A Novel Composite High Impedance Faults Detection System MING-TA YANG1 JHY-CHERNG GU2 Department of Electrical Engineering St. John’s University1 National Taiwan university of Science and Technology2 499, Sec. 4, Tamking Rd., Tamsui, Taipei Hsien 251, Taiwan1 43, Sec. 3, Keelung Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan2 TAIWAN mtyang@mail.sju.edu.tw1 http://www.sju.edu.tw1 jcgu@mouse.ee.ntust.edu.tw2 http://www.ntust.edu.tw2 Abstract: - Protection of aerial lines from high impedance faults (HIFs) is a signification topic for worldwide electric utilities. Arcing phenomena between a fallen conductor and the ground are usually linked with HIFs, which may lead to a fire hazard or endanger beings. This work successfully develops a new composite HIF detection system that adopts 3-phase currents and 3I0 zero sequence current to solve HIF problems in aerial lines. Two staged fault tests were performed to study the feasibility of the proposed algorithm and evaluate its performance. Experimental results reveal that the proposed composite HIF relay is feasible performance well. Key-Words: - Fault diagnosis, high impedance faults, neural networks, protection, statistical confidence, wavelet transform 1 Introduction HIFs constitute the most common problem in electric utilities. HIFs can be described as distribution system faults that are not detected by traditional protection devices with adequate fault current. Many systems, mainly involving mechanical or electrical detection, have been presented in the past two decades to enhance HIFs detection in power distribution system. Mechanical detection methods [1] comprise devices that provide a low impedance ground path by catching the falling conductor. The main flaws of these methods are the high installation and maintenance costs. The electrical detection methods may be categorized into three classes, time domain, frequency domain and wavelet transform. The time domain detection algorithms utilize the random behaviour of the fault pattern. The relay schemes are based on pattern identification of the fault voltage, fault current and arc flicker [2-4]. The detection algorithm of the frequency domain applies Fourier transform to extract the features of the harmonic components. The identification approach involved low-frequency, high-frequency and inter-harmonic parts of the arcing fault signals [5-6]. Wavelet transform can be employed to examine the transient phenomena of HIFs signals in both the time and frequency domains. The algorithm is ideally for nonstationary signals such as those encountered under HIF arcing faults [7-8]. 2 Problem Formulation The composite HIFs detection system includes two individual algorithms for individually detecting HIFs are shown in Fig. 1. These relaying algorithms are based on third-order harmonic current and intelligent HIFs detector. Fig. 1. Composite HIFs detection system 2.1 Third-order Harmonic Current Relaying Algorithm [9] The variation in amplitude of the third-order harmonic current and the variations of ratio of third– order harmonic to fundamental are monitored. An HIF is issued if both the variation of amplitude and the ratio both exceed the threshold level. 2.2 Proposed Intelligent Relaying Algorithm HIFs Detector A self-turning scheme based on the chi-square distribution and 95 % confidence interval is first applied to set the threshold level automatically for the 3I0 zero sequence current variances examined. The feature extraction scheme based on wavelet transform and the pattern recognition technique found on neural networks are then applied to identify HIFs. 2.2.1 Statistical Confidence [10] The magnitude of the 3I0 zero sequence current is a normal distribution random variable. Let X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n be a random sample from a 3I0 zero sequence current with mean and variance 2 , and let S 2 denote the sample variance. Then, the random variable X chi-square 2 , 2 X - Z= n-1 S 2 = 2 has a distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom. If X ~N 2 X - and Z = 2 2 , then 2 2 ~ 12 (1) The random variable Z has a chi-square 2 distribution with 1 degree of freedom. The 95% confidence internal on 2 is constructed as 2 =1-0.05=0.95 P Z 1,0.05 (2) 2 X threshold = + 1,0.05 2 (3) From Equ. (2) and the confidence internal for , the threshold can be derived as To enhance the reliability of HIFs detection and prevent power supply interruption, the confidence level was adopted to identify the abnormal variation. The analysis of the staged test data reveals that intermittent arcing phenomena arose in most HIFs, and that the waveform of the arcing current had an unsymmetrical shape in each cycle. The same was true of arcing in switching transient condition of load or capacitor bank, except for the sustained time of arcing, which was longer in the HIFs than in the switching transient. Hence, the statistical confidence was applied for 3I0 zero sequence current estimation. A 3I0 zero sequence current above threshold, or an excessive difference between successive samples, indicate an HIF-suspected. 2.2.2 Wavelet Transform A wavelet representation will give the location in both time and frequency simultaneously. The literatures demonstrate that the sharp signal variations can be regarded as features of the faults. The HIFs can be identified from the sharp variations. The proposed approach is to detect the HIFs using the multiresolution analysis (MRA) output. The MRA can easily extract important features implicit in the distribution feeder voltage and current signals, even when these features are very weak [11]. This investigation utilized the wavelet transform as a feature extraction tool. Filter bank theory provides efficient computational schemes for wavelet analysis. Selecting an adequate wavelet filter is crucial to identifying the HIF features of 3I0 zero sequence current signal. The “optimal” wavelet for extracting a given signal is that which can generate the most coefficients with maximal values within the timescale domain, to represent the feature of a signal. This wavelet should also have sharp cut-off frequencies. This study employed the Daubechies D-20 (denote Db10) wavelet, since it has been demonstrated to perform well and satisfy the aforementioned conditions. In this study, the sampling frequency fs was set to 6 kHz, and the resolution level of the MRA filter banks was set to 4. 2.2.3 Neural Networks Back propagation artificial neural networks (BPANN) are highly effective for pattern recognition. Using BP-ANN is an attempt to diagnose the HIF and distinguish it from normal system conditions. In this study, the neural networks used the back propagation Scaled Conjugate Gradient training algorithm, and adjusted the weight update step at each iterations. The network stops learning when the mean square error (MSE) or number of iterations reached a predetermined target value. In this investigation, the MSE was set to 0.0001 and the number of times of training was set to 4000 [12]. The wavelet coefficient norm is adopted as the input to neural networks. This approach not only reduces the size of the neural networks, but also retains the key features of the original signals [1314]. This study calculated the norm using 0.1 ms of the data window. Owing to the load nonlinear and system imbalance, the 3I0 zero sequence current includes harmonics. Accordingly, the corresponding signals of the details d1[n] are not appropriate for HIF identification for the 3I0 zero sequence current. Therefore, four norm coefficients (d2[n], d3[n], d4[n] and c4[n]) were fed into the neural networks in every data window period for the 3I0 zero sequence current. The neural networks topology consists of two independent multilayers of a feedforward network, which includes four neurons in hidden layer and one neuron in the output layer. The neural networks output includes one target. The target is for fault detection, and has only two possible values: “0” means no fault, and “1” indicates that an HIF exists in the feeder. Fig. 2 depicts the proposed protection flowchart for distinguishing normal system operating events from an HIF by combining the statistical confidence and wavelet transform with neural networks. The 95% confidence interval of 3I0 zero sequence current is applied first, to calculate thresholds for determining HIF-suspected. If the results exceed the thresholds, then the wavelet transform is employed to extract the distinctive features of the 3I0 zero sequence current, and transform them into a series of detail and approximation wavelet components. The norm of the data window of the wavelet components is then computed and used to train and test neural networks to identify an HIF from the normal system operations as a result of features of wavelet extraction [15]. If the characteristics of HIF are recognized, then an HIF tripping signal is issued; otherwise, an HIFsuspected alarm signal is released, and the sample duration is moved to next sliding window for HIF detection. Additionally, a broken conductor was tested in air for HIFs. An XLPE covered conductor, a copper bare conductor and ACSR were employed in this test. 1) August, 2004 testing: This staged fault testing was conducted to collect HIF data and explore the feasibility of the proposed composite HIFs detection system. The 25 faults were staged in conducted on phase C. The three-phase voltages and currents of the Tai-16 feeder were measured at the Taishi substations. Additionally, the arcing voltage and current were measured at the staged fault testing site. The staged fault testing records were later employed to train neural networks. The types of conductor and ground of staged fault testing is shown in Table 1 2) March, 2005 testing: These staged fault tests were undertaken to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The 59 faults were staged on phase A, B, and C, and three capacitor banks switching tests executed. 3 Staged Fault Testing For HIFs An 11.4 kV Tai-16 feeder served from Taishi substation Yunlin Administration Division of Taipower near Mailiao, was chosen as the testing site. The testing site was located about 10 km away from the substation, as displayed in Fig. 3. This feeder mostly supplies aquaculture load, and has an average load of about 100-110 A. The A/D event recorder ADX-3000 was installed to record threephase voltages and currents of fault feeder in substation. By switching the fuse cutout and oil circuit breaker the broken conductor can be grounded or ungrounded in testing site. The HIF faults were staged at electric pole #61, and tested on either the ground or ground objects, which were dry and wet sand, gravel, asphalt, concrete, grass, tussock, shrub and electric pole. Fig. 2. Algorithm of the intelligent HIFs detector scheme Fig. 3. One-line diagram of field staged faults distribution networks Fig. 4. XLPE conductor phase C HIF on asphalt: four-level wavelet analysis of 3I0 zero sequence current 4 Test Results Fig. 4-11 respectively demonstrate that an XLPE conductor HIF occurred at roughly 0.4 s on asphalt, 7.5 s on dry sand, 3.5 s - 6.5 s on grass and approximately 9 s in air. The response of the neural networks also exhibit relative to the HIF event. Table 2 shows the analytical results of the staged fault test. An HIF was incorrectly identified 6 times. However, the intelligent HIF detector issued an HIF-suspected alarm signal, reminding operators to be aware of possible HIF events. Therefore, about 89.8% (53/59) of the HIF events were identified correctly, and roughly 93.8% (45/48) arcing faults were acknowledged appropriately. Since the sustained time of the capacitor bank switching was not longer than the HIF arcing, three switching events were detected properly. Fig. 5. Response of an XLPE conductor phase C HIF on asphalt 5 Conclusions HIFs are generally accompanied by weak arc phenomena between the fallen conductor and the interface, which may be a potential fire hazard or other public danger. Numerous detection methods have been recommended for detecting HIFs. The proposed composite HIF detection system enables HIFs detection and identification requires with three-phase currents. The arcing faults detection rate of the proposed detector is about 93.8%, which is much better than commercially available relay in the market. The proposed composite HIF detection system identifies HIF more accurately than other available algorithms. If this function HIF-suspected is viewed as HIF detection, then the detection rate is almost 100%. There is a room for further high impedance faults investigation, including faulted phase recognition and fault location. Fig. 6. XLPE conductor phase C HIF on dry sand: four-level wavelet analysis of 3I0 zero sequence current Fig. 7. Response of an XLPE conductor phase C HIF on dry sand from Yunlin Administration Division of Taipower is also acknowledged. Fig. 8. XLPE conductor phase A HIF on grass: fourlevel wavelet analysis of 3I0 zero sequence current Fig. 9. Response of an XLPE conductor phase A HIF on grass Fig. 10. XLPE conductor phase A HIF in air: fourlevel wavelet analysis of 3I0 zero sequence current Fig. 11. Response of an XLPE conductor phase A HIF in air Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank the Taipower Research Institute for financial supporting on this project. The technical support on field staged tests References: [1] C. G. Wester, High impedance fault detection on distribution system, in Proc. 42nd Annu. Rural Electric Power Conf., 1998, C5, pp. 1-5. [2] C.-L. Huang, H.-Y. Chu, and M.-T. Chen, Algorithm comparison for high impedance fault detection based on staged fault test, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 3, No. 4, Oct. 1988, pp. 1427-1435. [3] H. Calhoun, M. T. Bishop, C. H. Eichler, and R. E. Lee, Development and testing of an electro-mechanical relay to detect fallen distribution conductors, IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-101, No. 6, June 1982, pp. 1643-1650. [4] S. F. Sultan, G. W. Swift, D. J. Fedirchuk, Detecting arcing downed-wires using fault current flicker and cycle asymmetry, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1994, pp. 461-470. 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Table 1 The types of conductor and ground of August, 2004 staged fault testing Conductor type XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E. pole: Electrical pole Surface type Grass Shrub Wet Gravel Wet Gravel Wet Gravel Grass Wet Grave Wet Grave In Air Item 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Conductor type XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE Surface type Wet Grave Tussock Tussock Tussock Asphalt Grass Concrete E. pole Concrete Item 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Conductor type Bare Bare Bare Bare Bare Bare Bare Surface type Shrub Wet Gravel Asphalt Dry Sand Tussock Wet Gravel Concrete Table 2 The results of March, 2005 staged fault testing Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Fault phase A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B Conductor Surface HIF Arcing ? type type detectable XLPE Concrete Yes Yes XLPE Shrub Yes Yes XLPE Asphalt No Yes XLPE Gravel Yes Yes XLPE Dry Sand Yes Yes XLPE Grass Yes Yes XLPE Grass Yes Yes XLPE Tussock Yes Yes XLPE In air Yes Yes XLPE Concrete Yes Yes XLPE Concrete Yes Yes Bare Shrub Yes Yes Yes Bare Tussock Yes Yes Bare Asphalt No Bare W.Asphalt Yes Yes Bare Dry Gravel No Suspected Bare W. Gravel Yes Yes Bare Dry Sand Yes Yes Bare Grass Yes Yes Bare Concrete Yes Yes Bare Concrete Yes Yes Bare Concrete Yes Yes Bare Concrete Yes Yes ACSR Concrete Yes Yes ACSR Shrub Yes Suspected ACSR Tussock Yes Yes XLPE Concrete Yes Yes Yes XLPE Concrete Yes Yes XLPE Shrub Yes XLPE Tussock Yes Yes Item 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Suspected:HIF-suspected; W. Asphalt:Wet Asphalt; W. Gravel:Wet Gravel Fault phase B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Conductor type XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE Bare Bare Bare XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE XLPE Bare Bare Bare Bare Bare Bare Bare Bare Bare Bare Bare Surface Arcing ? type Asphalt No Asphalt No Gravel Yes Gravel No Dry sand Yes Concrete Yes Grass Yes Grass Yes Concrete Yes Grass Yes Sand Yes Shrub Yes Asphalt No Gravel No Dry sand Yes Dry sand Yes Concrete Yes Tussock Yes Concrete Yes Sand Yes Tussock Yes Asphalt No W.Asphalt Yes Gravel No W. Gravel Yes Sand Yes Grass Yes Concrete Yes Concrete No HIF detectable Suspected Yes Yes Yes Suspected Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Suspected Yes Suspected Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes