Orientation Checklist

Appendix 8 – Orientation Checklist
For Staff Joining on a Short-Term Basis
Orientation Checklist
For Staff Joining on a Short-Term Basis
Activity Dates
Manager while at DMU
This orientation checklist is for use by a manager in the event an individual joins their
team on a short-term basis and will typically suit the following groups of staff:
Bank/casual staff
Honorary/visiting staff
Part-time hourly paid lecturing staff on a casual contract
Staff volunteers (e.g. graduation)
Work experience visitors
For information and guidance on the induction of agency members of staff (e.g.
Unitemps), please visit the Agency Worker Regulations page of the intranet.
The checklist serves as a reminder of the areas to be covered during the individual’s
first day. The items listed should be viewed as an absolute minimum; therefore
managers are encouraged to incorporate good practice from the full workplace
induction process wherever relevant and reasonably practical.
Please note, the top four health and safety items are mandatory for all individuals
and should be considered a priority during their first day, to ensure they can escape
safely in the event of an emergency and report a practice or item that is unsafe. It is
important that health and safety briefings are as interactive as possible (e.g. walk
around the building) and that managers check clarity of understanding. You may
want to discuss these with the Safety Co-ordinator/’lead’ Health and Safety Adviser
for your area.
The checklist should be completed by line managers (or faculty/directorate secretary
or administrator where relevant) during the individual’s first day. When complete,
both the line manager and individual should sign and date the checklist to confirm
what topics have been addressed.
The checklist includes links to the DMU website or staff intranet where applicable.
This form should be read in conjunction with the induction guidelines on the induction
intranet site.
Appendix 8 – Orientation Checklist
For Staff Joining on a Short-Term Basis
Actions/Points of Information
Fire safety:
 Know what action to take on discovering a fire and what to do when hearing the
fire alarm (the blue ‘Evacuation Action’ poster, where your nearest fire exit is,
who is your Fire warden, where is your assembly point and awareness of the
weekly fire alarm tests)
 Fire safety awareness training (e-learning) should be undertaken here
 N.B. A personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) may be appropriate for
individuals who have indicated they are not able to evacuate without assistance
First aid:
How to access local first aiders and assistance in the event of an emergency (your
nearest first aider and first aid box as shown on the green ‘First Aid’ poster)
How to report accidents and hazards - ‘ACE’:
 Act – if it is safe to do so, take action to make things safe
 Communicate – tell your manager
 Escalate – if necessary get specialist help (e.g. first aid, Estates & Commercial
Services, Security, etc) and report it
Safe and healthy working environment:
 Highlight the relevant safety equipment or measures put in place. These may
include local procedures/rules specific to the workplace activities (e.g. handling
waste, dealing with spills, lone working, restricted areas and supervision)
 Awareness training (e-learning) should be undertaken for (a) health and safety,
and (b) manual handling
 For staff required to use a computer or laptop, complete a workstation
assessment to ensure you are correctly set-up. These can all be accessed here
Campus/building orientation and relevant access arrangements made
Overview of university’s expectations in terms of dignified, respectful and
professional behaviour/conduct
Introduction with who the individual reports to/asks if they have any questions
Signposted to facilities (e.g. toilets, food/drink outlets, prayer rooms)
Signpost to the university’s Policy on the use of Email, Internet and Social Media
Key requirements specific to the work area (e.g. within POD, these would include
confidentiality and data protection)
DMU’s mission and vision and strategic plan
ITMS policies (e.g. bring your own device, confidentiality, email use, data
protection), helpdesk, Global Address List and Lync
People and Organisational Development: HR policies and procedures
Staff Portal: Log on and update personal details
Security facilities, including who to contact in the event of an emergency
Initial and
date when
Appendix 8 – Orientation Checklist
For Staff Joining on a Short-Term Basis
Smoking Policy and no smoking rules to be made clear
Equality and Diversity
Actions/Points of Information
Initial and
date when
Mandatory Training
It is now mandatory for all employees to complete one of the two recognised
Equality training courses
Equality and Diversity Workshop
Equality and Diversity E-learning module
Equality and Diversity (including the Policy on Equality of Opportunity in
Employment, Diversity Learning Zone and university’s E&D information pages)
Equality Consultation and Involvement Groups
DMU Policies and Procedures
The university has a set of policies that outline the various expectations and procedures that
individual employees and DMU faculties and directorates are expected to follow.
The following is a list of some of the key policies and procedures that you should be aware
of and where they can be found on the DMU website or intranet. Your line manager will
advise you where there are direct implications for work:
Actions/Points of Information
Bullying and Harassment
Equality of Opportunity in Employment
General Statement of Health and Safety Policy
Grievance Procedure
Probation Support, Review and Guidance Procedure
Policy on the use of Email, Internet and Social Media
Self Certification Absence and Occupational Health Related Illness
Code of Conduct
Initial and
date when
Appendix 8 – Orientation Checklist
For Staff Joining on a Short-Term Basis
I am signing to confirm that I have completed the topics covered in the checklist
overleaf and that I understand DMU’s policies and procedures and I have received
essential health and safety induction information, instruction, training and
I am signing to confirm that I have overseen the completion of this checklist to
ensure the employee understands DMU’s policies and procedures and has received
essential health and safety induction information, instruction, training and
The Orientation Checklist is the responsibility of the university’s Directorate of
People and Organisational Development and is reviewed regularly.