Assignment #2, LIBR 57, Fall 2009, 60 points, Due 9/23/09 Name ________________________________________________________ I. TERMINOLOGY/CONCEPTS Fill in the blanks. (12 pts) A. Define the purpose of phrase searching: B. A C. An organized collection of records is known as a D. An electronic or virtual representation of an item in a library collection is known refers to a specific part of a record (e.g., title, subject, etc.). as a E. What is the function of the OR operator? F. What is the function of the AND operator? G. List three possible keywords that a search engine might retrieve for “pre*”: H. List 2 examples of stop words: I. A computer program search engines use to select and gather content for their databases is called a II. _____ . UNION CATALOGS (10 pts) Point your browser to WorldCat <>. Click the Advanced Search link underneath the search box. Enter [Latino culture] into the Keyword search box as a phrase search and run the search. A. How many records come up for this search? B. In the Refine Your Search column on the left, limit your search to the year 1996. How many records come up for this search? Assignment #2, LIBR 57, Fall 2009 Page 1 of 6 C. Now, sort the list by title and find a book that focuses on Latinos in New York. Title: D. _____ Who are the author(s) of this book? 1. 2. E. List 2 subject headings: 1. _ 2. F. How many pages long is this book? G. Identify 2 libraries in California that own this book: 1. _ 2. III. SUBJECT DIRECTORIES (5 pts) Point your browser to <>. A. Under Browse Our Channels, which link might you use to find more information on movies and TV shows? B. Click on the link you wrote down in III.A. Which sub-category link would you select to explore movies or TV shows for children? C. Identify the “guide” (person’s name) for the link you wrote down in III.B. Guide’s Name: Assignment #2, LIBR 57, Fall 2009 Page 2 of 6 D. Identify this guide’s credential (e.g., academic degree) and area of specialization: 1. Degree: Area of Specialization : 2. IV. From which college university did this guide graduate? PORTALS/GATEWAY SITES A. The Digital Librarian (12 pts) Point your browser to The Digital Librarian <>. 1. Who maintains this Web site? 2. Click on the Search Tools link and then Internet Subject Directories. List 3 subject directories listed under this link: a. b. c. 3. Click on Best Information on the Net and then Hot Paper Topics. List 3 topics from this list. a. b. c. 4. On the left-hand column, click Resources by Major. List 2 subjects from this list. a. b. Assignment #2, LIBR 57, Fall 2009 Page 3 of 6 5. Click Science and list 2 subjects in this category: a. b. 6. B. Now, click Science Images. Which site might you choose to get images of flowers? a. Title: b. URL: Internet Public Library (8 pts) Point your browser to the Internet Public Library (IPL) <>. 1. Click the Ready Reference link on the left and list 2 sub-headings from this list: 2. In the left-hand column, click on the Searching Tools link, then click on the link for The IPL’s Advanced Search & Site Search Help Page. Read Using Traditional Advanced Search. If you wanted to run a search on Spain, but not travel, how would you write this search statement? 3. In the left-hand column, under Reading Room, click Newspapers and then identify a newspaper located in Knoxville, Tennessee. 4. In the left-hand column, click “More Ready Reference . . .” From the list of sub-headings, click Encyclopedias. Which encyclopedia might you use for legal research topics? Assignment #2, LIBR 57, Fall 2009 Page 4 of 6 5. In the left-hand column, click Pathfinders and then Finding Obituaries under General Reference. a. You can find all kinds of obituaries—especially older ones—on the Web. True or False? (Circle one.) b. Identify the name of a free index where you can find information on the death and birth dates of a person. Title: URL: c. You know someone who died recently within the past 30 days. Which site might you use to find a published obituary? Title: URL: V. SEARCH ENGINES Yahoo (13 pts) Point your browser to Yahoo with this link: <>. Click Options and then Advanced Search. A. Notice the first 4 search boxes listed. Fill in the Boolean operator that is being applied to your search terms: 1. All of These Words – Boolean operator: 2. Any of These Words – Boolean operator: 3. None of These Words – Boolean operator: B. When running a search in Yahoo, you can tell the search engine to look for keywords on certain parts of a Web page. List 2 places on a Web page where you can limit your keywords: 1. 2. C. List 3 top-level domains by which you can limit your search: 1. Assignment #2, LIBR 57, Fall 2009 2. Page 5 of 6 3. D. Open the drop-down menu for File Format and list 3 file formats by which you can limit your search in the Yahoo database: 1. 2. 3. E. What is the maximum number of results Yahoo can display per page after you run a search? F. - Enter [finding information] into the exact phrase search box - Limit your domain to educational sites in English and file format to html files. - Click on the site from the Berkeley domain. - Click on Search Engines, read this page, and focus specifically on the How Do Search Engines Work? section. What is the name of the computer robot programs search engines use to select, gather, and index content for their databases? Assignment #2, LIBR 57, Fall 2009 Page 6 of 6