EMULATE Report D11: Surface Temperature Anomalies and SLP Cluster Association Pascal Yiou, Nicolas Fauchereau Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, UMR CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, Gifsur-Yvette, France Introduction The goal of this deliverable is to determine patterns of co-variations between pressure and temperature patterns over the last 150 years. Since we are dealing with non-Gaussian and qualitative variables (the cluster attribution is a qualitative discrete variable), we opted here for a statistical methodology that is not based on the conventional linear correlation. This brings a more accurate picture of the cluster/temperature association than a correlation between seasonal averages of cluster frequencies and temperatures because it accounts for the information contained in the daily data. Datasets We used the seasonal clusters of sea-level pressure (SLP) from the EMSLP data set obtained by Andreas Philipp, and the daily mean temperature (TG) of the ECA dataset. We considered three-month seasons (MAM, JJA, SON, DJF) for SLP clusters and surface temperature. Daily temperature anomalies were estimated from an estimate of the daily seasonal cycle from 1961 to 1990. The association between SLP clusters and temperature was hence done on temperature anomalies, to avoid seasonal drifts during MAM and SON. The number of regimes varies from one season to another, as obtained by A. Philipp (Deliverables D5 & D6) as shown in Table 1. Season months Number of clusters MAM 11 JJA 6 SON 8 DJF 9 Table 1: Number of clusters for each season obtained by A. Philipp with a simulated annealing method on the EMSLP dataset. In the ECA data set, we kept the station records that start before 1900 and that have less than 20% of missing or questionable data. Thus we kept 76 stations out of 288. Methodology Correlations For each regime (and each season), we computed the correlations (Pearson and Spearman) between the regime frequencies and the anomalies mean temperature TG. We focus on the Spearman correlation (or rank correlation), which is more appropriate here since the regime frequencies are discrete variables and a priori do not follow a Gaussian distribution. The main caveat of the correlation plots is that some SLP clusters are very rare during the 20 th century, which leads to very few different values of cluster frequencies. Thus, the correlation results with “rare” clusters should be taken with caution. Regime-Temperature association For each station and each season, we determined the 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100th quantiles of temperature anomalies. Therefore we can define five categories of temperature anomalies: “very cold”, “colder than normal”, “median”, “warmer than normal”, “very warm”. Those five categories have the same probability of occurrence, namely 20%. The temperatures associated with the quantiles are, of course, variable from one station to another, but the quantile occupation is a more robust diagnostic. For each season, each station and each quantile of temperature, we determined the number of days spent in each SLP cluster. Thus, for each season and each station, we obtain a contingency table connecting the frequency of clusters with the temperature anomalies. For example, the Paris Montsouris station in JJA yields the following contingency table (Table 2). Very cold Cold Median Warm Very warm Cluster 1 548 667 693 606 539 Cluster 2 471 515 569 748 908 Cluster 3 618 439 356 285 272 Cluster 4 246 228 208 154 89 Cluster 5 33 58 85 105 103 Cluster 6 6 5 7 4 2 Table 2: Number of days spent in each cluster of SLP and each quantile category of TG anomalies in Paris (Montsouris) in the Summer (JJA). The numbers in bold indicate the maximum for each row and indicates the optimal temperature range for each cluster. In the end, we determine the most probable quantile of temperature for each cluster. This operation makes the association between clusters and temperature anomalies regardless of the relative frequency of each cluster. This approach generalizes the one of Yiou and Nogaj (Geophys. Res. Lett., 2004) who mainly focused on extreme quantiles (above the 90 th and below the 10th quantiles). Results The correlations show some spatial coherence, although they are generally very small and barely significant for MAM, JJA and SON seasons (Figure 1 to Figure 4). As expected, the significance levels increase during the winter. Winter (DJF) regimes 1 and 5 have the highest correlations with temperatures. Those correspond to regimes of the positive phase of the NAO, and an Atlantic ridge and a Siberian high. For all seasons, we observe an interesting spatial coherence of the cluster/TG association, with north-south and east-west gradients (Figure 5 to Figure 8). This association seems to be enhanced for “very cold” or “very warm” anomalies, which is surprising because all quantile categories are equiprobable. The spatial patterns are rather similar to those identified by correlation, but they have more contrast, especially over stations where correlations are weak or not significant. The association analysis emphasizes that short-lived events (i.e. a few days) of cold or warm temperatures may have little impact on the seasonal mean. For instance, cluster No. 6 in JJA favours “on average” colder temperatures, but it has a rather low frequency, and 7 times out of 24 (i.e. a relative majority), temperature will be in the median quantile in Paris. Figure 1: Spearman (rank) correlation coefficient between regime frequency and temperature for the Winter (DJF) season. Figure 2: Spearman (rank) correlation coefficients between regime frequency and temperature for the Spring (MAM) season. The colour codes indicate the correlations for each station. Figure 3: Spearman (rank) correlation coefficients between regime frequency and temperature for the Summer (JJA) season. Figure 4: Spearman (rank) correlation coefficient between regime frequency and temperature for the Autumn (SON) season. Figure 5: Association between SLP clusters and TG anomalies in the winter (DJF). Figure 6: Association between SLP clusters and TG anomalies in the spring (MAM). Figure 7: Association between SLP clusters and TG anomalies in the summer (JJA). Figure 8: Association between SLP clusters and TG anomalies in the autumn (SON).