Knights and Castles Somerset Heritage Learning Service Learning Outcomes: To order objects from the past using historical language To listen and learn about historical characters within stories To make objects that evoke the theme of knights and castles To take part in imaginative play relating to knights and castles. By the end of the session students will have played with, handled and talked about objects relating to the theme of knights and castles. They will listen to and make up their own stories. This session also helps students to explore knights and castles through different craft activities. Resources: brass rubbing equipment, craft equipment, shields, castle, wooden horses, chain mail, model knights and helmets. Time 00 20 50 80 – 90 Activity Welcome to session. The children will explore the different features of a castle using models, pictures and objects. They will explore the age of different castles together. Group 1 Creative Making a brass rubbing of a knight picture, make a knight puppet or make your own castle to take away. Play in a castle and try on medieval costume. Group 2 Artefacts and pretend play Play in a castle and try on medieval costume. Making a brass rubbing of a knight picture, make a knight puppet or make your own castle to take away. Explore what we have learned under the cauldrons… Everyone will share their favourite experiences. A story under the cauldrons (if time). Group Tasks Making a brass rubbing of a knight picture and make a knight puppet: Use the materials provided to make a knight puppet and do your own brass rubbing. If you would like the option of making a castle, please ask when you book the session. Teacher led! Please ask if you require more information. Try on medieval costume: the children will be able to try on some replica costume and touch some genuine historical objects in this active handling. This includes touching medieval chainmail and replica armour. Go back in time and become a real knight: the children will become knights and take part in active learning, inside a castle. The children will be able to look at objects used in Taunton Castle and find out about life a thousand years ago. Museum led For Your Information: We endeavour to deliver the best service we can so we would be very grateful if you would complete our evaluation form. This form is attached. It is helpful to have staff able to help with activities but you will need no prior experience as the tables are set out and everything is easily accessible. The session activities can be done in rotation or we have a system by which the students can make a choice about what they’d like to do. Obviously a rotation ensures that all students take part in everything so you may prefer that. There is a shop at The Museum of Somerset that has some relevant items for young people to buy. The museum is also able to put together packs for school groups with prior notice. These packs can include rubbers, pencils and other small items. Many thanks and I look forward to seeing you soon!