TELOMERASE and CANCER Introduction Telomeres are DNA sequences found at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes, which maintain the fidelity of genetic information during replication. Under normal circumstances the telomeres become shorter and shorter with each cycle of cell division. A sufficiently short telomere is believed to signal the cells to stop dividing. The telomerase enzyme is a ribonucleic protein that synthesizes telomeric DNA on chromosome ends. This single enzyme, telomerase, appears to be responsible for the unchecked growth of cells seen in human cancers, report researchers from the University of Texas. The finding could offer researchers an entirely new approach to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Researches An evaluation of cell lines from 18 different human tissues revealed the presence of telomerase in 98 of 100 immortal cell lines. Telomerase was not found in any of 22 mortal cell lines. Subsequent assays of tumor biopsies revealed the presence of telomerase in 90 of 101 specimens representing 12 different tumor types. None of 50 normal somatic tissue specimens tested positive for telomerase. "Telomerase appears to be stringently repressed in normal human somatic tissues but reactivated in cancer, where immortal cells are likely required to maintain tumor growth", the researchers report in a recent issue of Science. Previous attempts to measure telomerase activity in actual tumor specimens have been limited by insufficient sample sizes and insufficiently sensitive assays. The assay developed by the University of Texas researchers, called TRAP (telomeric repeat amplification protocol), should make analysis of telomerase activity in primary tumor specimens feasible, the researchers believe. The fact that telomerase appears to be expressed in virtually all advanced malignancies should lead to new diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Assays for telomerase could help clinicians determine the status of suspect tumors, while a drug that block telomerase could have significant anti-cancer effects. Curiosity A team of researchers has now identified the catalytic protein subunit of telomerase. Amazingly, the protein, called p123, closely resembles reverse transcriptase, an enzyme essential for replication of retroviruses including HIV. Reverse transcriptase facilitates the onset and spread of HIV by copying RNA into DNA and inserting it into the chromosome of hosts. Reverse transcriptase proteins can also shuffle genetic information within the cells. The researchers showed that changing even a single amino acid out of the 884 acids in the enzyme's chain prevented telomerase from working in living yeast cells. Cells carrying a mutant telomerase protein gradually lost DNA from their chromosome ends and ceased growing after about 75 generations. These changes eliminated telomerase activity in living cells and in the test tube, providing strong evidence the new protein provides the active center of the telomerase. It is a great irony that a protein essential for complete replication of chromosomes has the same detailed shape as the protein responsible for the replication of HIV. Telomerase, which has been shown to be, active in about 85 percent of cancer cells, is not found in adjacent, healthy cells, said the researchers. It may be possible to develop a drug that could "turn off" the production of telomerase in cancer cells, causing them to revert to normal activity, the researchers speculated. Conversely, treatments for AIDS targeting reverse transcriptase may prove to be useful anti-cancer agents. Homework done by: Camilo Mancera Arias