Petrological and geochemical characteristics and K-Ar ages for Cenozoic tinguaite dykes of the Roztoky Intrusive Centre, České středohoří Mountains, NW Bohemia J. Ulrych, J.K. Novák, M. Lang, Praha, K. Balogh, Debrecen, E. Hegner, München, Z. Řanda, Řež With 11 Figures and 11 Tables ULRYCH, J., NOVÁK, J.K., LANG, M., BALOGH, K., HEGNER, E. ŘANDA, Z. (XXXX): Petrological and geochemical characteristics and K-Ar ages for Cenozoic tinguaite dykes of the Roztoky Intrusive Centre, České středohoří Mountains, NW Bohemia. – N. Jb. Mineral. Abh. (XXX): XXX–XXX; Stuttgart. Abstract: Dykes of tinguaite-textured (acicular clinopyroxene arranged in radial or crisscross patterns interstitially in a mosaic of alkali feldspar and foids) phonolites, hereafter referred to as tinguaites, represent the most evolved rocks in the alkaline (camptonite/monchiquite – phonolite/tinguaite) dyke suite of the Cenozoic Roztoky Intrusive Centre (RIC), České středohoří Mts. Petrographic and field evidence reveal different textural varieties of dykes ranging from tinguaites, porphyritic tinguaites to mixed-textured phonolite– tinguaites. K-Ar ages of 31–28.5 Ma for five samples suggest that the tinguaitic dyke rocks are coeval with the subvolcanic members of the RIC at 33 to 24 Ma. But, since field evidence requires a younger crystallization age for the dykes than the RIC, we suggest that excess Ar may be responsible for some of the older ages obtained in this study. The development of a tinguaitic texture depends on the rate of magma cooling as can be concluded from the observation that thin phonolitic dykes exhibit trachytic texture whereas thick dykes show a tinguaitic texture. Thick dykes may also show glassy tinguaitic margins and trachytic-textured phonolitic central parts. Rare perrierite and an as-yet unidentified Zr-silicate mineral are among the accessory minerals. The tinguaite samples are rich in alkali and other incompatible elements and have high concentrations of Cl, SO3, CO2, and H2O. The alkalinity index (A.I.) is high and ranges from 0.79 to 0.96. Initial 87 Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.70335 to 0.70419 and initial Nd values of +2.1 to +4.3 indicating mantle-derivation of their parental magmas. 1 The chemically evolved composition of the tinguaites was attained via melt differentiation at shallow crustal levels with limited assimilation of crust. Key words: České středohoří Mts., Ohře/Eger Rift, Roztoky Intrusive Center, tinguaite dykes, Cenozoic volcanism. Introduction The Ohře/Eger Rift and associated Cenozoic alkaline volcanism are prominent geological features of the NW part of the Bohemian Massif (BM). The volcanic rocks comprise an olivine nephelinite/tephrite – phonolite and basanite – trachyte series that makes up the České středohoří Mountains (CS). The structural position of the CS has been described by Hibsch (1926) and Kopecký (1987). The geology of the Roztoky Intrusive Centre (RIC), representing the main volcanic centre of the CS, was studied by Kopecký (1987), Ulrych et al. (1983), Ulrych (1998, 2000), Ulrych and Balogh (2000), and Cajz (2003). Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the rock associations of the RIC were published by Ulrych et al. (1983), Jelínek et al. (1989), and Ulrych (1998). In this paper we present a petrographic, mineralogical, and geochemical study of the youngest phonolitic – tinguaitic dykes of the RIC (Hibsch 1936). Geological setting of the Roztoky Intrusive Center More than one thousand dykes of alkali lamprophyres, felsic differentiates and undifferentiated rocks related to hypabyssal/subvolcanic intrusions of essexite/monzodiorite – sodalite syenite series, are associated with the RIC (Hibsch, 1926; Jelínek et al., 1989; Ulrych, 1998; Cajz, 2003). Most of the dykes are radially arranged around the central part of the RIC that consists of a trachytic vent breccia. There are also preferred strike directions for compositionally distinct dyke rocks (Ulrych and Balogh, 2000; Cajz, 2003) and the felsic dykes have prevailing strike directions of 90o, 0o, 40o and steep dips (80 to 90o). The average dyke width is ~ 1m but widths range from 10 cm to 10 m. Structural analysis by Cajz (2003) revealed even more complicated systems of dykes with preferred strike directions. Crosscutting relationships indicate that the felsic dykes belong to the youngest igneous rocks of the RIC (Hibsch, 1936). This finding was only partly confirmed by the first K-Ar data reported by Ulrych and Balogh (2000) probably due to disturbance of the K-Ar isotopic system. 2 The Roztoky Intrusive Centre including dykes within a distance of 17 km consists of three major intrusive series (Ulrych and Balogh, 2000). In order of decreasing age these are: (1) Hypabyssal, mildly alkaline rocks, 33 to 28 Ma, including essexite, monzodiorite, sodalite syenite with diopside–kaersutite cumulates (?) that are also present in camptonites and gauteites. (2) Alkaline dykes, 31 to 26 Ma, including tephrite/basanite(?), monchiquite/camptonite, tephriphonolite, and phonolite/tinguaite. The felsic dyke rocks only occur in close proximity to the centre of the RIC. (3) Mildly alkaline dykes, 28 to 24 Ma, including trachybasalt, gauteite (two generations), camptonite/mondhaldeite, bostonite (two generations)/sodalite syenite porphyry, and trachyte. The moderate degree of melt differentiation and enrichment in incompatible element, as well as depletion in compatible elements, is an essential feature of the RIC. Primitive mantlenormalized concentrations of incompatible elements exhibit a progressive enrichment in the series through essexite – monzodiorite – sodalite syenite – mafic dykes to the felsic dykes. The felsic dyke rocks show a specific chemical differentiation trend and prevailing N–S and NE–SW strikes in addition to E–W strikes, most typical for lamprophyric RIC dykes (Ulrych and Balogh, 2000). Methods of investigation The major element concentrations were determined using wet chemical methods (Analyst J. Janovská and J. Šikl, Czech Geological Survey, Prague). Analyses of the international reference whole-rock standards (GM, TB, BN) and duplicate analyses of the samples suggest total errors of 5% (1 s.d.). The trace element concentrations were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Samples powders of 50–90 mg were sealed in polyethylene foils and irradiated for 4 hours in a nuclear reactor LWR-15 of the Institute of Nuclear Research at Řež. The neutron flux rate was 8.5 × 1013 cm-2s-1. The irradiated samples were measured after three days and four months. The gamma-ray spectrometric system, equipped with a HPGe-detector, was operated with the following parameters: efficiency 22 % and resolution FWHM 1.8 keV for photons 1332.5 keV of 60Co. The counting time was 1.5 hours in the first run and 24 hours in the second one. The precision (1 s.d.) is better than 10 % for the REE and 5–10 % for other trace elements. The accuracy of the data, checked against international rock standards, is better than 10% for the REE and 5% for the other trace elements. 3 Mineral analyses were carried out on a Cameca SX-100 electron microprobe using the wavelength dispersive technique (Analyst: A. Langrová, Institute of Geology AS CR). The beam diameter was 10 µm with an accelerating potential of 15 kV. A beam current of 20 nA was measured on a Faraday cup. A counting time of 10s was used for all elements. The standards employed were of synthetic (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and MgO) and natural composition (jadeite, apatite, leucite, diopside, and spinel [all Kα], and barite [Lα]). Data reduction was performed with X-PHI correction. The K-Ar isotope measurements were carried out according to the procedure described in Balogh (1985). For Sm-Nd isotopic work was carried out in the isotope laboratory at Universität München according to the procedures outlined in Hegner et al. (1995). The isotopic measurements were carried out on a MAT 261 in a dynamic quadruple mass collection mode. The 143 external precision of the Nd/144Nd ratios were normalized to 143 146 Nd/144Nd = 0.7219. The Nd/144Nd ratios is 1.2 × 10-5 as has been with an Ames Nd standard solution yielding 0.512142 ± 12 (N = 35), corresponding to 0.511854 in the La Jolla Nd reference standard material. The Nd values were calculated with the parameters of Jacobsen and Wasserburg (1980). Present-day values for the chondrite uniform reservoir (CHUR): 147 Sm/144Nd = 0.1967, 143 Nd/144Nd = 0.512638 at 146 Nd/144Nd = 0.7219. 87Sr/86Sr ratios were measured in a dynamic double cup mass collection mode and normalized to 86 Sr/88Sr = 0.1194. The NIST 987 reference material yielded 87Sr/86Sr = 0.71022 (N= 22). Results of the study Rock descriptions and sample localities The phonolite/tinguaite dykes occur in small numbers in the central part of the RIC (Fig. 1). In combination with the trachytic dykes they make up ca. one hundred dykes out of the total of ca. one thousand dykes in the RIC (Ulrych and Balogh, 2000). The following tinguaitic types were recognized in the RIC and a brief description of the dykes and their host rocks is presented in Table 1. The location of the dykes is shown in Fig. 1. 1. Tinguaite (type locality Serra de Tinguá, Brazil). The type locality of tinguaite in the CS is located west of the village of Skrytín near Roztoky. Here we collected sample PH-3/1 (details in Table 1) from a dyke of aphyric tinguaite ca. 4 m thick. It exhibits a typical tinguaitic texture with cellular arrangement sensu Voitsechovsky et al. (1997) (Fig. 2 A). An additional phonolitic dyke has been described from an outcrop in the Královský potok Valley near the village of Český Bukov (Souček et al., 1985 – No. 55). It is remarkable in that the phonolite is 4 the most evolved rock type with the highest enrichment of incompatible element so far documented in the CS. 2. Porphyritic tinguaite (type locality Devil’s Tower, Wyoming). Sample PH-3A comes from Skrytín village where (details in Table 1). The dyke is 4–5 m thick and exhibits a typical porphyritic rock with up to 50 vol.% of phenocrysts set in a tinguaitic groundmass. This rock was first described by Hibsch (1899) as “Tinguaitporphyr”. A similar dyke was described by Hibsch (1902) as “Nephelinporphyr – Foyaitporphyr” which occurs in a railway cut near the village of Roztoky. At this locality there are four subparallel dykes (thickness 0.5 to 15 m) transecting the phonolite intrusion Bradlo/Pradelberg. Sample (PH-88 from the centre and PH-89 from the margin of the thickest dyke (Table 1). The dyke exhibits no chilled margins and/or sharp contacts with the host phonolite (cf. Hibsch, 1902). After the recognition of a tinguaitic texture we interpret the rock here as an example of porphyritic tinguaite. 3. Tinguaites with mixed-textures (type locality “Flur Ratschin” near the village of Zubrnice) This group comprises porphyritic phonolite transitional to porphyritic tinguaite in the centre of dykes and glassy porphyritic tinguaite in dyke margins. It was first described by Hibsch (1910) who referred to an outcrop standing 8 to 12 m high. Today the dyke outcrop is only an about 2 m high with a 1–1.5 m thick rampart of small outcrops and boulders. Most of the dyke is composed of a felsic rock with a trachytic texture showing transitions to a porphyritic tinguaitic texture. The narrow margins of the dyke are formed by an altered glassy rock with porphyritic tinguaitic texture. At this locality we collected sample PH-87 (Table 1, Fig. 2 B). 4. Phonolites and trachytes forming intrusions and rare dykes with common trachytic texture and mineral paragenesis have been described from many localities of the RIC. Phonolite sample PH-2 collected near the town of Roztoky represents the host rock of the tinguaite dyke from which samples PH-88 and PH-89 were collected. Samples PH-3 and POL-235 were collected in a trachytic breccia hosting the tinguaite dykes from which samples PH-3A and PH-3/1 were collected at the village of Skrytín (Table 1). The felsic dyke rocks associated with the RIC are mostly of trachytic to phonolitic composition. In detail, the majority of trachytes and “pseudotrachytes” reported in Kopecký (1987) plot in the phonolite, tephriphonolite and also trachyandesite fields in the TAS classification diagram of Le Maitre et al. (2002). K-Ar geochronology 5 New K-Ar ages for tinguaitic whole-rock samples (PH-3/1a, -3/A and -87), were determined on feldspar and analcime separates from PH-88, and a nepheline concentrate from PH-3/1b (Table 2). The ages range from 30.9 ± 1.2 (1σ) Ma to 28.6 ± 1.1(1σ) Ma. Considering the analytical error of ages, this time interval suggests a brief period for the emplacement of the tinguaite dykes. The young age of 25.6 ± 1.0 Ma measured on sample PH-3/1a will be discussed below. Nepheline is traditionally interpreted as having good Ar retentivity and therefore useful for K-Ar dating (McDougal and Harrison, 1988, and references therein, Faure, 1986). However, Lippolt et al. (1990) demonstrated the presence of excess Ar in Quaternary phonolitic rocks from the eastern Eifel, and also found rocks with initial 40 Ar/36Ar ratios as low as 280, that resulted in erroneously young K-Ar ages. The authors explained this phenomenon as being due to uptake of fractionated Ar from the atmospheric origin by the feldspathoids. This explanation is plausible for the Tertiary samples analyzed by Lippolt et al. (1990), but excess argon would not significantly change the age of Palaeogene rocks. Significant amounts of excess Ar have been detected in altered nepheline by Zhirov et al. (1968) and by Balogh et al. (1999) who could show a correlation of excess Ar with the degree of alteration. They interpreted this as evidence for supply of excess Ar by the fluids responsible for the alteration of the samples. Taking these findings into account, K-Ar ages for nepheline may indicate the true age, or alternatively, in the presence of excess Ar, too great an age. However, Balogh et al. (2005) reported that leucite-nepheline-bearing alkali basalts may lose significant amounts of radiogenic Ar during the baking of the sample at 250° C in the Ar extraction line. They showed that whereas nepheline and leucite do lose Ar, this loss can be avoided if the extraction line is baked only at 150 °C. They assumed that syngenetic and an unspecified submicroscopic alteration may be responsible for the lowered Ar retentivity of nepheline and leucite. In order to study this possible effect in the samples from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre, nepheline sample separated from sample PH-3/1b was dated after regular and reduced baking temperatures. The measured Ar concentrations indicate some loss of radiogenic Ar at the regular baking temperature of 250 °C, but this effect is insufficient to explain the age difference between PH-3/1a (25.6 ± 1.0 Ma) and -3/1b of ca. 28 Ma. We suggest instead that the young age is indeed due to resetting of the K-Ar system during alteration. Accepting the values measured after moderate baking of the Ar extraction line for the real geological age of 6 PH-3/1b, we note that out of the 5 determinations (Table 2) the four younger ages are in close agreement, ranging between 31 and 28.5 Ma (aver. 28.9 ± 0.4 Ma). This age interval overlaps the time-span suggested for the formation of the subvolcanic members of the Roztoky Intrusive Centre by Ulrych & Balogh (2000). This, however, does not contradict the opinion of Hibsch (1936), who – on the basis of geological criteria – recognized that the intrusion of the tinguaite dykes marked the final stage of magmatic activity. However, a fully convincing interpretation of the young K-Ar age is still missing. Ulrych & Balogh (2000) published a set of K-Ar ages from different laboratories, on differentiated dyke rock series from the Roztoky Centre. These samples yielded ages of 28.2 Ma to as young as 23.6 Ma and were interpreted as evidence for prolonged magmatic activity. This may be true, but a systematic chronological investigation including the Ar-Ar dating technique needs to be carried out so that effects of overprinting by younger thermal events and/or fluids can be identified. Petrological characteristics of the tinguaite dykes The pertinent petrographical characteristics of the tinguaite dykes and their host rocks are presented in Table 1. Despite the fact that the tinguaites are uniform with respect their modal (cf. Table 2) and chemical (cf. Table 3) compositions, samples can have contrasting textural characteristics. Although they underwent crystallization at similar PT conditions in a similar geological environment, these cogenetic rocks substantially differ in their textures, grain-size, phenocryst/groundmass ratios, and abundances of recrystallized volcanic glass. Chemical composition of minerals Feldspar Feldspar is the most abundant mineral in the tinguaites, occurring both as phenocrysts and as a major proportion of the groundmass (cf. Table 5). Their normative composition is plotted in the Ab – Or – An diagrams (Fig. 3a, b, c, d). K-oligoclase, mantled by anorthoclase – Na-sanidine of limited composition, forms the cores of the phenocrysts in tinguaite sample PH-3/1. Rims around these consist of sanidine to Na-sanidine. Alkali feldspar of the groundmass is rich in an Or-component. In addition there is albite in rare quantities. In the coarse-porphyritic sample PH-3A, anorthoclase – Koligoclase forms the cores and anorthoclase – sanidine the rims. The alkali feldspar of the groundmass is also anorthoclase (Or33-39) but it does not have so high an Or-content (Or69-76) 7 as the sanidine rims of the phenocrysts. The celsian component in the alkali feldspars ranges from 2–6 mol.% with the high contents confined to the rims of the feldspars. Finely porphyritic tinguaite samples PH-88 and PH-89 reveal a distinct chemical composition of their alkali feldspars. The chemical zoning of small phenocrysts of Na-sanidine is minor, except for an enrichment in the celsian component (Cn = 5.7) in the core (Fig. 2C). This contrasts with the situation in PH-3/A where there is enrichment of the clesian component in both rims and groundmass feldspar (Cn = 5.3 and 6.1, respectively). The alkali feldspars of the matrix are both sanidine and K-oligoclases-andesine. The porphyritic tinguaite/phonolite sample PH-87 is characterized by poikilitic ternary K-andesine to K-oligoclase cores in the microphenocrysts mantled by K-oligoclase – anorthoclase rims. This reflects successively increasing potassium contents from core to rim as is also found in the porphyritic tinguaite PH–3A. An atoll texture of microphenocrysts is characterized by the presence of glass (Fig. 2D). The alkali feldspar of the groundmass is anorthoclase; microlites formed by groundmass recrystallization have a composition of oligoclase. Clinopyroxene Clinopyroxene occurs as phenocrysts and in minor amounts in the groundmass of the tinguaites. Their composition plots in the QUAD-field attributing them to the diopside– hedenbergite series (Fig. 6) of Morimoto ed. (1988) classification. An exception is the clinopyroxene of the groundmass of sample PH-3/1 that corresponds to aegirine. Low-Ti aluminian hedenbergite with little chemical zoning forms phenocrysts in tinguaite and porphyritic tinguaite. It displays a small variation in the composition of the end-member molecules (Table 5, Fig. 4). Euhedral phenocrysts showing characteristically narrow rims and reaction zones document changing conditions during the crystallization of the phenocrysts and groundmass. Diopside phenocrysts with typical atoll texture with a glass rim and outer rim formed by K-oligoclase (Fig. 2 E) occur only in the porphyritic tinguaite/phonolite sample PH-87. Diopside is also present as resorbed relict cores of some phenocrysts in sample PH3A. The amount of the Na is lower than that of Fe3+ (in atoms p.f.u.) implying the presence of an Ae-component (7–17 mol.%) and suggesting Ca + (Mg, Fe) – Na + Fe3+ substitution. Rare subhedral prisms of aegirine (Ae-component up to 90 mol.% in sample PH-3/1) and Na-rich diopside (Ae-component up to 18 mol.% in sample PH-88) in the groundmass shows that these rocks have an agpaitic character. 8 Amphibole Amphibole occurs predominantly as phenocrysts and more rarely in the groundmass of the tinguaites and porphyritic tinguaites. Compositionally zoned phenocrysts vary according to the IMA recommendations from ferroan pargasite to ferro-pargasite (Leake ed., 1998; see Fig. 5). The TiO2 contents range from 2.5 to 4.1 wt% (Table 6, Fig. 5). Kaersutite and ferrokaersutite forming the rims of clinopyroxene phenocrysts in tinguaite sample PH-3/1 and trachyte to porphyritic tinguaite sample PH-87, respectively, are more magnesian than the pargasite of the phenocrysts. The samples also show ubiquitous reaction rims of amphibole phenocrysts in contact with matrix. Feldspathoids and analcime Feldspathoids occur both as phenocrysts and groundmass in various proportions. The compositions of nepheline, nosean, and sodalite are presented in Table 8. Nepheline phenocrysts were mostly resorbed in the tinguaites and porphyritic tinguaites. The relicts were confirmed in porphyritic tinguaite samples PH-3A and PH-3/1, whereas in other samples they were either totally analcimized or altered to a mixture of clays and zeolites (Fig. 2F). The chemical composition of the nepheline plots near the composition of Si-poor nepheline and does not exceed the limit defining an excess of SiO2 in solid solution in the Ne – Ks – Qz – H2O system at 700 oC and 1 kbar pH2O (Fig. 6) defined by Hamilton (1961). The compositional variation of the Ks-component ranging from 11.5–16.0 mol.% is small. Noseane occurs only as microphenocrysts in tinguaite sample PH-3/1. Sodalite occurs as pristine grains in interstices of tinguaite sample PH-3A. Analcime not only replaces nepheline but is also present in the interstices. Glass The variation in the chemical composition of glass, frequently occurring in the groundmass, can be attributed to an evolving composition of the residual liquid (Table 9). Three types of glassy inclusions of 100 to 250 μm were distinguished in the tinguaite samples PH-87 and PH-89. Type I glass reveals a low A/CNK index of 1.2 to 2 and a high Na/(Na+K) ratio of 0.96 to 0.99 due to low K and high Na contents. The alkalinity index (A.I.) of 0.7 to 1.4 is highly variable corresponding to rocks of alkaline to peralkaline compositions. Due to the generally high SiO2 content of 52 to 62 wt.% and relatively low Na2O content, the composition of the glass is rather albitic than nephelinic. 9 Type II glass is most common and characterized by an extremely high A/CNK index of 7.1 to 12.5. It markedly differs from type I glass in its low total alkali contents of 0.5 to 0.7 wt.% vs. 7.4–10.0 wt.%. The high A/CNK ratios are due to the very high Al2O3 contents of 34 to 36 wt.% in the glass. The A.I. of 0.02 is very low. Type III glass has a medium A/CNK index of 3.5 to 7.2 and high contents of K2O (0.6–4.1 wt.%) when compared to other varieties of glass. It significantly differs from the other glass categories by its substantially higher FeO, MgO, and TiO2 contents (Table 8). The A.I. index of 0.02 to 0.2 is low in this material. Iron-titanium oxides Titanian magnetite has moderate Ti, Al, and Mg contents (Table 10). The high content of the ulvöspinel molecule (Usp = 43 mol.%) is typical for the microphenocrysts, lower contents are present in the dusty dissemination of magnetite (Usp = 7 mol.%, Table 9). A high content of MnO is typical for the titanian magnetite in the rim and the groundmass. The titanian magnetite clusters along the magnetite – ulvöspinel solid solution series (Fig. 7) unlike more oxidized magnetite of the hematite – ilmenite series in other phonolites, e.g., Col de Guéry area, Massif Central (Bernth et al., 2002). Titanite Microphenocrysts and phenocrysts of titanite are the characteristic and most ubiquitous accessory phases of the tinguaites. Notable are the low Al and Fe contents. The contents of Zr and Nb are usually explained by a coupled substitution of Ti4+ + Al3+ – Zr4+ + Fe3+. Titanite in the porphyritic tinguaite/phonolite PH-87 shows in some cases lower Zr concentrations (0.1– 0.6 wt.% ZrO2) than those in the porphyritic samples PH-88 and -89 (0.5–1.7 wt.% ZrO2). Apatite Patchily-zoned apatite is a subordinate component in the tinguaites. It is a fluorapatite characterized by low Sr and REE contents. Perrierite and Zr-silicate Perrierite with the empirical formula (Th0.03La1.47Ce1.92Y0.09Ca0.63Na0.05K0.02)4.21 (Fe2+1.72Mg0.28)2.00(Ti2.57Al0.57)3.14 [Si4.02O22] was first identified in the tinguaite sample PH3/1 (Ulrych and Pivec, 2001). It forms tiny, partly elongated grains about 0.05 mm in diameter or short columns with indications of prismatic terminations. It has a strong yellow10 brown and red-brown pleochroism. Perrierite (Table 10) mostly forms inclusions in sodalite or penetrates the feldspathic groundmass. A Zr-silicate, as yet not clearly identified, occurs in porphyritic sample PH-3A (Ulrych and Pivec, 2001). It forms small brown-red grains (50 to 100 m) and is associated with sodalite commonly occupying the wedges between the laths of feldspars. Chemical composition of the tinguaite dykes and host-rock samples Bulk and trace element chemistry Major element and trace element data of five tinguaite dyke and four host-rock samples are presented in Table 4. The latter include a sample from the vent breccia that hosts dyke sample PH-3A and a phonolite that hosts dyke sample PH-3/1. Additional chemical analyses of phonolitic and trachytic dyke rocks were published by Hibsch (1926), Kopecký (1987), and Souček et al. (1985). In Fig. 8 the concentrations of Na- and K-oxides and SiO2 are plotted in the TAS diagram of Le Maitre (2002). It can be seen that the dykes, as well as their host rocks, have phonolitic compositions or straddle the trachyte and tephriphonolite field boundaries. The tinguaite as well as the host rock samples have low Mg-numbers 32 to 8 with the lowest Mg-numbers of ca. 8 confined to the host phonolites. The chemically evolved composition is supported by low Ni and Cr concentrations and very high Al2O3 concentrations of about 20 wt.%. These features are consistent with substantial fractionation of olivine and pyroxene but with little or no feldspar fractionation (Table 4). The subordinate role of feldspar fractionation in the dyke samples is confirmed by the high Sr concentrations and the absence of Eu-anomalies in the samples (Fig. 10). However, in the host-rock samples PH-2 and S-55, the low Sr and Ba concentrations provide some evidence for feldspar fractionation. In particular Sample PH-2 underwent feldspar fractionation as can be inferred from the distinctly negative Eu- and Ba-anomalies (Fig. 10c). The catanorms calculated for the set of tinguaitic dyke rocks plot around the lower boundary of the low-temperature trough of the petrogeny’s residua system (Bowen, 1937), lying either below (tinguaites and porphyritic tinguaites) or above (phonolites, trachytes and recrystallized porphyritic tinguaite) this boundary, see Fig. 9. Shand (1922) denoted the Na2O + K2O/Al2O3 ratio (in molar proportions) as the alkalinity index (A.I.) and distinguished (i) agpaitic (peralkaline), (ii) miaskitic (alkaline) and (iii) plumasitic (subalkaline) magmatic rocks. The terms sensu Le Maitre et al. (2002) are in parentheses. The values of the alkalinity 11 index A.I. (0.85–0.96) relate the tinguaitic dykes to the alkaline types whereas only the host phonolite PH-2 and dyke S-55 fall into the peralkaline, and trachyte breccia POL-235 to subalkaline categories. The alkaline type is the most frequent (59%) among the trachytic – phonolitic rocks in the CS, whereas peralkaline (24 %) and subalkaline (17 %) types are minor (Pazdernik, 1994; 1998). The textures and incompatible trace element contents relate tinguaite dyke rocks to Le Bas’ (1987) Group II, representing the evolved, low-pressure fractional crystallisation products of an olivine-poor nephelinite magma. These phonolites are porphyritic with high Sr, Ba and low Rb, Nb contents. In comparison with the average compositions of the Cenozoic phonolites from the BM (Shrbený, 1995), the tinguaite dykes have substantially higher Sr, Ba and Cr contents but lower Rb, Y, U, Th, Zr, Hf, Nb and Ta contents. The Th/U ratio (4–8) is higher than the average ratio of phonolites of the BM (Th/U = 3.8 – Shrbený, 1995). The higher Th/U ratio in the tinguaite dykes may be due to partial loss of the U as a result of post-magmatic activity of hydrothermal fluids. The contents of REE in the tinguaite dyke rocks are moderate (230– 330), comparable, e.g., with values of REE (290) for the average phonolite of the BM (Shrbený, 1995). Normalized REE and other incompatible trace element patterns The chondrite-normalized REE and trace element patterns of the dyke and host rock samples are very similar (Fig. 10): all are characterized by remarkably steep LREE patterns and, in most samples, by unfractionated HREE patterns. These traits are best developed in the dyke samples whereas the host rocks show some irregularities in the middle and the heavy REE, probably due to greater degrees of crystal fractionation, as exhibited by sample PH-2. The REE patterns of the dykes overlap and thus indicate similar partial melting and fractional crystallization histories. It is notable that the unfractionated HREE patterns suggest a garnetfree mantle source in contrast to that of the OIB-like basalts of the Cenozoic Volcanic Province in Europe (e.g., Wilson and Downes, 1991). The normalized incompatible trace element patterns exhibit a number of interesting characteristics such as high and OIB-like Nbconcentrations suggesting a genetic relationship with the Cenozoic European intra-plate volcanism. In addition negative P- and Ti-anomalies underscore the important role of apatite and titanian magnetite during melt fractionation. A subordinate role of feldspars is indicated by a small and negative Ba-anomaly. An unusual positive Zr anomaly may be due to the high solubility of alkali zirconium silicate complexes in strongly alkaline melts (Watson, 1979; Ulrych et al., 1992) although 12 post-magmatic addition of zirconium from hydrothermal solutions can not be precluded (Ulrych and Pivec, 1997). In general, crystallization of rare Zr, REE, Ti minerals is a ubiquitous feature of the melt evolution of the tinguaite dyke rocks of the RIC. The normalized trace element patterns of the host rocks of the dykes exhibit often lower concentrations of the middle REE than in the dyke samples and in some samples there is an irregular behaviour of the HREE with depletion and enrichment of Lu. The extended trace element patterns of the host-rock samples are generally similar to those of the dykes, consistent with their having experienced similar melt evolutions. The negative Nb-anomalies in phonolite samples PH-2 and PH-3 may be explained with involvement of old subductionmodified upper mantle sources or melt contamination with felsic crust. The Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios of tinguaite dyke rocks are slightly higher than that published for average phonolite of the BM (Shrbený, 1995). The chondrite-normalized REE patterns show a typical U-shaped form (Fig. 10a). The low abundance of MREE may account for the fractionation of amphibole and titanite (Wilson et al., 1995). No expressive Eu anomaly is present in the tinguaite dyke differentiates (Eu/Eu* = 0.8–1.3). Sr and Nd isotope characteristics The initial 87 Sr/86Sr and 143 Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios of four tinguaite samples and one host rock sample (PH-3) are presented in Table 11 and plotted in Fig. 11. The initial 87 Sr/86Sr ratios range from ~0.7033 to 0.7042 and the initial Nd values from +2.1 to +4.3. Two dyke samples yielded Nd values of ~4.3 indistinguishable from the value for the host rock of the dykes. Two additional dyke samples have lower Nd values of +2.1 and +3.5 indicating some isotopic heterogeneity among the sources of the dykes. It is noteworthy that the initial Sr/86Sr ratios of the samples with similar Nd values show a large variation in their 87Sr/86Sr 87 ratios of 0.7033 to 0.7036 (Fig. 11; Table 11). We suggest that the Sr isotopic heterogeneity may be due to resetting of the Rb-Sr system during rock alteration, and consequently calculation of unrealistic initial 87 Sr/86Sr ratios rather than invoking a heterogeneous mantle source with respect to Sr. Considering that the sample with the highest Sr concentration is least affected by secondary processes we accept sample PH-88A with an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70362 as best reflecting the Sr isotopic composition of the three samples with Nd values of ~+4.2. On the other hand the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio for sample PH-3 with the highest Rb/Sr ratio and low Sr concentration is easiest affected by modification of the Rb-Sr system. 13 The initial Nd values for the tinguaite dykes and their host rocks suggest a cogenetic origin ultimately from moderately depleted mantle sources, similar to those of Cenozoic basalts from Western Europe (Wörner et al., 1986; Wilson and Downes, 1991; Hegner et al., 1995; Wilson and Paterson, 2002; Blusztajn and Hegner, 2002). When comparing the 143 Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios of the dyke and host-rock samples with data for mafic Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Bohemian Massif (84Sr/86Sr = 0.7032–0.7037 and 143 Nd/144Nd = 0.51278–0.51288; Wilson et al. 1994 and Bendl et al. 1993) and basanite formation from the České středohoří Mts. (Ulrych et al. 2002), see Fig. 11, our data plot somewhat to the left of the mantle array (Fig. 11). This position of data points has previously been interpreted as evidence for the involvement of HIMU mantle plume sources (e.g., Wilson and Downes 1991). However, as pointed out above, for sample PH-3 plotting to the left of the mantle array, we need to invoke resetting of the Rb-Sr system. Thus all reliable data points plot in the mantle array suggesting that typical HIMU-like mantle sources were unimportant in the origin of the rocks. Isotopic data for the Roztoky Intrusive Centre subvolcanic rocks show affinity to the trachybasalt volcanism of the České středohoří Mts. (Fig. 11) complicated by a substantial scatter associated with a secondary alteration process (Ulrych et al. 2000). The tinguaitic rocks have higher 143 Nd/144Nd ratios and much lower 87 Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios those of the České středohoří Mts trachybasalt formation, (Ulrych et al., of 2002). This might suggest an independent source. It rules out an origin by crustal anatexis for the parental magma of the RIC tinguaites but allows for minor crustal contamination of mantle-derived parental magma. A similar source for tinguaitic dykes (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70314, 143 Nd/144Nd = 0.51203) in the Fen Complex was suggested by Andersen and Sundvoll (1987). Some of the phonolite intrusions in the České středohoří Mts. are characterized by less radiogenic Nd and more radiogenic Sr isotopic ratios compared to those of mafic samples from the same volcanic area. This relationship rules out extensive crustal contamination in the genesis of the felsic magmas. In the Sr-Nd isotopic diagram, the tinguaite samples plot within the mantle ~ 2 to 4 epsilon units above the bulk Earth composition (cf. data on felsic rocks and alkali lamprophyres from the České středohoří Mts. – Fediuk, 1995; Ulrych et al., 2000, 2002). In terms of their Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics, the phonolite magmas in the CS probably represent low-pressure differentiation products of mantle-derived magma, with some crustal modification whereas the alkaline lamprophyres of the RIC are uncontaminated nearprimary products from the same magma source. 14 Discussion The origin of the phonolitic and trachytic magmas is attributed to tapping of different levels within a compositionally stratified magma chamber and/or to melting of upper mantle or deep crust (e.g., Lippard, 1973; Price et al., 1985; Wilson et al., 1995). The rock series of the RIC may be derived from a primitive olivine-poor nephelinite magma by means of progressive tapping of a stratified magma chamber within the crust that was replenished on several occasions (Ulrych, 1998). The phonolitic dykes from the RIC plot in the low-temperature trough of Bowen´s (1937) residua system, and as the H2O content is relatively high (inferred from the presence of amphibole), an origin from a magma chamber in the deep crust is most plausible (Bailey, 1974; Harris, 1974). As suggested by the high Sr and Nb contents in the phonolite/tinguaite dykes, their origin may well be associated with a fractionating mantlederived basanitic parental magma (Borodin, 1989). Crystallization of a (clinopyroxene)/amphibole (olivine, plagioclase), titanite, apatite assemblage can account for the composition of both dyke series of the RIC (Ulrych, 1998; Ulrych and Balogh, 2000). From a geological point of view, the tinguaites represent the youngest dykes of the RIC (sensu Hibsch, 1936). They are geochemically associated with the alkaline monchiquite/camptonite dyke series of the RIC (sensu Ulrych et al., 1998). The ages of the dykes are close to those of the other subvolcanic rocks of the RIC (Ulrych et al. 1999, 2000); the detailed chronology of the dyke rocks cannot be further refined by geochronological methods. The roles of excess Ar and its retention in nepheline/sodalite are substantial and may account for the spread in K-Ar ages (cf. Balogh et al., 1999). The sources of the tinguaites are characterized by less radiogenic Nd and partly by more radiogenic Sr than those for mafic rocks from the BM. This relationship suggests that extensive crustal contamination was not involved in formation of the felsic magmas. A low Nd value of +2.1 in sample PH–87 (SiO2 ~58 wt.%) when compared to values of +4.2 in the more primitive rocks (sample 88, SiO2 ~53 wt.%) may be taken as evidence for the effects of melt contamination during formation of the felsic rocks in a deep crustal magma chamber. However, involvement of isotopically different mantle-derived melt batches could also explain the isotopic heterogeneity among the samples. If a single fractionating magma chamber is hypothesized, however, the isotopic variation among the samples could be explained with assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC) processes. In the Sr-Nd isotope diagram, the samples plot within the mantle array together with data for the camptonite dyke 15 from the RIC. Therefore, in terms of their Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics, the phonolite magmas in the CS appear to represent products of a mantle-derived magma that was only partly influenced by crustal contamination, whereas the comagmatic alkaline lamprophyres may have been unaffected by crustal assimilation. Tinguaite rocks associated with carbonatites are known from the Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Centre and the Katzenbuckel Complex in the Cenozoic Central European Volcanic Province (Stahle and Koch, 2003). Based on the homogenization temperatures of inclusions in clinopyroxenes from the tinguaites, Panina et al. (2000) inferred a wide temperature range for their crystallisation of 1140 to 900o C. Tinguaite dykes (550 ± 7 Ma) are also associated with the Fen Complex in Norway (BergstØl, 1979) although at this locality they occur exclusively outside the main complex. This relationship led to the interpretation that the tinguaite intrusion represented an early event in the evolution of carbonatite and peralkaline complexes. However, a Sr-Nd geochemical study of Andersen and Sundvoll (1986) showed that the parent magma of tinguaites, originating from a depleted mantle source with a minor crustal contamination, evolved from a common ijolitic precursor by fractional crystallization in the shallow crust. In contrast to these evolutionary scenarios for tinguaites, alkaline rocks of the olivine-free nephelinite – phonolite/tinguaite association from the Gujarat Province, India were interpreted as products of liquid immiscibility of carbonated nephelinitic mantle magma (Viladkar and Avasia, 1994; Shrivastava, 1994). As suggested by the Sr-Nd isotopes of the samples of this study, the parental magma of the tinguaites clearly originated from a depleted mantle source and an origin by anatexis of an old mafic lower crust is not supported by the isotopic data. Conclusions The RIC tinguaite dykes are the most evolved members of a strongly alkaline (camptonite/monchiquite – phonolite/tinguaite) dyke series. The K-Ar ages of these dykes range from 31 to 28.5 Ma and overlap the ages of 33 to 24 Ma determined for the other subvolcanic members of the RIC. We note that ubiquitous excess argon, preferentially located in nepheline and/or sodalite, may explain some of the K-Ar results for the tinguaite dykes that are older than those for the country rock that they intrude. Specific textural varieties of the tinguaites, ranging from aphyric tinguaite to porphyritic tinguaite, sometimes recrystallized with relict tinguaite-textured margins, occur in the central part of the RIC. Some of the disequilibrium textures observed, e.g., the peculiar “cell-shaped” 16 arrangement of alkali feldspar, foids and clinopyroxene microlites and the felty-to-prismatic groundmass textures, are interpreted as due to prolonged metastable crystallization in the presence of volatiles. Microlithic fillings of the equidimensional “cells” are composed of relict glass and recrystallized ternary feldspars, analcime, and amphiboles, in the order of an agpaitic succession. The presence of either a tinguaitic or trachytic texture in the phonolitic dykes probably depended on the rate of magma cooling. This may be inferred from the observation that thin phonolitic dykes show a trachytic texture whereas thick dykes show a tinguaitic texture, or at least glassy tinguaitic margins, and a trachytic texture in central parts of the dyke disequilibrium textures, e.g., peculiar “cell-shaped” arrangement and felty-toprismatic groundmass. Microlithic fillings of the equidimensional “cells” are composed of relict glass and recrystalised ternary feldspars, analcime and amphiboles, in the order of an agpaitic succession. Whether a tinguaitic or a trachytic texture resulted in the dyke rocks was probably dependent on the rate of cooling. This can be inferred from the observation that thick phonolitic dykes have a trachytic texture – at least in their central parts – and sometimes with glassy tinguaitic margins, whereas thin dykes show a tinguaitic texture. Crystallization of the tinguaites proceeded primarily in three stages: a) an early magmatic stage involving crystallisation of (micro)phenocrysts of (Na-K)-feldspar, Koligoclase to K-andesine, nepheline >> diopside, kaersutite/pargasite, sodalite >> titanian magnetite, titanite, apatite, b) a main magmatic stage that saw the crystallization and recrystallization of groundmass consisting of relict glass, (Na-K)-feldspar, K-oligoclase, diopside to aegirine augite > titanian magnetite, and c) a late magmatic stage characterized by hydrous minerals such as analcime, clay minerals, and natrolite formed by the decomposition of earlier minerals due to residual fluids rich in Zr-REE-Ti (perrierite and an unknown Zrsilicate). We conclude from the geochemical evidence, including the Sr-Nd isotopic data, that the magmas parental to the tinguaite dykes were ultimately derived from depleted (possibly lithospheric) mantle. Formation of the evolved rock types took place in shallow-level magma chamber, with limited crustal assimilation. Acknowledegements This research was supported by the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic A3048201 within the Research Programme of the Institute of Geology, CEZ: AV0Z30130516. K-Ar dating was supported by OTKA projects No. T043344 and M41434 to 17 K. Balogh. The manuscript benefits from the comments and criticism by F. Fediuk, Praha, and B.G.J. Upton, Edinburgh. In addition, our special thanks go to B.G.J. Upton for the revision of the English text. We are indebted to A. Langrová for microprobe analyses and J. Pavková for technical assistance, both of the Institute of Geology AS CR, Praha. Explanations to the figures Fig. 1. A – Position of the Ohře/Eger Rift and the České středohoří Mts. in the Central European Volcanic Province. Modified from Wimmenauer (1974). B – Geological sketch map of the Cenozoic Roztoky Intrusive Centre in NW Bohemia. Information compiled from Hibsch (1902) and Ulrych (1998). C – Central parts of the Roztoky Intrusive Centre with location of sampled phonolitic/tinguaitic dykes. Fig. 2 A. Back scattered electron image of: A. Tinguaitic texture with typical “cells” in aphyritic fine-grained tinguaite sample (PH-3/1 from road cut at Skrytín). The cells are filled with alkali feldspar, analcime, and glass. Clinopyroxene and sodalite occur as phenocrysts. B. Porphyritic tinguaite/phonolite sample PH 87 from “Flur Ratschin” at Stará Homole showing relics of a trachytic texture. C. Porphyritic tinguaite sample PH-89 from Roztoky, in the Bradlo/Pradelberg railwaycutting. The image shows a Na-sanidine phenocryst rich in celsian, set in the pale marginal zone containing up to 3.4 wt.% BaO. D. Corroded phenocryst of anorthoclase with atoll texture filled with glass in mixed-textured tinguaite/phonolite sample PH-87 from “Flur Ratschin” at Stará Homole E. Corroded diopside phenocryst with atoll texture filled with glass and K-oligoclase in marginal ring. Mixed-textured tinguaite/phonolite sample PH-87 from “Flur Ratschin” at Stará Homole. F. Pseudomorphed euhedral nepheline completely transformed to a mixture of analcime and clay minerals. Porphyritic tinguaite sample PH-89, Roztoky, from the Bradlo/Pradelberg railway-cutting. Fig. 3. Ab – Or – An diagram after Smith (1974) showing compositions of feldspars. Fig. 4. Quadrilateral diagram of Morimoto ed. (1988) showing the compositions of clinopyroxenes. Symbols as in Fig. 3. 18 Fig. 5. Classification diagram of Leake ed. (1998) showing the composition of amphiboles. Symbols as in Fig. 3. Fig. 6. Ne – Ks – Qz diagram showing the composition of nepheline. The dashed line (Barth join) corresponds to the solution of feldspar in nepheline at 1068 oC, 1 kbar, the dot-anddash line marks the limit of solid solutions at 700 oC, 1 kbar pH2O (Hamilton, 1961). Symbols as in Fig. 3. Fig. 7. FeO – Fe2O3 – TiO2 diagram showing the composition of Fe-Ti oxides. Symbols as in Fig. 3. Fig. 8. Total alkali-silica diagram (Le Maitre ed., 2002) showing the composition of Cenozoic tinguaite dyke samples from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre, NW Bohemia. Small solid circles represent data for phonolitic and trachytic rocks s.l. from the RIC (data sources Souček et al., 1985 and Kopecký, 1987). Symbols as in Fig. 3. Fig. 9. Diagram of the Q – Ne – Kp residual system showing the composition of the tinguaitic samples. The low-temperature trough is indicated after Bowen (1937). Symbols as in Fig. 3. Fig.10. (a) Chondrite-normalized REE patterns, (b) Primitive mantle-normalized incompatible trace element patterns for the tinguaite dykes samples of the Roztoky Instrusive Centre. Symbols as in Fig. 3. Normalizing values from Sun and McDonough (1989). Fig. 11. Initial 87 Sr/86Sr and 143 Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios for tinguaitic dyke samples of the Roztoky Intrusive Centre. The lines encompass the mantle array. Symbols as in Fig. 3. For comparison, isotopic data for Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Bohemian Massif are plotted: Mafic Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Bohemian Massif (grey field “Mafic rocks BM”; Wilson et al., 1994), basanites (black dots) and trachybasalts (crosses) from the České středohoří Mts. (Ulrych et al., 2002), “MD” monzodiorite, “C” camptonite, “G” gauteite (maenaite) from the Roztoky Volcanic Centre, České středohoří Mts., “P” phonolites from the České středohoří Mts. (Ulrych et al., 2000). Tables Table 1 Geological, petrographical, and mineralogical characteristics of tinguaite dykes and their host rocks from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre, NW Bohemia. Table 2 K-Ar ages of tinguaite dyke samples from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre. Table 3 Modal analyses of tinguaite dyke samples from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre. Table 4 Table 4 Chemical analyses of Cenozoic tinguaite dyke samples and their host rocks from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre, NW Bohemia 19 Table 5 Representative chemical analyses of feldspar in tinguaite dykes from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre. The element concentrations are given in wt.% and the number of ions per formula unit. Table 6 Representative chemical analyses of clinopyroxene in tinguaite dyke samples from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre. The element concentrations are given in wt.% and the number of ions per formula unit. Table 7 Representative chemical analyses of amphibole in tinguaite dyke samples from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre. The element concentrations are given in wt.% and the number of ions per formula unit. Table 8 Representative chemical analyses of feldspathoid in tinguaite dyke samples from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre. The element concentrations are given in wt.% and the number of ions per formula unit. Table 9 Representative chemical analyses of glass in tinguaite dyke samples from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre. The element concentrations are given in wt.%. Table 10 Representative chemical analyses of Fe-Ti oxide in tinguaite dyke samples from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre. The element concentrations are given in wt.% and the number of ions per formula unit. Table 11 Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic data for tinguaite dyke samples from the Roztoky Intrusive Centre. 20