Summary questions – Building materials from rocks 1 2 a) An element contains only one type of atom. true/false b) Silver oxide is an element. true/false c) Calcium carbonate CaCO3 contains three elements. true/false d) The formula of calcium carbonate contains six atoms. true/false e) Sand and water is a mixture. true/false f) true/false Sand and water are hard to separate. g) Decomposition means the same as synthesis. true/false h) CO2 contains two elements and three atoms. true/false The two elements present in all carbonates are _______________ and _______________. Magnesium carbonate has the formula, ____________. It is a compound because it contains more than one type of _______________ bonded _______________. When it is heated, it _____________ to give magnesium ______________ and carbon _____________________ gas. This type of reaction is called _____________________ decomposition. The gas can be tested for using _________________________ which goes ______________ if the gas is present. 3 Limestone is calcium carbonate/calcium sulphate and has the chemical formula CaCO3/CaSO4 . It is a very rare/abundant chemical and has many uses. When it is heated in a lime kiln/blast furnace it decomposes to give solid calcium sulfide/calcium oxide and the gas carbon dioxide. This reaction is an example of catalytic/thermal decomposition. One of the uses of limestone is as a building material. Also, when it is heated with sand/clay it gives cement and when it is heated with a mixture of sand/cement and sodium carbonate/sodium acetate it gives glass. 4 Quicklime has the chemical name calcium ______________ and is formed when limestone (chemical name ____________ __________) is heated strongly. When water is added to quicklime, an ________________ reaction occurs which gives out a lot of heat energy. This reaction can be used in kits to ____________ up food or as a hand warmer. The substance formed in the reaction between quicklime and water is called ___________ ____________ and has the chemical name ___________ ______________ (chemical formula = Ca(OH)2). This chemical is used in the __________ trade where it is mixed with sand and water to form ___________ mortar. When a lot of water is added to _______________ _________________, lime water is formed and this reacts with carbon ___________ gas to give calcium _____________ and water. The calcium ____________ is a solid and turns the lime water ________, because we get back to calcium ______________ which is what we started off with. This series of reactions is called the ____________ cycle.