Age: ______ Independence Integrated Preschool Program Application for Preschool Independence Local Schools Preschool Children for the Independence Integrated Preschool will be chosen with the following considerations: 1. Must be a resident of Independence. 2. Must be at least 3 years of age prior to March 1, 2016 (and less than 6 years of age by August 1, 2016) 3. Strong communication and social skills are preferred. 4. Must be completely potty trained For consideration for the 2016-2017 School Year, please complete this application and return it NO LATER THAN JANUARY 29, 2016. Identifying Data: Child’s Name: _____________________________________________ Male Female Parents’ Name: ____________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________ Address: _________________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________ _________________________________________________ Work/Cell:____________________________ Family History: 1. Who lives at home with the child? Names Relationship to Child Age 2. Are there any siblings or parents that live outside of the home? No Yes, Please indicate name, relationship, and ages of these individuals. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Does your child stay with a parent (mother or father) during the day? attend day care during the day? Where? ________________Frequency? ____________ stay with a babysitter during the day? 4. Describe your child’s relationship with his/her siblings, if applicable _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Developmental / Medical History: 1. Has your child ever received any Early Intervention Services (e.g., Help Me Grow, Speech Therapy, etc)? No Yes, Please describe the reasons for Early Intervention and the services provided. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Is your child being treated for any persistent medical condition? No Yes, Please describe: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Application 2016-2017 Page 1 of 2 3. Please describe any complications during pregnancy, labor or delivery (including prematurity). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Early Childhood Experiences: 1. Has your child attended preschool? No, this will be his/her first preschool experience. Yes, Please note where and when ___________________________ 2. Please check and indicate approximate ages of participation and places for any of the following activities your child has participated: Library Storytime ___________________________________________________________________________ Parent Tot Music or Activity/Nature Classes _____________________________________________________ Toddler/Preschool Music or Activity/Nature classes (no parent) ____________________________________ Tot or Preschool Organized Sport Activities _____________________________________________________ Neighborhood or Preschool PTA playgroups _____________________________________________________ Other ______________________________________________________________________________________ Skill Development: 1. Please note any languages, other than English, that are spoken in the home. _________________________________ 2. Can your child follow 2 step directions (e.g., put on your shoes and get your coat)? Yes No 3. Approximately how many words does your child understand? 100-200 > 200 4. How many words does your child put together in a phrase/sentence? >100 3-5 5-8 8+ 5. Do others have a difficult time understanding your child’s speech? Yes No 6. Can your child identify primary colors (red, yellow, blue)? None Some Most/all 7. Can your child identify basic shapes (circle, triangle, square)? None Some Most/all 8. Can your child identify numbers 1-10? None Some Most/all 9. Can your child identify letters? None Some Most/all 10.What play/leisure activities does your child enjoy? ______________________________________________________ Please indicate why you feel that the Independence Integrated Preschool Program would be a good match for your child. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent signature _________________________________ Date_______________________________________ Please return the completed application WITH A RECENT PHOTOGRAPH * to: Independence Primary School 7600 Hillside Road Independence, Ohio 44131 Attn: Stephanie VanDyke, Preschool Teacher *Photograph to be returned with notification of screening results via mail by March 30, 2016. Application 2016-2017 Page 2 of 2