Further information about the set readings Peter Grundy, Doing Pragmatics, London, Hodder Education, 3rd edition, 2008. The following chapters are excluded from reading: 7, 8, 12 and paragraph 5.2.7 to par. 5.4.3 included. The parts with a grey background can also be left aside. Harold Pinter, The Dumb Waiter, London, Faber and Faber, any year (the text is also included in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol. 2) The play will be used for classroom practice (and for the exam). Lynne Truss, Eats, Shoots & Leaves, New York, Gotham Books, 2004 (for the punctuation part) To be read completely dispensa: R. Mullini (ed.), The Pragmatics of Dialogue and Conversation ‘Dispensa’ for the students of Lingua inglese, LM1, I e II years – a.a. 2010-11 – (the study of what is included here is in addition to the set readings. See notes) CONTENTS 1. Erving GOFFMAN, “The Territories of the Self”, chap. 2 in Relations in Public, New York, Harper Collins, 1971, pp. 28-61 2. Harvey SACKS, Emanuel A. SCHEGLOFF, Gail JEFFERSON, “A Simplest Systematics for the Organization of Turn-Taking for Conversation”, Language, vol. 50, n. 4, 1974, pp. 696-735 3. John L. AUSTIN, How to do Things with Words, Oxford. OUP, 1975, (Lectures VIII and IX, pp. 94-120) 4. Erving GOFFMAN, Replies and Responses, Working Papers, Centro Internazionale di Semiotica e di Linguistica, Università di Urbino, n.° 46-47, serie C, 1975 (pp. 1-17 + notes and bibliography) 5. H. Paul GRICE, “Logic and Conversation”, in P. Cole and J.L. Morgan (eds.), Syntax and Semantics, vol. 3, New York, Academic Press, 1975, pp. 41-58 6. John SEARLE, “Indirect Speech Acts”, in in P. Cole and J.L. Morgan (eds.), Syntax and Semantics, vol. 3, New York, Academic Press, 1975, pp. 59-82 7. Penelope BROWN and Steven LEVINSON, Politeness. Some Universals in Language Usage, Cambridge, CUP, 1987 (pp. 1-84; pp. 91-145, 173-227 [pp. 140-41, 148-61, 174-75, 200-01 are not included])** 8. Dennis KURZON, Discourse of Silence, Amsterdam, John Benjamins Company, 1997, (chaps. 1 and 2: pp. 19-39) ** Students are NOT required to study examples in Tamil and Tzeltal (the languages used by the authors to compare English to other languages. Most such examples have been deleted ) NOTES 1) Attending students are required to read at least ns. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 (only pp, 1-84 + p. 102 and p. 131). Non-attending students are required to read the whole ‘dispensa’. 2) The collection will be available at CUEU (P.zza Rinascimento 4) from the second week of March 2011.