Frances Nakai Skomurski - Department of Earth and Environmental

Frances Nakai Skomurski
University of Michigan
2534 C.C. Little Building
425 E. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1063
Department of Geological Sciences
Office Phone (734) 615-0656
Dept. Fax (734) 763-4690
Ph.D. Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, expected spring 2006
B.S. Geology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 2001
Wasatch-Uinta Field Camp, Park City, UT, summer 2000
Geology of Iceland Study Abroad Program, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, summer 1999
Research and Teaching Experience
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Michigan (fall 2004present) – conduct research related to mineral-surface water interactions using modeling and
microscopy techniques; help advise undergraduate research project
Graduate Student Instructor, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Michigan (winter 2004) –
lead discussion and laboratory sections for introductory geology class
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Michigan (fall 2002through fall 2003) – train and assist researchers on how to operate the scanning electron
microscope; help maintain electron microscopy laboratory facilities
Laboratory Assistant, Illinois State Geologic Survey, Champaign, IL (fall 2000-through
summer 2001) – sample preparation and processing in a stable isotope laboratory (18/16O, D/H,
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Geology, Univ. of Illinois (fall 1998-through fall
2000) - Conduct seismological research on the complex rupture associated with a large outboard
earthquake; oral presentation at AGU Fall meeting, 1999
Laboratory Assistant, Dept. of Geology, Northwestern University, (summers 1997, 1998) Field work; sample preparation and processing in a geochemistry laboratory
Professional Affiliations
Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) – member since 2002
Geological Society of America (GSA) – member since 2003
American Nuclear Society (ANS) – member since 2004
Relevant Course Work
University of Michigan: Quantum Mechanics, Mineral Surfaces, Nuclear Chemistry,
Crystallography, Environmental Soil Chemistry, Seismology, Radioactive Waste Forms,
Advanced Thermodynamics, Chemistry Methods, Isotope Geochemistry, Geochemistry of
Natural Waters, Nuclear Waste Management
Enabling our Energy Security through the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Big Ten Workshop at
Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne, Illinois, July 20-22, 2004)
Actinide Summer School at the Institute for Transuranium Elements (Karlsruhe, Germany, June
11-14, 2004)
Proficiencies: Spanish (working knowledge); familiarity with UNIX systems, Microsoft Excel
and Frontpage
Honors and Awards
Office of Civilian and Radioactive Waste Management Fellowship, U of M, 2004-2006
Scott Turner Award, Dept. of Geology Research Funding, U of M, 2003-2004
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship - Honorable Mention, U of M, 2003
GAANN Fellowship for Graduate Studies, U of M, 2001-2002
University of Illinois: Brunton Award for Outstanding Senior (2001); Estwing Pick Award
for Outstanding Junior (2000); Edwin H. Franklin Geology Field Camp Scholarship
(2000); Departmental Travel Grant (1999); Dean’s List (6 out of 8 semesters); James
Scholar (1997-1998); Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society Member (inducted 1998)
Skomurski, F.N., Becker, U., and Ewing, R.C., Quantum mechanical vs. empirical potential
modeling of uranium dioxide (UO2)-water interactions, Goldschmidt, 2004
Skomurski, F.N., Utsunomiya, S., and Ewing, R.C., Role of vein phases in immobilizing
uranium and lead released from altered betafite, GSA Annual Meeting, 2003
Skomurski, F.N., M.R. Brudzinski, and W.-P. Chen, Complex rupture associated with a large
outboard earthquake, EOS Trans. AGU, 80, F667, 1999.
H. Hidaka, J. Janeczek, F.N. Skomurski, R.C. Ewing and F. Gauthier-Lafaye (in press)
Geochemical fixation of rare earth elements into secondary minerals in sandstones beneath a
natural fission reactor at Bangombé, Gabon. Geochimica et Cosmoschimica Acta.
Geology Club President, University of Michigan, fall 2003-present
Michigan Pops Orchestra, cellist, University of Michigan, fall 2002-present
University of Illinois: Volunteer at Orpheum Children’s Science Museum (2000-2001);
Expanding Your Horizons Conference (Illinois State University, 2001); Science Outreach
Open House for High School Students (Eastern Illinois University, 2000); Geology Open
House (University of Illinois, 1999, 2000); Women’s Club Volleyball-setter (1998-1999)