16.3 Winds Notes

16.3 Winds
Explain what causes winds.
Distinguish between local winds and global winds.
Describe the major global wind belts and where they are located.
What Causes Winds?
Air is a ________ and can move easily from ______________________________.
The force that makes air move is caused by a ______________________________.
Fluids move from areas of __________________ (good weather) to areas of
_________pressure (bad weather).
Wind - _____________________________________________________________
All winds are caused by differences in _______________________.
These differences in air pressure are caused by _____________ heating of the
Measuring Wind
Winds are described by their _____________ and ______________.
Wind direction is determined with a wind ____________.
The end that points is in the _________________ of the wind.
Wind speed is measured with an _________________.
An anemometer _______________________________________________________
The wind turns the _________. A speedometer shows the _________________ that is
attached to the axle.
Wind-chill factor - __________________________________________.
Local Winds
Local winds - _______________________________________________________.
Local winds are caused by ______________________________________________.
Cool air blows inland from the _____________ and moves underneath the _______ air.
During the day, cool air moves from the ________ to the land, creating a sea ________.
At night, cooler air moves from the _____________ to the sea creating a _______
Monsoons - ____________________________________________________________
The summer monsoon in South Asia and Southeast ________is very important for the
__________ grown there. The air is very _____________________. This produces
heavy ____________ that supply water needed by ______________and other crops.
Global Winds
_________________________________________________________ are called global
Global winds are created by ________________________________ of earth’s surface.
Near the ________________, energy from the sun strikes Earth almost
______________. Near the poles, the same amount of energy is _______________ over
a larger area.
Global Convection Currents
Temperature difference produce giant _____________________ currents.
Warm air at the equator rises and ________________ at the poles.
Air pressure is ________________ at the equator and high at the _________________.
At Earth’s surface, winds blow from the ___________________________.
In the atmosphere, winds blow away from the ________________________________.
This movement causes ________________ winds.
The Coriolis Effect
Coriolis effect - ____________________________________.
It is named for the _________________ mathematician, Gaspard de Coriolis who
studied and explained it in 1835,
As Earth rotates, the Coriolis effect turns winds in the Northern Hemisphere toward the
_____________. In the Southern Hemisphere, winds curve toward the ______________.
Global Wind Belts
The major wind belts are the doldrums, horse latitudes, _________________________
Doldrums - _____________________________________________________.
Very calm winds.
Horse Latitudes
Warm air that rises at the equator divides flow both north and south.
Latitude is the ___________________________________________________.
At about ______ degrees north and south latitudes, the air stops moving toward
the poles and _______________.
In each of these regions, another belt of calm air forms.
Hundreds of years ago, sailors becalmed (To render motionless for lack of
wind) in these waters ran out of food and water for their horses and had to throw
the ______________ overboard.
Trade Winds
These steady easterly (come from the east) winds are called the ____________
_______________ at the 30 degree north and south latitudes toward the equator.
Prevailing Westerlies
the mid-latitudes, winds that blow towards the poles are turned towards the
east by the ___________________. Because they blow from the _______ to the
east, they are called the ____________________________.
Polar Easterlies
Cold air near the poles sinks and lowers back toward lower latitudes. The
Coriolis effect shifts these polar winds to the _____________, producing winds
called the polar ________________.
Jet Stream
About 10 km above Earth’s surface are bands of high-speed winds called ___________
_____________________. They are hundreds of km wide but only a few km deep. They
blow from east to west at speeds _______________ km per hour wandering north and
Airplanes are aided by a jet stream when traveling _________________.
Pilots can save ___________ and ______________ when flying east in a jet stream.
However, airplanes flying at jet stream altitude are slowed down when _____________
west against the jet stream winds.