Arial 10 pt, right (odd) or left (even): Particulate Systems Analysis 2008, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK 037 Nanoparticle Measurement by Spectroscopic Mie Scattering Rick Trutna, Maozi Liu, Danielle Chamberlin, Judith Hadley Agilent Technologies, 1400 Fountaingrove Parkway, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 ABSTRACT: In this paper we present a spectroscopic technique for measuring particle size. The technique utilizes a UV-Visible spectrophotometer to measure the attenuation spectrum of a particle dispersion due to scattering. Using the Mie scattering theory, we compute the particle size distribution and particle concentration that best matches the measured scattering spectrum. While the operating range is material dependent, we have found that the instrument can measure particles sizes from 10 nm to 15 microns. The technique involves minimal sample preparation and clean up, and is fast. A measurement time of less than 10 seconds allows measurement of samples where dispersion stability is an issue or when the particles are dense and the sedimentation rate make traditional measurement techniques challenging. Since the technique does not rely on observing the Brownian motion of particles, the samples may be stirred or flowed during the measurement via the use of a stir bar accessory or utilizing flow through cells. An additional advantage of the technique is the ability to measure highly concentrated colloids at or near process concentrations with no dilution. Fast measurement time enables the study of samples changing over short timescales. This information can be critical in reaction kinetic studies and aggregation studies in biological systems. As well the fast measurement time has advantages for measurement of inorganic systems. For example, the dispersion of metal powders in water has been little studied due to two major problems: the complex colloidal behavior in which not only oxidation and hydrolysis but also dissolution occurs, depending on pH and temperature, and the density of most metals that promotes fast settling. Nickel powders have a high density, so that electrostatic repulsion is not sufficient itself to overcome the tendency to settle. With further complications due to its magnetic properties, surface modification techniques utilizing steric stabilization are required to prevent agglomeration. Obtaining accurate measurements the particle size of Ni is challenging in this environment of dispersion instability. The fast measurement times of our UV-Visible particle sizing technique facilitate measurement of such unstable systems. We report experimental results comparing particle size measurements via this technique to SEM image analysis demonstrating the accuracy of the measurement. We also present experimental results demonstrating the capability of this technique to accurately measure the concentrations of populations in difficult bi- or multi-modal particle size distributions. Figures 1 demonstrates the resolution capability of the UV-Visible particle sizing instrument with a sample of equal concentrations of 200nm and 300nm polystyrene latex. Such resolution has also been demonstrated for metal nanoparticles as well - figure 2 shows the particle size distribution of an 80nm and a 150nm gold standard dispersions mixed in a 1:3 ratio. Figure 3 demonstrates the sensitivity with the detection of 5 % v/v 100 nm polystyrene latex particles in a background of 95% v/v 3 µm particles. We believe this combination of fast measurement time, high resolution, and ease of sample preparation offers distinct advantages over existing techniques and enables new measurements. Auto number pages: Arial 10 pt, right (odd pages) or left (even pages) 1 Arial 10 pt, right (odd) or left (even): Particulate Systems Analysis 2005, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK 2968 314 100 0.0020 213 0.015 Conc. (% v/v) 0.0016 0.0014 0.0012 0.0010 0.0008 0.0006 80 60 0.010 40 0.005 20 0.0004 0.0002 0.0000 10.0 98 0.000 31.6 100.0 316.2 1000.0 nm 3162.3 10000.0 Figure 1: Measurement of particle size distribution of a mixture equal concentrations 200 and 300nm nominal diameter polystyrene latex nanoparticles. 0 10 100 1000 Particle size (nm) 10000 Figure 2: Measurement of particle size distribution of a mixture of 5% v/v 100nm and 95% v/v 3um polystyrene latex particles. Blue line: absolute concentration, red line: cumulative concentration. Auto number pages: Arial 10 pt, right (odd pages) or left (even pages) 2 Cumulative % Conc. (% v/v) 0.0018