CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACISTS HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETING, 2008 SEMINAR OCTOBER 10 & 12, 2008 SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS A. HOD TO DELEGATE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUTHORITY TO CREATE GUIDELINES FOR THE COMMITTEE ON NOMINATINS Submitted by: CSHP Board of Directors Date: 1/19/08 SITUATION: Although the Committee on Nominations is under the authority of the HOD, it does not currently report to the Board of Directors. The Lack of accountability to the Board of Directors allows the Committee on Nominations to act autonomously and without input and direction from the Board. TARGET SITUATION: Committee on Nominations need to ultimately answer to the BOD. The objective is to enhance collaboration among CSHP, its regional chapters and divisions assuring that they embrace CSHP’s vision. PROPOSED ACTION: Modify CSHP Bylaws ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 10 COMMITTEE on NOMINATIONS as follow: The Committee on Nominations shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the HOD with the approval of the Board of Directors and the HOD, and shall function as a committee of the HOD. The guidelines for the operation of the Committee on Nominations will be administered by the BOD. CSHP-PACIFIC: approved not approved B. MODIFY CSHP BYLAWS ARTICLE III, PURPOSES AND MISSION STATEMENT TO INCLUDE PHARMACY TECHNICIANS Submitted by: CSHP Board of Directors Date: 1/3/08 SITUATION: Currently, technicians are excluded from the active member category. CSHP policy does not allow technicians to vote in chapter’s elections. The profession of pharmacy’s changing whereby technician roles and responsibilities are expanding; these need to be reflected within CSHP TARGET SITUATION: Encourage Pharmacy Technician membership Change how Technicians are regarded within the organization bringing a sense of equality, value, and contribution to CSHP Technician members. CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACISTS HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETING, 2008 SEMINAR OCTOBER 10 & 12, 2008 Encourage chapters to establish a Technician Liason and provide opportunities for Technicians within the Chapters. PROPOSED ACTION: Revising Bylaw, Article IV-Membership to include… “Technician Members may vote in chapter elections.” CSHP-PACIFIC: approved not approved C. REVISE CSHP BYLAWS, ARTICLE IV, MEMBERSHIP CHANGE TO INCLUDE PHARMACY TECHNICIANS MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING IN CHAPTER ELECTIONS Submitted by: CSHP Board of Directors Date: 2/11/2007 SITUATION: Currently, the membership categories that are established exclude technicians from active member category. Technicians are considered as “Associate members” TARGET SITUATION: Advocate the advancement of the role of pharmacy technicians and encourage Pharmacy Technicians membership involvement. PROPOSED ACTION: Redefine the role of Technician members as active, voting members. Technician members may be individuals who are employed or experienced as pharmacy technicians, and who support the purpose of CSHP. CSHP-PACIFIC: approved not approved D. TO ADOPT PROFESSIONAL POLICIES FROM CPHA OUTLOOK 2008 Submitted by: CSHP Board of Directors Date: 3/20/2007 SITUATION: During Outlook 2008, CPhA House of Delegates discussed 34 professional policies, 14 of which have potential to affect health-system practice that is not evident in current CSHP professional policy. TARGET SITUATION: To increase activities related to the development of professional policies. PROPOSED ACTION: CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACISTS HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETING, 2008 SEMINAR OCTOBER 10 & 12, 2008 Adopt the following CSHP professional policies as discussed and approved at the 2008 CPhA House of Delegates. CSHP supports….. 1. The inclusion of pharmaceutical care and prescription drug benefits as necessary components of all health programs. 2. Pharmacists’ voluntary involvement in Emergency Contraception programs. 3. Universal healthcare delivery and financing system, which incorporate… a. Allows the purchase of additional coverage outside the basic plan. b. An independent review board, which includes providers, to make benefit/coverage decisions. c. Reimbursement for medications and compensation for pharmacist services, such as Medication Therapy Management (MTM) 4. Marijuana as a Schedule II (from Schedule I) 5. Federally funded financial aid programs to Health Professional students 6. The development and accreditation of a Community Pharmacy Residency 7. Pharmacist role in patient consulting and adherence to medication. 8. The creation of a Third Class of Drugs a. Current legend drugs w/ low abuse potential but suitable for furnishing by pharmacist because of their background and education. b. Certain non-legend drugs for which there’ve been significant indications for abuse and self harm. 9. Drug Regimen Review a. Pharmacists, upon initiation of drug therapy and on periodic basis thereafter, review… i. All medications ordered ii. Information concerning patient’s diagnoses relating to drug therapy and iii. Medication administration records, progress notes, practitioner’s notes and consults, laboratory findings. And when necessary, pharmacist shall make interventions on behalf of the patients to optimize pharmaceutical care and therapeutic outcomes. CSHP opposes… 1. Financial incentives or mandates by prescription plans to utilize mail order. CSHP-PACIFIC: approved not approved E. TO REAFFIRM, MODIFY AND REAFFIRM, OR DELETE CSHP PROFESSIONAL POLICIES WHICH ARE FIVE (5) YEARS OR OLDER Submitted by: CSHP Board of Directors Date: 06/19/08 SITUATION: CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACISTS HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETING, 2008 SEMINAR OCTOBER 10 & 12, 2008 The Council on Professional Affairs annually evaluates CSHP professional policies five years or older to determine whether to reaffirm, modify and reaffirm, or delete the policy. TARGET SITUATION: The Council on Professional Affairs strives to maintain the relevance and applicability of CSHP professional policies that reflects current standards. PROPOSED ACTION: CSHP will reaffirm the following professional policies: 1. Physician Dispensing (#2002-03) Technicians Checking Technicians (#2003-01). Technicians can check technicians under a pharmacist’s supervision to enhance the pharmaceutical care provided by the pharmacist. 2. Guidelines and Co-sponsorship Agreements for CSHP Programs (#2003-02) CSHP, as an approved provider, may work with both providers and non-providers to create continuing education programs. CSHP, as an unapproved provider, may aid in the presentation of continuing education programs. 3. Therapeutic Interchange (#2003-04) Pharmacist may interchange drug products that have been established as therapeutically equivalent by pharmacists, prescribers, and other patient care providers as stated in policies and protocol. 4. Schools of Pharmacy: Dean Criteria (#2003-05) Criterion for the position of dean at any pharmacy school in the state of California is eligibility for pharmacist licensure to practice in California. 5. Legislative Activities – Funding (#2003-06) Funding for legislative activities will be provided for by 15% of funds allotted from budget dues for the fiscal year. Leftover funds will be designated for future legislative activities. 6. Pharmacy Personnel Infected with Blood Borne Pathogens (#2003-07) Pharmacy personnel is not required to test for blood borne pathogens (HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C), but promotes regular examinations and testing. Duties that place personnel at risk of transmission of blood borne pathogens should be avoided. Infected personnel will not be discriminated against, nor should work restrictions be made. 7. Regulatory and Legislative Goals for Professional Practice (#2003-08) Pharmacist should promotes proper use of medication. 8. Employee Assistance Programs (#2003-09) Employee Assistance Programs supports workers impaired by alcohol or drug abuse, and promotes membership and awareness in these topics. 9. Equal Quality of Care (#2003-10) Patients should receive equivalent standard of care. 10. Technician: Accreditation (#2003-12) CSHP has adopted the accreditation process to train technicians set forth by ASHP, and also notifies program directors and promotes accreditation for their programs. 11. CPhA Liaison (2003-15) CSHP will continue its formal liason relationship with CPhA. CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACISTS HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETING, 2008 SEMINAR OCTOBER 10 & 12, 2008 CSHP will reaffirm and modify the following professional policies: 1. Disclosure Policy for Board of Directors, Staff and Management Teams (#2003-13) CSHP is obligated to promote the best interest of society, to disclose interest in firms or businesses of society, to disclose receipt of payments, services, or gifts, and business dealings with relatives are prohibited. 2. Disclosure Policy for Presenters at CSHP Functions (#2003-14) 3. Patient Consultation (#2003-16) 4. ASHP: Public Relations (#2003-03) CSHP will delete the following professional policies: None have been selected for deletion. CSHP-PACIFIC: approved not approved F. TO ESTABLISH PROFESSIONAL POLICY ON THE USE OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS WITHIN THE HEALTH-SYSTEMS (SIMILAR TO THE ASHP PR POLICY #2003-03) Submitted by: CSHP Board of Directors Date: 06/19/08 SITUATION: ASHP has developed a policy on the use of herbal and dietary supplements within the health-systems. CSHP should consider adopting a similar policy regarding the use of these agents. TARGET SITUATION: To guide pharmacists on the use of herbal and dietary supplements within their practice. The policy put forth by ASHP discusses significant and essential information regarding these agents, and CSHP should adopt this complete policy. PROPOSED ACTION: Implement ASHP Public Relations Statement #2003-03 on the Use of Dietary Supplements as CSHP Professional Policy. CSHP-PACIFIC: approved not approved G. TO MODIFY PROFESSIONAL POLICY #2007-01: CONTINUUM OF CARE Submitted By: CSHP Board of Directors Date: June 19, 2008 SITUATION: The wording of the Continuum of Care Policy was modified in 2007 to create more relevance to Electronic Health Records. COPA has concluded that the Continuum of Care policy should be reinstated with original wording and change the title to Electronic Health Records. CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACISTS HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETING, 2008 SEMINAR OCTOBER 10 & 12, 2008 TARGET SITUATION: Ultimately to allow an active policy that accurately describes its intent via the change of name to Electronic Health Records and original wording. PROPOSED ACTION: Modify CSHP Professional Policy #2007-01 as follows: Professional Policy #2007-01 Electronic Health Records Continuum of Care Source: HOD 10/21/07 (Note: This policy was established by the BOD 10/26/03; modified and reaffirmed by the HOD in 2007 as 2007-01.) 1. CSHP recommends that all prescribers and pharmacies use electronic information systems (eprescribing) by 2010 with appropriate security controls that enable the integration of patientspecific data (medical history and diagnosis, discharge summaries, medication lists, etc) that are accessible in all components of the health system (acute, home health, ambulatory care, etc); further, CSHP-PACIFIC: approved not approved H. TO RE-ESTABLISH PROFESSIONAL POLICY: CONTINUUM OF CARE (PREVIOUSLY P# 2003-18) Submitted By: CSHP Board Of Directors Date: June 19, 2008 SITUATION: The wording of the Continuum of Care Policy was modified in 2007 to create more relevance to Electronic Health Records. COPA has concluded that the Continuum of Care policy should be reinstated with original wording and to change the title of Policy #2007-01 to Electronic Health Records. TARGET SITUATION: Ultimately to allow an active policy that accurately describes its intent via the change of name to Electronic Health Records and original wording. In addition, to reestablish the original policy #200318 titled Continuum of Care. PROPOSED ACTION: Reinstate Professional Policy: Continuum of Care as new Professional Policy P#2008-xx as the following: P# 2008-XX: Continuum of Care Source: HOD 10/26/03 (Note: The policy was established by the BOD 10/03 as P#2003-18, and was modified and reaffirmed by the House of Delegates as P#2007-01) CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACISTS HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETING, 2008 SEMINAR OCTOBER 10 & 12, 2008 CSHP supports pharmacists providing continuum of care between sites of care (acute, home health, ambulatory care) and among healthcare providers (e.g., physicians) for the benefit of patient care. Health-care systems should provide information to pharmacists to provide a continuum of care including, but not limited to, the following: a. Medical history and diagnosis, b. Discharge summaries, c. Medication lists, d. Laboratory tests, e. Medication allergies and intolerances f. Pertinent patient care and treatment plans. CSHP-PACIFIC: approved not approved I. THE CSHP HOD TO REVIEW RELEVANT ASHP PROFESSIONAL POLICIES ADOPTED AT THE 2008 ASHP HOD FOR ADOPTION AS OR REVISION OF CSHP Submitted by: CSHP Board of Directors Date: 6/10/2008 CURRENT SITUATION: At the January 2008 BOD meeting, administrative policy 2004-16 was amended to direct CSHP delegates to the ASHP HOD to review professional policies adopted at that meeting for possible inclusion into CSHP professional policy. Of the 24 professional policies adopted, only 9 have the potential to affect health-system practice in California and are not already captured in current CSHP professional policy TARGET SITUATION: The goal is to increase activities related to the development of professional policies and expand strategic relationships with external organizations. PROPOSED ACTION: 1. CSHP to adopt ASHP Policy Role of Pharmacy Interns a. To increase the scope of practice for pharmacy interns that is not limited to that of a pharmacy technician so as to provide work experience that will build upon pharmacy interns’ knowledge and help them develop as future pharmacists 2. CSHP recommends leaving CSHP Professional Policy # 2007-10: Technician Regulation as is 3. CSHP to Adopt Health-System Use of Medications & Administration Devices Supplied Directly to Patients 4. CSHP to Adopt Standardization of Intravenous Drug Concentrations 5. CSHP to Adopt Biological Drugs 6. CSHP to Adopt Regulation/ of Dietary Supplements CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACISTS HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETING, 2008 SEMINAR OCTOBER 10 & 12, 2008 7. Recommend revision of CSHP professional Policy # 2005-07 in favor of ASHP Policy: Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit 8. CSHP to Adopt ASHP Policy on Pharmacist’s Leadership Role in Anticoagulation Therapy Management 9. CSHP to Adopt ASHP Policy on Generic Substitution of Narrow Therapeutic Index Drugs CSHP-PACIFIC: approved not approved J. TO ADOPT ASHP POLICY POSITION 0614: SAFE DISPOSAL OF PATIENTS’ HOME MEDICATIONS INTO THE CSHP PROFESSIONAL POLICY CATALOG Submitted by: CSHP Board of Directors Date: 6/24/2008 CURRENT SITUATION: CSHP does not have a professional policy on the safe disposal of patients’ home medication. TARGET SITUATION: CSHP wants to have a clear and concise statement on the safe disposal of medications in the home. PROPOSED ACTION: Adopt ASHP Policy Position 0614: Safe Disposal of Patients’ Home Medications as written as into the CSHP Professional Policy Catalog: “CSHP supports To minimizinge the patient safety consequences and public health impact of inappropriate disposal of patients’ home medications by working collaboratively with other interested organizations to (1) develop models for patient-oriented medication disposal programs that will minimize accidental poisoning, drug diversion, and potential environmental impact, (2) advocate that the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory bodies support the development and implementation of such models, and (3) educate health professionals, regulatory bodies, and the public regarding safe disposal of unused home medications.” CSHP-PACIFIC: approved not approved K. TO ADOPT PROFESSIONAL POLICY ON E-PEDIGREE Submitted by: CSHP Board of Directors Date: 05/16/2008 SITUATION: Deadline for implementing an electronic pedigree system (to help track exchange of medications) has been further extended to 2012-2013. CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACISTS HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETING, 2008 SEMINAR OCTOBER 10 & 12, 2008 Concern is raised about its limitation and uncertainty to what the federal requirements will be. Pharmacy is concerned that differing systems will be developed requiring multiple processes and equipment to receive medications from all sources to decommission the pedigree. CSHP commissioned a task force last year to provide representation at meetings, develop a policy statement and determine an educational plan for membership. TARGET SITUATION: To have clear direction on e-Pedigree and the needs of pharmacy communities to assure a reasonable, safe, fiscally responsible, and functional system is developed. PROPOSED ACTION: CSHP advocates for improved processes to assure the integrity of medication throughout the supply chain, specifically to eliminate or minimize the persistent and increasing threat from counterfeit, misbranded, adulterated, or diverted drugs. Support the California Board of Pharmacy’s model for a comprehensive electronic pedigree system that will assist in this goal (by adopting a single process, assuring that the health-systems is an active participant in the process…etc) CSHP-PACIFIC: approved not approved L. TO ESTABLISH A PROFESSIONAL POLICY RELATING TO THE CALIFORNIA BOARD OF PHARMACY Submitted by: CSHP Board of Directors Date: 08/28/2008 SITUATION: Currently, CSHP does not have a professional policy to support the CA Board of Pharmacy but a mail ballot STP was submitted to the CSHP Board to officially approve a position TARGET SITUATION: Have a policy to support the CA Board of Pharmacy and have a robust catalogue of CSHP Professional Policies. In addition, ensure that CSHP can swiftly act on future legislation that affects the CA Board of Pharmacy. PROPOSED ACTION: Bring forward to the HOD a Professional Policy relating to the CA Board of Pharmacy. CHSP supports the following: The existence of the California Board of Pharmacy and its mission to protect and promote the health and safety of Californians; A composition of the California Board of Pharmacy that includes a majority of pharmacists from diverse practice settings (including healthsystems) and within California; The right for the California Board of Pharmacy to have the primary responsibility for electing its leadership; Open communication among California Board of Pharmacy members and the public in all settings. CSHP-PACIFIC: approved not approved