Duties at the Clinic for Avian, Reptile and Fish Medicine, (Formerly

prof. MVDr. Zdeněk Knotek, CSc.
Born: 10. 10. 1956 in Žacléř (Trutnov)
Zdenek Knotek graduated with honours from Brno Vet University in 1982 and spent 10 years
in basic veterinary research (Veterinary Research Institute Brno and University of Veterinary
and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno) – clinical endocrinology and immunology (PhD 1991).
During this time he also served as the first specialist and advisor for reptile medicine in
former Czechoslovakia. In 1993 he established Department for Reptiles as a part of Small
Animal Clinic on Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Brno. As full-time university professor dr.
Knotek is now head of the Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic on University of Veterinary and
Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno. His current focus involves medicine and surgery in reptiles,
small mammals and birds. As a visiting professor he has part of his teaching activities
dealing with reptiles on other universities (Utrecht, Vienna, Kosice, Ljubljana). He has
published more than 200 papers. Professor Knotek is president of the Czech Association of
Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (CAZWV) and vice-president of the European Association of
Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV), member of BVZS and member of board of
representatives of the European Society of Feline Medicine. In 2004 he started the common
project of Brno and Vienna Vet Universities, new teaching programme for veterinarians Summer Scholl for Exotic Medicine. He is actively involved in veterinary care of exotic
animals in Zoological Garden Brno.
Publications (last 5 years):
1. FALDYNA, M., KNOTEK, Z., TOMAN, M. (2000) Imunitní systém kočky. in: Veterinární
imunologie (Toman, M. a kol.), Grada Publishing, Praha, 119 - 120
Nemoci dýchacího systému. in: Nemoci psa a kočky, 1. díl, (Svoboda, M., Senior, D.F.,
Doubek, J., Klimeš, J.), ČAVLMZ, 949 – 1008
3. KNOTEK, Z. (2000) Imunitní systém plazů. In: Veterinární imunologie (Toman, M. a kol.).
Grada Publishing, Praha, 106 - 107
4. KNOTEK, Z. (2001) Inhalační anestezie u plazů. In: Základy inhalační anestezie u malých
zvířat. (Raušer, P., Nečas, A., Hellebrekers, L.J., Knotek, Z.), VFU Brno, 126 – 139
5. KNOTEK, Z. (2003) Zásady manipulace s plazy jejich fixace. In: Novák P., Šoch M a kol.
Záchrana zvířat II - Zásady manipulace se zvířaty. Edice SPBI spektrum, Ostrava, 132 - 142
6. KNOTEK, Z., MÍŠEK, I. a kol. (1999) Chov a využití pokusných zvířat. VFU Brno,I.,196 p.
7. KNOTEK, Z., MÍŠEK, I. a kol. (1999) Chov a využití pokusných zvířat. VFU Brno,II.,140 p.
plazů. ČAVLMZ, 275 p.
9. KNOTKOVÁ, Z., KNOTEK, Z. (2000) Drobní savci. Fyziologické hodnoty, léky a jejich
dávkování. Noviko, 69 p.
10.SVOBODA, M., DOUBEK, J., KNOTEK, Z., KLIMEŠ, J. (2000) Zásady klinické diagnostiky.
in: Nemoci psa a kočky, 1. díl, (Svoboda, M., Senior, D.F., Doubek, J., Klimeš, J.), ČAVLMZ,
21 - 55
Infekční a parazitární nemoci. In: Nemoci psa a kočky, 2. díl, (Svoboda, M., Senior, D.F.,
Doubek, J., Klimeš, J.), ČAVLMZ, 1799 - 1980
12.ŽERT, Z., KOHOUT, P., KLIMEŠ, J., VÍT, P.J., HADLOCK, D., KNOTEK, Z. (2000)
Paraklinické vyšetřovací postupy. in: Nemoci psa a kočky, 1. díl, (Svoboda, M., Senior, D.F.,
Doubek, J., Klimeš, J.), ČAVLMZ, 91 - 127
Scientific articles
1. KNOTEK, Z., HÁJKOVÁ, P., SVOBODA, M., TOMAN, M., RAŠKA, V. (1999) Epidemiology
of feline leukaemia and feline immunodeficiency virus infections in the Czech Republic. J.
Vet. Med. B, 46, 665 – 671
2. LAKATOS, B., KNOTEK, Z., FARKAS, J., ÁDÁM, E., DOBAY, O., NÁSZ, I. (1999)
Adenovirus infection in cats. An epidemiological survey in the Czech Republic. Acta
Veterinaria Brno, 68, 275 - 280
3. KNOTEK, Z., TOMAN, M., FALDYNA, M. (2000) Clinical and immunological characteristics
of cats affected by feline infectious peritonitis. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 69, 51 – 60
4. KNOTEK, Z., FICHTEL, T., HUSNÍK, R., BENÁK, J. (2000) Endoscopic diagnostics of
chronic diseases of the nasal cavity in dogs. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 69, 319 – 326
5. FICHTEL, T., KNOTEK, Z. (2001) Therapy of chonic nasal disease in the dog. Acta
Veterinaria Brno, 70, 83 - 89
6. KNOTEK, Z., FICHTEL, T., KOHOUT, P., BENÁK, J. (2001) Diseases of the nasal cavity in
the dog. Aetiology, symptomatology, diagnostics. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 70, 73 - 82
7. MODRÝ, D., ŠLAPETA, J. R., KNOTEK, Z., KOUDELA, B. (2001) Caryospora varaniornati
sp. n. in the Nile Monitor, Varanus (Polydaedalus) niloticus (L.) species complex. Folia
Parasitologia, 48, 7 – 10
8. HAUPTMAN, K., TICHÝ, F., KNOTEK, Z. (2001) Clinical Diagnostics of Hepatopathies in
Small Mammals: Evaluation of Importance of Individual Methods. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 70,
297 - 312
9. KNOTKOVÁ, Z., DOUBEK, J., KNOTEK, Z., HÁJKOVÁ, P. (2002) Blood Cell Morphology
and Plasma Biochemistry in Russian Tortoises (Agrionemys horsfieldi). Acta Veterinaria
Brno, 71, 191 - 198
Haemogram and Plasma Biochemistry in Green Iguanas with Renal Disease. Acta
Veterinaria Brno, 71, 333 - 340
Plasma Biochemistry in Female Green Iguanas (Iguana iguana) with Calcium Metabolism
Disorders. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 72, 183 – 189
12.HAUPTMAN, K., JEKL, V., KNOTEK, Z. (2003) Use of Medetomidine for Sedation in the
Laboratory Rats (Rattus norvegicus). Acta Veterinaria Brno, 72, 583 – 591
13.KNOTEK, Z., WILDNEROVÁ, L., JEKL, V. (2004) Diagnostic Urography of Renal Disorders
in Rats. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 73, 187 - 194
14.PEJŘILOVÁ, S., KNOTKOVÁ, Z., KNOTEK, Z., VRBAS, J. (2004) Age-Related Changes of
the Haematological Profile in Green Iguana (Iguana iguana rhinolopha). Acta Veterinaria
Brno, 73, 305 – 312
prof. MVDr. Michael Hess
Born: 24.07. 1960 in Oberschopfheim, Germany
Michael Hess graduated from Berlin Veterinary Faculty in 1990. After graduation he started
his thesis at the Institute of Poultry Diseases in Berlin, focusing on Adenovirus infections in
birds. The thesis was supported through a specific grant from the Berlin parliament and the
achieved degree was summa cum laude. Overall he spent 10 years at the above given
Institute were he set up specific facilities for modern laboratory diagnosis. During this time he
was responsible for the gene technology laboratory and from 1996-1997 he was the acting
head of the Institute. To increase his knowledge he spent several research stays abroad, at
the Department of Biological Sciences, Pittsburgh, USA and the Biologie Structurale,
Grenoble, France. He was awarded with the Karl-Fritzsche-Research price of the German
Veterinary Medical Society for his contributions on Poultry Diseases. In 2000 he took over
the position as Head of the Avian Research Department at Intervet UK, a leading institution
in this area. In 2001 he was appointed as Professor at the University of Veterinary Medicine,
Vienna (VUW), Austria. In 2003 he established the new Clinic for Avian, Reptile and Fish
Medicine at the VUW. He is a member of the Senat and the scientific board of the University.
He is participating at the international Poultry Health Course, to be held annually at Compton
Laboratories, UK. In addition he is regularly teaching at the University of Veterinary and
Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno. He has achieved teaching experience in various other
countries, for example Serbia and Egypt. Based on the idea of his colleague Zdenek Knotek
from Brno he set up the Summer School for Avian and Exotic Medicine a common project of
Brno and Vienna Veterinary Universities. The current research is focused on infectious
diseases in various species.
Publications (last 5 years):
1. Hess, M., Raue, R. and Prusas, C. (1999)
Epidemiological studies on fowl adenoviruses isolated from cases of infectious
hydropericardium Avian Pathology, 28, 433-439
2. Toro, H., Prusas, C., Raue, R., Cerda, L., Geisse, C. and Hess, M. (1999)
Characterization fowl adenoviruses from outbreaks of inclusion body
hepatitis/hydropericardium syndrome in Chile. Avian Diseases, 43, 262-270
3. Hafez, H.M. and Hess, M. (1999)
Modern techniques in diagnosis of poultry diseases: review. Archiv für
Geflügelkunde, 63, 237-245.
4. Hess, M., Raue, R. and Hafez, H.M. (1999)
PCR for specific detection of haemorrhagic enteritis virus of turkeys, an avian
adenovirus. J. Virol. Methods, 81, 199-203
5. Hess, M., Prusas, C., Bergmann, V., Mazaheri, A. und Raue, R. (2000)
Epizootiologische Untersuchungen über pathogene Hühneradenoviren (FAV). Berl.
Münch. Tierärztl. Wschr., 113, 202-208
6. Toro, H., Cerda, L., Gonzalez, C., Hess, M., Geisse, C. and Reyes, E. (2000)
Chicken anaemia virus and fowl adenoviruses: association to induce the inclusion
body hepatitis / hydropericardium syndrome. Avian Diseases, 44, 51-58
7. Hafez, H.M., Hess, M., Prusas, C., Naylor, C.J. and Cavanagh, D. (2000)
Presence of Avian pneumovirus type A in continental Europe during the 1980s. J.
Vet. Med. B., 47, 629-633
8. Hess, M. (2000)
Detection and differentiation of avian adenoviruses: a review
Avian Pathology, 29, 195-206
9. Raue, R., Hafez, H.M. and Hess, M. (2002)
A fiber gene based PCR for specific detection of pigeon adenovirus (PiAV). Avian
Pathology, 31, 95-99
10. Dahiya, S., Srivastava, R.N., Hess, M. and Gulati, B.R. (2002)
Fowl adenovirus serotype 4 is associated with outbreaks
hydropericardium in Haryana, India. Avian Diseases, 46, 230-233
11. Singh, A., Oberoi, M., Grewal, G., Hafez, H. and Hess, M. (2002)
The Usage of PCR combined with Restriction Enzyme Analysis to Characterize Fowl
Adenovirus Field Isolates from Northern India, Veterinary Research
Communications, 26 (2002) 577-585
12. Mazaheri, A., Prusas, C., Voß, M. and Hess, M. (2003)
Vertical transmission of Fowl Adenovirus serotype 4 investigated in specified
pathogen-free birds, Archiv für Geflügelkunde, 67, 6-10
13. Hess, M., Neubauer C., Bahula C. and G. Loupal (2003)
Re-emergence of Salmonella enterica serovar gallinarum biovar gallinarum in a free
range layer flock characterized by high mortality. Wien. Tierärztl. Wochenschr., 10,
14. Hess, M., Huggins, M.B., Mudzamiri, R. and U. Heincz (2004)
Avian Metapneumovirus (aMPV) excretion in vaccinated and non-vaccinated
specified pathogen-free laying chickens. Avian Pathology, 33, 35-40
15. Hess, M., Scope, A. and Heincz, U. (2004)
Feather and faecal samples are the most useful material to detect viral DNA of the
budgerigar psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) virus. Avian Pathology, in
16. Hess, M., Huggins, M.B. and U. Heincz
Avian Metapneumovirus (aMPV) vaccination in chickens administered in ovo versus
day-old. Avian Pathology, in press
Dr. Alexandra Scope
June 8, 1963 in Vienna
Studies of veterinary medicine at the Veterinary University Vienna.
Graduate in veterinary medicine: 1994, as magistra med. vet.
Thesis: Bakteriologische und parasitologische Untersuchungen von klinisch gesunden
Psittaziden (Bacteriological and parasitological examinations of clinically healthy psittacines)
Promotion: 1996 as Dr. med. vet.
Duties at the Clinic for Avian, Reptile and Fish Medicine, (Formerly Clinic for Poultry and Pet
Since 1992 employment at the Clinic for Poultry and Pet Birds.
Since January 1st 1997 Assistant Doctor at the Clinic and main responsible for the treatment
of exotic and wild birds.
Since 1998 Austrian representative of the Association of Avian Veterinarians
2001 examination as “Specialist of Avian Medicine”
Selection of papers of the last 5 years
1. REAUZ, B., SCOPE, A., HAUSKA, H., VASICEK, L. (1999): Vergleich hämatologischer
Untersuchungsmethoden bei Vögeln. Tierärztl. Prax.; 27 (K), 65-70.
2. HAUSKA, H., SCOPE, A., VASICEK, L., REAUZ, B. (1999): Vergleichende
Untersuchungen zur Färbung aviärer Blutzellen. Tierärztl. Prax. 27 (K), 280-287.
Plasmaverdünnung für die klinisch-chemische Blutuntersuchung bei Vögeln. Tierärztl.
Prax. 27 (K), 342-347.
4. SZÖLGYÉNYI, W., SCOPE, A. (2000): Optimierung der PCR zur
Geschlechtsdifferenzierung von Vögeln. Tierärztl. Prax.; 28 (K): 62-64.
5. SCOPE, A. (2000): Lafora – ähnliche Einschlußkörperchen im Gehirn eines
Rosenköpfchens (Agapornis roseicollis, Vieillot 1818). Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr. 87, 58-60.
6. SCOPE, A., FREY, H. (2000): Diseases and Causes of Death in Captive and Free
Ranging Bearded Vultures (Gyptaeus barbatus, Linné 1758). Raptor Biomedicine III,
SOKLARIDIS, U. (2000): Hematologic and Clinical Chemistry Reference Values in Lories
(Eos spp.). Avian Dis. 44:4, 885-890.
8. GUMPENBERGER, M., SCOPE, A. (2001): Diagnostik abdominaler Erkrankungen beim
Vogel mit Hilfe der kombinierten Röntgen- und Ultraschalluntersuchung. Wien. Tierärztl.
Mschr. 88, 129-138.
9. SCOPE, A., SCHWENDENWEIN, I., GABLER, C. (2002): Short-Term Variances of
Biochemical Parameters in Racing Pigeons (Columba livia).J. Avian Med. Surg. 16:1, 1015.
10. SCOPE, A., FILIP, T., GABLER, C., RESCH, F. (2002): The Influence of Stress from
Transport and Handling on Hematological and Clinical Chemistry Blood Parameters of
Racing Pigeons (Columba livia domestica). Avian Dis. 46:1, 224-229.
11. FILIP, T., SCOPE, A. (2002). Tumorprävalenz beim Wellensittich (Melopsittacus
undulatus, SHAW 1858) – eine retrospektive Studie an Klinikpatienten. Tierärztl. Prax.
30(K), 379-84.
12. GUMPENBERGER, M., SCOPE, A. (2002). Diagnosis of abdominal diseases in birds by
combined radiography and ultrasonography. EJCAP, 12:2, 153-162.
13. SCOPE, A., FROMMLET, F., SCHWENDENWEIN, I. Circadian and seasonal variability
and influence of sex and race on 8 clinical chemistry parameters in budgerigars.
Melopsittacus undulatus, Shaw 1805). Res. Vet. Sci. (in print).
14. SCOPE, A., SCHWENDENWEIN, I. FROMMLET, F., The influence of outliers and
sampling day on clinical chemistry reference intervals for budgerigars (Melopsittacus
undulatus, Shaw 1805). Vet. Rec. (in Druck).
15. SCOPE, A., SCHWENDENWEIN, I. Standardisierung von Methoden zur
Enzymaktivitätsbestimmung und ihre Folgen am Beispiel des Wellensittichs
(Melopsittacus undulatus Shaw 1805). Tierärztl. Prax. (in print).
Chapters in books:
1. KRAUTWALD-JUNGHANNS, M. E. (Hrsg.): Kompendium der Ziervogelkrankheiten.
Schlütersche, Hannover: 61-68.
2. SCOPE A. (1999): Zwangsmaßnahmen. In: KALETA, E. F., KRAUTWALDJUNGHANNS, M. E. (Hrsg.): Kompendium der Ziervogelkrankheiten. Schlütersche,
Hannover: 68-71.
3. SCOPE A. (1999): Die Untersuchung des Blutes. In: KALETA, E. F., KRAUTWALDJUNGHANNS, M. E. (Hrsg.): Kompendium der Ziervogelkrankheiten. Schlütersche,
Hannover: 88-95.
4. SCOPE A. (1999): Gastrointestinaltrakt, Pankreas. In: KALETA, E. F., KRAUTWALDJUNGHANNS, M. E. (Hrsg.): Kompendium der Ziervogelkrankheiten. Schlütersche,
Hannover: 169-179. SCOPE A. (1999): Bakteriell bedingte Erkrankungen. In: KALETA,
E. F., KRAUTWALD-JUNGHANNS, M. E. (Hrsg.): Kompendium der
Ziervogelkrankheiten. Schlütersche, Hannover: 229-244.
5. SCOPE A. (1999): Antibiose: In: KALETA, E. F., KRAUTWALD-JUNGHANNS, M. E.
(Hrsg.): Kompendium der Ziervogelkrankheiten. Schlütersche, Hannover:
6. HAFEZ HM, SCOPE A. (1999): Probenentnahme und Laboruntersuchungen. In:
KALETA, E. F., KRAUTWALD-JUNGHANNS, M. E. (Hrsg.): Kompendium der
Ziervogelkrankheiten. Schlütersche, Hannover: 72-78.
7. KRAUTWALD-JUNGHANNS, M. E., SCOPE, A. (1999): Antibiotika und
Chemotherapeutika. In: KALETA, E. F., KRAUTWALD-JUNGHANNS, M. E. (Hrsg.):
Kompendium der Ziervogelkrankheiten. Schlütersche, Hannover: 316-323.
8. VASICEK, L., SCOPE A. (1999): Untersuchung des Vogels: In: BAUMGARTNER W
(Hrsg.): Klinische Propädeutik der inneren Krankheiten der Haus- und Heimtiere. Parey,
Berlin: 367-393.
MVDr. Vladimír Jekl
Born: 21. 10. 1977 in Hlinsko v Čechách (Chrudim)
Vladimir Jekl graduated with honours from Brno Vet University in 2002. He spent 3 years in
Department for Reptiles on Small Animal Clinic on Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Brno as a
pregraduate student. In 2002 he started his PhD research on the Avian and Exotic Animal
Clinic on University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno. He is professor
assistant on the clinic from 2003. His current focus involves endoscopy and surgery in
reptiles, small mammals and birds. He is member of the Czech Association of Zoo and
Wildlife Veterinarians (CAZWV), European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians
(EAZWV), Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians (AEMV) and the Czech Small Animal
Veterinarians Association (CSAVA). He participates on the programme of veterinary care in
Zoological Garden Brno.
Publications (last 5 years):
JEKL, V. (2003) Zásady manipulace s drobnými savci a jejich fixace. In: Novák P., Šoch M a
kol. Záchrana zvířat II - Zásady manipulace se zvířaty. Edice SPBI spektrum, Ostrava, 123 131
Scientific articles
HAUPTMAN, K., JEKL, V., KNOTEK, Z. (2003) Use of Medetomidine for Sedation in the
Laboratory Rats (Rattus norvegicus). Acta Veterinaria Brno, 72, 583 – 591
KNOTEK, Z., WILDNEROVÁ, L., JEKL, V. (2004) Diagnostic Urography of Renal
Disorders in Rats. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 73, 187 – 194
MVDr. Viktor Tukač, CSc.
Born: 16. 4. 1959 , Slaný
Viktor Tukač graduated from Brno Vet University in 1984. He spent 12 years (1984 – 1996)
on veterinary university, as a PhD student (Avian myopathy) and then as a professor
asistant. During 1996 – 2002 he has specialised in exotic avian medicine on his private
practice in Brno. He served as the specialist and advisor for exotic avian medicine in Czech
Republic. He is now on the position of professor assistant on Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic,
specialised on avian medicine.
Publications (last 5 years):
Scientific articles
BUREŠ, S., VÁCLAVÍKOVÁ, A., TUKAČ, V. (1999) Severe alpine weather, prey availability
and reproduction in two species of passerine: A test of the permanent prey availability
hypothesis. Folia Zool., 48: 279 - 285
TUKAČ, V. (2000) Injekční anestezie u exotických ptáků. Brno, I. Seminář exoti a zoozvířata
– anestezie, chirurgie, 6 -
1. KŘÍŽ, H., TUKAČ, V. (1994) Zdravotní problematika exotických a dravých ptáků.
Veterinářství, 44:75-76
2. TUKAČ, V. (1995) Klinické vyšetření exotických ptáků. Veterinářství, 45:170-175
3. KŘÍŽ, H., TUKAČ, V. Nález parazitárního granulomu v játrech u papouška vlnkovaného
(Melopstittacus undulatus). Veterinářství, 45:276
4. TUKAČ, V. (1996) Syndrom dilatace proventrikulu u papoušků. Veterinářství, 46:282-284
5. KŘÍŽ, H., JURANOVÁ, R., TUKAČ, V., DVOŘÁK, J. (1996) Opakovaný výskyt
spontánních ruptur kůže u brojlerů kura domácího. Veterinářství, 44:303
6. KNOTEK, Z., TUKAČ, V., BERÁNEK, J. (1998) Moderní zobrazovací metody v klinické
praxi u plazů a exotů I. – Radiografie. Veterinářství, 48:384-387
7. KNOTEK, Z., TUKAČ, V., KOHOUT, P. (1998) Moderní zobrazovací metody v klinické
praxi u plazů a exotů II. – Ultrasonografie, magnetická rezonance, počítačová tomografie.
Veterinářství, 48:519-524
8. TUKAČ, V. (1998) Označování ptáků mikročipy. Veterinářství, 48:519-524
9. TUKAČ, V. (2000) Polyomavirová infekce exotických ptáků. Veterinářství, 50:373-375
10.TUKAČ, V. (2002) Leukocytozoonóza u malých papoušků, Veterinářství, 53: 303 – 304
MVDr. David Modrý, Ph.D.
Born: 7. 5. 1969 in Ústí nad Labem
David Modrý graduated from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of University of Veterinary and
Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno in 1993. He finished his Ph.D. (PhD thesis Biology and
pathogenicity of caryosporan coccidia) in 1999. He is employed as professor assistant at the
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of University of Veterinary and
Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno; he is also active in research at Institute of Parasitology,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic České Budějovice. He is focused on clinical
aspects of parasitoses in exotic and wild living vertebrates (reptiles, amphibians, birds, small
mammals), coccidian parasites of vertebrates - morphology, taxonomy, biology and evolution
and pathogenicity of coccidia. Teaching activities of David Modrý include veterinary
parasitology and parasitoses of exotic and wild living animals.
Publications (last 5 years):
Disi, A.M., Modrý, D., Nečas, P., Rifai, L. 2001: Amphibians and reptiles of the Hashemite
Kingdom of Jordan. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt a.M., 408 pp.
Knotek, Z., Knotková, Z., Halouzka, R., Modrý, D., Hájková, P. (1999) Nemoci plazů.
ČAVLMZ, 275 p.
Scientific articles (last 5 years)
Modrý, D., Koudela, B., Al-Oran, R.M., Amr, Z.S. 1999: Caryospora maxima sp. n.
(Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae), new coccidium from Forsskal’s sand snake, Psammophis
schokari (Serpentes: Colubridae) from lava desert of Jordan. Folia Parasitologica 46: 96–98.
Šlapeta, J. R., Modrý, D., Koudela, B. 1999: Sarcocystis atheridis n. sp., a new
sarcosporidian coccidium from the Nitsche’s Bush Viper, Atheris nitschei Tornier, 1902 from
Uganda. Parasitology Research 85: 758–764.
Koudela, B., Modrý, D., Svobodová, M., Votýpka, J., Vávra, J., Hudcovic, T. 1999: The
severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mouse as definitive host for Sarcocystis muris.
Parasitology Research 85: 737–742.
Doležel, D., Koudela, B., Jirků, M., Hypša, V., Oborník, M., Votýpka, J., Modry, D., Šlapeta,
J.R., Lukeš, J. 1999: Phylogenetic analysis of Sarcocystis sp. and Sarcocystis dispersa
supports the coevolution of sarcocysts with the final hosts. International Journal for
Parasitology 29: 795–798.
Modrý, D., Veselý, M., Koudela, B., 1999: Two new species of coccicia (Apicomplexa:
Eimeriidae) from the Bearded false chameleon Chamaeleolis barbatus (Sauria: Polychridae)
from Cinco Pesos, Pinar del Río, Cuba. Journal of Parasitology 85: 719–722.
Volf, J., Koudela, B., Modrý, D. 1999: Eimeria nycteae sp. n. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae), a
new parasite species from the snowy owl, Nyctea scandiaca. Folia Parasitologica 46: 168–
Volf, J., Modrý, D., Koudela, B., Šlapeta, J. R.. 1999: Discovery of the life cycle of
Sarcocystis lacertae Babudieri, 1932 (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae), with a species
redescription. Folia Parasitologica 46: 257–262.
Koudela, B., Modrý, D. 1999: Extraintestinal stages of coccidia in liver of Schneider´s skink
Eumeces schneideri (Sauria: Scincidae) from Northern Egypt. Folia Parasitologica 46: 99–
Koudela, B., Modrý, D., Svobodová, M., Votýpka, J., Vávra, J., Hudcovic, T. 1999: The
severe combined immunodeficient mouse as a definitive host for Sarcocystis muris.
Parasitology Research 85: 737–742.
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Volf, J., Koudela, B., Modrý, D. 2000: Two new species of Isospora Schneider 1881
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Hůrková L., Modrý D., Koudela B., Šlapeta J.R. 2000: Description of Eimeria motelo sp. n.
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Modrý D., Šlapeta J.R., Koudela B. 2000: Sarcocystis stenodactylicolubris n. sp., a new
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Modrý D., Šlapeta J.R., Knotek Z., Koudela B. 2001: Caryospora varaniornati sp. n.
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Šlapeta J. R., Modrý D., Votýpka J., Jirků M., Oborník M., Lukeš J., Koudela B. 2001:
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Šlapeta J.R., Modrý D., Koudela B. 2001: New species of coccidia (Apicomplexa:
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Modrý D., J. R. Šlapeta, M Jirků, M. Oborník, J. Lukeš, B. Koudela 2001. Phylogenetic
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Modrý D. Šlapeta J.R., Koudela B. 2001. Eimeria hajeki n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae), a
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Volf J., Modrý D., Koudela B. 2001. Experimental transmission of Caryospora kutzeri
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Modrý D., Vaclavek P., Koudela B., Slapeta J.R. 2001. Placentophagia - an alternative way
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Slapeta JR, Kyselova I, Richardson AO, Modry D, Lukes J 2002: Phylogeny and sequence
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Slapeta JR, Koudela B, Votypka J, Modry D, Horejs R, Lukes J 2002: Coprodiagnosis of
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Šlapeta JR, Modrý D, Ashe J, Koudela B 2003: Description of Eimeria arabukosokokensis sp
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notes on eimerian coccidia from snakes of Eastern Kenya. FOLIA PARASITOLOGICA 50
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Hůrková L, Hajdušek O, Modrý D 2003: Natural infection of Cryptosporidium muris
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Václavek P, Koudela B, Modrý D, Sedlák K 2003:Seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in
aborting dairy cattle in the Czech Republic. VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY 115 (3): 239245
Nečas P, Modrý D, Šlapeta JR 2003: Chamaeleo (Trioceros) narraioca n. sp (Reptilia
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northern Kenya. TROPICAL ZOOLOGY 16 (1): 1-12
Šlapeta JR, Modrý D, Votýpka J, Jirků M, Lukeš J, Koudela B 2003: Evolutionary
relationships among cyst-forming coccidia Sarcocystis spp. (Alveolata : Apicomplexa :
Coccidea) in endemic African tree vipers and perspective for evolution of heteroxenous life
Modrý D., Nečas P., Mazuch T., Kamler M. 2004: Eimeria atheridis n. sp (Apicomplexa :
Eimeriidae), a new coccidium from the western bush viper Atheris chlorechis (Pel, 1851)
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Modrý D., Votýpka J., Svobodová M. 2004: Note on the taxonomy of Frenkelia microti
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Bertrand M., Modrý D. 2004: The role of mite pocket-like structures on Agama caudospinosa
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Xiao L.H., Ryan U.M., Graczyk T.K., Limor J., Li L.X., Kombert M., Junge R., Sulaiman I.M.,
Zhou L., Arrowood M.J., Koudela B., Modrý D., Lal A.A. 2004: Genetic diversity of
Cryptosporidium spp. in captive reptiles. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70 (2):