For SNV Nepal (Duty station: Kathmandu) we are looking for a
Renewable Energy Advisor
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation is a Netherlands based international Development Organization that
delivers capacity building advisory services to over 1,800 clients in 33 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and
the Balkans.
SNV aims to secure sustainable, locally owned and relevant impact that will lead to lasting poverty reduction and
contributes to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. We aim to include and empower excluded
communities and women. Our development results are measured in two impact areas:
Reducing extreme poverty by increasing production, employment and equitable income opportunities;
Improving the access, coverage and quality of basic services in education, health, water & sanitation and
renewable energy.
Within these two main impact areas SNV Nepal has prioritized 5 sectors, one of them being Renewable Energy.
SNV Nepal’s work in the Renewable Energy (RE) sector aims to expand the access to domestic biogas and
improved water mills to rural households. Using a multi-stakeholder approach, SNV assists in the development of a
commercially viable and sustainable market-oriented RE sector that brings direct and indirect long-lasting benefits.
These benefits include improved health and sanitation, reduced workload (particularly for women), environmental
protection, poverty reduction and income and employment generation. Furthermore, we closely work with our
clients to develop Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects and link them to pro poor interventions in the
sector. In addition, one possible innovation within the RE sector will be studied in the coming months and this is to
explore opportunities to successfully support the dissemination of improved domestic cook stoves.
SNV Nepal signed several agreements with donors to manage/monitor Externally Funded Programmes being one of
them the Renewable Energy Sector Support programme (RESS Programme) with three components: Biogas Sector
Programme, implemented by Biogas Sector Partnership Nepal (BSP-N); Improved Water Mill Programme
implemented by Centre for Rural Technology, Nepal (CRT/N); Renewable Energy General Sector Programme,
implemented by Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC). The PMT (Programme Monitoring Team) was
established in 2006 and is in charge of above-mentioned Externally Funded Programmes.
Provide quality advisory services to enhance institutional strengthening process amongst actors and
clients in the sector and the existing RE programmes;
Provide quality advisory services and develop ways to effectively mainstream gender, social inclusion and
good governance in the sector.
Support the achievement of the RE sector strategy outcome and impact targets.
Contribute in the promotion and marketing of RET (Renewable Energy Technologies) enabling the
expansion of the sector within the Nepali rural context.
In close coordination with PC sponsor for RE sector, develop a sector resource mobilisation strategy and
concrete proposals for resource mobilisation and partnerships.
Ensure the Renewable Energy Technology Promotion Centres are well established and sustainable in the
East and West Regions and all set to be replicated in other regions
Contribute to the national strategy for rural energy sector (Interim Plan and 11th 5 Year Plan) and assist
in reviewing the rural energy policy.
In close coordination with the responsible Portfolio Coordinators, support and facilitate RE advisors with
the overall capacity strengthening process of clients, networks and LCBs.
Provide content support to sector advisers across all portfolios.
Monitor quality and coherence of implementation of sector strategy/annual plans.
Develop and carry out knowledge brokering assignments that promote knowledge development of the
sector, learning processes in the sector, and the development of knowledge networks in the sector.
Strengthen linkages with and between actors in the sector, with special focus on clients and partners.
Strengthen actor collaboration and support developing networks.
Support organisational strengthening processes and learning of LCBs, support documentation of
experiences and feed these into the sector LCB strategy and partnership framework.
Prepare mid-year and annual sector reports (this includes progress in relation to plans, partnerships,
resource mobilization, knowledge networking and knowledge brokering activities) to the sponsor PC and
Participate in internal and external sector networks; promote the participation of SNV in knowledge
events; promote learning and publication of SNV-sector knowledge at country and regional level.
Job requirements:
Education University Degree (Master’s Degree or equivalent) with knowledge and experience on RE, basic services
provision or related development field.
Work experience:
7 years of experience with proven track record in the field of RE, basic services provision or related field,
through providing relevant capacity development services and facilitating multi disciplinary approaches
and multi-stakeholder processes.
Proven track record of working with pro-poor approaches, social inclusion and gender sensitive issues in a
development context.
Knowledge of and experience with the functioning of government/public sector, private sector and civil
society organisations, including private public partnerships.
Experience in RET related programme implementation for rural development.
Experience in marketing and promotion of RET or similar services; experience in using market-based
approaches for expanding the RE sector.
Knowledge of and experience with participatory techniques, coaching, learning and team building.
Proven ability to work in different cultural settings and multi-cultural environment.
Proven ability to take initiatives independently and to have perseverance under adverse circumstances
Good command of English (verbal and written)
Skills: The candidate must have:
excellent communication and facilitation skills;
analytical skills;
ability to design tools for training;
application from theory to practice;
coaching skills.
Name and details of job station:
Name: SNV/Nepal, Kathmandu Office
Educational facilities: International Schools available in Kathmandu
Medical facilities: Good
Security situation: Fair
Accessibility: Good
Salary Scale 11: minimum of 2795,02 – maximum of 4294,82 Euro gross per month ((hypo tax will be deducted)
depending on relevant working experience. We offer a contract with attractive secondary conditions and individual
allowances in a dynamic international organization.
Starting date: as soon as possible
Length of contract: three years
Information on the application
To apply send your application letter, to Mrs Llywela van der Stam, by the 30th of
April 2008 under reference number NP 5301.