Expression of Interest Questionnaire Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Specialist Employability Support (SES) Lot 3: Pan Disability (National: including England, Scotland and Wales) Please return your completed Expression of Interest to: by 9am Monday 9th February 2015 1. Introduction to Shaw Trust Shaw Trust is a national charity that helps people facing disadvantage into work, to gain skills and take control of their futures. We deliver both mainstream (Work Programme) and specialist (Work Choice) employment support contracts across the UK and support over 50,000 people on their journey into employment every year. We help people develop and gain new skills in order to help move them closer to work and independence. Shaw Trust offers extensive support for our customers through a wide range of other activities, including education, retail, volunteering, as well as health and social enterprise projects. Shaw Trust has a turnover of £96.6 million per year and employs over 1,600 people across 200-plus locations. We are supported by over 600 volunteers and deliver contracts for eight major funding agencies including the European Social Fund, the Department of Work and Pensions, the Skills Funding Agency and the Big Lottery Fund. 2. SES Programme Overview This new national voluntary programme will support individuals with the most severe barriers to work, who are facing a range of disabilities and health conditions and are furthest from the labour market, such as: not being ready to access mainstream Work Programme or Work Choice provision; facing multiple disabilities - therefore encountering more complex labour market entry needs those who have recently acquired an impairment and as a result lost a job, and require re-training and support to enable re-entry, and those with deteriorating existing conditions The provision is designed to help unemployed disabled adults gain a combination of guidance; work placements and work experience in order to progress into and sustain employment or self-employment. The provision will support individuals requiring a more intensive, holistic approach to employability, could include wrap around care and rehabilitation, adjustment to an acquired disability and some care may need to be provided on site/residentially. SES will consist of two types of flexible and tailored support options: 1. SES Start Back for those who do not feel immediately able to access employment, but who, with a short defined period of support, could enter another programme (such as Work Choice and Work Programme), or enter work 2. SES Intensive Employability Support for individuals requiring more fundamental, specialist support. Provision length will be longer (up to two years), and needs to be flexible depending on individual needs. 3. Contract Areas There will be three Lots, each requiring national delivery, providing coverage across England, Scotland and Wales: Lot 1 – Sensory Impairment - Visual: one contract to be awarded. Lot 2 – Sensory Impairment - Hearing: one contract to be awarded. Lot 3 – Pan-Disability, to also include visual and hearing impairments: four contracts to be awarded. Shaw Trust intend to bid for Lot 3 – Pan Disability 4. Eligibility Eligibility will not necessarily be condition-related, but it will be dependent on how much the condition impacts the customers’ employability. Referrals will be via a central DWP ‘gateway’ team. All enrolments must: - not be in employment - be aged 18 years or over - be disabled as defined by the Equality Act 2010 - have a disability or health condition that has a significant impact on their current employability. - have employment needs which cannot currently be met by other DWP or non-DWP provision 5. Timescales Contracts will run for two years, from 1st September 2015 to 31st August 2017. Time Table: 6. - Deadline for receipt of ITT’s: 20th February 2015 – 12 noon - Evaluation of Tenders: 21st February – 5th March 2015 - Contract Award: 26th March 2015 - Contract Go Live: 1st September 2015 Partnership Opportunity: Lot 3 – Pan Disability Shaw Trust is seeking interest from high performing delivery organisations who can help us to develop an innovative and effective delivery model through either specialist or pan disability interventions. Providers will ideally be able to demonstrate:- - a successful track record of engaging and working with customers who have a disability or health condition - strong local links – a joined up approach of working with local partner networks - relationships with key local stakeholders and access to additional funding streams - relationships with employers to support work placements and experience, traineeships and apprenticeships - Existing delivery infrastructure. If you are NOT an existing Shaw Trust Work Choice delivery partner and feel that your organisation could support this opportunity, please complete the Expression of Interest by: 9am on Monday 9th February 2015 Please return to the email address below The information provided will be assessed and shortlisted organisations will be contacted to enter into next stage discussions. Part 1 – Organisation & Contact Details 1.1 Name of Organisation 1.2 Contact Address and postcode 1.3 Contact Name 1.4 Job Title 1.5 Telephone Number 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Mobile Number Email Address Company Website Please confirm the legal status of your organisation: Private Limited Company Registered Charity Public Limited Company Public Sector Other i.e. Social Enterprise / SPV / Consortium (Please specify): 1.10 Please indicate how you would like to work with Shaw Trust: Tier 2 – End to End: Subcontractor delivering all parts of the service in a specific geographic area or for specific disability cohorts, i.e., sensory impairments; mental health, learning difficulties, Autism etc. Tier 3 – Specialist Partner: Delivering national or regional specialist elements of the service, i.e. mental health, learning difficulties, sensory impairments, health interventions, CBT, self-employment support etc Tier 4 - Spot Purchase Partner: Specific Interventions i.e. counselling, mobility training, assistive technology support, CBT, provision of work placements, work tasters, social enterprise placements and training etc. 1.11 Please provide a brief overview of your organisation ie history and company overview 1.12 Key areas of Specialist Intervention / Support. Please identify and provide brief details on the Specialist intervention(s) / Support you are able to deliver, including geographical reach and capacity. Part 2 – Current Delivery 2.1 Please demonstrate your experience of delivering support/services to meet the specific needs and barriers of this customer group. 2.2 Detail experience of delivering holistic, wrap-around care and rehabilitation support for this customer group. Include details of where you have delivered this support residentially where appropriate. 2.3 Detail experience of delivering support in areas with distinctively different social-economic and disability characteristics within them. 2.4 Describe any problems you have experienced when delivering similar provision to this customer group. How did you overcome these problems and what lessons were learnt. Part 3 – Relevant Experience 3.1 Current provision Are you a current provider to DWP? Please provide brief details: Are you a current provider to local Health Services / Social Services? Please provide brief details: Are you a current SFA provider? Please provide brief details: Yes Direct No Subcontract Yes Direct No Subcontract Yes No Are you a current Local Authority provider? Please provide brief details: Other? Please provide brief details: Direct Subcontract Yes Direct No Subcontract Yes Direct No Subcontract 3.2 Have you previously worked in partnership with Shaw Trust? If yes, please advise contract name and geographical delivery area. Part 4 - Finance Details 4.1 Do you have audited and published accounts for the last three financial years? If so, please provide a summary in the boxes below. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 April 11 - 12] [April 12 - 13] [April 13 – March 14] Gross Turnover (£) Net Profit/Surplus (£) Part 5 – Stakeholder, Employer and Community Links 5.1 Please complete the table below, detailing any links with local community groups and key organisations that will provide additional support for SES customers (add additional rows as required) Organisation Name Services Provided Location 5.2 Please complete the table below, detailing any links with Stakeholders. For example: JCP; Primary Care Trusts; Local Authorities (ie Adult Social Services, Community Mental Health Teams etc); Health Care Commissioners etc and highlight the benefits of these relationships to SES (add additional rows as required) Stakeholder Benefits Engagement / Contact (i.e. regular meetings, annual meeting, board member etc.) 5.3 Please detail how you have worked successfully with strategic Stakeholders to achieve outcomes for customers with disabilities / health conditions and how this interaction has added value to your delivery. 5.4 Please detail how you identify and engage with Employers and address labour market requirements. Provide examples which have been relevant to supporting customers with disabilities / health conditions ie how interaction with employers has added value to your delivery and achieved job outcomes. 5.5 Over the past 12 months, how many employers have you worked with and how many people with disabilities / health conditions have you progressed into work? Please provide details by geography ie Region or County etc. 5.6 Please complete the table below, detailing any links with Employers, Employment & Skills Groups and LEPS – Local Enterprise Partnerships etc and highlight the benefits of these relationships to SES ie, traineeships, apprenticeship routes, work placements/experience (add additional rows as required) Stakeholder Benefits Engagement / Contact (i.e. regular meetings, annual meeting, board member etc.) Part 6 - Delivery Areas (relevant to SES) 6.1 In which locations do you propose to deliver these services? Identify and include any outreach locations you intend to deliver from. (add additional rows as required) Location Address (Fixed or Outreach) Explain why location is suitable for SES provision and provide accessibility arrangements / transport links etc. Please only list those that are Equality Act compliant Please provide details: Facilities / training rooms / 1:1 rooms / welfare facilities / specialist equipment / crèche facilities etc 6.2 If you intend to deliver across the Lot, or large geographies, please explain how you will achieve full coverage. 6.3 Do you currently co-locate with other organisation(s) which are relevant to support your delivery of SES? If yes, please provide brief details. Part 7 - Staffing (relevant to SES) 7.1 Please provide current/proposed staffing levels by location and job role, which would be available to support SES delivery (dependent upon referrals). Provide relevant skills / qualifications as appropriate and maximum case load sizes. 7.2 What management skills and expertise will your organisation bring to support the delivery of this contract? Part 8 - Organisation Quality, Policy and Procedures 8.1 Please indicate which of the following Quality Standards your organisation currently holds. Quality Standard Investors in People Positive About Disability Momenta Accredited Matrix Customer First ISO27001 ISO9001 Training Quality Standard EQFM Excellence Other (Please specify) Yes No Working Towards Expiry Date Expected Award Date 8.2 Please state the grades achieved at your most recent external assessment/inspection and the awarding body ie Ofsted / Estyn / Merlin Type of Inspection Date Overall Grade Areas of Inspection (please list) 8.3 Please indicate the internal Policies which your organisation currently holds (Proof of documents are not required at this stage) Policy Held Not Held Date Last Updated Fraud Prevention Business Code of Ethics Health & Safety Environmental Sustainability Equal Opportunities & Diversity Disciplinary & Grievance Data Security Dealing with Vulnerable Adults Child Safeguarding Whistle Blowing Safety and Work Placements Business Continuity Quality Assurance/Continuous Improvement Recruitment and Personnel 8.4 Please describe with examples, how you will manage and monitor the quality of delivery of SES to customers. Please detail how standards in quality can be increased whilst taking account of individual’s needs and barriers. 8.5 Please provide your process for driving innovation and continuous improvement which includes feedback from service users and key stakeholders together with managing complaints. Give examples where you have applied this process. 8.6 Please detail your experience and processes for keeping accurate and auditable customer records and how you will ensure this meets the requirements of the Data Protection Act. Part 9 - Volume Fluctuations in Business and Referrals 9.1 Please explain your approach to managing changes to service volume fluctuations (up or down), including how you could supply services at short notice. If possible, please provide an example of where this has happened previously. 9.2 Please describe how you will manage referrals, track customer progression and provide review/assessments to the Shaw Trust Contract team. Part 10 - Contract Performance 10.1 Please give details of your 5 best performing contracts, and your 1 worst performing contract Name of Contract Contracting body, e.g. DWP / MoJ / SFA, etc. Contract Duration Brief Description of Services Delivered Target Performance (e.g. 45% into jobs) or % outcomes Achieved Performance 10.2 What measures have you taken to tackle contractual underperformance? 10.3 Have you had any contracts terminated or volunteered to hand back in the last 3 years? If yes, please explain why Part 11 - Other 11.1 What distinct unique services, or provision, does your business bring to the SES contract and differentiates you from your competitors? 11.2 How will you identify and engage with organisations who can add value/support SES customers through alternative funding? ie, funding to support health requirements / training / qualifications etc. Please provide examples. 11.3 Please include any additional information that you would like to submit to Shaw Trust (max 500 words) Part 12 - Declaration I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information given in this application is reliable, accurate and true (Please note, electronic signatures are acceptable) Name: Signature: Position: Authorised to sign on behalf of: Date: Please ensure that this document is returned to: