-1- Characterization of Discriminant Human Brain Antigenic Targets in Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus using an Immunoproteomic Approach Didier Lefranc,1* David Launay,1,2* Jérôme de Seze,1,3 Sylvain Dubucquoi,1 Patricia Dussart,1 Marie Vermersch,1 Eric Hachulla,2 Pierre-Yves Hatron,2 Patrick Vermersch,1,3 and Lionel Prin1 1 Didier Lefranc, MD, PhD, David Launay, MD, Jérôme de Seze, MD, PhD, Sylvain Dubucquoi, MD, Patricia Dussart, Marie Vermersch, Patrick Vermersch, MD, PhD, Lionel Prin, MD, PhD: Laboratoire d’Immunologie EA2686, IMPRT IFR 114, Faculté de Médecine, 1, Place de Verdun, 59045 Lille Cedex, France; 2David Launay, MD, Eric Hachulla, MD, PhD, Pierre-Yves Hatron, MD: Service de Médecine Interne, Hôpital Claude-Huriez, Université Lille 2; CHRU Lille; 1, Place de Verdun, 59037 Lille Cedex, France; 3Patrick Vermersch, MD, PhD: Service de Neurologie D, Hôpital Roger Salengro, Université Lille 2; CHRU Lille; 59037 Lille Cedex, France. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Didier Lefranc, MD, PhD, Laboratoire d’Immunologie, Faculté de Médecine – Pôle recherche, 1 Place de Verdun, 59045 Lille Cedex, France. Tel.: +33 3 20 62 68 61; Fax: +33 3 20 62 68 93. E-mail: d-lefranc@chrulille.fr. * the first two authors contributed equally to this work. -2Abstract Objective. neuropsychiatric To characterize discriminant human brain systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) antigenic targets in using a standardized immunoproteomic approach. Methods. Serum self-IgG reactivities against normal and injured human brain tissues were studied by western blotting in sera from 160 subjects, including 7 patients with NPSLE, 12 patients with SLE without neuropsychiatric manifestations (noNPSLE), 32 patients with Sjögren’s syndrome with or without central nervous involvement, 82 patients with multiple sclerosis and 27 healthy subjects. A proteomic approach was then applied to characterize discriminant antigens identified after comparisons of all patterns. Results. The serum self-IgG reactivity patterns against human brain tissue differed significantly between patients with NPSLE and the control groups. Four normal brain antigenic bands were specifically or preferentially recognized by sera from NPSLE patients (p240, p90, p77, p24). The protein band p240 was characterized as microtubule-associated protein (MAP)-2B, p77 as HSP 70-71 and p24 as triosephosphate isomerase. The protein band p90 was not characterized. In contrast, one other protein band (p56, characterized as septin 7) was never recognized by sera from NPSLE patients but was recognized by a majority of sera from patients with noNPSLE. Conclusion. This study shows that the immunoproteomic approach is a reliable method to assess the serum self-IgG reactivities against human brain tissue in NPSLE. The characterization of some identified discriminant antigens, such as p240, p24 and p56, suggests that the stability of neuronal microtubules might be involved in the pathophysiology of NPSLE. -3Keywords: systemic lupus erythematosus; neuropsychiatric disorders; immunology; proteomic; -4Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by multisystemic manifestations. Central nervous system (CNS) involvement has been reported to occur in 14% or up to 95% of SLE cases depending of the criteria applied (1;2) and could account for between 4% and 16% of deaths in SLE. The features of neuropsychiatric SLE (NPSLE) are extremely diverse, including neurological and psychiatric syndromes. In 1999, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Ad Hoc Committee on Neuropsychiatric Lupus Nomenclature provided case definitions for 19 different neuropsychiatric syndromes seen in patients with SLE (3). Diagnosis of NPSLE is difficult and remains a challenge because drugs used in lupus management, infections or other non SLE-related pathological conditions may be responsible for the neuropsychiatric manifestations in SLE and have to be excluded. Moreover there is no “gold standard” investigation or diagnostic test to definitively confirm NPSLE, which remains a largely clinical diagnosis (4). As the treatment is obviously dependent of the underlying cause, many authors have underlined the need for new diagnostic tools in NPSLE (4-6). There are some lines of evidence that the autoimmune system plays a role since NPSLE typically occurs in the presence of serologically and clinically active lupus (7). However, while it is well established that autoantibodies can directly damage organs, especially the kidney, the skin and the fetal heart (8), the brain molecular targets have not been fully identified in NPSLE. Several investigators have sought to identify autoantibodies that could bind directly to neurons in NPSLE and could serve as diagnostic markers in NPSLE. A subset of anti-dsDNA antibodies from SLE patients were recently shown to crossreact with NR2 N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the CNS and to have the functional capacity to cause neuronal death by excitotoxicity and apoptosis in vivo and in vitro (9-11). IgG anti-NR2 glutamate receptor antibodies detected in cerebrospinal fluid were reported to be associated with NPSLE in some studies (12). Other studies, however, found no -5association between these antibodies and cognitive dysfunction in SLE (13). Antineurofilament antibodies have been found in NPSLE, particularly in patients with diffuse subcortical white matter lesions (14). Recently, sera collected from patients with SLE were tested for the presence of antibodies to microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP-2), which were particularly detected in NPSLE patients (15). Nevertheless, whether or not there is an alteration of the immune recognition of brain self-proteins in NPSLE still requires further investigation (5). Moreover, most of the previous studies employed techniques using purified self-antigens and/or relevant peptides from pre-selected targets. To avoid a restricted analysis with pre-selected antigenic targets, we chose to assess the global serum self-IgG reactivity against healthy or injured human brain tissue extracts. In a previous study we found that the serum self-reactive IgG antibody repertoire against such targets was different between patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), patients with Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) and healthy subjects and could help to identify brain antigen targets with a potentially important diagnostic and pathophysiological role in MS (16). Using a western blotting method and without any a priori assumptions, we compared the serum self-IgG reactivities against human brain tissue extracts in NPSLE patients and in control groups (patients with SLE but no neuropsychiatric manifestations [noNPSLE]; patients with SS with [SSCNS] and without [SSnoCNS] CNS involvement; patients with MS; and healthy subjects). Then, using a proteomic approach, we characterized the most discriminant brain antigenic targets in NPSLE. We confirmed previous results concerning the presence of anti MAP-2 and anti triosephosphate isomerase antibodies in NPSLE and characterized 2 other discriminant antigenic targets: HSP 70-71 and an unidentified p90 antigenic band. This characterization emphasizes the possible role of neuronal microtubules in the pathophysiology of NPSLE. -6PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients. IgG antibody responses to brain tissues were studied in sera from 160 subjects. The SLE group included 19 patients who had definite SLE according to the 1997 updated American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for classification of SLE (17) and were followed up in the Department of Internal Medicine. Among the 19 SLE patients 7 presented NPSLE fulfilling the case definitions for NPSLE proposed by the ACR (3) and 12 had no evidence of neuropsychiatric manifestations (noNPSLE). Patients having clinically active disease related to antiphospholipid syndrome were not included in this study. Thirtytwo patients had SS according the European revised criteria (18). Among them, 26 had CNS involvement (SSCNS) and 6 had no CNS involvement (SSnoCNS). All SS patients were followed up in the Department of Neurology. Eighty-two patients were diagnosed with MS according to the criteria of McDonald et al. (19). All MS patients were followed up in the Department of Neurology and were relapse free. Sera from 27 healthy subjects were tested as normal controls. Presence of anti-DNA antibodies was assessed by Farr assay (Amerlex antidsDNA radioimmunoassay kit; Trinity Biotech, Bray, Ireland) and expressed in IU. Antiphospholipid antibodies were evaluated by ELISA (ORGENTEC Diagnostika GmbH, Mainz, Germany) with a cut-off value of 10 for IgG and 7 for IgM. Table 1 summarizes the epidemiological parameters of the SLE group, SS and MS patients and controls. Table 2 details the characteristics of the NPSLE patients. All subjects gave their written informed consent, and the study was approved by the local ethics committee. Brain samples. Brain samples, dissected out at autopsy from the frontal lobe in Brodmann’s area 10, were obtained from an MS patient (a 48-year-old man) and from a 68year-old man with no history of neurological disease (Department of Neuropathology, CHU de Lille and INSERM U422, Lille, France). The 68-year-old man died as a result of an acute -7myocardial infarction. The autopsies were performed within the framework of a tissuecollection program that was approved by the local ethics committee. In each case, the postmortem delay was less than 8 hours. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The brain samples were homogenized in a Tris buffer containing 5% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at a final concentration of 10 mg/ml and heated at 95°C for 10 minutes; for each well, 80 µl of this lysate was loaded onto a 10 to 20% gradient polyacrylamide gel, beside a molecular weight marker (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden). Just before electrophoresis, the homogenates were reduced with 10 mM dithiothreitol (Sigma, St Louis, MO). Electrophoresis was conducted for 14-16 hours in Laemmli buffer at 100 V (20). Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). The brain sample homogenization and the 1-D protein separation were done essentially as previously described (16). Briefly, 100 mg of brain tissue were homogenized in a detergent solution (4% Triton X100, 1X anti-protease cocktail (Sigma, St Louis, MO) before protein precipitation using three volumes of ice-cold acetone. The sample was centrifuged at 10,000 g, 4°C for 20 min. The supernatant was removed and the pellet was air dried. Before electrophoresis, the pellet was resuspended in 500 µl of sample buffer (7 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 1% DTT, 4% Triton X100 (Sigma, St Louis, MO), 1X anti-protease cocktail (Sigma, St Louis, MO) and 2% v/v ampholines (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden). After dissolution, the samples were used for overnight in-gel rehydratation. Proteins were separated using the MultiPhor II (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech) with anode (10 mM H3PO4) and cathode (10 mM NaOH) buffers. The firstdimension IEF program was as follows: 150 V, 1 h; 300 V, 1 h; 1000 V, 1 h; and 3500 V until -8a minimum Vh product of 90 kVh was reached. After termination, the IPG strips were stored at –70 °C until further use. Prior to the second dimension, the IPG strips were equilibrated for 2 x 30 min in 2 mL equilibration solution I (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.8, 8 mM EDTA 10% w/v glycerol, 5% w/v SDS, 1% w/v DTT) and 1 x 30 min in 2 ml of equilibration II (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.8, 8 mM EDTA 10% w/v glycerol, 5% w/v SDS, 150 mM iodoacetamide). Equilibrated IPGs were transferred to 9-16% or 10-20% polyacrylamide gradient gels containing the cross-linker piperazine diacrylamide (C=2.6%; Bio-Rad) (21). Gels were polymerized overnight. Electrophoresis was performed for 14-16 hours in a BioRad Protean II xi chamber (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA) with current limited to 40 mA per gel. For the identification of the antigens a preparative 2-DE gel was stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) G-250 (preparative gel) (Sigma, St Louis, MO) and then used for spot cutting and protein sequencing. Western blotting and analysis procedures. For immunostaining, 1-DE or 2-DE gels were blotted onto Hybond-P PVDF membranes (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Europe GmbH, Saclay, France) using a “semi-dry” protocol (0.8 mA per cm²) (22) and later saturated with 5% non-fat dried milk. Western blotting was carried out with total sera, diluted 1/100 in Tris buffer saline (TBS: 100 mM Tris, pH 8.0; NaCl 0.3 M) containing 0.5% Tween20 (w/v) and 5% non-fat dried milk. After incubation for 1 night at 4°C, the IgG antibodies were revealed with an anti-human Fc horseradish peroxidase conjugated antibody 1/10,000 (Sigma, St Louis, MO). Fluorograms were prepared using an enhanced chemiluminescence kit (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Europe GmbH). Immune profiles were analyzed when two independent assays had produced identical patterns. Image analysis was performed on a GS800 calibrated densitometer (Biorad, Hercules, CA) apparatus to localize and compare the IgG immune profile patterns. Superimposition and alignment of the antibody reactivities was -9performed using Diversity database fingerprinting software version 2.2 (Biorad, Hercules, CA) for 1-DE and PDQuest software (Bio-Rad) for 2-DE. We performed comparative analysis using detection parameters that allowed us to consider as significant each band intensity higher than 10% of global background intensity. In order to calibrate and define more accurately the alignment of antibody reactivities, molecular weight marker proteins (LKB Pharmacia molecular weight standards) as well as internal references were used. Antibodies directed against several known proteins (alpha enolase (TEBU, ref: sc-7455), glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase: GAPDH (CHEMICON, ref: MAB374) and glial fibrillary acidic protein: GFAP (Sigma, St Louis, MO; ref:G-3893), were used as landmarks to secure superimposition and to facilitate rapid and better gel matching. Antigenic bands were numbered by using their molecular weight preceded by the letter p if they were on normal CNS or P if they were on MS CNS. In-gel digestion and MALDI-TOF-MS analysis. Excised plugs from CBB-stained gels were destained with 200 µL 50% acetonitrile in 10 mM NH4HCO3 and dried in a SpeedVac concentrator. Protein was digested overnight at 37°C by sequencing grade trypsin (5 µg/mL; Promega Madison, WI) in 50 mM NH4HCO3. The resulting peptides were extracted twice with 25 µL 50% acetonitrile/0.1% TFA. The collected extracts were lyophilized, and were resuspended in 10 µL 0.1% TFA and desalted on ZipTip C18microcolumns (Millipore, Bedford, MA). Elution was performed with -cyano-4hydroxycinnamic acid (5 mg/mL) directly onto the MALDI target (2 µL of the solution were applied to a plated sample holder and introduced into the mass spectrometer after drying). MALDI-TOF-MS was used to obtain mass fingerprinting for proteins using a Voyager DESTR instrument (Applied Biosystems, Framingham, MA). Ions were accelerated at 20 kV and reflected at 21.3 kV. Spectra were acquired in the delayed extraction reflectron R mode. 100- - 10 300 scans were averaged to produce final spectra. Spectra were externally calibrated using the monoisotopic MH+ ion from three peptide standards (trypsin autodigestion products: 842.510, 1045.564 and 2211.1046 Da.). Database search based on peptide mass fingerprint spectra. The obtained peptide mass fingerprint spectra were analyzed by searching the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) nonredundant protein database with ProFound (http://prowl.rockefeller.edu/cgi-bin/ProFound) Version 3.2 and verified using the Mascot™ search engine (http://www.matrixscience.com). The parameters for each search were varied in order to achieve the best possible results. The standard parameters were as follows: Homo sapiens, 0-250 kDa molecular mass (depending on the region where the spot occurred in gel), tryptic digest with a maximum number of one missed cleavage. Peptide masses were stated to be monoisotopic, and methionine residues were assumed to be partially oxidized. The identity of proteins was annotated using the SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL database. Statistical analysis. The data were expressed in binary mode (0 = absence of antigenic band; 1 = presence of an antigenic band) in order to submit IgG antibody patterns to analysis using either the Chi Square or Fisher exact test. This approach allowed us to select the most relevant antigens that supported qualitatively different immune recognition. In a second stage, we used linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to balance the discriminating antigens between the populations of individuals, as previously detailed (16;23). Using a stepwise logistic regression model and supported by the LDA method, we were able to isolate a sub-group of brain antigens related to their strength of discrimination between the different populations involved in the study. By associating two parameters, for the presence (x 1) or absence (x 0) of each selected antigen, and the coefficient previously defined by the LDA, a score was calculated for each - 11 subject as a representative value of the individual immune profile, using the following formula: Score = Ag1coef1 x {0(absent) or 1(present)}+ Ag2coef2 x {0(absent) or 1(present)} + Ag3coef3... Statisticians calculated all the scores blindly. The calculated scores were represented graphically. A threshold value was determined using a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, and the sensitivity and specificity of this approach were evaluated. When the number of patients was too small to apply LDA, Chi-Square and Fisher tests were performed. RESULTS Comparison of serum self-IgG reactivities in patients with autoimmune diseases with or without CNS involvement, in MS patients and in healthy subjects. In a first step, the degree of interindividual changes in serum self-IgG reactivities against MS and healthy brain tissue was evaluated. This analysis was successively performed in patients with NPSLE, noNPSLE, SSCNS, SSnoCNS and MS as well as in healthy subjects. A high degree of heterogeneity in the IgG reactivities was found within a given group or between the different groups of tested subjects with regard to the number and the nature of the antigenic bands recognized by serum IgG. Quite different patterns were also observed when a given serum was tested against healthy brain (normal CNS) or MS brain tissue (MS CNS). However, despite this high degree of heterogeneity, we observed some conserved sets of IgG reactivities against normal and MS CNS within a same group of subjects as well as between the different groups. Figure 1 illustrates both the diverse and the common self-IgG reactivities within and between the different groups of tested subjects. Quantitative changes were also noted when patterns obtained either against normal CNS (n = 160) or MS CNS (n = 160) were compared. Sera of patients with autoimmune diseases (NPSLE, noNPSLE, SSCNS and SSnoCNS) recognized significantly fewer normal and MS CNS antigens than patients with MS and - 12 healthy subjects. However, there was no significant difference in the number of antigenic bands recognized by sera from MS patients and the number recognized by sera from healthy subjects (Table 3). Despite the qualitative and quantitative changes in self-IgG patterns, comparative studies were performed between patients with autoimmune diseases (NPSLE, n = 7; noNPLSE, n = 12; SSCNS, n = 26; SSnoCNS, n = 6), MS patients (n = 82) and healthy subjects (n = 27). The mapping and alignment of 160 strips obtained either with normal CNS or with MS CNS were then assessed. As illustrated in Figure 2A, LDA enabled us to identify 16 discriminant IgG reactivities against antigenic bands ranging from 16 to 140 kDa. They included 12 protein bands on normal CNS (p140, p112, p105, p90, p85, p70, p66, p55, p53, p50, p32 and p28) and 4 protein bands on MS CNS (P42, P39, P36, P16). The coefficient values assigned by LDA for each discriminant antigenic band associated with the presence or the absence of these antigens enabled us to calculate graphic coordinates for each individual. The score assigned to each patient with an autoimmune disease, each MS patient and each healthy subject revealed clear distinctive areas for each group (Figure 2B) with an excellent degree of concordance with clinical data ( = 0.931). Comparison of serum self-IgG reactivities in patients with autoimmune diseases with or without neurological manifestations. Self-IgG reactivity against MS or normal CNS was compared between patients with autoimmune diseases according to the presence (NPSLE, n = 7; SSCNS, n = 26) or the absence (noNPSLE, n = 12; SSnoCNS, n = 6) of neurological manifestations. Mapping and alignment of the 51 immunoreactive patterns allowed us to compare the obtained self-IgG patterns between these 2 groups. As illustrated in Figure 3, LDA found 5 protein bands (2 in normal CNS [p113 and p32] and 3 in MS CNS [P66, P38 and P11]), which were highly discriminant between the self-IgG patterns of patients with autoimmune diseases according to the presence or the absence of neurological - 13 manifestations. Figure 3A shows these 5 antigenic bands and their frequencies in the 2 subgroups of patients. Two antigenic bands, p113 and P38, were only recognized by sera from patients with autoimmune diseases with neurological manifestations. P66 was more frequently recognized by sera from patients with autoimmune diseases having neurological manifestations. Conversely, antigenic bands p32 and P11 were more frequently recognized by sera from patients without neurological manifestations. A global score was then calculated for each patient taking into account a coefficient value assigned by LDA for the 5 selected bands. A graphic extrapolation of LDA on a single axis graph shows that patients with autoimmune diseases with neurological manifestations (NPSLE or SSCNS) projected very distinctively from those with autoimmune diseases but without neurological manifestations (noNPSLE or SSnoCNS) with a sensitivity of 96.9% and a specificity of 94.5%) (Figure 3B). There was an excellent degree of concordance with the clinical data ( = 0.960). Comparison of serum self-IgG reactivities between patients with NPSLE, noNPSLE and SSCNS. To further evaluate the significance of the patterns obtained with sera from NPSLE patients we compared them to the patterns obtained in SLE without CNS involvement (noNPSLE) and in another autoimmune disease with CNS involvement (SSCNS). Because of the small number of patients in each group, LDA was not applicable and Chi-square and Fischer tests were performed. Comparison of self-IgG patterns between NPSLE and SSCNS patients revealed 8 discriminant antigenic bands only detected on normal CNS (p240, p113, p112, p90, p77, p65, p56, p24) (Figure 4A). In terms of frequency, 5 of these 8 bands were more often found in NPSLE patients (p240, p90, p77, p65 and p24). Conversely, 3 of these 8 bands (p113, p112 and p56) were only recognized by patients with SSCNS. Comparison of self-IgG patterns between NPSLE and noNPSLE revealed 9 discriminant antigenic bands detected either on normal CNS (p240, p126, p90, p77, p56, p37, p32) or on MS CNS (P66, P39) (Figure 4B). The antigenic band p24 just missed statistical - 14 significance as it was recognized by 3/7 (42.8%) patients with NPSLE, vs. 1/12 (8.3%) patients with noNPLSE (P = 0.06). In terms of frequency, 3 bands were only found in NPSLE patients (p126, p90 and p77), 4 bands were more often found in NPSLE patients (p240, p37, P66, P39 and p24) and 2 bands were never found in NPSLE (p56 and p32). Taken together (Figures 4 A and B), these data show that some antigenic bands only detected on normal CNS were more frequently found in NPSLE (p240, p90, p77 and p24) or never found in NPSLE (p56). p32, which was never recognized in NPSLE, was always found in noNPSLE and occasionally found in SSCNS (11.5%). Table 4 shows which discriminant antigens were recognized by each patient with NPSLE. Characterization of the major discriminant antigens using a serologic proteomic approach (SERPA). To further characterize discriminant antigens more frequently targeted by sera from NPSLE patients (p240, p90, p77 and p24) or never detected by NPSLE patients (p56), we used a SERPA. Identification of discriminant proteins was firstly performed by comparison of 1-D immune and 2-D immune patterns. The 7 NPSLE sera were used to identify antigenic candidates on a proteomic map obtained after 2-DE performed with normal and MS CNS. The 2-DE followed by immunoblotting assays revealed the presence of multiple antigenic spots (Figures 5A and B). Then, the superimposition of antigenic spots and protein spots revealed by a standard colloidal Coomassie blue stained 2-DE enabled us to select the proteins (Figure 5C) for further in-gel digestion and MALDI-TOF analysis as previously described, on the basis of peptide mass matching (24). This approach allowed us to identify some proteins as potent discriminant antigens using the SWISS-PROT database (Table 5). Antigens p240 and p77 were characterized as the MAP-2B (MAP2_HUMAN, P11137) and HSP 70-71 (HSP7C-HUMAN, P11142), respectively. p24 was identified as triosephosphate isomerase (TRPIS_HUMAN, P60174). The protein spot corresponding to - 15 antigenic band p90 could not be characterized by mass spectrometry in spite of repeated assays. p56 was identified as septin 7 (SEPT7-HUMAN, Q16181). DISCUSSION To identify potentially relevant self-antigens in brain tissues, specifically targeted by the serum self-IgG antibody repertoire in NPSLE, we applied an immunoproteomic approach, previously standardized in our laboratory (16;25;26). To our knowledge, this is the first study in NPSLE to assess, without any a priori assumptions, the serum self-IgG reactivities against human brain tissue. It might therefore be expected to answer previous questions about the significance of antibodies found in this disease (5). Proteins from healthy or injured brain tissues were respectively used as targets. As injured brain tissue, MS CNS was chosen instead of NPSLE CNS, which was unavailable during the present study. Our analysis of IgG isotype antibodies allowed us to evaluate both the natural selfreactive responses (27) and the T-cell dependent adaptive humoral responses (28). In spite of a high degree of heterogeneity in serum self-IgG response when all strips were mapped and aligned, we found some conserved sets of IgG reactivities in healthy subjects as in patients. Such conserved protein antigens possibly targeted by natural autoantibodies might reflect a “footprint” of the innate immune system (27;29). The natural B- and T-cell self-reactive repertoire is now recognized as determinant for the homeostasis of lymphoid cells and the maintenance of self-tolerance (28). Unstable patterns of antibody repertoires, possibly related to adaptive immune response, have been described in systemic autoimmune diseases such as SLE (30). However, discriminant stable self-IgG patterns, probably related to pathogenic events, were found in organ specific autoimmune disease such as MS, after one year of follow-up (25). To define more precisely the significance of such stable and unstable changes with regard to the pathological context, we compared the respective self-IgG responses - 16 obtained in healthy subjects and patients with systemic or organ specific autoimmune diseases, against healthy or injured brain tissues. In a first step, we found reactivities towards 16 discriminant antigens when patterns with sera from healthy subjects and MS, SS, and SLE patients with or without CNS involvement were compared. Eleven of these 16 antigens had already been identified in our previous study where only MS, SSCNS and healthy subjects were compared (16). Five new antigenic targets were found in the present study when SLE and SSnoCNS patients were included. Thus, organ-specific autoimmune diseases such as MS as well as systemic autoimmune diseases such as SLE are associated with distinct serum changes in self-IgG antibody repertoires against brain antigens. We also tested the hypothesis that the presence or absence of CNS involvement could also shape the serum self-IgG patterns. We showed that protein bands targeted by serum self-IgG antibodies allowed autoimmune diseases to be differentiated according to the presence or absence of neurological symptoms. Some protein bands were exclusively or frequently found when sera from SLE and SS patients with CNS involvement were tested (p113, P38 and P66) whereas other protein bands were preferentially found with sera from SLE and SS patients without CNS involvement (p32 and p11). In NPSLE, some antigenic bands were either never recognized (p56) or often detected (p240, p90, p77 and p24). This could be related to neuropathogenic or neuroprotective events (31). The absence of detection of some serum IgG antibodies in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases might be related to a defect in regulatory processes and explain the fewer antigenic bands recognized compared to those found in MS patients and healthy subjects. However, the presence of antibodies restricted to sera from NPSLE patients suggests a possible pathogenic involvement. To try to define more precisely the significance of such changes, some of the protein bands were characterized. - 17 First, an antigenic band never detected in NPSLE (p56) was characterized. The protein band p56 was identified as septin 7. Septins comprise a eukaryotic subfamily of guanine nucleotide binding proteins and may play a conserved role in cytokinesis, exocytosis and apoptosis in yeast and mammalian cells (32). Septins were found to regulate microtubule stability through interaction with the microtubule-binding protein MAP4 (33). Septins have the ability to block MAP4 binding to microtubules and thus reduce their stability (33). Interestingly, antibody response against Nedd5, which belongs to the septin family and also interacts with microtubules, was found in NPSLE (34). IgG antibody response against septin 7 was previously identified by using normal sera on healthy brain (25). The absence of antibody response against septin 7 in NPSLE might reflect either the loss of pathogenic antibodies linked to altered brain tissue or the absence of regulatory antibodies required for the maintenance of self tolerance or neuroprotection. The latter hypothesis, involving neuroprotective antibodies (31), has already been proposed in SLE (35;36). Second, four antigenic bands were more frequently (p240, p90, p24) or exclusively (p77) detected in normal CNS with sera from NPSLE patients. Such results were obtained when patterns found with sera from NPSLE patients were successively compared to patterns found with sera either from noNPSLE patients (comparative studies in SLE with or without CNS involvement) or from SSCNS patients (comparative studies in distinct diseases having CNS involvement). The more frequent presence of some IgG reactivities found with sera from NPSLE patients suggests a possible specific pathogenic implication. Previous data have demonstrated a potential neuropathogenic role of circulating IgG antibodies in animal models and in cell cultures (11). Moreover, an IgG fraction of cerebrospinal fluid from NPSLE patients revealed cytotoxic properties against proliferating brain cells (37). We failed to identify p90 antigen because it remained uncharacterized in mass spectrometry in spite of repeated assays. The protein bands p240, p77, and p24 were characterized as MAP-2B, HSP - 18 70-71 and triosephosphate isomerase, respectively. MAP-2B is restricted to neurons. It controls cytoskeletal integrity by stabilizing microtubules and is involved in the elaboration of the neuritic compartments (38). In adult neurons, microtubules are enriched in MAP-2B in dendrites and seem to exert a stabilizing effect on the dendritic morphology since its suppression or degradation was correlated with dendritic loss or remodeling (39). Thus, antibodies against MAP2 could modulate neuronal plasticity. Triosephosphate isomerase is a highly conserved glycolytic enzyme present in all cells and expressed in brain at a high level (40). It has been shown that inhibition of this key enzyme affects microtubule stabilization (40) and leads to neuronal death in cultured murine cortical cells (41). Whether or not antitriosephosphate isomerase antibodies have a potential pathogenic role of in NPSLE remains unclear. On the one hand, it has been proposed that triosephosphate isomerase–antitriosephosphate isomerase immune complexes could initiate complementary cascades near the choroid plexus, thereby causing brain damage (42). On the other hand, it has been suggested that binding of anti-triosephosphate isomerase antibodies could result in inhibition of enzyme activity. A defect in this enzyme activity was found to be associated with neurological symptoms (43). Thus, it could be hypothesized that anti-triosephosphate isomerase antibodies present in sera from NPSLE patients could lead to a sustained inhibition of triosephosphate isomerase, leading in turn to neuropsychiatric disorders in NPSLE. Whatever the pathogenic or regulatory role of anti-MAP2 and anti-triosephosphate isomerase antibodies, they have recently been identified as good markers of NPSLE (15;42). In previously published data, no association has been reported between NPSLE and anti-HSP 70-71 antibodies. An elevated expression of a member of the HSP 70 family has been described in SLE (44). Recent reports suggest that HSP 70 promotes antigen presentations of autoantigens and converts T-cell tolerance to autoimmunity in vivo, and therefore has immunostimulatory properties (45). HSP 70 can also induce cytotoxic responses (46). In contrast, HSP 70 overexpression in brain has - 19 been associated with neuroprotective effects after cerebral injury (47). A similar frequency of autoantibodies against HSP 70 was found in SLE patients and in healthy subjects (48) whereas we found a higher frequency of such antibodies in NPSLE patients. Anti-HSP 70-71 antibodies have also been reported in the cerebrospinal fluid of MS patients as well as in that of patients with schizophrenia (49;50). The latter findings thus also indicate a possible relationship between CNS involvement and detectable antibodies against HSP70-71, though without prejudging their pathogenic or neuroprotective role. In conclusion, the immunoproteomic approach appears to be a reliable method to study the self-IgG antibody repertoires against brain antigens in patients with NPSLE. It confirmed recent reports by showing that MAP-2B and triosephosphate isomerase are brain antigenic targets in NPSLE (15;42;51). Conversely, anti-septin 7 antibodies were never observed in patients with NPSLE. Interestingly, MAP-2B, triosephosphate isomerase and septin 7 are together involved in neuronal microtubule stability, suggesting a role of microtubules in the pathophysiology of NPSLE. We also found 2 new potent brain antigenic targets: HSP70-71 and an unidentified p90 antigenic band. Our approach suggests that the combination of IgG antibody responses against a cluster of antigens may be more determinant than a single response, as previously suggested (16). 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Clinical and biological manifestations of neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus patients at the time of blood sampling for the study Age Neurological Renal Anti DNA antibodies by Antiphospholipid Immunosuppressive (years) manifestations involvement Farr assay (IU) antibodies treatment F 59 Cervical myelitis No 8 Absent Corticosteroids F 18 Cerebral angiitis Yes 9 Absent Sex Corticosteroids Azathioprine Corticosteroids F 30 Cervical myelitis No 20 Absent Azathioprine F 60 Seizure Seizure, F 45 No 8 Absent Azathioprine No 9 Present Corticosteroids optical neuritis M 26 Tetraparesis Yes 22 Present Corticosteroids F 67 Stroke No 50 Absent None - 26 Table 3. Number of antigenic bands recognized by serum IgG antibodies on normal and MS CNS in patients with autoimmune diseases, in MS patients and in healthy subjects Number of antigenic Number of antigenic bands recognized on bands recognized on Sera normal CNS MS CNS mean ± SD (median) mean ± SD (median) 12.2 ± 6.9 (12.0) 9.9 ± 5.5 (9.0) 20.8 ± 4.9 (21.0)** 16.0 ± 4.7 (16.0)** 21.0 ± 4.6 (21.0)*** 16.7 ± 5.9 (16.0)*** Autoimmune diseases* (n=51) MS (n=82) Healthy subjects (n=27) *NPSLE, noNPSLE, SSCNS, SSnoCNS ** P < 0.001 between MS and autoimmune diseases *** P < 0.001 between healthy subjects and autoimmune diseases - 27 Table 4 - 28 Table 5. - 29 Acknowledgement: This work was supported in part by grants from the Association Française du Gougerot-Sjögren et des syndromes secs and from G4-Interrégion Nord-Ouest (France). We also thank Dr Hervé Drobecq for the mass spectrometry analysis (Institut Biologie de Lille). The authors are grateful to Nicholas Barton for his advice in editing the manuscript. - 30 Figure Legends Figure 1. Illustrative patterns obtained in NPSLE patients and in various controls. Two sera from each of the groups (healthy subjects [1-2]; noNPSLE [3-4], NPSLE [5-6], SSnoCNS [78], SSCNS [9-10] patients; and MS patients [11-12]) were successively tested against healthy (normal CNS) and MS (MS CNS) brain homogenates. A high degree of diversity was found with the serum of a same patient tested against normal or MS CNS and among all groups of tested subjects. However, some conserved sets of IgG reactivities were detected within a same group, as indicated by black arrows, as well as between the different groups, as indicated by gray arrows. Figure 2. Identification of discriminant antigenic bands between patients with autoimmune diseases with or without CNS involvement, MS patients and healthy subjects. A. Two schematic illustrative western blotting strips depict the 16 brain antigens which support discriminant immune reactivities on both healthy and MS brain homogenates with sera from patients with autoimmune diseases (NPSLE, noNPSLE, SSCNS, SSnoCNS), from MS patients and from healthy subjects. The coefficient values assigned by LDA (coefficient for X and Y axis) were specified for each antigen. B. Graphic extrapolation of LDA obtained in the 3 groups of subjects tested. Coefficient values, associated with the presence or absence of each discriminant antigen, led us to calculate graphic coordinates for each individual. The graph clearly shows that the calculated scores of each subject are distributed in 3 distinct areas corresponding to the 3 groups: patients with autoimmune diseases (NPSLE, noNPSLE, SSCNS, SSnoCNS), MS patients and healthy subjects. A ROC curve delineated a threshold value of 0.650 (data not shown) which differentiated MS patients from healthy subjects (y) with a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 95.1%. A threshold value of 1.2 distinguished - 31 patients with autoimmune diseases from patients with MS and healthy subjects (x) with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 100%. The results showed an excellent degree of concordance with clinical data (=0.931). Antigenic bands were named by using their molecular weight preceded by p if they were on normal CNS or P if they were on MS CNS. Figure 3. Identification of discriminant antigenic bands between autoimmune diseases with or without CNS involvement. A. Two schematic illustrative western blotting strips depict the 5 antigens that support discriminant immune reactivity on both healthy and MS brain homogenates with sera from patients with autoimmune diseases according to the presence (NPSLE, SSCNS) or absence of neurological manifestations (noNPSLE, SSnoCNS). The coefficient values assigned by LDA (coefficient for X axis) were specified for each antigen. B. Graphic extrapolation of data obtained in the 2 groups: coefficient values, associated with the presence or absence of each discriminant reactivity, led us to calculate graphic coordinates for each individual. The graph clearly shows that the calculated scores of each subject are distributed in two areas corresponding to the two groups of patients, with an excellent degree of concordance with clinical data (=0.960). Antigenic bands were named by using their molecular weight preceded by p if they were on normal CNS or P if they were on MS CNS. Figure 4. Respective frequencies of discriminant antigens obtained by comparing either SSCNS and NPSLE (A) or noNPSLE and NPSLE (B). Common discriminant reactivities obtained in A and B are indicated in bold and underlined characters. x: antigenic bands were named by using their molecular weight preceded by p if they were on normal CNS or P if they were on MS CNS. *P < 0.05 **P <0 .01 - 32 Figure 5. Characterization of discriminant antigens by serologic proteomic approach. The 2D immunoblottings were treated with sera of NPSLE patients (representative data are shown in A with the serum of NPSLE patient n°3) or SSNCS (representative data is shown in B with one serum). Antigenic spots, matched with CBB-stained gel (in C), are marked with SwissProt or TrEMBL accession numbers (see Table 5).