RUTH MARRION reflections

Reflections on being a BFP Representative
Ruth Marrion - Perth, WA
Before I came across Bridges for Peace the Lord had in 1969 given
me a love for Israel and I was already networking with other people
who shared the same appreciation for Israel’s unique role in our day, and who loved the Jewish
people. This is something that God does when people feel the need to go further in understanding
what the Father has on His heart.
In 2004 I offered to host some of the visiting Australian Bridges for Peace team, shared with them
what I was doing, and was invited to consider becoming a Bridges for Peace representative. Two
weeks later I was on my way to Jerusalem to take part in the first International Representatives
Training Institute! We were taught by speakers in the forefront of Israeli society, by staff of the
International Office, and by National Directors from several countries in the International
We travelled the country not just to experience the expected
tourist attractions, but also visited a kibbutz and yeshiva in
the mountains of Judea. We talked to soldiers at an Israeli
Defence Forces base charged with reducing terror attacks
coming from the Jenin area of the Palestinian territories.
2007 BFP Australian tour group at
the Janusz Korczak memorial at Yad
Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and
Heroes' Remembrance Authority
And at Yad Vashem we heard the story of a Righteous
Gentile whose family suffered during World War Two for
helping Jews to survive, and have now been brought to live
in Israel where they have adopted Judaism as their way of
life. This was a very rewarding time of training.
On my return I was encouraged by my own pastor, and
began to hold “Bless Israel Days” in Perth and in Bunbury,
for people in churches to become aware of Israel’s needs
and the work of Bridges for Peace. I have started a small prayer group which uses the monthly
Chai prayer points to guide how we pray.
I have recruited several other representatives
who are finding that the ministry of Bridges
for Peace is immensely satisfying personally,
even though its challenges at times can seem
We support one another and are all studying
the National Training Course that Australia’s
National Director has made available to us, so
that we are better equipped to support Israel in
our conversations with church members and
even pastors.
WA BFP team and others during Becky Brimmer’s
Australian tour last year
It is a joy to give personally to the work in Israel, and to encourage others to “bless Israel”. We
have a wide range of resources and as I speak in churches about Bridges for Peace, and its role in
helping the Church to reconnect to her Jewish roots, I find there is a hunger to know more which
our resources can meet.
I have been
able to make
contact with
Jewish people
here in Perth,
and find we have much in common to talk about. I have discovered where there are Jewish people
in my area, and asked God to open doors for me to meet them and form relationship with them.
It is exciting to find that God works with us in the ministry, giving ideas and opening doors for us
which draw on our own capabilities. When I first became interested in Israel I had few people to
connect with, but now I have a huge network of people who have the same heart.
So what does a Bridges for Peace representative actually do? Of course, the answer will vary with
each individual, and the extent of involvement will depend upon each person’s time availability.
And of course, people grow in the role as God leads them.
It is a volunteer position, with the primary responsibility of representing BFP to the wider church
community in a specific town, city area or state region. The person does not represent any other
organisation at the same time, but can work in with other organisations which support Israel if
deemed appropriate by the National Director.
The representative does personally what he/she hopes others will do, so as led by the Lord sows
into the work of BFP locally and nationally. Depending upon personal circumstances, this will
involve a mix of time commitment, prayer and financial support.
As the National Office sends funds to Israel, the representative is
encouraged to communicate the needs of Israel and the BFP
response to those needs in both written letters (eg to local
newspapers) and where possible through articles, and as a
speaker in home groups, women’s or men’s gatherings, mission
displays and in church meetings as opportunities arise.
The representative contacts local pastors to discuss how best to promote BFP’s ministry in the
area, and endeavours to arrange a schedule of meetings for the year around the area, utilising the
meeting types that have been productive in other countries, such as Chai prayer groups, Bless
Israel days, dessert evenings, etc.
A particular responsibility is to establish and
develop relationships with local pastors and church
leaders in such a way that pastors forums/seminars
with the National Director as speaker can be
planned and promoted.
My home church in Perth - “The White House”
The promotion of the BFP Tour programme for
adults and young people is always foremost in the
representative’s mind. It is often as a result of a visit to Israel that future representatives and key
contacts for Bridges for Peace are raised up.
An important task is to develop a data base of people who love Israel, and another of interested
churches, both of which can be used for email contact and advertising as well as for snail mail.
These are continually being developed as a vital resource.
Of fundamental importance is the basic training provided by the National Director so that the
representative is able to adequately discuss all the issues
relating to Israel’s history, existence and current
situation, and why every Christian should care about
As a Bridges for Peace representative, backed up by the
team in the National Office, I have entered a most
satisfying and exciting phase of my walk with Jesus,
serving Him as I serve His brethren. In turn I have been
richly blessed.
Ruth Marrion
Perth - July 2007
The BFP Aussie 2007 Israel tour group
in front of the Menorah outside the
Knesset (Israeli parliament)
You are invited to contact our Australian national office (1800-000661)
if you would like to find out how you can be involved with Bridges for Peace
either as a representative or in some other capacity
Ruth Marrion, husband Tony and National Director Keith Buxton in Perth