River Region Coop Revised 9-10 To be in place by age 14/grade 8 Transition Present Level Needs Statement Development: A “Walk-Through” Approach! 1. (Name) _____________is (age) ________and currently a student in the _____ grade. 2. (Name) is scheduled to graduate (date)_____with a (diploma/certificate of attainment) ____________________. SENIORS - Be sure to reference if exiting/graduating that this is the last transition/ARC meeting. Note that student (received/will receive) documentation of the required Summary of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance (SOP) 3. Based on (formal and informal assessment- list types of assessment used – not specific name of assessments) with (student and parent(s)), the following information has been shared and transition needs have been identified. Assessment - : The types of assessments are X’d on the IEP transition page of the IEP. As many as possible should be marked. Most districts are keeping a transition folder in the due process folder. File sopies of assessments and other transition documents in this section of the due process folder/notebook or whatever your district uses. Use the Assessment Notebook/CD from training for support! 4. (Name) ______________ has indicated that when (he/she) completes high school (his/her) goals are to ________________. …Note plans for post-secondary setting (college, community college, voc/tech school) or …Learn specific skills or train to become a or work at ________ job) or ...- volunteer work, community involvement if not employed or extending education in other ways… OR !!! 4a. (Name) _____________ is undecided about what (he/she) may want to do as they complete high school, however they show an interest in _______________________________ Add the following (4b) if undecided – or include this if the student has very unrealistic goals/ideas, etc.: 4b. Career exploration will benefit (Name _____). This research will provide (him/her) with options and /or to have a “back up plan” should/as their interests or goals change over time. 5. (Name_______) learns best _____________; shows interest/talent in _____________ and/or strengths are indicated in _________________________________. 6. (Name ________) participates/ has participated in _____________. Consider academic, non-academic, community, sports incl. intramural, church activities…) 7. (The family) reports that (Name)_____________________functions in an age-appropriate manner and independently at home. 8. (Name) ____________ is not in need of supports for independent living at this time. OR ! 9. The family has indicated, and assessment shows that (Name) ______________ needs help at home in order to live in an age-appropriate, independent manner. (Name ___) struggles at school to be independent in the following ways: (List areas of weaknesses from assessment info.) 11. The school is providing the family with the following information and resources to assist with (Name’s)___________ transition planning: Examples - Get A Life Book, Access to Post-Secondary Education Handbook, Resource agency info., Voc. Rehab or other agency referral contact, other, ACT/SAT information, University Disabilities info., KYAHEAD contact info., financial aid info., SSI/SSDI info., Estate planning, Guardianship info.,…) 12. (Name’s)___________ IEP will support the successful completion of high school programming and postsecondary goals with a focus in the following areas: List those checked – see next box INSTRUCTION RELATED SERVICES – This means after high school - need to refer for eligibility only after grad. COMMUNITY EXPERIENCES EMPLOYMENT DAILY LIVING SKILLS POST SCHOOL ADULT LIVING OBJECTIVES FUNCTIONAL VOCATIONAL EVALUATION The boxes checked are based on assessment showing support is needed – all will X instruction CHOOSE/CHECK the areas of need listed on the IEP by Priority - connect needs to annual goal(s), SDI, Services – the needs checked should be related to another area somewhere in the IEP Adverse Affect STATEMENTS RELATED TO TRANSITION Here are some examples of how to write adverse effect statements in support of the Transition Present Level Statement : Complete the blanks and substitute wording within the ( ) with your student’s name and/or specific skills… (Adapted from Annotated IEP doc.) _____________’s deficits in ___________ will adversely affect her ability to perform college level academics. ___________’s deficits in (specific behaviors) will adversely affect his ability to secure and maintain employment in the future. These deficits will adversely affect _______’s ability to live independently, interact with peers within the community, follow job related instructions and be successful in a real-world job situation . _____________’s reading deficits will adversely affect her ability to (read job related instructions in order to follow directions and to complete tasks at her work site) __________’s writing deficits will adversely affect her ability to communicate in writing with co-workers and the public she may serve. (These deficits) will adversely affect the degree to which she will be able to live and work in an unsupported environment. Without assistance and accommodations in job placement and training, these skill deficits will adversely affect _____’s ability to secure and retain employment.