuff has been deposited by the active volcanoes C – The magma feeding the volcanoes is rising up a fault plane D – The magma formed lava flow R Give only the letter : ____ v. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Movement on fault FQ B – Movement on fault FP C – Deposition of conglomerate D – Eruption of active volcanoes E – Formation of fossil soil F – Deposition of breccia Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest active volcano Diagram 4 (f) conglomerate breccia fossil soil lava R sandstone tuff siltstone mudstone conglomerate fault FP magma Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships fault FQ 27 4 (g) i. What type of fault is fault FP? : …………………………………….. ii. What type of fault is fault FQ? : …………………………….………. iii. What type of intrusion is formed by the dolerite? type of intrusion : …………………………………………….………. iv. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest A – Movement on fault FQ B – Intrusion of dolerite C – Eruption of lava D – Formation of gneiss E – Deposition of conglomerate F – Movement on fault FP Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram 4 (g) line of fault FQ on surface conglomerate lava mudstone sandstone conglomerate gneiss gneiss fault FQ dolerite fault FP Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 28 4 (h) i. What type of intrusion is formed by the granite? type of intrusion : …………………………………………….………. ii. How can you tell that the dolerite forms a sill and not a lava flow? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. iii. How can you tell fault FQ is a tear fault and not a normal fault? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. iv. Which fault is a normal fault? : fault …………….. v. Which fault is a reverse fault? : fault …………….. vi. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest A – Movement on fault FP B – Movement on fault FR C – Eruption of lava D – Intrusion of dolerite E – Intrusion of granite F – Movement on fault FQ Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Diagram 4 (h) fault FP fault FQ fault FR lava dolerite lava fault FP dolerite fault FR granite fault FQ Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 29 4 (j) i. What type of fold is fold S? : ……………………………………… ii. What type of fold is fold T? : ……………………………………… iii. What type of fault is fault F? : ……………………………………… iv. What type of intrusion is formed by each of granite : ……………………………………………. dolerite : ……………………………………………. gabbro : ……………………………………………. v. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest A – Folding of rocks B – Deposition of conglomerate CP C – Intrusion of gabbro D – Movement on fault F E – Intrusion of granite F – Intrusion of dolerite Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest gabbro Diagram 4 (j) conglomerate CP sandstone fold S fault F dolerite fold T conglomerate CQ mudstone granite gneiss Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 30 4 (k) i. What type of surface is surface S? type of surface : ……………………………………………….. ii. What type of fault is fault FQ? type of fault iii. What type of fault is fault FR? type of fault iv. : ……………………………………………….. : ……………………………………………….. Explain why you cannot tell what type of fault FP is. ………………………………………………………………………………………..... …………………………………………………………………………………………. v. On the diagram : shade a zone of hornfels in red shade a zone of marble in green shade a zone of metamorphic quartzite in blue vi. Use the following words/phrase to complete the sentences : rises ; down ; raised beaches ; falls ; flooded ; faster When large ice sheets form on land, sea level ……………………. and the land is pushed …………………………. by the weight of the ice. After glaciation, sea level rises ……………………. than the land, so extensive areas of land are ………………………….. . But the land slowly ………………………… to reach isostatic equilibrium and the sea is pushed back to leave ……..………… ……………….. . vii. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest A – Movement on fault FP B – Intrusion of granite C – Intrusion of gabbro D – Deposition of conglomerate E – Movement on fault FR F – Movement on fault FQ Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 31 Diagram 4 (k) raised beach sea fault FR fault FQ mudstone conglomerate surface S sandstone granite fault FP limestone gabbro Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 32 Maps 5 (a) i. What type of intrusion is formed by dolerite R? type of intrusion : …………………………………………. ii. What type of intrusion is formed by dolerite S? type of intrusion : …………………………………………. iii. What type of surface is surface T? type of surface : ………………………………..…………. iv. What type of fault is fault FQ? type of fault : ………………………………………………. v. On which side of fault FR have the rocks been thrown down? ………………………………………………………………. vi. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Movement on fault FP B – Intrusion of dolerite S C – Formation of surface T D – Movement on fault FR E – Intrusion of dolerite R F – Movement on fault FQ Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 33 Map and key for 5 (a) dolerite S N surface T FP FR FQ dolerite R Sedimentary rocks in order of age youngest conglomerate sandstone 200m Igneous rocks not in order of age dolerite R mudstone oldest limestone FP fault dolerite S Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 34 5 (b) i. What type of surface is surface S? type of surface : ……………………………………………. ii. What type of intrusion is formed by the agglomerate? type of intrusion : …………………………………..………. iii. What type of fold is shown on the map? type of fold : …………………………………………………. iv. On the map, insert symbols (symbol-line with dot in the middle) to show the directions of strike and dip of the limestone. v. On which side of fault FP have the rocks been thrown down? Give reason for your answer. Side : ……………………………………………. Reason : ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. vi. On which side of fault FQ have the rocks been thrown down? Give reason for your answer. Side : ……………………………………………. Reason : ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. vii. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Formation of surface S B – Intrusion of dolerite C – Movement on fault FQ D – Intrusion of agglomerate E – Folding of rocks F – Movements on fault FP Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 35 Map and key for 5 (b) N FQ FP surface S schist 200m Igneous and metamorphic rocks not in order of age Sedimentary rocks in order of age youngest limestone dolerite mudstone oldest sandstone FP fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships agglomerate 36 5 (c) i. What type of fold is shown on the map? type of fold : …………………………………………………… ii. On the map, insert symbols (symbol line with dot in the middle) to show the directions of strike and dip of the limestone. iii. What type of fault is fault FS? Give a reason for your answer. type of fault : …………………………………………………… reason for answer : ………………………………..………………… …………………………………………………………………………. iv. On which side of fault FP have the rocks been thrown down? Give a reason for your answer. downthrow side : …………………………………………………… reason for answer : ………………………………..………………… …………………………………………………………………………. v. On which side of fault FR have the rocks been thrown down? Give a reason for your answer. downthrow side : …………………………………………………… reason for answer : ………………………………..………………… …………………………………………………………………………. vi. Which statement is correct? A – The gabbro intrusion widens upwards B – The gabbro intrusion narrows upwards C – The diameter of the gabbro intrusion does not change from to deeper to higher levels in the crust Give only the letter:______ Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 37 vii. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Movement on fault FS B – Eruption of lava C – Movement on fault FQ D – Movement on fault FP E – Movement on fault FR F – Folding of rocks Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Map and key for 5 (c) surface of unconformity N FP FQ FR Sedimentary rocks in order of age youngest 200m Igneous rocks not in order of age conglomerate sandstone FS gabbro dolerite mudstone oldest limestone FP fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships lava 38 5 (d) i. How can you tell that dolerite Q forms a sill and not a lava flow? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ii. What type of intrusion is formed by dolerite P? type of intrusion : …………………………………………………….. iii. On the map, draw in the position of an unmarked fault. What type of fault have you drawn in? type of fault : ………………………………………………………….. iv. What type of intrusion is formed by the granite? type of intrusion : …………………………………………………….. v. On the map label a volcano. vi. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Intrusion of granite B – Eruption of tuff C – Eruption of lava D – Deposition of sandstone E – Movement on unmarked fault F – Intrusion of dolerite P Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 39 Map and key for 5 (d) dolerite P dolerite Q N 200m Rocks not in order of age sandstone mudstone basalt lava dolerite granite tuff agglomerate directions of strike and dip with dip in degrees Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 40 5 (e) i. On the map write the letter A in the middle of an anticline. ii. On the map write the letter S in the middle of a syncline. iii. On which side of fault FP have the rocks been up-thrown? Give a reason for your answer. side of upthrow : ……………………………………………………... reason for answer : ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………….. iv. Fault FQ is a tear fault which has moved the rocks on its southeast side 100m to the north-east. Complete the blank area to show the rock outcrops to the south-east side of fault FQ. v. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Intrusion of dolerite B – Movement on fault FQ C – Intrusion of agglomerate D – Intrusion of granite E – Folding of rocks F – Movement on fault FP Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 41 Map and key for 5 (e) N FP FQ 100m Igneous rocks not in order of age Sedimentary rocks in order of age youngest mudstone agglomerate sandstone granite oldest limestone dolerite FP fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 42 5 (f) i. Name the oldest rock shown on the map. oldest rock : …………………………………………………………... ii. Name the youngest rock shown on the map. youngest rock : ……………………………..………………………... iii. What type of surface is surface S? type of surface : …………….………………………………………... iv. What type of surface is surface T? type of surface : …………….………………………………………... v. What type of fold is shown on the map? type of fold : ………………...………………………………………... vi. On which side of fault FP have the rocks been up thrown? Give a reason for your answer. side of upthrow : ……………………………………………………... reason for answer : ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………….. vii. What type of fault is FQ? type of fault : ………………...…………………...…………………... viii. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Formation of surface T B – Movement on fault FP C – Folding of rocks D – Formation of surface S E – Movement on fault FQ F – Formation of surface U Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 43 Map and key for 5 (f) surface S surface T N FP surface U FQ 200m Rocks not in order of age 20 conglomerate P sandstone limestone conglomerate Q mudstone directions of strike and dip with dip in degrees FQ Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships fault 44 5 (g) i. What type of intrusion is formed by the dolerite? type of intrusion : …………………………………………………….. ii. What type of intrusion is formed by the agglomerate? type of intrusion : …………………………………………………….. iii. How can you tell that the fold shown on the map is an anticline? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. iv. What type of fault is fault FP? Describe the movement which has taken place on fault FP. type of fault : ………………………………………………………….. the movement : ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. v. What type of fault is fault FQ? Describe the movement which has taken place on fault FQ. type of fault : ………………………………………………………….. the movement : ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. vi. By how many metres and in which direction have the rocks on the south-east side of fault FR been displaced? displacement in metres : ……………………m direction of displacement : ……………………….…………………. vii. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Movement on fault FQ B – Deposition of conglomerate C – Movement on fault FR D – Intrusion of dolerite E – Movement on fault FP F – Folding of rocks Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 45 Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest viii. Explain why you cannot say why the agglomerate is older or younger than fault FR. ………………………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………… Map and key for 5 (g) N FQ FP FR 200m Sedimentary rocks in order of age youngest Igneous rocks not in order of age agglomerate conglomerate sandstone limestone oldest dolerite FP fault mudstone Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 46 5 (h) i. Which three statements are correct? A – The granite forms part of an intrusion called a batholith. B – Fault FQ is a normal fault which has moved the dolerite dyke to one side. C – The river which deposited the gravel flowed from the west towards the east. D – Fault FQ is a tear fault which has moved the dolerite dyke by about 160m. E – The river gravel may contain pebbles of granite. F – Fault FP is a normal fault which has not displaced the dyke because the dyke is vertical. Give only the letters: ____, ____ and _____ ii. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Deposition of river gravel. B – Intrusion of granite C – Movement on fault FQ D – Movement on fault FR E – Movement on fault FP F – Intrusion of dolerite Give only the letters: ____________________ ____ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 47 Map and key for 5 (h) N FP FQ FR 200m Rocks and deposits not in order of age granite river gravel FP dolerite dyke fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 48 5 (j) i. What is the angle of strike of the mudstone? angle of strike : ……………… o ii. Which two statements are correct? A – The angle of dip is measured downwards from the horizontal. B – The angle of dip is measured upwards from the vertical. C – The direction of dip is at right angles to the direction of strike. D – The north-west and south-east sides of the mudstone both dip at 30 degrees in the same direction. Give only the letters: ____ & ____ iii. What type of fold is shown on the map? type of fold : …………………………………………………………... iv. On which side of fault FQ have the rocks been thrown down? Give a reason for your answer. side of downthrow : ………………………………………………... reason for answer : ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………….. v. Explain why movement on fault FQ has not changed the shape of the outcrop of granite S. …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. vi. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Movement on fault FQ B – Folding of rocks C – Intrusion of granite R D – Movement on fault FP E – Intrusion of dolerite F – Intrusion of granite S Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 49 Map and key for 5 (j) N FQ FP 200m Rocks not in order of age dolerite granite R mudstone limestone FP fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships granite S directions of strike and dip with dip in degrees 50 5 (k) i. What type of fault FP? type of fault : ………………………………………………………….. ii. Name the youngest sedimentary rock. ………………………………………………………………………….. iii. What type of fold is shown on the map? type of fold : …………………….…………………………………….. iv. On which side of fault FQ have the rocks been thrown down? Give a reason for your answer. side of downthrow : ………………………………………………... reason for answer : ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………….. v. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Eruption of lava S B – Eruption of lava R C – Movement on fault FP D – Intrusion of dolerite E – Folding of rocks F – Eruption of volcanic ash. Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 51 Map and key for 5 (k) N FP FQ 500m Rocks not in order of age dolerite lava R lava S limestone mudstone sandstone 26 FP fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships volcanic ash conglomerate directions of strike and dip with dip in degrees 52 SECTIONS 6 (a) i. What is a xenolith? ………………………………………………………………………………………… ii. In the geological section which rock types are found as xenoliths? rock 1 : …………………………. iii. rock 2 : ……………………….. What type of fault is shown? type of fault : ………………………………………………………… iv. What type of surface is surface S? type of surface : ……………………………………………………… v. How is boulder clay formed? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. vi. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Intrusion of agglomerate B – Intrusion of dolerite which has not been metamorphosed C – Deposition of conglomerate D – Deposition of boulder clay E – Intrusion of metamorphosed dolerite F – Movement on fault Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 53 Diagram and key for 6 (a) FP F surface S Rocks and deposits not in order of age F metamorphosed dolerite dolerite limestone tuff agglomerate schist boulder clay conglomerate fault Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 54 6 (b) i. How can you tell that the dolerite forms an intrusion and not a lava flow? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ii. What type of intrusion is formed by the granite? type of intrusion : ………………………………………………. iii. What type of faults are shown in the geological section? type of faults : ……………………………………………………. iv. By what distance have the rocks been displaced on fault FP? distance in metres : ………………. m v. Place the following in order from oldest to youngest. A – Movement on fault FQ B – Movement on fault FR C – Eruption of lava D – Intrusion of dolerite E – Intrusion of granite F – Movement on fault FP Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 55 Diagram and key for 6 (b) fault mudstone FP FQ limestone dolerite lava 10m FR granite sandstone Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 56 6 (c) i. What type of surface is surface P? type of surface : ……………………………………………………… ii. What type of surface is surface Q? type of surface : ……………………………………………………… iii. What type of intrusion is formed by igneous rock R? type of intrusion : ……………………………………….….………… iv. Does igneous rock S form a lava flow or a sill? …………………………………………………………………………. v. Explain why you cannot tell if igneous rock R is older or younger than igneous rock S. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. vi. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Deposition of conglomerate B – Eruption of volcanic ash C – Formation of gneiss D – Formation of surface P E – Formation of volcanic cone F – Intrusion of igneous rock R Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 57 Diagram and key for 6 (c) volcanic cone igneous rock R volcanic ash surface P limestone igneous rock S sandstone conglomerate surface Q gneiss Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 58 6 (d) i. What type of fold is fold P? type of fold : …………………………………………………………. ii. What type of fold is fold Q? type of fold : …………………………………………………………. iii. How many unconformities are present? ……………………….. iv. How is pillow lava formed? …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. v. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest A – Deposition of conglomerate S B – Movement on fault FQ C – Movement on fault FP D – Deposition of conglomerate T E – Folding of rocks F – Deposition of conglomerate R Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 59 Diagram and key for 6 (d) conglomerate R conglomerate S pillow lava conglomerate T fault Q fault P fold P Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships fold Q 60 6 (e) i. What type of metamorphism is cause by igneous intrusions? type of metamorphism : ……………………………………….…… ii. What name is given to the zone of metamorphism which surrounds an igneous intrusion? zone : ……………………………………………………….………… iii. Explain why the zone of metamorphism is wider in the mudstone than in the sandstone. ………………………………………………………..………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. iv. What type of intrusion is formed by the granite? type of intrusion : ……………..……………………………………… v. What type of intrusion is formed by dolerite S? type of intrusion : ……………..……………………………………… vi. How can you tell that dolerite R forms an intrusion and not a lava flow? ………………………………………………………..………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….. vii. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest. A – Intrusion of granite B – Intrusion dolerite S C – Intrusion of dolerite R D – Movement of fault P E – Eruption of lava F – Movement on fault Q Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 61 Diagram and key for 6 (e) fault P lava dolerite R dolerite S sandstone granite mudstone fault Q zone of metamorphism Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 62 6 (f) i. What types of structure are surfaces P : ………………………………………………………….. Q : …………………………………………………………. R : …………………………………………………………. S : ………………………………………………………….. ii. Which statement is correct? A – Conglomerate T may contain pebbles of granite G B – Conglomerate U may contain pebbles of granite G C – Conglomerate U may contain pebbles of agglomerate D – Conglomerate T may contain pebbles of agglomerate Give the letter: ______ iii. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest A – Formation of surface Q B – Formation of surface P C – Intrusion of agglomerate D – Intrusion of granite E – Folding of rocks F – Formation of surface S Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 63 Diagram and key for 6 (f) conglomerate T surface P conglomerate U surface Q sandstone surface R surface S folded rocks granite G agglomerate Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 64 6 (g) i. What type of fault is fault P? type of fault : ………………………………………………………….. ii. How can you tell that dolerite T forms an intrusion and not a lava flow? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. iii. What types of intrusion is formed by dolerite S? type of intrusion : …………………………………………………….. iv. How can you tell that dolerite S has been intruded along an unmarked fault? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. v. Place the following events in the correct order from oldest to youngest A – Intrusion of dolerite S B – Intrusion of dolerite R C – Movement on fault P D – Eruption of lava E – Intrusion of dolerite T F – Movement on unmarked fault Give only the letters: ________________________ Oldest Youngest Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 65 Diagram and key for 6 (g) dolerite S lava dolerite R sandstone dolerite T fault P Exercises on Geological Structures and Relationships 66