Monday, June 9th, 2008 Plenary lecture Microglia

Monday, June 9th, 2008
Plenary lecture
Microglia-mediated neurotoxicity
Dr. Jau-Shyong Hong, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, USA
Modification of L-dopa and dopamine
metabolism as a basis of drug therapy
of Parkinson’s Disease:
key findings during the last 20 years
PMR – Pharmaceutical manufacturing
Core competences in
Prof. David J. Brooks (Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK)
Modification of L-dopa metabolism: benefits and problems
Prof. Jouko Yliruusi (University of Helsinki, Finland)
PMR – Pharmaceutical manufacturing research
Alan Lyles (University of Baltimore, USA)
Recent trends in pharmacoeconomics
Dr. Erkki Nissinen (Orion Pharma, Espoo, Finland)
Chemistry and biochemistry of COMT inhibitors
Prof. Kozo Takayama (Hoshi University, Tokyo, Japan)
Computer-aided design and optimisation of pharmaceutical
Anders Engström (Pricing Board, Sweden)
Swedish model
Dr. Markus Forsberg (University of Kuopio, Finland)
Physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of COMT
Prof. Jamshed Anwar (University of Bradford, UK)
(Topic related to molecular simulation)
Prof. Chuang Chiueh (Center for Brain Diseases and Aging,
Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan)
Strategies for neuroprotection
M.Sc.(Pharm) Merja H. Voutilainen (University of Helsinki,
CDNF: A novel evolutionarily concerved neurotrophic factor for
dopaminergic neurons in vivo
M.Sc.(Pharm) Marjo Piltonen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Prof. Jukka Rantanen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Dr. Tero Närvänen (Orion Corporation, Finland)
Prof. Edward Hæggström (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Short communications
Short views about situation in Finland:
Suvi-Anne Siimes, Pharma Industry Finland
Akseli Kivioja, Pricing Board, Finland
Vesa Jormanainen, Pfizer
N.N., Finnish Generic Pharmaceutical Industry
Tuesday, June 10th, 2008
Plenary lecture
Process and systems integration through minaturisation - functional tools for the future
Prof. Steven Haswell, Univ. of Hull, UK
Modification of L-dopa and dopamine
metabolism as a basis of drug therapy
of Parkinson’s Disease: key findings
during the last 20 years
Prof. Peter A. Lewitt (Wayne State University School of
Medicine, Michigan, USA)
Human pharmacokinetics of levodopa and impact of COMT
Prof. Vilho Myllylä (University of Oulu, Finland)
Clinical trials with entacapone and tolcapone
Dr. Tapani Keränen (University of Tampere, Finland)
Comparative studies of dopamine agonists and other therapies
Dr. Dag Nyholm (Uppsala university hospital, Uppsala,
Novel administration routes for levodopa and dopamine
Dr. Seppo Kaakkola (Helsinki University hospital, Finland)
Growth factors in Parkinson’s disease
Prof. Anders Björklund (Lund University, Sweden)
Gene Therapy for PD
Short communications
PMR – Pharmaceutical manufacturing
Nano- and microtechnology in
Prof. Rudolf W. Kessler (Reutlingen University, Germany)
Chemical imaging of tablets - Background, concepts and
perspectives for online control
Prof. Mark Bradley (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Hurray for the Chemical Microarray - Massive Parallel Analysis
of Proteases, Kinases and Cells on Glass Slides
Prof. Chris Vervaet (Ghent University, Belgium)
Doc. Sami Franssila (Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Finland)
Materials and technologies for analytical microsystems
Prof. Jerzy Baldyga (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
Prof. Gary Siuzdak (The Scripps Research Institute, San
Diego, USA)
Nanostructure-Initiator Mass Spectrometry
Dr. Sabir Mirza (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Recent developments in co-crystal design and pharmaceutical
Short communications
Prof. Risto Kostiainen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Microchip Ionization Mass Spectrometry in Drug Analysis
Doc. Marc Baumann (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Proteomic microchips
Short communications
Wednesday, June 11th, 2008
Plenary lecture
System thinking and the future of medicine and personal health
Prof. Jan van der Greef, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Nano- and microtechnology in
Prof. Olli Ikkala (Helsinki University of Technology)
Self-assembling nanostructures
Prof. Wim Hennink (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Nanoparticulate drug targeting systems
Prof. Stefaan De Smedt (Ghent University, Belgium)
Methods to study intracellular kinetics of nanoparticulate
Prof. Ernst Wagner (Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich,
Mechanisms of non-viral gene delivery
Prof. Rainer H. Müller (Free University Berlin, Germany)
Prof. Jouni Hirvonen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Porous silica/silicon particles
Short communications
Recent development in metabolomics,
lipidomics and proteomics
Prof. Roman Zubarev (Laboratory for Biological and Medical
Mass Spectrometry, Uppsala universitet, Sweden)
Pathway search engine for proteomics - Dream, fact or fiction?
Prof. Olli Kallioniemi (VTT, Turku, Finland)
Functional genomic technologies for genome-scale molecular
therapeutics research
Prof. Gary Siuzdak (The Scripps Research Institute, San
Diego, USA)
A metabolomics platform for discovery and diagnosis
Dr. Jules L. Griffin (Univ. of Cambridge, UK)
Following PPAR agonists by comprehensive metabolomics
Dr. Kim Ekroos (Astra Zeneca R&D, Sweden)
Applications of lipidomics in pharmaceutical R&D
Prof. Matej Orešič ( VTT, Espoo, Finland)
Systems biology in pharmaceutical R&D
Dr. Erkki J. Karjalainen (Department of Clinical Chemistry,
University of Helsinki, Finland)
Linking medicine to metabolomics and proteomics
Short communications
Green technologies and process
Prof. James Clark (University of York, UK)
Greener pharmaceuticals
N.N. (AstraZeneca International, Safety Health Environment,
Short communications
Panel discussion
Closing remarks