10 February 2008 - Church of the Highlands

Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Mission Statement
“Reaching our community, America and the world for Jesus Christ.”
Memory Verse of the Week
I Thessalonians 5:16-18: – “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in
all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Charlotte Slayton – Siskin Rehabilitation for broken hip due to fall last week.
Send cards to: Siskin Rehabilitation, One Siskin Plaza, Rm. 309, Chatt., TN 37403.
Jean Earnshaw – experiencing health problems. Will receive further diagnosis
this week from tests and plan of treatment.
Winnie Clark – experiencing severe pain in legs; pray for wisdom for doctors
and strength for prescribed treatment.
Daniel & Darci Francis – in their loss as Darci suffered a miscarriage on
Monday, August 17.
Dreama Martin – foot infection and difficulty with healing due to diabetes.
Walking on her foot is limited.
Winnie Sanders – (shut-in) in Parkridge Hospital, Room 347, with pneumonia.
Wes Hughen – recent hernia surgery. Pray for fast and complete recovery.
Ben Francis – (son of Gail Francis) recovering from major back surgery.
Debbie O’Neal – knee surgery recovery. Undergoing therapy to help with
Lindsey Neff – (cousin of Jane Wilson) end stage of stomach cancer.
Olene Wallace – pray for renewed strength and energy after mild stroke.
Roberta Fritts – in rehab for arm & shoulder due to recent fall. Pray she can
return to work soon and also for full use.
Parks Dobbs – (father of Moira Smith) recently diagnosed with lung and
esophagus cancer. Pray for healing and also for his salvation.
Little Tyler Good -- Continue to pray for positive reports as they return to St.
Jude’s Hospital for periodic tests and check-ups from recent leukemia.
Bill Mattheiss – for full strength & stamina after recent major heart surgery.
Wayne Smith – recuperating at home after fall with injury to head. In rehab at
Siskin Rehab Center three days per week and is progressing in his recovery.
Everett Freeman – monthly treatments at Vanderbilt to help with food retention.
Still experiencing pain. Positive signs with weight gain and restored energy.
David Sherman – requests prayer support for his new full-time ministry in
evangelism as he witnesses and shares the Gospel.
Lawrence Barrentine – ongoing health problems related to diabetes.
Loretta Mattheiss – Recuperating from a massive stroke; having outpatient
therapy & making good progress (daughter-in-law of Bill & Winnie Mattheiss).
Syd Hogsett, Jr. – undergoing chemo for leukemia; pray for healing and full
recovery (brother of Caryl Hogsett).
Brenda Errickson – stage 3, breast cancer. Undergoing chemo and radiation
(neighbor of Howard & Sandra Seitz). Pray for full recovery from cancer.
Bettsy LaPlant – experiencing congestive heart failure (sister of Caryl Hogsett).
Bettsy lives in Grand Junction, CO
Pastor Rick White -- (close friend of Pastor Jeremy) cancer has returned.
His wife Patti was also recently diagnosed with breast cancer.
Suzi Murr (sister of Caryl Hogsett) Praise! Recent reports show no cancer.
Pray the cancer will not return.
Silas Faires --(grandson of Gail Francis) chronic muscle problem; some
progress with treatments & medical supplements. Pray for parents & doctors.
Sandy and Mark Spencer-- (family of Jean Wood) ongoing health problems
Lisa Anastas-- for strength & stamina and for her MS to stay into remission
Katie Rosenbaum – preparing for full-time missionary service In India.
Kiya Piper – preparing for 3 months of mission service in the fall to Thailand.
Prayer Requests & Health Needs (cont’d)
Dorothy Earnshaw – (mother of Jean Earnshaw) dealing with failing health
Michelle Osborne – (niece of Caryl Hogsett) brain turmor has returned
Kimberly Campbell (niece of Harry Cheruk) serious health issue
Chris Huyler (son of Todd & Tina Huyler) serving in the Marines in California
Kenneth & Sharon Mink – heath problems (family of Larry Mink)
Ruth Shook, 900 Airport Road, Lot 59, Chattanooga, TN 37421
John Thornburg, 3006 Greenwich Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37415
Praise: Our missionaries reported 769 salvations in July.
Matt & Jennifer Terry, Global Faith Mission Agency, Liberia
Russ & Lynn Turner, Global Faith Mission Agency, Costa Rica & Latin America
Church of the Highlands
6621 Hunter Road, Harrison, TN 37341
(423) 493-4111