Appendix C
1. The Group
a) Membership
 Director of Resources
 Assistant Chief Executive
 Head of ICT & Corporate Services
 Head of Finance
 Head of Environmental Services & Port Health
 Audit Partnership Manager
 Head of Customer Services & Commercial Partnerships
 Partnership Manager
 Performance team input as required
b) Deputies
Members of CRMG should ensure that if they are unable to attend, someone with
the appropriate knowledge and authority is asked to deputise.
c) Quorum
A representative from each of the following is required at each meeting:
Environmental Services
Quorum is therefore set at 6 members.
d) Meetings
 Held every six months, one month before an Annual Governance Day.
 Draft agenda items should be given to the performance and risk officer one
week before the meeting.
e) Accountability
The CRMG is accountable to the Cabinet at both authorities, and to the Corporate
Management Team, and should ensure that all main risks are either captured at the
Corporate level or delegated to Service Plans.
2. Terms of Reference
 To scrutinise and score risks according to likelihood and impact factors and review
the Corporate Risk Register.
 To raise corporate risk issues at the Governance Days, and to Cabinet where key
and corporate decisions are needed.
 To regularly review all corporate risks, including projects and partnerships, including
Appendix C
To ensure that the councils have a suitable risk management framework to address,
mitigate and manage risk at all organisational levels, and within projects and
To ensure a suitable process is in place, to escalate risks into the Corporate Risk
Register from lower levels (e.g. service, project, or partnership registers), and
equally to move risks down from the Corporate Risk Register.
To report on risk management regularly, for example, in each Council’s quarterly
performance reports,
To invite relevant officers or members to attend CRMG as required to consider
particular risks and issues.
To review the Terms of Reference when necessary.
3. Roles & Responsibilities
a) Director of Resources
 To oversee the Risk Management process
b) Chair
 To lead each CRMG meeting.
 To invite Heads of Service, team leaders or the managers of specific projects to
attend to consider how corporate risks are managed within their area
c) Heads of Service
 To assess potential risks and escalate to the group as required.
 To manage existing risks in their own service areas, including reviewing risks,
monitoring actions and recording outcomes in service plans.
 To ensure staff understand their role in managing risk.
d) Performance Team
To maintain the risk management framework.
To work with Heads of Service to ensure that risks within their Service Area are
captured and managed appropriately, in line with the risk management framework.
To produce reports for Management and Members.
To compile and maintain a Corporate Risk Register.
To provide administration services for CRMG.
e) Internal Audit
 To inform the group of corporate risks identified through audits.
 To support CRMG in managing and mitigating corporate risks
 To be informed of high-level risks, so as to influence the compiling of the Annual
Audit Plan and Governance Statement.