Slovenian language, two semesters
Scope: 90 h, of which 30 h lectures, 60 h studio
Pedagogical objective:
To further widen the thematic scope of design and to reinforce it
methodologically and theoretically.
To enhance and improve design capacities, both in terms of analytical
ability and of finding solutions at the synthetic level.
Lectures / seminars
Contemporary comprehension of the urban landscape. Landscape of the city
as a myth of the primeval nature as opposed to its socio-cultural character.
Changes of the value system in urban environment and the position and the
role of the landscape and open space within the new social contexts. Urban
landscape design between naturalism, the denial of its position in the city
and the plurality as the highest achievement in urban culture. Differences
and similarities between the comprehension of the city landscape in various
doctrines of urban design (Le Corbusier, Aillaud, Bofill, Krier, Koolhas et
al.), environmental art (Sonfist, Heizer, Fulton et al.) and landscape
architecture. Potential of landscape design to contribute towards the
development of the regional identity as an important constituent of the
quality of life in the society of tomorrow. Relevant aspects of integration of
the urban landscape into structure of the city (in terms of dense and
fragmented city concepts). Concepts and role of the urban green system.
Studio projects are carried out with the purpose to enhance creative search
of planning solutions, especially through development of adequate
alternatives. Two major problems are dealt with, possibly in connection to
real life situations: landscape plan as a component of a master plan of urban
areas and designs of smaller areas and objects (street, plaza, park etc.).
Combined with short exercises to complement the solution search and push
the elaboration of the alternatives towards more detailed design.
Halprin, L.: Cities.