CMD PUBLICATIONS LIST 2009 Appels R. 2009. Diversity of genome research at the 2009 plant and animal genome conference. Functional & Integrative Genomics 9(1): 1-6 Benbouza H, Lognay G, Scheffler J, Baudoin JP, Mergeai G. 2009. Expression of the "glanded-plant and glandless-seed" trait of Australian diploid cottons in different genetic backgrounds. Euphytica 165(2): 211-221 Boopathi NM, Ravikesavan R. 2009. Emerging trends in enhancement of cotton fiberproductivity and quality using functional genomicstools. Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews 4(1): 011-028 Chaudhary B, Flagel LE, Stupar RM, Udall JA, Verma N, Springer NM, Wendel J. 2009. Reciprocal silencing, transcriptional bias and functional divergence of homoeologs in polyploid cotton (Gossypium). The Genetics Society of America DOI: 10.1534/genetics.109.102608 Chen D, Ding Y, Guo W, Zhang T. 2009. Molecular mapping of genic male-sterile genes ms15, ms5 and ms6 in tetraploid cotton. Plant Breeding DOI: 10.1111/j.14390523.2008.01562.x Flagel LE, Chen L, Chaudhary B, Wendel JF. 2009. Coordinated and fine-scale control of homoeologous gene expression in allotetraploid cotton. Journal of Heredity DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esp003 Gosal SS, Wani SH, Kang MS. 2009. Biotechnology and drought tolerance. Journal of Crop Improvement 23(1): 19-54 Gupta PK, Xu Y. 2009. Genomics of major crops and model plant species. International Journal of Plant Genomics DOI: 10.1155/2008/171928 Gutierrez OA, Stelly DM, Saha S, Jenkins JN, McCarty Jr JC, Raska DA, Scheffler BE. 2009. Integrative placement and orientation of non-redundant SSR loci in cotton linkage groups by deficiency analysis. Molecular Breeding DOI: 10.1007/s11032-0099266-y. Hu Y, Guo W-Z, Zhang T-Z. 2009. Construction of a bacterial artificial chromosome library of TM-1, a standard line for genetics and genomics in Upland cotton. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 51(1): 107-112 Khan AI, Fu Y-B, Khan IA. 2009. Genetic diversity of Pakistani cotton cultivars as revealed by simple sequence repeat markers. International Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biology 4(1): 21-30 Lin Z, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Guo X. 2009. A high-density integrative linkage map for Gossypium hirsutum. Euphytica 166(1): 35-45 Qian N, Zhang X-W, Guo W-Z, Zhang T-Z. 2009. Fine mapping of open-bud duplicate genes in homoelogous chromosomes of tetraploid cotton. Euphytica 165: 325-331 Song L, Guo W, Zhang T. 2009. Interaction of novel Dobzhansky-Muller type genes for the induction of hybrid lethality between Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense cv. Coastland R4-4. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 119(1): 33-41 Sun D-L, Sun J-L, Jia Y-H, Ma Z-Y, Du X-M. 2009. Genetic diversity of colored cotton analyzed by simple sequence repeat markers. International Journal of Plant Sciences 170(1): 76-82 Taliercio EW, Romano G, Scheffler J, Ayre BG. 2009. Expression of genes associated with carbohydrate metabolism in cotton stems and roots. Plant Biology DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-9-11 Wu J, Gutierrez OA, Jenkins JN, McCarty JC, Zhu J. 2009. Quantitative analysis and QTL mapping for agronomic and fiber traits in an RI population of upland cotton. Euphytica 165: 231-245 Yin JM, Chen XS, Xiao SH, Xu NY, Die JC, Liu JG, Wu QJ. 2009. Molecular mapping of a new red mutant gene (Rs) in upland cotton. Plant Breeding DOI: 10.1111/j.14390523.2008.01590.x Zeng L, Meredith WR Jr, Gutiirrez OA, Boykin DL. 2009. Identification of associations between SSR markers and fiber traits in an exotic germplasm derived from multiple crosses among Gossypium tetraploid species. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 119(1): 93-103 Zhao L, Cai CP, Zhang TZ, Guo WZ. 2009. Fine mapping of the red plant gene R1 in upland cotton. Chinese Science Bulletin 54(9): 1529-1533 Zhu HY, Zhang TZ, Yang LM, Guo WZ. 2009. EST-SSR sequences revealed the relationship of D-genome in diploid and tetraploid species in Gossypium. Plant Science 176(3): 397-405 2008 Abdurakhmonov IY, Kohel RJ, Yu JZ, Pepper AE, Abdullaev AA, Kushanov FN, Salakhutdinov IB, Buriev ZT, Saha S, Scheffler BE, Jenkins JN, Abdukarimov A. 2008. Molecular diversity and association mapping of fiber quality traits in exotic G.hirsutum L.germplasm. Genomics DOI:10.1016/j.ygeno.2008.07.013. Abdurakhmonov IY, Saha S, Jenkins JN, Buriev ZT, Shermatov SE, Scheffler BE, Pepper AE, Yu JZ, Kohel RJ, Abdukarimov A. 2008. Linkage disequilibrium based association mapping of fiber quality traits in G. hirsutum L. variety germplasm. Genetica DOI 10.1007/s10709-008-9337-8 Ali MA, Seyal MT, Awan SI, Niaz S, Ali S, Abbas A. 2008. Hybrid authentication in upland cotton through RAPD analysis. Australian Journal of Crop Science 2(3): 141149 An C, Saha S, Jenkins JN, Ma D-P, Scheffler BE, Kohel RJ, Yu JZ, Stelly DM. 2008. Cotton (Gossypium spp.) R2R3-MYB transcription factors SNP identification, phylogenomic characterization, chromosome localization, and linkage mapping. Theoretical and Applied Genetics DOI 10.1007/s00122-008-0732-4 Burger JC, Chapman MA, Burke JM. 2008. Molecular insights into the evolution of crop plants. American Journal of Botany 95(2): 113-122 Guan B, Wang K, Zhou B-L, Guo W-Z, Zhang T-Z. 2008. Establishment of a multicolor genomic in situ hybridization technique to simultaneously discriminate the three interspecific hybrid genomes in Gossypium. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50(3): 345-351 Guo Y, McCarty JC, Jenkins JN, An C, Saha S. 2008. Genetic detection of node of first fruiting branch in crosses of a cultivar with two exotic accessions of upland cotton. Euphytica DOI 10.1007/s10681-008-9809-z Han L, Xu H, Zhu J, Lou X. 2008. Analysis of genetic effects of nuclearcytoplasmic interaction on quantitative traits: Genetic models for seed traits of plants. Theor Appl Genet 116:769-776. He DH, Lin ZX, Zhang XL, Zhang YX, Li W, Nie YC, Guo XP. 2008. Dissection of genetic variance of fibre quality in advanced generations from an interspecific cross of Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense. Plant Breeding 127(3): 286-294 Hovav R, Chaudhary B, Udall JA, Flagel L, Wendel JF. 2008 Parallel domestication, convergent evolution and duplicated gene recruitment in allopolyploid cotton. Genetics Society of America DOI: 10.1534/genetics.108.089656 Hovav R, Udall JA, Chaudhary B, Hovav E, Flagel L, Hu G, Wendel JF. 2008. The Evolution of Spinnable Cotton Fiber Entailed Prolonged Development and a Novel Metabolism. PLoS Genetics 4(2): e25 Hsu C-Y, An C, Saha S, Ma D-P, Jenkins JN, Scheffler B, and Stelly DM. 2008. Molecular and SNP characterization of two genome specific transcription factor genes GhMyb8 and GhMyb10 in cotton species. Euphytica 159(1-2): 259-273 Kantartzi SK, Stewart JMcD. 2008. Association analysis of fibre traits in Gossypium arboreum accessions. Plant Breeding 127(2): 173-179 Kantartzi SK, Ulloa M, Sacks E, Stewart JM. 2008 Assessing genetic diversity in Gossypium arboreum L. cultivars using genomic and EST-derived microsatellites. Genetica DOI 10.1007/s10709-008-9327-x Langon J, Pichaut JP, Djaboutou M, Lewicki-Dhainaut S, Viot C, Lacape JM. 2008. Use of molecular markers in participatory plant breeding: assessing the genetic variability in cotton populations bred by farmers. Annals of Applied Biology 152(1): 113-119 Ma X-X, Zhou B-L, L| Y-H, Guo W-Z, Zhang T-Z. 2008. Simple sequence repeat genetic linkage maps of A-genome diploid cotton (Gossypium arboreum). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50(4): 491-502 Preetha S, Raveendren TS. 2008. Molecular marker technology in cotton. Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews 3(2): 32-45 Qin H, Guo W, Zhang Y-M, Zhang T. 2008. QTL mapping of yield and fiber traits based on a four-way cross population in Gossypium hirsutum L. Theor Appl Genet 117:883-894 Tokatlidis IS, Tsikrikoni C, Tsialtas JT, Lithourgidis AS, Bebeli PJ. 2008. Variability within cotton cultivars for yield, fibre quality and physiological traits. The Journal of Agricultural Science doi:10.1017/S0021859608007867 Wang C, Ulloa M, Roberts PA. 2008. A transgressive segregation factor (RKN2) in Gossypium barbadense for nematode resistance clusters with gene rkn1 in G. hirsutum. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 279(1): 41-52 Wang H-M, Lin Z-X, Zhang X-L, Chen W, Guo X-P, Nie Y-C, Li Y-H. 2008. Mapping and quantitative trait loci analysis of verticillium wilt resistance genes in cotton. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50(2): 174-182 Wu Z, Soliman KM, Bolton JJ, Saha S, Jenkins JN. 2008 Identification of differentially expressed genes associated with cotton fiber development in a chromosomal substitution line (CS-B22sh). Functional and Integrative Genomics 8: 165-174 Xu Z, Kohel RJ, Song G, Cho J, Alabady M, Yu J, Koo P, Chu J, Yu S,Wilkins TA, Zhu Y, Yu JZ. 2008. Gene-rich islands for fiber development in the cotton genome.. Genomics. 92(3):173-83. Xu Z, Kohel RJ, Song G, Cho J, Yu J, Yu S, Tomkins J, Yu JZ. 2008. An integrated genetic and physical map of homoeologous chromosomes 12 and 26 in Upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). BMC Genomics 9: 108 Yang C, Guo W, Li G, Gao F, Lin S, Zhang T. 2008. QTLs mapping for Verticillium wilt resistance at seedling and maturity stages in Gossypium barbadense L. Plant Science 174(3): 290-298 Zhang H-B, Li Y, Wang B, Chee PW. 2008. Recent advances in cotton genomics. International Journal of Plant Genomics DOI: 10.1155/2008/742304 2007 Abdurakhmonov IY, Buriev ZT, Saha S, Pepper AE, Musaev JA, Almatov A, Shermatov SE, Kushanov FN, Mavlonov GT, Reddy UK, Yu JZ, Jenkins JN, Kohel RJ, Abdukarimov A. 2007. Microsatellite markers associated with lint percentage trait in cotton, Gossypium hirsutum. Euphytica 156: 141-156 Abdurakhmonov IY, Kushanov FN, Djaniqulov F, Buriev ZT, Pepper AE, Fayzieva N, Mavlonov GT, Saha S, Jenkins JN, Abdukarimov A. 2007. The role of induced mutation in conversion of photoperiod dependence in cotton. Journal of Heredity 98: 258 – 266 Adawy SA. 2007. An evaluation of the utility of simple sequence repeat loci (SSR), expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and expressed sequence tag microsatellites (ESTSSR) as molecular markers in cotton. Journal of Applied Sciences Research 3(11): 1581-1588 Ahmad S, Zhang T, Islam N-U, Shaheen T, Rahman M-U. 2007. IDENTIFYING GENETIC VARIATION IN GOSSYPIUM BASED ON SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISM. Pak. J. Bot 39(4):1245-1250 Chen ZJ, Scheffler BE, Dennis E, Triplett BA, Zhang T, Guo W, Chen X, Stelly DM, Rabinowicz PD, Town CD, Arioli T, Brubaker C, Cantrell RG, Lacape J-M, Ulloa M, Chee P, Gingle AR, Haigler CH, Percy R, Saha S, Wilkins T, Wright RJ, Van Deynze A, Zhu Y, Yu S, Abdurakhmonov I, Katageri I, Kumar PA, Rahman M, Zafar Y, Yu JZ, Kohel RJ, Wendel JF, Paterson AH. 2007. Toward sequencing cotton (Gossypium) genomes. Plant Physiology 145: 1303-1310 Dong C, Ding Y, Guo W, Zhang T. 2007. Fine mapping of the dominant glandless Gene Gl 2 e in Sea-island cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.). Chinese Science Bulletin 52(22): 3105-3109 Guo W, Cai C, Wang C, Han Z, Song X, Wang K, Niu X, Wang C, Lu K, Shi B, Zhang T. 2007. A microsatellite-based, gene-rich linkage map reveals genome structure, function, and evolution in Gossypium. Genetics 176: 527-541 Guo WZ, Sang ZQ, Zhou BL, Zhang TZ. 2007. Genetic relationships of D-genome species based on two types of EST-SSR markers derived from G. arboreum and G. raimondii in Gossypium. Plant Science 172(4): 808-814 Guo Y, Saha S, Yu JZ, Jenkins JN, Kohel RJ, Scheffler BE, Stelly DM. 2007. BACderived SSR markers chromosome locations in cotton. Euphytica DOI: 10.1007/s10681-007-9585-1 He DH, Lin ZX, Zhang XL, Nie YC, Guo XP, Zhang YX, Li W. 2007. QTL mapping for economic traits based on a dense genetic map of cotton with PCR-based markers using the interspecific cross of Gossypium hirsutum W Gossypium barbadense. Euphytica 153(1-2): 181-197 Hoffman SM, Yu JZ, Grum DS, Xiao J, Kohel RJ, Pepper AE. 2007. Identification of 700 new microsatellite loci from cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Journal of Cotton Science 11(4): 208-241 Hussein EHA, Osman MHA, Hussein MH, Adawy SS. 2007. Molecular characterization of cotton genotypes using PCR-based markers. Journal of Applied Sciences Research 3(10): 1156-1169 Kebede H, Burow G, Dani RG, Allen RD. 2007. A-genome cotton as a source of genetic variability for Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54(4): 885-895 Konan ON, D'Hont A, Baudoin JP, Mergeai G. 2007. Cytogenetics of a new trispecies hybrid in cotton: [(Gossypium hirsutum L. x G. thurberi Tod.)2 x G. longicalyx Hutch. & Lee]. Plant Breeding 126(2): 176-181 Lacape JM, Dessauw D, Rajab M, Noyer JL, Hau B. 2007. Microsatellite diversity in tetraploid Gossypium germplasm: assembling a highly informative genotyping set of cotton SSRs. Molecular Breeding 19(1): 45-58 Li W, Lin Z, Zhang X. 2007. A novel segregation distortion in intraspecific population of Asian cotton (Gossypium arboretum L.) detected by molecular markers. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 34(7): 634-640 Rong J, Feltus FA, Waghmare VN, Pierce GJ, Chee PW, Draye X, Saranga Y, Wright RJ, Wilkins TA, May OL, Smith CW, Gannaway JR, Wendel JF, Paterson AH. 2007. Meta-analysis of polyploid cotton QTL shows unequal contributions of subgenomes to a complex network of genes and gene clusters implicated in lint fiber development. Genetics 176(4): 2577-88 Shen X, Guo W, Lu Q, Zhu X, Yuan Y, Zhang T. 2007. Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci for fiber quality and yield trait by RIL approach in Upland cotton. Euphytica 155(3): 371-380 Song X-L, Zhang T-Z. 2007. Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling seed physical and nutrient traits in cotton. Seed Science Research 17: 243-251 Ulloa M, Brubaker C, Chee P. 2007. Cotton. In: Genome Mapping & Molecular Breeding Vol 6: Technical Crops. P. 1-49. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, New York, Tokyo. ISBN 978-3-540-34537-4 Wan Q, Zhang Z, Hu M, Chen L, Liu D, Chen X, Wang W, Zheng J. 2007. T1 locus in cotton is the candidate gene affecting lint percentage, fiber quality and spiny bollworm ( Earias spp.) resistance. Euphytica 158: 241-247 Wang B, Guo W, Zhu X, Wu Y, Huang N, Zhang T. 2007. QTL mapping of yield and yield components for elite hybrid derived-RILs in upland cotton. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 34(1):35-45 Wang F, Stewart JM, Zhang J. 2007. Molecular markers linked to the Rf2 fertility restorer gene in cotton. Genome 50(9): 818-24 Wang K, Guo W, Zhang T. 2007. Detection and mapping of homologous and homoeologous segments in homoeologous groups of allotetraploid cotton by BACFISH. BMC Genomics 8: 178 Wang K, Guo W, Zhang T. 2007. Development of one set of chromosome-specific microsatellite-containing BACs and their physical mapping in Gossypium hirsutum L. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 115: 675-682 Wang X, Ma J, Yang S, Zhang G, Ma Z. 2007. Assessment of genetic diversity among Chinese upland cottons with Fusarium and/or Verticillium wilts resistance by AFLP and SSR markers. Frontiers of Agriculture in China 1(2): 129-135 Wu Y-X, Daud MK, Chen L, Zhu S-J. 2007. Phylogenetic diversity and relationship among Gossypium germplasm using SSRs markers. Plant Systematics and Evolution DOI: 10.1007/s00606-007-0565-7 Yang X, Zhang X, Jin S, Fu L, Wang L. 2007. Production and characterization of asymmetric hybrids between upland cotton Coker 201 (Gossypium hirsutum) and wild cotton (G. klozschianum Anderss). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 89: 225235 Yu J, Yu S, Lu C, Wang W, Fan S, Song M, Lin Z, Zhang X, Zhang J. 2007. Highdensity linkage map of cultivated allotetraploid cotton based on SSR, TRAP, SRAP and AFLP markers. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49(5): 716-724 Zhang XQ, Wang XD, Jiang PD, Hua SJ, Zhang HP, Dutt Y. 2007. Relationship between molecular marker heterozygosity and hybrid performance in intra- and interspecific hybrids of cotton. Plant Breeding 126(4): 385-391 Zhang YX, Lin ZX, Li W, Tu LL, Nie YC, Zhang XL. 2007. Studies of new EST-SSRs derived from Gossypium barbadense. Chinese Science Bulletin 52(18): 2522-2531 2006 Bertini C, Schuster I, Sediyama T, Barros E, Moreira M. 2006. Characterization and genetic diversity analysis of cotton cultivars using microsatellites. Genetics and Molecular Biology 29(2): 321-329 Blenda A, Scheffler J, Scheffler B, Palmer M, Lacape J-M, Yu JZ, Jesudurai C, Jung S, Muthukumar S, Yellambalase P, Ficklin S, Staton M, Eshelman R, Ulloa M, Saha S, Burr B, Liu S, Zhang T, Fang D, Pepper A, Kumpatla S, Jacobs J, Tomkins J, Cantrell R, Main D. 2006. CMD: A Cotton Microsatellite Database Resource for Gossypium Genomics. BMC Genomics 7: 132 Changbiao W, Wangzhen G, Caiping C, Tianzhen Z. 2006. Characterization, development and exploitation of EST- derived microsatellites in Gossypium raimondii Ulbrich. Chinese Science Bulletin 51(5): 557-561 Frelichowski JE Jr, Palmer MB, Main D, Tomkins JP, Cantrell RG, Stelly DM, Yu J, Kohel RJ, Ulloa M. 2006. Cotton genome mapping with new microsatellites from Acala 'Maxxa' BAC-ends. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 275(5): 479-491 Guo W, Wang W, Zhou B, Zhang T. 2006. Cross-species transferability of G. arboreum-derived EST-SSRs in the diploid species of Gossypium. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112(8): 1573-1581 Han Z, Wang C, Song X, Guo W, Gou J, Li C, Chen X, Zhang T. 2006. Characteristics, development and mapping of Gossypium hirsutum derived EST-SSRs in allotetraploid cotton. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112(3): 430-439 Jenkins JN, Wu J, McCarty JC, Saha S, Gutierrez O, Hayes R, Stelly DM. 2006. Genetic effects of thirteen Gossypium barbadense L. chromosome substitution lines in topcrosses with upland cotton cultivars: I. Yield and yield components. Crop Science 46(3): 1169-1178 Kumar P, Paterson AH, Chee PW. 2006. Predicting intron sites by aligning cotton ESTs with Arabidopsis genomic DNA. Journal of Cotton Science 10: 29-38 Liu D, Guo X, Lin Z, Nie Y, Zhang X. 2006. Genetic diversity of Asian cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.) in China evaluated by microsatellite analysis. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 53(6): 1145-1152 Pang C, Du X, Ma Z. 2006. Evaluation of the introgressed lines and screening for elite germplasm in Gossypium. Chinese Science Bulletin 51(3): 304-312 Percy RG, Cantrell RG, Zhang J. 2006. Genetic variation for agronomic and fiber properties in an introgressed recombinant inbred population of cotton. Crop Science 46(3): 1311-1317 Shen X, Van Becelaere G, 3, Kumar P, Davis RF, May OL, Chee P. 2006. QTL mapping for resistance to root-knot nematodes in the M-120 RNR Upland cotton line (Gossypium hirsutum L.) of the Auburn 623 RNR source. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 113(8): 1539-1549 Shen X, Zhang T, Guo W, Zhu X, Zhang X. 2006. Mapping fiber and yield QTLs with main, epistatic, and QTL x environment interaction effects in recombinant inbred lines of upland cotton. Crop Science 46: 61-66 Sun Y, Nie Y, Guo X, Huang C, Zhang X. 2006. Somatic hybrids between Gossypium hirsutum L. (4W) and G. davidsonii Kellog (2W) produced by protoplast fusion. Euphytica 151(3): 393-400 Taliercio E, Allen RD, Essenberg M, Klueva N, Henry Nguyen, Patil MA, Payton P, Millena ACM, Phillips AL, Pierce ML, Scheffler B, Turley R, Wang J, Zhang D, Scheffler J. 2006. Analysis of ESTs from multiple Gossypium hirsutum tissues and identification of SSRs. Genome 49: 306-319 Wang B, Guo W, Zhu X, Wu Y, Huang N, Zhang T. 2006. QTL mapping of fiber quality in an elite hybrid derived-RIL population of upland cotton. Euphytica 152(3): 367-378 Wang C, Ulloa M, Roberts PA. 2006. Identification and mapping of microsatellite markers linked to a root-knot nematode resistance gene (rkn1) in Acala NemX cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112(4): 770-777 Wang K, Song X, Han Z, Guo W, Yu JZ, Sun J, Pan J, Kohel RJ, Zhang T. 2006. Complete assignment of the chromosomes of Gossypium hirsutum L. by translocation and fluorescence in situ hybridization mapping. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 113(1): 73-80 Yin J, Guo W, Yang L, Liu L, Zhang T. 2006. Physical mapping of the Rf 1 fertilityrestoring gene to a 100 kb region in cotton. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112: 1318-1325 Yin JM, Guo WZ, Zhang TZ. 2006. Construction and identification of bacterial artificial chromosome library for 0-613-2R in upland cotton. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48 (2): 219-222 Ynturi P, Jenkins JN, McCarty JC Jr, Gutierrez OA, Saha S. 2006. Association of rootknot nematode resistance genes with simple sequence repeat. Crop Science 46: 26702674 2005 Abdurakhmonov IY, Abdullaev AA, Saha S, Buriev ZT, Arslanov D, Kuryazov Z, Mavlonov GT, Rizaeva SM, Reddy UK, Jenkins JN, Abdullaev A, Abdukarimov A. 2005. Simple sequence repeat marker associated with a natural leaf defoliation trait in tetraploid cotton. Journal of Heredity 96(6): 644-653 Bolek Y, El-Zik KM, Pepper AE, Bell AA, Magill CW, Thaxton PM, Reddy OU. 2005. Mapping of verticillium wilt resistance genes in cotton. Plant Science 168: 1581-1590 Dongre A, Parkhi V. 2005. Identification of cotton hybrid through the combination of PCR based RAPD, ISSR and microsatellite markers. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 14(1): 53-55 Feng C-D, Stewart JMcD, Zhang J-F. 2005. STS markers linked to the Rf1 fertility restorer gene of cotton. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 110: 237-243 Guo W-Z, Fang D, Yu W-D, Zhang T-Z. 2005. Sequence divergence of microsatellites and phylogeny analysis in tetraploid cotton species and their putative diploid ancestors. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 47(12): 1418-1430 He D-H, Zhong-Xu Lin, Zhang X-L, Nie Y-C, Guo X-P, Feng C-D, Stewart JMcD. 2005. Mapping QTLs of traits contributing to yield and analysis of genetic effects in tetraploid cotton. Euphytica 144: 141-149 Kumpatla SP, Mukhopadhyay S. 2005. Mining and survey of simple sequence repeats in expressed sequence tags of dicotyledonous species. Genome 48(6): 985-998 Lacape J-M, Nguyen T-B, Courtois B, Belot J-L, Giband M, Gourlot J-P, Gawryziak G, Roques S, Hau B. 2005. QTL analysis of cotton fiber quality using multiple Gossypium hirsutum x Gossypium barbadense backcross generations. Crop Science 45: 123-140 Lacape J-M, Nguyen TB. 2005. Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with leaf and stem pubescence in cotton. Journal of Heredity 96(4): 441-444 Lin Z, He D, Zhang X, Nie Y, Guo X, Feng C, Stewart JMcD. 2005. Linkage map construction and mapping QTL for cotton fibre quality using SRAP, SSR and RAPD. Plant Breeding 124: 180-187 Park Y-H, Alabady MS, Ulloa M, Sickler B, Wilkins TA, Yu J, Stelly DM, Kohel RJ, ElShihy OM, Cantrell RG. 2005. Genetic mapping of new cotton fiber loci using ESTderived microsatellites in an interspecific recombinant inbred line cotton population. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 274: 428-441 Rungis D, Llewellyn D, Dennis ES, Lyon BR. 2005. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers reveal low levels of polymorphism between cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56(3): 301-307 Shen X, Guo W, Zhu X, Yuan Y, Yu JZ, Kohel RJ, Zhang T. 2005. Molecular mapping of QTLs for fiber qualities in three diverse lines in Upland cotton using SSR markers. Molecular Breeding 15(2): 169-181 Song X, Wang K, Guo W, Zhang J, Zhang T, Scoles GJ. 2005. A comparison of genetic maps constructed from haploid and BC1 mapping populations from the same crossing between Gossypium hirsutum L. and Gossypium barbadense L. Genome 48(3): 378-390 Song X-L, Guo W-Z, Han Z-G, Zhang T-Z. 2005. Quantitative trait loci mapping of leaf morphological traits and chlorophyll content in cultivated tetraploid cotton. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 47(11): 1382-1390 Xiong-Ming D, Zhao-EP, Jun-Ling S, Zhong-Li Z, Bao-Yin P. 2005. Characterization of trait variations in progenies of Gossypium hirsutum transformed with the genomic DNA of Gossypium barbadense. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology 2(1): 39-45 Zhang J, Lu Y, Cantrell RG, Hughs E. 2005. Molecular marker diversity and field performance in commercial cotton cultivars evaluated in the Southwestern USA. Crop Science 45: 1483-1490 Zhang JF, Lu Y, Adragna H, Hughs E. 2005. Genetic improvement of New Mexico Acala cotton germplasm and their genetic diversity. Crop Science 45: 2363-2373 Zhang Z-S, Xiao Y-H, Luo M, Li X-B, Luo X-Y, Hou L, Li D-M, Pei Y. 2005. Construction of a genetic linkage map and QTL analysis of fiber-related traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Euphytica 144(1): 91-99 Chee PW, Rong JK, Williams-Coplin D, Schulze SR, Paterson AH. 2004. EST derived PCR-based markers for functional gene homologues in cotton. Genome 47: 449-462 2004 Gao W, Chen ZJ, Yu JZ, Raska D, Kohel RJ, Womack JE, Stelly DM. 2004. 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