BUSHFIRE HAZARD PRACTITIONERS Practitioners who are regarded as either Provisionally Accredited or who have been accredited who undertake assessments. BFP – P = Provisionally Accredited for all work ACCREDITED SCOPE OF WORK 1. 2. 3A. 3B. 3C. 4. Certify a Bushfire Attack Level Assessment for Building Work Certify an Exemption from a Bushfire Hazard Management Plan (Clause E1.4 of the Bushfire–Prone Areas Code) Certify a Bushfire Hazard Management Plan meets the Acceptable Solutions for Buildings or Extensions (Clauses E1.5, E1.6.2, E1.6.3, E1.6.4 and E1.6.5 of the Bushfire-Prone Areas Code) Certify a Bushfire Hazard Management Plan meets the Acceptable Solutions for small subdivisions (less than 10 lots or a single stage) (Clause E1.6.1 of the Bushfire-Prone Areas Code) Certify a Bushfire Hazard Management Plan meets the Acceptable Solutions for large subdivisions (minimum of 10 lots or multiple stages) (Clause E1.6.1 of the Bushfire-Prone Areas Code) Certify a Bushfire Hazard Management Plan meets the Performance Criteria (Clauses E1.5 & E1.6 of the Bushfire-Prone Areas Code) ACCREDITATION NUMBER (BFP - ) ACCREDITED SCOPE OF WORK P/COD E WORKS IN NORTH ? Ian BFP - P William BFP - P LAUNCESTON 7250 Yes LAUNCESTON 7250 BARNES Gabriel BFP - 101 Yes 18 Mulgrave Street SOUTH LAUNCESTON 7250 BLOWFIELD Jacqui Yes 49 Tasma Street NORTH HOBART 7000 CASHION Yes 0487 476 479 PO Box1027 LAUNCESTON 7250 Yes 6261 8528 PO Box 595 NEW NORFOLK TAS 7140 nick@larkandcreese.com.au 0429 879 023 PO Box 136 KINGSTON 7051 phcuthbertson@gmail.com 0438 782 653 PO Box 240 HUONVILLE 7109 Design Carvalho Pty Ltd riq@optusnet.com.au 0427 697 222 933 Cloudy Bay Road LUNAWANNA 7150 Principal Consultant Onto It Solutions ccdraffin@iinet.net.au 0418 833 881 PO Box 107 ST HELENS 7216 Yes Provisional Environmental Scientist Pitt & Sherry ldrummond@pittsh.com.au 6210 1471 PO Box 94 HOBART 7001 Yes BFP - P Provisional Building Designer Onshore Designs onshoredesigns@bigpond.com 0429 901 003 56a Main Road ST MARYS 7215 Yes Wayne BFP - P Provisional Designer Wayne Edser Builders wayne.m23@hotmail.com 0409 728 684 31 Taree Crescent GRAVELLY BEACH 7276 Yes EDWARDS Keith BFP - P Provisional Building Surveyor Castellan Consulting Pty Ltd keith.edwards@castellan.com.au 6231 2360 GPO Box 2030 HOBART 7001 Yes FERGUSON Anthea BFP - P Provisional Consultant Natural Values Consulting anthea.fergusson@gotalk.net.au 0427 573 565 PO Box 610 SMITHTON 7330 Yes FLORUSSE Mark BFP - 111 1, 2, 3A Manager Tasman Property Services mflorusse@westnet.com.au 0418 123 703 36 Harpers Road BONNET HILL 7053 FOLO Jason BFP - P Provisional Building Surveying Technician Protek Building Surveying jfolo@protekco.com.au 6332 3700 10 Goodman Court INVERMAY 7248 Yes GIFFORD Suzie BFP - 103 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C Associate Gifford Building Design gifford.architecture@skymesh.com.au 6266 4617 386 Bakers Creek Road LUCASTON 7109 Yes GOODSELL Andrew BFP - 104 1, 2, 3A,3B, 3C Principal Town and Country Planning Pty Ltd agoodsell@tcptas.com.au 6229 7177 6/7 John Street KINGSTON 7050 Yes GREEN Rebecca BFP - 116 1, 2, 3A, 3B Senior Planning Consultant Planning Development Services rgreen@planningds.com.au 0400 058 958 PO Box 378 LAUNCESTON 7250 Yes HARRISON Miles BFP - P Provisional Principal Engineer SEMF Pty Ltd miles.harrison@semf.com.au 0409 790 938 162 Macquarie Street HOBART 7000 HAYMAN Michelle BFP - 117 1, 2, 3A Ecological Consultant Practical Ecology Pty Ltd michelleh@practicalecology.com.au 0447 447 587 PO Box 321 PENGUIN 7316 HAYWOOD Bruce BFP - 121 1, 2, 3A Consultant Land Advice Bruce@landadvice.com.au 0419 155 018 38 Proctors Road SANDY BAY 7005 IHNEN Jake BFP - P Provisional Building Services Coordinator Break O'Day Council jake.ihnen@bodc.tas.gov.au Georges Bay Esplanade ST HELENS 7216 JORGENSEN Eli BFP - P Provisional Owner EJGI dirtbuildingdesign@hotmail.com 0408 056 040 6 Hilltop Place DODGES FERRY 7173 KING Leon BFP - P Provisional Principal crownconaudit@bigpond.com 0419 964 317 104 Elizabeth Street LAUNCESTON 7250 Yes KNIGHTLEY Risden BFP - 115 1, 2, 3A Director Crown Consulting, Auditing & Training P/L RJK Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd rjkmail@netspace.net.au 0400 642 469 PO Box 128 PROSPECT 7250 Yes LIVINGSTON Scott BFP - 105 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C Natural Resource Management Consultant AK Consultants scott@AKConsultants.com.au 40 Tamar Street LAUNCESTON 7250 Yes MCCOULL Colin BFP - P Provisional Consultant PO Box 1 NEW TOWN 7008 MCDERMOTT Danny BFP - P Provisional Building Consultant Castellan Consulting danny.mcdermott@castellan.com.au GPO Box 2030 HOBART 7001 MENADUE Rhys BFP - 106 1, 2, 3A Building Surveyor Tech. Bushfire Prone Development Solutions rhmenadue@gmail.com 0407 595 317 14 Reynolds Court DYNNYRNE 7005 MURPHY Ross BFP - 122 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4 Building Surveyor Castellan Consulting Pty Ltd ross.murphy@castellan.com.au 0447 710 152 GPO Box 2030 HOBART 7001 Yes MURPHY Aaron BFP - P Provisional Technician Castellan Consulting aaron.murphy@castellan.com.au 6291 2360 GPO Box 2030 HOBART 7001 Yes NICKERSON Jason BFP - P Provisional Building Designer Pinnacle Drafting & Design jason.alb@bigpond.com 4/5 Runway Place CAMBRIDGE 7170 O'CONNOR Tom BFP - 107 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C Town Planner Johnstone McGee & Gandy Pty Ltd toconnor@jmg.net.au 6231 2555 117 Harrington Street HOBART 7000 POORTENAAR Carolyn BFP - P Provisional Director Poortenaar Consulting Pty Ltd carolyn@poortenaarconsulting.com.au 6266 4708 77 Banksia Road MOUNTAIN RIVER 7109 RANDAZZO Kendra Owner Kendra Randazzo Building Design krbd@bigpond.com 0498 060 435 8 Tenth Avenue DODGES FERRY 7173 SMEE Adam adam@southernplanning.com.au 0404 439 402 131 Roslyn Avenue BLACKMANS BAY 7052 SMITH SURNAME FIRST NAME ABERNETHY ARMSTRONG POSITION ORGANISATION E-MAIL ADDRESS Provisional Planning Manager Pitt & Sherry iabernethy@pittsh.com.au Provisional Surveyor Cohen & Associates Pty Ltd bill@surveyingtas.com.au 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C Building Surveyor Castellan Consulting & GB Building Surveying gabriel@gbbuildingsurveying.com.au 0438 134 072 BFP - 102 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C Planner Ireneinc Planning jacqui@ireneinc.com.au Justin BFP - 112 1, 2, 3A, 3B Director Ground Proof Mapping Pty Ltd justin@groundproofmapping.com.au CLARK David BFP - P Provisional Building Surveyor & Compliance Officer Derwent Valley Council building@dvc.tas.gov.au CREESE Nick BFP - 118 1, 2, 3A, 3B Manager Lark & Creese CUTHBERTSON Philip BFP - P Provisional Principal Philip Cuthbertson Architectural Drafting Design Services DE CARVALHO Riq BFP - P Provisional Architect DRAFFIN Chris BFP - 114 1, 2, 3A DRUMMOND Linda BFP - P EASTWOOD Michael EDSER colin.mccoull@gmail.com PHONE ADDRESS SUBURB 6323 1943 113 Cimitiere Street 0409 865 129 103 Cameron Street 6234 9281 6376 7900 6334 1033 0400 868 414 6291 2360 0488 235 786 Yes Yes Yes BFP - P Provisional BFP - 120 1, 2, 3A Tammy BFP - P Provisional Consultant Steven Penton Building Design tammy.smith@skymesh.com.au 6428 6634 PO Box 1218 DEVONPORT 7310 STRUGNELL Andrew BFP - P Provisional Owner Another Perspective anotherp@me.com 6231 4122 PO Box 21 NEW TOWN 7008 VAN DEN BERG Mark BFP - 108 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C Principal MRH Environment & Resource Planning mark@mrherp.com.au 0407 294 240 76 Bennetts Road MOUNTAIN RIVER 7109 VAN ZETTEN Jason BFP - 113 1, 2, 3A Director Urban Design Solutions jason@urbantas.com.au 0413 552 643 262 York Street LAUNCESTON 7250 Yes VON KRUSENSTIERNA Axel BFP - 100 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C Principal AVK Environmental Management avkem@optusnet.com.au 0412 141 955 553 Dorans Road SANDFORD 7020 Yes WALTERS Sam BFP - P Provisional Geotechnician Aldanmark Consulting Engineers SWalters@aldanmark.com.au 0438 559 371 65 Murray Street HOBART 7000 WARREN Shane BFP - P Provisional Planning Co-ordinator Devonport City Council swarren@devonport.tas.gov.au 6424 0537 44-48 Best Street DEVONPORT 7310 WELLING Andrew BFP - P Provisional Principal Ecologist Welling Consultants awelling@bigpond.net.au 0400 151 205 434 Van Morey Road MARGATE 7054 WESTCOTT Michael BFP - P Provisional Owner Hobart Building Assessment Services mick.westcott@bigpond.com 0407 796 978 583 Nelson Road MT NELSON 7007 WILLIAMS Gary BFP - 109 1, 2, 3A Building Designer G.J Williams Drafting Service gjwdrafting@westnet.com.au 0428 396 159 995 Pelverata Road PELVERATA 7150 WILSON Wayne BFP - 110 1, 2, 3A Buildng Surveyor Maraway Building Services Pty Ltd admin@maraway.com.au 0487 343 310 7 Marlborough Street LONGFORD 7301 Yes WOOD Jamie BFP - 119 1, 2, 3A, 3B Principal Consultant SEAM (Environmental Health Services (Tas) P/L) james.wood@seam.com.au PO Box 2064 LOWER SANDY BAY 7005 Yes Planning Consultant LAST UPDATED: 19/02/2014 6228 1600 Yes Yes