KENTWOOD ADVISORY LESSON PLAN GRADE: 9 Theme: Improving Academically Essential Questions: Tasks Reflect on 1st Semester How am I doing academically? How can I do better? Activity Information Lead a discussion with students on what a transcript is. Explain that at the end of 1st semester their grades were posted PERMANENTLY onto their high school transcript. This is the first time that their grades REALLY count. Complete worksheet Lead a discussion around what “Academic Performance” means and why it is important to do well. Write a Plan to improve/maintain grades Have students complete the “Progress Report and Attendance Reflection.” Have students write a plan to improve/maintain grades for the rest of the semester. Materials * “Progress Report and Attendance Reflection” * “Academic Performance Questions” Revised 2/12/2016 Progress Report and Attendance Reflection 1st Semester Name ______________________________ Date _______________ Tardies Absences Class Grade Period Advisor: ____________________________ Teacher 1 2 3 4 5 6 0/7 1. Are you happy or satisfied with your 1st Semester Grades? Why or why not? 2. If your dream job called to check on your attendance and tardies for this semester, what would the school say? Would you get the job if it was based only on attendance and punctuality? Why or why not? Revised 2/12/2016 3. Looking back at the 1st semester’s Report, has your attendance and/or number of tardies affected your grades? How? 4. Which items in the checklist below will help you improve your grades for 2nd semester? Check all that apply: □ Do my homework when it is given □ Turn in my completed homework on time □ Stay after school and ask the teacher for help when needed □ Look for resources to help me with my classes □ Be punctual and attend class every day □ Come to class prepared with supplies every day □ Attend after school tutoring or study groups □ Check Skyward at least once a week to track my progress □ Ask my counselor/Advisor for additional help and/or community resources □ Use a planner to keep track of assignments □ Keep an organized binder of handouts and assignment for each class □ Get sufficient rest and nutritious food to be able to function well at school □ Have a quiet place to study with no distractions (such as: music, TV, video games, phone, etc) □ Other: 5. Write a plan of what you will do to improve/maintain your grades for the rest of this semester. Revised 2/12/2016