臨時區域市政局 水上活動中心

For Official Use Only
Receipt No.
Cheque No.
Booking No. /Date
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Water Sports Centres
Craft Hiring Booking Form
Photocopy of this form is acceptable.
Notes to applicants:
1. Please put a “” in the appropriate boxes below.
2. Please read the Booking Guide overleaf carefully before completing this form.
3. Each form should be used for hiring one craft only.
4. Personal Data. The information provided by you will only be used for the purpose of enrollment of recreation and sports activities organised by the
Leisure and Cultural Services Department, processing of facility booking, statistical reviews, future contact and opinion surveys. Only persons authorised
by this Department will have access to such information for the aforesaid purposes. For correction of or access to personal data collected by means of this
form, please contact the centre staff.
(I) Particulars of Applicant and Craft User (Members of the LCSD Water Sports Membership Scheme only need to fill in their name, membership card
number, identity document number and emergency contact number and sign the Declaration.) Please fill in the fields marked with *. Otherwise, your
application will not be entertained. Please consider whether the consent of the emergency contact person should be obtained before providing his/her name and
contact number.
 Qualification of
craft hiring checked by
the centre
Applicant/First Craft
User (must be aged 14
or above)
Membership No.:
(if applicable)
*Date of Birth:
 Qualification of
craft hiring checked by
the centre
Second craft user
(must be aged 8 or
above )
Membership No.:
(if applicable)
*Date of Birth:
 Qualification of
craft hiring checked by
the centre
Third craft user (must
be aged 14 or above )
Membership No.:
(if applicable)
*Date of Birth:
*Sex: M  F #Occupation code:
*Sex: M  F #Occupation code:
*Sex: M  F #Occupation code:
*Identity document no.:
*Identity document no.:
*Identity document no.:
*Contact Telephone No.:
*Contact Telephone No.:
*Contact Telephone No.:
In case of emergency during the activity, please
In case of emergency during the activity, please
_at _
Student – 1 / Employed – 2 / Housewife – 3 / Retired – 4 / Others – 5
#Occupation Code
In case of emergency during the activity, please
Details of Craft Booking and Hire Fees:
Water Sports Centre : 
Chong Hing 
Stanley Main Beach 
St. Stephen’s Beach 
Tai Mei Tuk 
Wong Shek
Intended Date of Using Craft:
No. of users:
Craft to be Hired and Hire Time:
(Please refer to the Conditions of Craft Hiring in Part II of the Booking Guide overleaf)
Type of craft Topper Pico Wanderer Laser Magno 420 Laser RS Dart Optimist BeginnerB Inter. Fun Short Race Junior Training Racing Junior Others
Max Loading(kg)
9:00 - 10:00
230 240 250 260
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
Board Board Board Board Board
1:00 – 2:00
Type of Craft to be Hired: Sailing Dinghy Windsurfing Board  Canoe  Others (Please specify)
Hiring Fee: (Please refer to the Craft Hiring Fees in Part II of the Booking Guide overleaf)
2:00 - 3:00
Hourly rate
Kayak Kayak
3:00 - 4:00
Craft hiring fee
(1) Applicant/craft users aged 18 or above should sign this declaration
I declare that I am able to swim with clothes for at least 50 metres / proficient in swimming, have attained the required water sports qualification and do
not suffer from any illness that renders me unfit for the above-mentioned activity. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department shall not be liable for any
injury or death which I may suffer in this activity, if the cause of injury or death is due to my negligence or inadequacy in health and fitness.
Signature of applicant/1st craft user:
Signature of the 2nd craft user:
Signature of the 3rd craft user:
(2a) For applicant under 18 years of age, the declaration should be (2b) For craft user under 14 years of age, he/she is accompanied by the
completed by his/her parents/guardian or persons authorised by his/her
applicant who is his/her parents/guardian or by persons authorised by
his/her parents/guardian should sign this declaration
to use the craft for practice with me and
I agree to allow
(applicant’s name) to hire I agree to allow
the craft for self practice and declare that he/she is able to swim with clothes declare that he/she is able to swim with clothes for at least 50 metres /
for at least 50 metres / proficient in swimming, has attained the required proficient in swimming, has attained the required water sports qualification
water sports qualification and does not suffer from any illness that renders and does not suffer from any illness that renders him/her unfit for the
him/her unfit for the activity. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department activity. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department shall not be liable
shall not be liable for any injury or death which the applicant may suffer in for any injury or death which the craft user may suffer in this activity if the
this activity if the cause of injury or death is due to his/her negligence or cause of injury or death is due to his/her negligence or inadequacy in health
and fitness.
inadequacy in health and fitness.
Name of parent/guardian or authorised person:
Name of parent/guardian or authorised person:
(Please fill in either your fax number or address for future correspondence. Leave the address blank if you give your fax number. If you submit the booking form
by post, please provide a stamped self-addressed envelope for the centre to send the relevant information to you.)
Please fill in
Fax No.
Fax No.
correspondence Address:
address clearly
(revised in October 2015)
Booking Guide
(I) Bookings
(1) Procedure
Members of the public who have fulfilled the prerequisite qualifications can make booking for craft 10 days in advance or make
on-the-spot bookings at the centres, only if craft is available, on a first-come-first-served basis (i.e. the booking for 1st to 10th day
of the month can be made on 1st day of the month).
(2) Booking channels
(i) Internet booking / Leisure Link Self-Service Kiosk. The hirer should settle payment for the booking immediately by paying
the appropriate hiring fee via internet / kiosk and print the acknowledgement(s)/ receipt(s) as supporting document(s);
(ii) Booking counters at leisure venues and District Leisure Services Offices (DLSOs). Hirers should bring along the original or
copy of identity documents (Hong Kong residents should produce their Hong Kong Identity Cards, children aged below 11 could
also produce Birth Certificate/ Document of Identity for Visa Purposes. Persons without Hong Kong Identity Cards should
produce their valid travel documents (e.g. Passport, Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao) (original
or copy)) and recognised qualification for verification. Person making a booking on other people's behalf has to produce copy of
these documents of the hirer/user. In case of queue, each person can only make booking for one individual user per visit to the
booking office; or
(iii) Telephone Services Centre at 2927 8080. Telephone reservations must be confirmed by payment within three days (inclusive of
the day making the telephone reservation). Hirer or his/her representative, with a copy of the hirer's identity document, must
confirm the reserved hour(s)/session(s) by paying the appropriate hiring fee and collecting the receipt/permit(s) at any booking
counters in leisure venues and DLSOs during their operating hours or at any self-service kiosk. Otherwise, the reservation(s) will
be automatically cancelled and the reserved hour(s)/session(s) will be released for booking by others. Telephone reservation for
leisure facilities has to be made at least three days in advance and confirmed by payment at least one day before the day of use.
(II) Conditions of Craft Hiring and Fees
(1) The conditions of craft hiring are tabulated below –
(Abbr. CH: Chong Hing Water Sports Centre, SMB: Stanley Main Beach Water Sports Centre,
SSB: St. Stephen’s Beach Water Sports Centre; TMT: Tai Mei Tuk Water Sports Centre, WS: Wong Shek Water Sports Centre)
Type of Crafts/
Max. Loading (Kg)
Qualification of Hiring
Sailing Dinghy
 Topper
Windsurfing Board
 1 person on board only
Holder of Sailing Basic Skills  1 or 2 person(s) on board is (are)
Pico (Single-handed/Double- Certificate or above
handed) / (175)
 All persons on board must hold
relevant qualification
 2 or 3 persons on board are allowed
Holder of Sailing Improving  When 2 persons are on board, both of
or them must hold relevant qualification
Wanderer (Double-handed) / Wanderer Helmsman Certificate  When 3 persons are on board, the
or with record been used third person must hold the Junior
Helmsman Certificate, the
Wanderer in training course
Introduction to Sailing Certificate or
Laser XD (Single-handed) / Holder of Laser XD Helmsman  1 person on board only
Magno (Double-handed) / Holder of Magno Gennaker
Holder of 420 Helmsman
420 (Double-handed) / (230) Certificate or Sailing Racing
Skills Certificate or Sailing
 2 persons on board are required
Advanced Skills Certificate
 All persons on board must hold
2000 Holder of Laser 2000 Helmsman
relevant qualification
(Double-handed)/ (240)
RS 500 (Double-handed)/ Holder of RS 500 Helmsman
Dart 16 (Double-handed) / Holder of Catamaran Helmsman
 1 person on board only
 Specially suitable for youth aged
Holder of Junior Sailing 8-13
(Junior Helmsman
or  Youth aged 8-13 must be accompanied
Single-handed) / (60)
by parent/guardian who possessed
hiring qualification in sailing activities
 One parent/guardian is limited to
accompany one craft user only
Beginner Board
Holder of Basic Windsurfing  Holders of Basic Windsurfing Award
 (e.g. Primo / Motion / Beach Award
can use training sails only
/ Viper / Magnum)
 Holders of Intermediate Windsurfing
Intermediate Award can use Fully battened sails
 Intermediate Board
(e.g. Techno 293 OD)
Windsurfing Award
(revised in October 2015)
Fun Board
Holder of Fun Board Certificate
 (e.g. Matrix 149 / Techno or Introduction to Short Board
152 / Techno 160 / Viper L Certificate
160 )
Short Board
 (e.g. Rocket GT 125 / Fun Holder of Short Board Award
 Certificate Holders of Fun Board,
Ride 130 / X-cite Ride 134 /
Introduction to Short Board, Short
Hornet 135 / Xantos 150)
Holder of Windsurfing Race Board,
Race Board
Windsurfing Attendance Certificate, Advanced
 (e.g. Mistral / Phantom 320 / or
Windsurfing Award, RS:X Board
Techno 293 OD / RS:X )
For RS: X hiring: Holder of Clinic or Open Sea Award can use
Fully-battened sails (Monofilm) or
RS:X Board Clinic Certificate
Camber Induced Sails
Wave Board
Holder of Wave Board Clinic
(e.g. Wave 79 / Wave 82 / Certificate
Move 95)
 Specially suitable for youth aged
Youth aged 8-13 must be accompanied
Junior Board
by parent/guardian who possessed
(e.g. Nova / Funster 205 /
hiring qualification in windsurfing
Start L)
 One parent/guardian is limited to
accompany one craft user only
Recreation Kayak (e.g. Hula Holder of Junior Kayak 3-Star --- --/ Big Yak)
Award, Kayak 3-Star Award or
Kayak Elementary Certificate or
 Must be accompanied with another
/ Master 2)
Holder of Racing Kayak qualification
 Racing Kayak (K-1)
Elementary Certificate
 Specially suitable for youth aged
Holder of Junior Kayak 3-Star  Youth aged 8-13 must be accompanied
 Junior Kayak (e.g. School / Award, Kayak 3-Star Award or by parent/guardian who possessed
Kayak Elementary Certificate or hiring qualification in kayaking
 One parent/guardian is limited to
accompany one craft user only
Craft hiring fees
Type of Craft
Sailing Dinghy
Windsurfer Board
Hiring for
Hiring for
Hiring for
Type of
Consecutive 3 hours
Consecutive 3 hours
Consecutive 3 hours
or more
or more
or more
April to
December to March
(i) Charges are calculated per craft per hour.
(ii) Holidays mean Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
(iii) Applicable to persons aged below 14 or aged 60 or above, full-time students, disabled persons and their accompanying carers (on
a one-to-one basis). For hiring by concessionary applicants (e.g. students or disabled persons), they are still required to produce
supporting documents such as a student handbook/card or the Registration Card for disabled persons to prove their eligibility for
the concessionary rates.
(III) Guide to Applicants / Craft Users
(1) The applicants must at least reach 14 years old. Applicants aged 18 or above must sign the “Declaration” on the Craft Hiring
Booking Form. Applicants aged between 14 to 17 must seek consent from their parents/guardians or persons authorised by their
parents/guardians in advance and sign the “Declaration” on the Craft Hiring Booking Form.
(2) Children aged below 14 cannot be the applicants for craft hiring. Children aged between 8 to 13 can use the hired craft if they are
accompanied by their parents/guardians or persons authorised by their parents/guardians on a one-to-one basis and the
parents/guardians will get afloat for the same type of water sports activity with the youths and be the applicants for craft hiring.
(3) All craft users should be at least 8 years old and should sign a declaration that they are able to swim with clothes for at least 50
metres / proficient in swimming.
(4) Participants should bring along their receipts / permits and original copy of identity documents used for enrollment (Hong Kong
residents should produce their Hong Kong Identity Cards (Birth Certificates / Documents of Identity for Visa Purposes also
acceptable for children aged below 11). Children aged 14 or below may produce a copy of their identity documents. The original
of a valid photograph-bearing student handbook / card should also be produced if their identity documents supplied do not bear a
photograph. Persons without Hong Kong Identity Cards should produce their valid travel documents (such as Passports, Exit-Entry
Permits for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao)), recognised qualifications and activity log books for verification by the
centre staff on activity day.
(revised in October 2015)
(5) (a)
Persons who aged 60 or above, full-time students, or disabled persons are eligible for concessionary rates. LCSD shall not
allow a hirer to use a facility if he/she is not eligible for concessionary rate but has nonetheless booked the facility with
concessionary rate by claiming to be so eligible.
(b) Except where the hirer is a disabled person, in order to enjoy concessionary rates for the use of facilities, the hirer and all
his/her partner(s) should be eligible for concessions. Subject to Condition 5(c) below, if any partner(s) of the hirers are found
not eligible for concessions, the hirer will be required to immediately top up the shortfall between concessionary rate and
normal rate. Failure to do so will result in those users who are not eligible for concessions being required to leave the facility.
(c) Disabled persons are eligible to use the booked session(s) at concessionary rates with the company of an accompanying carer
with a maximum ratio at 1:1. Accompanying carers of disabled persons when using facilities that require payment by
individual hirers/users are also eligible for concessionary rate on a ratio at 1:1.
(d) Hirers/users enjoying concessionary rates are required to produce proof of eligibility for concession, e.g. student cards,
registration card for persons with disabilities, Senior Citizen card issued by the Social Welfare Department or identity card for
verification at the check-in counter before using the facilities or during the booked session.
(e) Full-time students may present valid student identity card, student handbook or relevant document provided by school (but not
limit to the above documents). Personalised Octopus Card with "Student Status" is not accepted as identity proof for student
status. If the validity period is not specified on the student identity card, the venue staff on duty reserve the right to request the
student concerned to provide other evidence to prove his/her student status.
When taking part in water activities, craft users should wear suitable clothing and gear (such as swimming suits, swimming trunks,
spectacle bands, sun caps, light, fit, breathable long-sleeved clothes); and toe and heel-protected rubber shoes suitable for water
sports (slippers or sandals are not allowed), and life jackets or buoyancy aids provided by the centres.
Any craft users who fail to meet the requirements as stipulated in conditions 1 to 6 above will not be allowed to use the craft.
Each Craft Hiring Booking Form should be used for hiring one craft only, except the one for the parent/guardian who will
accompany the craft user aged below 14 for taking part in water sport activities.
All applications will be confirmed only upon received the craft rental. Participants should keep their receipts / permits until the end
of the activity.
Craft users must return the craft and accessories punctually. Rigging and de-rigging should be taken part within the craft hiring
period. Late return of craft will incur additional hiring fee (at an hourly rate).
Craft users must return all hired equipment to the centres before departure. Should there be any damage or loss, craft users must
report to the centre staff immediately. The centres reserve the right to claim damages against any hirers whose improper use of the
equipment has resulted in damage or loss of the equipment.
All water sport activities must be carried out within the waters specified by the centres.
(revised in October 2015)
(1) Others
(2) Water sports activity hours: 9:00 a.m.– 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Chong Hing - Take a taxi or “kaito” (ferry) at Sai Kung Pier; or
- Take any of the following buses, alight at Pak Tam Chung and walk along Man Yee Road for 75 minutes:
Main Beach
^ Bus no. 94 (Sai Kung to Wong Shek Pier)
^ Bus no. 96R (Diamond Hill MTR Station to Wong Shek Pier) (only available on Sundays and public holidays)
(Remarks: No transportation will be provided to craft hirers unless they have registered as day/tent campers of the centre.)
Take any of the following buses, alight at Stanley Market and walk for 5 minutes:
- Bus no. 14 (Sai Wan Ho to Stanley Fort) (buses depart about every 20 minutes)
- Bus no. 63/65 (North Point Ferry Pier to Stanley)
- Bus no. 6/6X/260 (Exchange Square, Central to Stanley Prison)
- Bus no. 73 (Cyberport to Stanley Prison)
- Bus no. 973 (Tsim Sha Tsui (East) to Stanley)
Take any of the following buses, alight at Wong Ma Kok Path and walk for 3 minutes:
- Bus no. 14 (Sai Wan Ho to Stanley Fort) (buses depart about every 20 minutes)
- Bus no. 6A (Exchange Square, Central to Stanley Fort) (buses depart about every 20 minutes)
Take any of the following buses, alight at Stanley Market and walk for 10 minutes:
- Bus no. 63/65 (North Point Ferry Pier to Stanley)
- Bus no. 6/6X/260 (Exchange Square, Central to Stanley Prison)
Tai Mei
Take the following bus or light bus, alight at Tai Mei Tuk and walk for 5 minutes:
- Bus no. 75K (Tai Po Market MTR Station to Tai Mei Tuk)
- Green minibus no. 20C (Tai Po Market MTR Station to Tai Mei Tuk) (the journey takes about 30 minutes)
Take the following bus, alight at Lung Mei and walk for 5 minutes:
- Bus no. 275R (Tai Po Market MTR Station to Bride’s Pool) (only available on Sundays and public holidays)
Wong Shek
Take any of the following buses, alight at Wong Shek Pier and walk for 1 minute:
- Bus no. 94 (Sai Kung to Wong Shek Pier) (buses depart about every 30 minutes)
- Bus no. 96R (Diamond Hill MTR Station to Wong Shek Pier) (only available on Sundays and public holidays)
(Note: No parking space is available for craft hirers and programme participants at the centres. Chong Hing Water Sports Centre
and the Jockey Club Wong Shek Water Sports Centre are located within the restricted zone of Sai Kung Country Park.
Craft hirers and programme participants who intend to drive to these two centres should park their vehicles at Pak Tam
Chung Public Car Park, and then take a bus or a taxi to the centres.)
Catering: The centres provide only soft drink vending machines (please bring coins and own food).
Lockers: The following types of lockers are available in the centres. Locker users should read the instruction displayed in the
lockers when using the lockers, and do not leave behind the coins after using the coin-operated lockers.
 Chong Hing , Tai Mei Tuk and Wong Shek : $5 coin-operated lockers with padlock hasp
 Stanley Main Beach
: key-operated lockers (keys issued at the reception counter)
 St. Stephen’s Beach
: padlock lockers usable by small and medium size padlock
Locker users should clear the lockers before leave the centres.
Telephone enquiry hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm (except the centres’ weekly close day) and fax:
Water Sports Centre
Telephone no. Fax no.
Centre Close Day
 Chong Hing
2792 6810
2791 2473
every Thursdays
 Stanley Main Beach
2813 9117
2813 0490
every Wednesdays
 St. Stephen’s Beach
2813 5407
2813 6449
every Tuesdays
 Tai Mei Tuk
2665 3591
2660 7910
every Wednesdays
 Wong Shek
2328 2311
2328 2172
every Tuesdays
Shroff hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm (except the centres’ weekly close day)
If there is any amendment to the above information, the final decision of the centres shall prevail.
(Please cut out the appropriate self-addressed slip and send it to the respective centre by post or by fax)
Chong Hing
Water Sports Centre
Leisure and Cultural
Services Department
West Sea Cofferdam
High Island Reservoir
Sai Kung, Hong Kong
Stanley Main
Beach Water Sports
Leisure and Cultural
Services Department
Stanley Link Road,
Hong Kong
St. Stephen’s Beach
Water Sports Centre
Leisure and Cultural
Services Department
Wong Ma Kok Path,
Hong Kong
Tai Mei Tuk
Water Sports Centre
Leisure and Cultural
Services Department
Main Dam
Plover Cove Reservoir
Tai Mei Tuk, Tai Po,
Hong Kong
The Jockey Club
Wong Shek Water
Sports Centre
Leisure and Cultural
Services Department
Wong Shek Pier
Sai Kung,
Hong Kong
(revised in October 2015)