CAMEL Module #4 - Global Average Temperature (LAB) Module Title Summary Short Description Global Average Temperature: A Centuries Data, a Contemporary Debate In this lab, students learn how to examine the global temperature record from 1880 to present. Students probe long-term trends and shorter-term temperature changes. Through this lab, students will understand how to seek out and find the effects of climate shifts and mechanisms of natural variability on Earth’s surface temperature. In addition, as either a component of the lab or as a linked activity delivered in a separate module, students will debate global warming. Is globally averaged temperature changing enough to demonstrate that humankind is modifying Earth’s climate? Should scientists be actively designing mitigation and adaptation strategies? Develop the skills necessary to evaluate global average temperature. Debate the significance of temperature variations on climate change. Image Learning Goals Students will learn the following: To analyze temperature data for magnitude, significant fluctuations over a century To review major global temperature events - volcanic eruptions and El Nino years - and evaluate their significance To plot and examine global temperature trends as well as hemispheric/regional temperature changes To use GISS to explore spatial and temporal temperature trends Context for Use Description and Teaching Materials To effectively argue whether or not global climate change is real or ephemeral The format suggested for this lesson is a lab based course. Since it requires no laboratory equipment, the class size can range from a small student seminar to a medium sized lecture hall. The only mitigating factor related to class size is the necessity for each student (or perhaps pairs if the instructor elects to make the lab report a paired activity) to have a computer terminal. The class does not need to have a SmartBoard or LCD projector, since the lab work will be conducted at individual computers, but access to multimedia equipment is preferred (particularly when guiding setup for GISS mapping). The lab component will take at least one hour, but more than likely ninety minutes. The debate, therefore, would have to be a separate activity (depending upon the time of the class - if it’s a three credit hour class, it would vary from two to three hour meetings per week). A basic understanding of global climate and climate change is necessary. Instructors should review Columbia University’s Earth Environmental Systems Climate (EESC) course lectures Climate Change Part I and Climate Change Part II. Description and Teaching Materials: The structure and primary components making up this lab lesson are sourced from the EESC course, Lab # 8: Globally-Averaged Temperature. Prior to lab, an introduction to the lab provides students with a review of the key terminology necessary for understanding the content as well as how to write-up the report. It’s recommended that professors/instructors. Key terms include: temperature record, climate forcing, natural variability, and regional differences. The lab itself is composed of three sections and seven tasks. Below is a brief summation of each: A. Fluctuations of the global climate Task 1: After downloading the data file, students select ten nonsuccessive years at random from the global temperature column and compare the data for each year to that of the following year selected (for example, 1871 to 1872, 1925-1926, etc.). Note the typical magnitude from year to year, the number of times temperature increases/decreases year-to-year, the five warmest/coldest years on record. What is the typical magnitude (i.e., ignoring the sign) of year-to-year global temperature changes? Of your 10 years, how many times did the temperature increase/decrease in the following year? What are the 5 warmest years in the record? The 5 coldest? Have we come anywhere close to having one of the coldest years in the record during your lifetime? Task 2: Students choose three volcanic eruptions since 1880 from a list provided and plot a graph of the average annual global temperature from one year prior to the eruption to five years afterward. Then answer: (a) what is the typical magnitude and sign (warming or cooling) of the effect of volcanoes on global climate (EESC, Lab #8) (b) estimate how long a volcanic eruption affects global temperature based on the years plotted. Task 3: Using a list of El Nino years in recent times, students select three (excluding those during the year of a major volcanic eruption). 1883 Krakatau 1890 Unidentified 1902 Soufriere/Pelee 1902 Santa Maria 1912 Katmai 1963 Agung 1968 Fernandina Island 1982 El Chichon 1991 Pinatubo Using the 1992 Pinatubo eruption and two others chosen from the dates above, plot the average annual global temperature from one year prior to the eruption and 5 years afterward. This will give you one graph with three time series. (Remember that for this lab, you will put all graphs that you made in Excel into your lab report.) What is the typical magnitude and sign (warming or cooling) of the effect of volcanoes on global climate? Estimate how long a volcanic eruption affects global temperature based on the years that you have plotted. Task 3: Following is a list of El Niño years in recent times: 1951, 1953, 1957, 1963, 1965, 1969, 1973, 1977, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1997-1998, 2002-2003, 2006-2007. (For El Niño events starting near Christmas time, the following year is listed, since that is when the peak temperature anomaly usually occurs.) Choose three El Niño events (not ones that occurred during the year of a major volcanic eruption, shown above in bold) Note the average annual global temperature for the El Niño year, for the year before the El Niño year, and for the year after the El Niño event (no graph needed here). Can El Niño be detected in the global temperature even though it is essentially a tropical phenomenon? What is its general effect on global temperature (warming or cooling)? B. Global Temperature Trends Task 4: Plot global temperature vs. time for the years 18802009. How would you describe the general appearance of this plot? Describe the major features of the global temperature time series. Now add a trendline to the plot. What is the warming trend in °C per century? Make an additional plot of annual global temperature vs. time for only the years 1975-2009 and add a trendline. How does the slope compare to the one you determined for the 1880-2009 period? Does the rate of warming appear to be increasing or decreasing during the period of observational record (look at the linear slopes you just calculated)? C. Hemispheric and Regional Temperature Changes Task 5: Make a plot of the annual temperature time series in the Northern and Southern hemispheres from 1880-2009. Add trendlines to both plots. Compare the warming trends (in °C per century) to what you determined for the globe (from Task 4). Does one hemisphere warm faster than the other, or do both warm at equal rates? (Be sure to look at the second half of the 20th century). Task 6: Go to the GISS website and click on the "Global Maps" link on the right side of the browser window. After clicking on the link, you will be shown a field of tabs that should be changed to give the following configuration. Once you have made the correct tab selections, click on “Make Map” to observe the spatial trends in temperature from 18802009. Describe what you see, focusing on areas where the most warming has occurred (areas with more than 2 °C warming). Have the landmasses or oceans warmed more over the observational period? Estimate the average warming of landmass versus ocean. What is the difference? Next, go back to the front page for the GISS dataset in a new browser window. Click on the link to the “Time Series of Zonal Means.” Click on the “Show Map” button to plot the zonal means of the instrumental data. Compare the anomalies map (top) to the plot of zonal means (bottom). Does the zonal means plot tell a similar story about the regions where the most warming has occurred? Task 7: Now consider the El Niño years that you investigated in Task 3. Pick two years that you would like to investigate from the list, but exclude from your choices those events that are split between two calendar years. Go back to the setup page for the global maps and reconfigure your tabs to look as follows (this is an example for 1977): For each of the El Niño events that you have picked, make a global map for that year. For comparison, make a map of the year directly following each El Niño event as well. Please include these maps in your report (four total). What are the most striking features that are generally shared in both of the El Niño events you have investigated? Post Tasks: If time allows, or as spiraling activity taking place in the subsequent class, debate global climate change. The central debate question would be: are humankind’s activities modifying the earth’s climate? The discussion questions could be separated and converted into pro and con points. Basic classroom debate rules, protocol (including suggested classroom setup), roles and an intro for students can be found at the classroom resources site listed below. Discussion questions: Does it seem possible to predict whether next year is going to be warmer than this year globally? Why or why not? What are the observed effects of volcanoes on the climate system? How do these effects vary spatially and temporally, and why? Why do the Northern and Southern Hemispheres have different warming rates? Describe the major forcings that affect the region where the most warming has occurred (from Task 6) focusing on what makes this area particularly sensitive. What anthropogenic and natural factors could influence the amount of global warming over the coming century? How many years would you estimate are necessary to get an accurate picture of warming over the 20th century? Explain your reasoning. Are there features that you can say are unique to the El Niño events and others that might be harder to specifically ascribe to an El Niño event? Explain your reasoning. Are there features that you can say are unique to the El Niño events and others that might be harder to specifically ascribe to an El Niño event? Explain your reasoning. Below are the links for source material and resources: EESC course page: GISS: Debate materials: html Handouts and Directions: Lab instructions (including data, GISS screenshots) Debate instructions (if applicable) Background Information for instructors/TAs: Instructors/TAs may find it useful to refer to the following EESC course materials: Climate Changes: Past, Present, and Future Part I Climate Changes: Past, Present, and Future Part II Lab #8 Globally-Averaged Temperature Introduction Equipment/Supplies: Data Lab Computer lab or moveable laptops with Internet access and Excel. LCD projector Handouts - lab instructions and data “Writing a Lab Report” (should have already been disseminated) Teaching Tips and Notes Assessment References and Resources Debate (if applicable) Instructions See background information for instructors/TAs. Students summarize their findings in a lab report. All resources cited in the description of the course.