Fire Evacuation and Emergency Policy

Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
FOSSE WAY SCHOOL Updated Jan 14 to be revised Jan 15
To include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Introduction. p2
Occupants. p3
How will people know if there is a fire? P3
What should people do if there is a fire? P3
How should the evacuation process be carried out? P3
Assembly points and roll call. P4
Escape route identification. P6
Responsible people for fire safety. P7
How the emergency services will be called and by whom. P8
Appendix 1 – Teaching area fire action notice + general FEEP. P9
Appendix 2 – Fosse Way House fire action notice. P13
Appendix 3 – Overall escape route plan. P15
Appendix 4 – Specific procedures and plans. P17
These fire and emergency evacuation procedures are to cover all uses and users of fosse Way School at all
times of the day / year. The procedures contain information necessary to allow a quick and effective
evacuation of the buildings when the need arises.
These procedures should be reviewed regularly to ensure they cover all uses and users of Fosse Way School
and any other factors that may effect a safe evacuation in the case of fire.
Primarily Fosse Way is a special school that has 150 pupils on roll. It employs 70 staff and has facilities such as
Fosse Way House (residential provision), swimming pool complex, conference and meeting facilities and other
accommodation that is used during the school day and out of hours.
Individual specific FEEP have been written to suit different uses / users of Fosse Way School’s premises at
different times of the year and or day.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
This is a description of the occupants that may be present at Fosse Way. This list covers term time and out of
term time as well as weekends and out of normal school hours.
Kitchen staff
Fosse Way teaching staff (including supply staff)
Support staff
Fosse Way pupils
Fosse Way House staff / residents
Site team (including Cleaners, Caretakers and Site Manager)
Visitors (including visiting professionals, parents, delivery personnel, external facilities users and
External pool users
Staff, children and parents / careers attending out of term time play scheme or other extended school
Staff, pupils, visitors and external users of Mulberry Lodge
Café staff and customers / visitors
How will people know if there is a fire? Once activated the alarm will sound continuously.
Fosse Way has a comprehensive fire detection and alarm system. It consists of an upgraded
conventional fire alarm systems integrated with an addressable system in the new phase 2 building.
The addressable system very cleverly tells us exactly which device in which room has activated
compared to the conventional sections telling us only which zone which may contain many detection
devices. The system incorporates detection devices such as manual call points (break glass), smoke
detectors and heat detectors. If any of the devices detect smoke or heat or a call point is pressed the
alarm system sounds continuously. Currently the system includes some different types of sounders
that produce different sounds. We are working towards creating a uniform sound for the fire alarm
across the site. The alarm is tested in-house on a weekly basis and quarterly by specialist contractors
to ensure it is always in good working order. The fire alarm is not linked to a monitoring station.
Mulberry Lodge has its own fire alarm system which is not currently linked to the school fire alarm
What should people do if there is a fire?
If you discover a fire you should activate the fire alarm by pressing the nearest manual call point
(break glass) to initiate an evacuation. The alarm should be activated for all fires no matter how small.
Try to notice what is on fire as this may be of importance to the fire brigade.
Who should call the fire brigade will be covered later under " how the emergency services will be
called and by whom".
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
How should the evacuation process be carried out? Leave the building by the closest key escape
route and go to the designated assembly point.
Appendix1 & 2 contains fire drill procedures that cover the school day, the residential provision,
visitors, contractors, out of hours use by staff and hirers of the facilities. Fire safety procedures and or
responsibilities are written into booking contracts for hiring of facilities at Fosse way. Hirers may also
need to produce and follow their own fire safety procedures / policies and risk assessments but
consultation with the school should take place prior to procedures being adopted.
Everyone on site must respond to the fire alarm and evacuate to the designated assembly point. If the
alarms are to be tested or if maintenance is under way you will be informed to avoid unnecessary
evacuations. If false alarms have been apparent through tampering or other cause the alarm should
still be treated seriously.
More detailed fire and emergency procedures are appended to suit different users / uses and time
The escape route taken will depend on a number of things. Everyone on site should be aware of the
key escape routes that should be taken in an evacuation (presuming it is safe to do so) depending on
what area of the site they are in, the time or day and which assembly point is to be used. Generally the
shortest route to a final exit / safe area should be taken. See "escape routes identified". Another factor
that may influence the route taken may be the security / safety risk to vulnerable children Fosse Way
accommodates but this will obviously depend on the fire or other emergency situation. You must not
return into the building until given the all clear to do so by the person heading the evacuation (see
"named responsible persons for fire safety").
A marked soft pack of fire safety documents and keys has been created for both the Fosse Way
House and Main school offices. During Fosse Way House occupation or the school day these should
be taken to the appropriate assembly point.
Assembly points and roll call
Assembly point 1 Main playground.
This assembly point should be used by all on site (except external users of meeting rooms 1 & 2 and
external Hydrotherapy pool users, who should use assembly point 2 by the main entrance) during
times 07:30 – 18:00. This applies all year round unless risk assessment shows otherwise due for
example to construction / maintenance works. Occupants of Fosse Way House should use this
assembly point during times 07:30 – 18:00 but should use assembly point 3 (Mulberry Lodge) during
times 18:00 – 07:30.
Swimmers during the school day should assemble in room 32. This is the temporary class room in the
Assembly point 2 Car park at front of school by main entrance.
This assembly point is to be used by external hydrotherapy pool users and external users of meeting
rooms 1, 2 and Mulberry Lodge and occupants of the Cafe during times 07:30 – 17:00. A member of
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
the admin team will remain at assembly point 2 (during term time) and will conduct a roll call from the
separate visitors signing in book for the meeting rooms.
Assembly point 3 Mulberry Lodge. This assembly point is to be used by all occupants of Fosse Way
House during times 18:00 – 07:30. The kitchen staff in early, during period 18:00 – 07:30 should also go
to Mulberry Lodge. Specific procedures are in place for Fosse Way House and the kitchen staff for this
Everyone on site should know where the assembly points are, how to get there and alternative routes
if the key escape routes are not available. Roll calls will be carried out at the assembly point to ensure
all are accounted for.
Fire action notices are placed around the site in prominent places to inform of where the assembly
point is located and what to do in the case of fire or alarm. Plans are also displayed to indicate the key
escape routes to be used if safe to do so. All of this information should be highlighted to visitors or
others who may not be familiar with the layout of the premises.
Time period : 07:30 – 09:00 and : 09:00 – 15:00
Prior to and during the school day, Assembly point 1 (main school playground) to be used by all
except hirers of Meeting rooms 1&2 and the hydrotherapy pool. These groups will be supervised by a
member of the Admin team at assembly point 2 at the main entrance of the school.
During 07:30 & 15:00 the following people are responsible for informing the Deputy Head (or a
member of Senior Management in their absence) that everyone is accounted for at the assembly
points following an evacuation. The procedures are as follows (assuming the responsible people are
on site during an evacuation):
 Assistant Heads to account for all teaching staff and support staff in their department.
 Tutors to account for all Support staff and pupils in their class by calling their register that
should be collected from Admin staff. Assistant Heads to be informed by Tutors.
 Kitchen Manager to account for kitchen staff and inform the Deputy Head (or Senior Manager
in their absence)
 Admin staff to account for cleaning staff and visitors. The visitors signing in book will be taken
to assembly point 1 and used to establish who is on site during an evacuation. Two way radios
will be used to communicate between assembly points.
 The leader of swimming sessions i.e. Westfield primary School and external Hydrotherapy pool
users will be responsible for their own roll call. Westfield to use assembly point 1 in the main
playground (use temporary class room) and report to the Fosse Way School evacuation leader
and external hydrotherapy pool hirers report to the member of the Admin Team supervising
assembly point 2.
 Residential Manager (Residential officer in their absence) to account for all pupils, staff and
visitors of Fosse Way House and report to the Deputy Head.
 Pupils that are working in the café who are completing errands away from the Café should go
to the nearest assembly point and report to a member of staff so that they can be accounted
for via 2 way radio if necessary.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Time period : 15:00 – 18:00
During 15:00 – 18:00 term time Assembly point 1 should be used by all on site (except external users
of the hydrotherapy pool and meeting rooms 1 & 2). The following people have responsibility for roll
call of their group and reporting to the Deputy Head or Senior management in their absence. If the
Deputy Head or a Senior Manager is not on site at the time of an evacuation then the Site manager or
Caretaker will liaise with the responsible people at the assembly points after establishing the cause of
the alarm.
 After school swimming lessons leader to account for swimmers and non swimmers such as
 Residential Manager to account for all from Fosse Way House
 External users of Meeting Rooms 1 and 2 to roll call participants from their own register /
signing in book and remain at assembly point 2
 Cleaning staff to report to Deputy head or alternative
 Kitchen staff to report to Deputy Head or alternative
 Teaching staff to account for themselves and any parents / visitors (after admin staff leave at
 Coordinator of parents evenings etc to report to the Deputy head or alternative
 Admin Staff to account for each other & visitors and a member to supervise assembly point 2
(until 17:00)
 After school club attendees to be accounted for by the person leading the club
 Café Manager to account for their staff, visitors and pupils
Time period: 18:00 – 07:30
Normally the Deputy Head or member of the Site Team will not be on site during this time. If an
evacuation is required during this time then all should go to assembly point 2 in the car park in front of
the main entrance, except Fosse Way House occupants & kitchen staff who should use assembly
point no. 3 (Mulberry Lodge).
Fosse Way House staff, pupils and visitors should use Assembly point no.3 (Mulberry Lodge).
Cleaning Staff to use Assembly point no. 2 (car park by main entrance)
External pool users to use assembly point 1 (main playground)
Visitors such as delivery personnel and contractors should use assembly point 2
Escape routes identification A key escape route is the preferred, main escape route to a place of
safety and then to the assembly point with as few complications as possible.
There may be alternative escape routes in the room or area you are occupying i.e. a fire exit from a
class room leading outside but access to the assembly point is not straight forward and puts
vulnerable children at risk. Therefore the key escape routes should be used if safe to do so. Some
escape routes may require you to lead children off the premises and back in again. This could provide
difficulty in containing children who could escape or be exposed to traffic. The fire situation will
obviously dictate which escape routes are used. An alternative escape route that leads into a secure
outside area such as outside teaching / play area with locked gates may be the only choice if the key
escape route from your area is blocked by fire, smoke or other hazard. Keys to these gates should be
available and their location known.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
It would be very difficult and lengthily to identify and describe all of the different key escape routes on
site in writing, so plans have been marked to indicate the key escape routes for different uses / users.
The plans are contained in this document and are also displayed in prominent places around the site.
The assembly points and escape route plans form an important part of the FEEP and should be
reviewed regularly and especially if changes such as construction, building alterations or change of
use occur. The plans should be included in regular staff fire safety training and should also be
highlighted to visitors and other people on site who may not be familiar with the layout of the premises.
The plans are included in the individual FEEPs produced to suit various uses / users of the site.
It is very important that you are familiar with the escape routes around you. Regular planned fire drills
are a vital training exercise for us to know what to do when an evacuation is required. It is important to
report any difficulties or make suggestions following a fire drill in order that the best possible
procedure is obtained.
Responsible people for fire safety The people with responsibilities for fire safety and evacuation will
depend on the time and occupants of the premises at the time. Everyone on site has some
responsibility towards theirs and others safety, which is why it is important to be prepared and know
what to do in an emergency.
Evacuation leader  The Principal will lead an evacuation during times 07:30 – 18:00. In their absence the Deputy
Head or Senior Manager will take this role.
 During times 18:00 – 07:30 the groups on site will lead their own evacuation. This may include
Fosse Way House occupants, kitchen staff, cleaning staff, and other early / late working
members of staff and hirers of the facilities.
 During events such as evening discos or play schemes the leader of that event will lead an
evacuation for the attendees of that event / group. This could be out of term time, weekend or
other time of school closure.
 Hirers of facilities such as the swimming pools or meeting rooms will lead their own group
evacuation out of normal school hours such as times 18:00 – 07:30 and out of term time or
In the event of an evacuation during term time Mon to Fri 07:30 – 17:00----------------The evacuation leader will:
 Wait by the main school office (if safe to do so) for the Site Manager, Caretaker or Bursar who
will collect information from the fire alarm panel and inspect the identified area to establish if
there is a fire or false alarm
 Give the all clear to silence the alarm and re-enter the buildings if the cause of the fire alarm is
known to be a false alarm through tamper, system fault or unknown reason.
 Call the emergency services if required
 Nominate a person to wait for the emergency services to arrive and direct them to the location
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
The Site Manager, Caretaker or Bursar will:
 Go to the main fire panel located outside the hall and gather information to pass to the
evacuation leader
 Go to the identified area to establish cause of alarm activation
 Relay information to the evacuation leader
 If the alarm is due to system fault or other false alarm the cause can be rectified and the
system reset
 Arrange for the system maintenance contractor to attend site if required
 Fill in the fire log with details of cause of alarm and any notes about the evacuation
Members of the Admin team will:
 Collect 2 way radios and soft pack of keys and fire safety documents to go to assembly points
 Collect visitor signing in books and take to the appropriate assembly points
 Remain at assembly point 2 (main entrance to the school) to prevent access into the building
until the evacuation leader has given the all clear and to supervise the groups assembled there
How the emergency services will be called and by whom
The emergency services will be called by either the Principal, Deputy Head, senior manager or admin
staff depending on who is on site at the time. During out of school times the Site Manager, Care taker
or Fosse Way House Manager will call the emergency services. Facilities hirers should call the
emergency services if Site Team staff is not present.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Appendix I
1 If you discover a fire, raise the warning by operating the nearest fire alarm. A copy of the notice "What to
do in case of FIRE" must be displayed in all rooms. This notice outlines the following procedures:-
On hearing the Fire Alarm
STOP lesson/activity immediately.
Maintain SILENCE
LEAVE room as directed by staff (closing windows and doors where possible).
WALK to nearest appropriate exit door in single file.
WALK to far end of main playground by a safe route.
ASSEMBLE in form groups to await further instruction.
REPORT IMMEDIATELY to the nearest adult and/or the school office.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
On hearing the fire alarm (high pitched, shrill siren) members of staff should
Organise the orderly exit from the building via the nearest available point of exit.
Close doors and windows to reduce the risk of fire spreading.
Quickly check toilets, adjacent classrooms etc en route to the nearest exit.
Escort their teaching group to the assembly area at the field end of the playground furthest
from the school buildings.
Collect their tutor group's register from the administrative staff.
Call a register and report to an Assistant Head. The Assistant Heads to report to the Deputy
Head when all registers for their area have been called.
Continue to supervise their tutor groups until the "All Clear" is given and then dismiss students
under the instructions of the Deputy Head or in her absence a member of the Management
3. The Deputy Head or in her absence a member of the Management Team will be responsible for
supervising the assembly arrangements, verifying that all persons are accounted for, and ensuring that noone returns to the building before it has been declared safe.
4. Head’s / Deputies of Upper and Lower School will confirm the presence of teachers, teaching assistants;
the kitchen supervisor will confirm the presence of the kitchen staff, the administrative staff will confirm
the presence of cleaning staff and visitors.
5. Pupils will be dismissed on a form group basis only after the building has been checked and instructions
are given by the Deputy Head.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
6. On hearing the fire alarm, the Site Manager/Bursar will immediately:
Find out where the fire is by looking at the fire control panel and then inspecting the identified
area to establish whether it is a fire or a false alarm.
Inform the Principal or, in their absence, the Deputy who will wait by the School office for the
Site Manager/Bursar.
If a fire is discovered, the Principal or Deputy will then telephone the Fire Brigade.
Wait at the entrance gate for the arrival of the fire engine, and direct it to the location of the
fire and direct it to the location of the fire.
In the event of a false alarm, the Site Team member on duty will inform the Principal or
Deputy, silence the alarm, rectify the cause and reset the system.
Lunchtime Procedures
If a fire alarm takes place during a lunch-time, the following additional points should be observed:
Staff in the school hall should ensure that the dining areas are cleared.
Other staff on site should ensure the area immediate to them is clear before reporting to the
assembly point.
If areas are locked, it may be assumed that they are empty.
Staff outside the buildings should ensure that children in the playground, toilets and grounds
are directed to the assembly point.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Staff should familiarise themselves with the position of the fire alarms and the operation of fire
extinguishers/blankets within their normal working area.
It is the responsibility of each member of staff to ensure fire exits are kept clear of obstacles
and that any damage to the firefighting equipment is reported immediately to the Site
There will be regular Fire Drills each to familiarise staff and pupils with the procedure.
The Site Manager will test alarms in different fire zones of the school each week and maintain
the Fire Log.
Copies of the Fire Drill must be displayed in each classroom. Replacement copies may be
obtained from the office.
Outside normal school hours
The member of staff on site or the hirer of the premises has the responsibility of checking
personnel and alerting the emergency services. They should liaise with hostel staff Monday
evening to Friday morning.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Appendix 2
Fosse Way House
Residential Educational Staff should be familiar with the general school fire procedures and be fully
conversant with evacuation routes. The specific procedures for the residential area are reinforced in
Residential Team Meetings, and staff ‘walk’ the evacuation routes during these meetings. Fosse Way
House does one drill per year with the alarms. A walk through with the students once a term is also
completed but this is without the alarms for the reasons listed below.
Note – re Fire Evacuation practice (young people).
In the light of past experiences of ‘Fire’ evacuation, a number of issues have been identified. As a
school we decided that the risks involved in a ‘practice’ outweighed the benefits. The specific issues
A ‘practice’ would not be a learning experience for the young people; the students (due to
their particular needs and abilities) wouldn’t be able to learn the procedure to support
The extreme reaction of some of the pupils when an alarm has sounded has actually increased
risks to safety. This has included occurrences of self injurious behavior and assault on staff.
The specific needs of the pupils in the residential areas, many of whom are extremely sensitive
to noise.
The students would not be able to put it into context and may not be able to forget the
incident. We believe they would potentially associate the alarm with the environment and be
unsettled and agitated for a considerable time.
We believe the staffing levels and staff knowledge of evacuation procedures ensures appropriate levels of
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Fire Drill Instructions
Fosse Way House
Day Time 7.30am-6.00pm
On hearing the fire alarm or other emergency:
Staff to take students they are responsible for during that session out of the nearest entrance
to the main school playground.
If staff are upstairs they can collect the Fire Safety Documents wallet.
Ring the Fire Brigade / Site Manager and wait.
Evening 6.00pm-10.15pm
Staff to take students they are responsible for during that session out of the nearest entrance
to Mulberry Lodge.
If staff are upstairs they can collect the Fire Safety Documents wallet.
Ring the Fire Brigade / Site Manager and wait.
Night Time 10.15pm-7.30am
Fire Alarm should wake staff member in Sleep-In rooms if not N.W.O. to wake staff member
along the corridor.
N.W.O. to collect Fire Safety Documents wallet containing fire documents and keys to
Mulberry Lodge and gate (in case there is no power at keypad gate). If unable to collect
register/keys, use the keys in the Key Safe outside to access gates/Mulberry Lodge.
Sleep-In staff along corridor to ensure staff member in flat is up via the ring button in the
Staff to wake students. (N.W.O. to check rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4, one staff member to check
rooms 5,6,7 and 8 and final staff member to check rooms 9, 10, 11 and 12).
All congregate outside the boy’s bathrooms.
One member of staff to do a head count. Check rooms if necessary.
Once all of the students are together with staff, all walk down Stairs 1 and out of the
automatic doors (which should be switched off, unlock via thumb turn).
All go to Mulberry Lodge, the keypad code is the same as the school gates.
Ring the Fire Brigade / Site Manager and wait.
Blankets are stored in the cupboards in Mulberry Lodge.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Individual Emergency Evacuation Procedure:
Fosse Way House Pupils
Individual Fire evacuation procedure information
Kieran: Kieran is highly likely to be very unsettled by the sound of the fire alarms; he may refuse to
move from where he is. In the past Kieran has displayed challenging behavior when the fire alarm has
sounded within school, scratching the hands of staff supporting him and he may hit or kick out at
people. The social stories and symbols in the Fire Safety Wallet will be required and will need to be
shown to Kieran. He may require a 2 person escort (SCIP) as he may try to return to where he was
previously. He may also refuse to leave his bedroom. Kieran is likely to need a lot of support during an
emergency evacuation. Staff will need to reassure him after.
Melissa: Melissa is likely to be very anxious on hearing a fire alarm; she may display this by screaming
or by showing signs of challenging behavior – hitting out at people who are within reach of her. It is
likely that Melissa will be very scared and will need reassurance by staff, talking to her calmly and
linking arms/holding hands will help to reassure her during the evacuation procedure. Staff must
remain vigilant with her.
Tom O’C: Tom has been involved in evacuation procedures in the past and finds the noise of the alarm
and the procedure as a whole very distressing. He will need reassurance from staff and will cover his
ears while moving so staff will need to keep instructions simple and clear for Tom to be able to
understand. Staff must remain vigilant at all times of Tom’s whereabouts even though he is likely to
follow the group out. Once the evacuation procedure is complete staff will need to explain to Tom
what has happened. Tom will worry that it will happen again for a long time after the event and will
seek reassurance on a daily basis.
Liam: It is likely Liam will be very compliant in the event of an emergency evacuation. He will be
anxious and may shout out random phrases when distressed. He is likely to follow the group during the
procedure but staff must remain vigilant of him at all times. Staff must ensure they reassure Liam after
the event.
Joshua: Josh does not like to be touched by other people so will need plenty of verbal prompts in the
event of a fire alarm for an evacuation procedure. He may become distressed and this will result in him
self-harming – biting his hands or head butting walls. He can move very quickly when he wants to so
staff will need to be vigilant of Josh’s whereabouts at all times. He may shout out a set list of phrases
when he is distressed. In a worst case scenario it may be necessary to perform a 2 person escort, staff
should know that Josh could be very distressed by other people touching him so may display selfharming behavior after the evacuation. He will need reassurance after and space to calm down.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Elliot: Elliot is likely to be quite disorientated by an emergency evacuation, he will need to be told what
is expected of him in a clear simple way, instructions must be kept in sequence order and he is likely to
keep repeating this e.g. “Outside, Mulberry Lodge, Biscuit, and FWH later”. He may become distressed
and scream very loudly or spit at people around him. If possible it will help if a staff member can get his
iPod as this will help calm him after the evacuation. Elliot will ask lots of questions after and will want
to return to FWH ASAP. He is likely to lick his face a lot as he will be anxious. He may need a 1 or 2
person escort out of the building although it is unlikely he will refuse to move.
Thomas J: Thomas has very sensitive hearing, the alarm is likely to hurt him and he will cover his ears.
Thomas may become very distressed by the whole procedure. When distressed Thomas can display
challenging behavior, this may involve hitting staff. He may become very upset by the whole
procedure. Thomas has been known to abscond so it may help to link arms with him during the
evacuation. Staff must be vigilant of Thomas at all times. Thomas will benefit from space after the
procedure to calm down. He will seek reassurance after in the form of asking you to clap his hands or
rub his head.
Edward: Is likely to become distressed by the sound of the alarm. He is sensitive to noise. He has ear
plugs which may make the situation less distressing for him. Edward may want to leave immediately or
may want to wait with a member of staff and walk closely with them. He is likely to be very unsettled
after the event and may repeat lots of questions about it or may talk a lot about unrelated events. He
will need lots of reassurance after.
Douglas: Doug will need lots of support in the event of an evacuation procedure. He is likely to be
extremely disorientated and will need a high level of support; he will have very little understanding of
what is happening and has no awareness of personal safety. Staff should link arms with him, it may be
necessary to perform a 1 or 2 person escort (SCIP) as Doug can demonstrate stubborn behavior when
distressed. Doug is likely to shout loudly and may display challenging behavior by hitting out at anyone
close to him when distressed or he may want to try to return to his room as he struggles with changes
in routine. Staff should always be vigilant of him at all times.
Lewis: Lewis is likely to be very distressed by the noise of the alarm. He is very noise sensitive and will
cover his ears. He may become very upset and will be confused as to what is happening. He will need
reassurance from staff and clear, simple instructions. He is likely to be compliant but may display some
challenging behavior e.g. hitting staff on the arm if he is distressed. Lewis can be slow moving at times
so staff must be vigilant with him.
Alternatively all students may be compliant and happy to follow staff and other students. It will be
completely dependent on where they are when the alarm sounds, the activity they are doing, and their
demeanor and anxiety levels at the time of the alarm.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Appendix 3
Mulberry Lodge – Fosse Way School –
Fire Risk Assessment and Fire and Emergency Escape Procedures (FEEP) Nov 2013
Mulberry Lodge was built in 1959 with the original school as living accommodation for the Caretaker. It is
constructed with cavity brick walls with some timber cladding. It has a pitched cut roof with cement tiles, felt
and battened. It has two story with concrete ground floor and timber first floor. The Lodge has a modern,
domestic, mains gas fired condensing combination boiler located in the Site Manager’s office on the first floor.
Mulberry Lodge is currently used as office space.
Occupancy and security
Mulberry Lodge was originally built as living accommodation for the school Caretaker. It is now used as office
space and currently accommodates:
Executive Head
Business Manager
Finance Manager
Site Manager
Network Manager
Staff work room
Mulberry Lodge will normally be occupied all year round Monday to Friday. It would normally be occupied from
07:30 until 18:00. The Caretaker or Site Manager will do a final check and lock up of the building at around
18:00. During the occupied times the building is secured with a coded magnetic lock system. This has a battery
backup power supply and an emergency break glass release to allow exit in case of a failure of the security
system. For normal exit a touch-less door release is provided. When unoccupied the main door is locked with a
euro-cylinder with thumb turn for safety / security. Mulberry Lodge is not currently covered by an intruder
Fire risk assessment
1. Fire detection and alarm. Mulberry Lodge has a standalone fire alarm. The alarm is not linked to the
main school alarm system and is not monitored. The alarm system consists of a break glass by the main
door, smoke detectors located at the top of the stairs, in the Site Manager’s office where the boiler is
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
located and the ground floor office space. The alarm system is serviced and maintained by Somer 2000
Ltd. Records are kept in the main school Fire Safety Management files located in the main office. The
break glass call point is tested in rotation within the in-house fire alarm testing.
Carbon monoxide detection and alarm. A mains powered Carbon monoxide alarm is installed in the
Site Manager’s office where the boiler is located. This is tested termly.
Boiler. A Worcester Bosh Green Star 25CDi mains gas condensing combination boiler located in a built
in cupboard in the Site Manager’s office on the 1st floor that serves the heating and hot water for
Mulberry Lodge. This boiler is serviced and maintained through the Council BMIS scheme. It is also
inspected annually by a Zurich insurance inspector. The gas supply is from an external meter on the
side wall. A key for this is kept in the emergency evacuation grab bag in the main school office for
emergency access to the isolation point. The Site Team also has a key.
Electrical fixed wiring and electrical equipment. The fixed wiring of Mulberry Lodge is fed from a
distribution board located under the stairs. This board is fed via an external meter. The distribution
board also feeds the vocational workshop and the Site Team workshop both located at the rear of the
Lodge. A considerable amount of IT equipment is used in Mulberry Lodge due to the nature of its office
use. The Network Manager occupies an office on the 1st floor. All portable appliances are tested
annually by a BANES H&S Officer.
Combustible materials. Soft furnishings such as carpet and blinds are all purchased as fire rated. Paper
storage is kept to a minimum and is stored away in an appropriate manner where possible. Good
housekeeping is encouraged and a daily clean ensures waste paper bins are emptied.
Emergency lighting. Emergency lighting is provided at the top and bottom of the stairs as well as in the
ground floor rooms. These are tested monthly in house and are tested formally twice a year by Somer
2000 Ltd. Records are kept in the main emergency light located in the main school office. The
emergency lights are maintained through the BANES Council BMIS (Building and Maintenance
Indemnity Scheme).
Assembly point. . In the event of an evacuation of Mulberry Lodge the occupants should use the front
entrance of the main school as the assembly point. Visitors should be accounted for by the person they
are visiting and should have signed in and out of the school signing in book within the reception.
Mulberry Lodge is used as an assembly point for out of hour evacuations. If there is an evacuation of
the main school the occupants could include Fosse Way House residents and staff, cleaning staff and
kitchen staff. For evacuations during the night there are blankets provided and stored in the kitchen
cupboards for FWH residents. A key safe located outside the Pupil’s entrance holds a key for Mulberry
Lodge and the main gates. The code for the key safe is kept the same as the gate code in case the
powered gate fails.
Signage. The following fire safety signage is present:
 Firefighting equipment location and type
 Fire procedure notice
 Fire exit signage
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
9. Firefighting equipment. The firefighting equipment in Mulberry Lodge consists of a 2kg Co2
extinguisher at the top and bottom of the stairs. These are checked in-house and are included in the
annual service by A&E Fire Equipment Ltd.
10. Escape routes. The ground floor should be evacuated through the main door. The green break glass
should be pushed to disable the access control. A thumb turn is provided to allow exit without a key
should the door be locked. An alternative exit is the sliding patio door. The key should be available at
all times. The first floor should be evacuated through the main door as above. If the stairs are blocked
by smoke, fire or other obstacle an escape ladder is provided for exit through the window. The ladder
is located near the window in the Executive Head’s office at the front of the house.
Fire and Emergency Evacuation Procedures
If a fire is discovered leave the building, pressing the emergency break glass by the main door if
the alarm is not already activated
The firefighting equipment provided can be used to tackle small fires if safe to do so
On hearing the fire alarm leave the building immediately closing all doors and windows
Go to the assembly point at the main reception
Report to admin staff who will inform the site team and call the emergency services if required
If a fire is discovered out of hours when the main office is not occupied call 999 immediately
Visitors should be accounted for by the person they are visiting. All visitors should have signed
in / out even if not entering the main school
Only silence the alarm and re-enter the building when informed it is safe to do so
All alarm activations (including false alarms) must be recorded in the fire Safety Management
Files kept in the main school office
Written by Andrew Sellars, Site Manager, Fosse Way School. To be revised Nov 2014 (or change in
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Appendix 4
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Appendix 5
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Westfield Primary School – Fire & Emergency Evacuation Procedures during use of Fosse Way
School’s swimming pool 09:00 – 15:00 Mon – Fri term time only
To be read in conjunction with main FEEP document
If a fire is discovered press the manual call point (break glass) located at the fire exit and evacuate to
the designated assembly point 1 in the main playground.
If the fire alarm sounds evacuate to the designated assembly point 1 in the main playground. Use the
hut on the playground where blankets can be found.
The fire alarm will sound continuously when activated either automatically or manually. Always
respond to the alarm. Escape routes and assembly point are shown on the attached plan.
The person leading the swimming session to roll call and account for all Westfield Primary School
pool users and report to Fosse Way School’s evacuation leader.
The Site Manager or Caretaker of Fosse Way School will inform the Fosse Way School evacuation
leader if there is a fire or false alarm.
The Fire Brigade will be called by the Principal of Fosse Way School (or representative in their
absence) if there is a fire.
Do not re-enter the building until Fosse Way School’s evacuation leader has given the all clear to do
Regular (walk through) fire drills should be conducted to ensure the procedures are known by all.
You will be informed if there is to be a planned fire drill. Notes:
The main escape route from the pool hall is via the fire exit located at the end of the teaching pool. To gain
access to the assembly point in Fosse Way School’s main playground, cross through the glazed link corridor. The
doors to the corridor will be unlocked during normal school hours. There is also a key hung up by the fire exit
If an evacuation is required whilst not yet in the pool hall i.e. whilst taking shoes off in pool link corridor /
lobby then an alternitive route may be preferable. The break glass for the access controlled door release will
need to be pressed to gain access from pool lobby to the main playground. Please inform Fosse Way if you do this
so it can be reset to ensure the security and safety of pupils
External Fosse Way pool users should conduct their own risk assessments in consultation with Fosse Way
If any problems or difficulties arise during a planned or unexpected fire drill, Fosse Way School should be
informed as soon as possible via the school office in order to improve the procedures.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
After school swim lessons – Fire & Emergency Evacuation Procedures during use of Fosse Way
School’s swimming pool 16:00 – 18:00 Mon – Fri term time only
To be read in conjunction with main FEEP document
If a fire is discovered press the manual call point (break glass) located at the fire exit and evacuate to
the designated assembly point.
If the fire alarm sounds evacuate to the designated assembly point.
The fire alarm will sound continuously when activated either automatically or manually. Always
respond to the alarm. Escape route and assembly point are shown on the attached plan.
The person leading the swimming session to roll call and account for all swimmers, visitors and staff
and report to Fosse Way School’s evacuation leader.
The Site Manager or Caretaker of Fosse Way School will inform the Fosse Way School evacuation
leader if there is a fire or false alarm.
The Fire Brigade will be called by the Head of Fosse Way School (or representative in their absence)
if there is a fire.
Do not re-enter the building until Fosse Way School’s evacuation leader has given the all clear to do
Regular (walk through) fire drills should be conducted to ensure the procedures are known by all.
You will be informed if there is to be a planned fire drill.
The main escape route is via the fire exit located at the end of the teaching pool. To gain access to the
assembly point in Fosse Way School’s main playground, cross through the glazed link corridor. The doors to the
corridor will be unlocked during normal school hours. There is also a key hung up by the fire exit
If an evacuation is required whilst not yet in the pool hall i.e. whilst taking shoes off in pool link corridor /
lobby then an alternative route may be preferable. The break glass for the access controlled door release will
need to be pressed. Please inform Fosse Way if you do this so that it is reset to ensure the security and safety of
If any problems or difficulties arise during a planned or unexpected fire drill, Fosse Way School should be
informed as soon as possible via the school office in order to improve the procedures.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
External Hydro pool hirers – Fire & Emergency Evacuation Procedures during use of Fosse Way
School’s swimming pool 09:00 – 17:00 Mon – Fri
To be read in conjunction with main FEEP document
If a fire is discovered press the manual call point (break glass) located at the fire exit and evacuate to
the designated assembly point.
If the fire alarm sounds evacuate to the designated assembly point.
The fire alarm will sound continuously when activated either automatically or manually. Always
respond to the alarm. Escape route and assembly point are shown on the attached plan.
Towels should be taken to the assembly point to keep swimmers warm.
The person leading the swimming session to account for all Hydro pool users and report to Fosse
Way School’s Admin staff who will supervise the assembly point.
The Site Manager or Caretaker of Fosse Way School will inform the Fosse Way School evacuation
leader if there is a fire or false alarm.
The Fire Brigade will be called by the Head of Fosse Way School (or representative in their absence)
if there is a fire.
Do not re-enter the building until Fosse Way School’s evacuation leader has given the all clear to do
Regular (walk through) fire drills should be conducted to ensure the procedures are known by all.
You will be informed if there is to be a planned fire drill.
The main escape route is via the fire exit located at the pool lobby / entrance where shoes are
removed. If this route is not available then the fire exit adjacent or in the main pool should be used.
If an evacuation is required whilst not yet in the Hydro Pool i.e. whilst taking shoes off in pool link
corridor / lobby then the same procedures and route should be taken if safe to do so. The green access
control break glass will need to be presses. If you do this please inform Fosse Way School so it can be
reset to ensure the security and safety of pupils
If any problems or difficulties arise during a planned or unexpected fire drill, Fosse Way School
should be informed as soon as possible via the school office in order to improve the procedures.
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Fosse Way School - Fire & Emergency Evacuation procedures
To Include The Mendip School 2015-2016
Appendix 6
Fire assembly point 1—layout plan 2013
Primary pupils
Room 32
Secondary and Post 16 Tutor