THE CITADEL BOARD OF VISITORS MEETING MINUTES 24 SEPTEMBER 2005 The Citadel Board of Visitors held a meeting on campus in the Board Room, Jenkins Hall, at 0830 hours on 24 September, 2005. The following members of the Board of Visitors were present: Colonel William E. Jenkinson III, Chairman; Major General Arthur H. Baiden III, Vice Chairman; Colonel Harvey M. Dick; Colonel Douglas A. Snyder; Colonel W. Henry Johnson; Colonel Allison Dean Love; Colonel Glenn D. Addison; Colonel John R. Douglas; Colonel Harry B. Limehouse, Jr.; Colonel William G. Kastner; Colonel Claude W. Burns III; Dr. Charles E. Millwood, Jr., representing Mrs. Inez M. Tenenbaum, State Superintendent of Education; Colonel James E. Jones, Jr., Member Emeritus; and Colonel Leonard C. Fulghum, Jr., Member Emeritus. In attendance was Major General Roger C. Poole, Interim President, along with senior members of his staff. Also attending were Mr. John R. Baker, President, The Citadel Alumni Association and Mr. Richard L. Cook, Jr., President, The Citadel Brigadier Foundation. Mr. L. William Krause, President, The Citadel Foundation was on speaker phone. The following member of the Board of Visitors was absent: Major General Stanhope S. Spears, Adjutant General of S.C. Colonel William E. Jenkinson III, Chairman, called the meeting to order and Major General Arthur H. Baiden III, Vice Chairman, stated that the meeting was being held in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act. Colonel W. Henry Johnson gave the invocation. The minutes of the 18 and 19 July 2005 meetings of the Board of Visitors were approved as written. The meeting followed the agenda at ENCLOSURE 1. The Chairman’s opening remarks included: 1. He expressed the Board of Visitors’ sadness and sympathy for the families of Cadets Clarke G. Russell, Brett M. Warren, and Blake A. Campbell, all three who died as the result of an automobile accident on Interstate 95 on 10 September 2005. 2. He expressed his observation that the initiative to address the problem of excessive and underage drinking within the Corps of Cadets, which has the enthusiastic support of the college administration, The Citadel Alumni Association, The Brigadier Foundation and other constituent groups, has taken root and has support from within the Corps of Cadets. Major General Roger C. Poole, Interim President, gave the President’s Report. His report included: 1 On a personal note, General Poole thanked the Board for the honor bestowed in awarding him an honorary degree and for the opportunity to serve as interim president. General Poole summarized the circumstances and events that led to the decision to vacate the campus in the face of the threat of Hurricane Ophelia. In the accidental deaths of Cadets Clarke G. Russell, Brett M. Warren and Blake A. Campbell, General Poole explained the outpourings of grief and sadness from fellow cadets, members of families, and close friends. He further explained The Citadel support for the memorial services and funerals, which included large delegations of cadets, tactical officers, faculty and the chaplain. He stated that the families expressed their appreciation to him for the support provided by the college. The strength of the Corps of Cadets is 2000 with 108 in temporary facilities. Fourth Class attrition totals 58, which is 8.6% of 673. Retention is up for all returning classes. CGPS Enrollments: Graduate enrollment is 2815 vs. 3068 in 2004. Undergraduate enrollment (including 1,762 summer session students) is 1926 vs. 2194 in 2004. A summary follows of the weekly comparisons of next year’s freshman class with the fall of 2005: Total prospects, minus 34%. Total applicants, minus 21%. Total acceptances, minus 30%. The President stated that there are no draconian conclusions from these figures, and the administration is not concerned at this time. The President elaborated on the Chairman’s remarks regarding the Corps of Cadets’ support of the initiative to address underage and excessive drinking in the Corps of Cadets and summarized actions the administration has completed. On 24 September 2005, The Citadel is participating with the College of Charleston and Trident Technical College in sponsoring an alcohol-free party in downtown Charleston as part of the College Coalition against Binge Drinking. All were impressed who witnessed POW/ MIA Recognition Day on 16 September 2005 and the several activities that involved alumni who were former prisoners of war. The Citadel Class of 1964 provided funds to fly a POW/MIA flag around the clock on a staff at the northeast end of Summerall Field. Those alumni who returned participated in a panel discussion with military contract cadets, ate lunch with the Corps of Cadets, and were honored at parade and at a reception by the Class of 1964. They included: Air Force Colonel Quincy Collins ‘53 Navy Commander Al Agnew ‘62 Air Force Lieutenant Colonel William Elander ‘57 Marine Captain Al Kroboth ‘59 Navy Captain Henry Lesesne ‘58 Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Glen Myers ‘64 (Richard Kellahan ’44, a POW in WWII, was unable to be present due to an accidental fall) The South Carolina Court of Appeals will hold Open Court 4-6 October 2005 in the Honor Court Room, Mark Clark Hall. Students from The Citadel, College of 2 Charleston and the Charleston School of Law will attend. The judges are the Honorable Judge C. Tolbert Goolsby, Citadel Class of 1959, the Honorable Judge Paul E. Short Jr., Citadel Class of 1968, and the Honorable Judge Donald W. Beatty. The President explained his initiative to identify and inform all concerned about handicapped parking and building access ramps on campus. The President commended Colonel Donald M. Tomasik, Vice President for Facilities and Engineering, for The Citadel receiving from the state of South Carolina an Outstanding Maintenance Facility State Fleet Management Award. The Citadel facility was the only maintenance facility awarded an outstanding rating out of 28 facilities reviewed by an on-site review in FY05. Governor Sanford held a cabinet meeting with six agencies this week in Bond Hall. The President and the Chairman of the Board made a joint announcement that Mark C. Brandenburg, Citadel Class of 1990, has been selected to fill the new staff position of General Counsel for the college. The Board entered into executive session to receive a legal briefing on prayer issues and the status of certain litigation cases. Upon returning to open session, the Chairman called for committee reports. Colonel Douglas A. Snyder, Chairman, Finance Committee, reported as follows: On 23 September, the Finance Committee received a briefing by the Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs on the matter of rising fees in light of a poor economy and cuts in state appropriations. Over the past three years, if state appropriations had not been cut, mandatory fees would have increased only 4.9% per year for in-state students and 6 % per year for out-of-state students. On 23 September, the Finance Committee received a briefing that informed the Board that the Brigadier Foundation has committed to grant the college $700,000 towards the $9.8M stadium tower project. The Citadel Alumni Association has committed to grant the college $175,000. The Citadel Foundation has agreed to guarantee up to $600,000 a year over the life of a bond to support stadium tower construction. Colonel Snyder made a motion, seconded by Major General Arthur H. Baiden III, Vice Chairman, to approve the following resolution. The resolution was approved unanimously. RESOLUTION The Finance Committee recommends that the Board of Visitors approve the bond resolution authorizing the Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs to negotiate the various terms and conditions to issue up to $9.5M of bonded debt for the stadium tower project. Colonel Snyder recommended that the Board of Visitors approve the following motion. The motion was approved unanimously. MOTION 3 The Board of Visitors fully supports the efforts of the Governor and the State Legislature to assist minority-owned businesses to develop fully as a part of the state’s policies and programs which are designed to promote balanced economic and community growth. The Board of Visitors, therefore, wishes to ensure that those businesses owned and operated by minorities in the State of South Carolina are afforded the opportunity to participate fully in the overall procurement process of The Citadel that will result in awarding contract and subcontracts to certified, qualified and responsive minority business firms in order to enhance minority capital ownership, overall state economic development and increase grant opportunities for minorities. This statement shall be distributed to all personnel directly or indirectly involved in procurement activities of The Citadel. He made a motion, which carried unanimously, to establish a stand alone audit committee composed of the sitting chairman of the Finance Committee, Colonel Douglas A. Snyder, Colonel Claude W. Burns III, and Colonel William G. Kastner. This new committee is charged to work with the administration to establish the committee’s policies and procedures and to recommend to the Board of Visitors appropriate changes to College Regulations. He reported that the Citadel Trustees reviewed 10 new Daniel Fund applications and approved awards totaling $22,000. Colonel Allison Dean Love, Chairman, Education Committee, reported that the Education Committee did not meet and did not have a report. General Poole summarized his thoughts and recommendations on the issues of annual strength overage in the Corps of Cadets and the variables of determining the correct number of entering freshmen. He outlined some of the recommendations he will make to the new president. Colonel Jenkinson will consider referring these matters for joint consideration by the Education Committee and the Strategic Planning Committees. Colonel Harvey M. Dick, Chairman, Buildings and Grounds Committee, made two motions: The following motion was seconded by Major General Arthur H. Baiden III and was approved unanimously. MOTION That the Board of Visitors approve in concept a long term lease to the South Carolina National Guard of the footprint of the proposed Citadel/SCNG stadium joint facility and required parking area. The following motion was seconded by Colonel W. Henry Johnson and was approved unanimously. MOTION The college administration is directed to present a plan for Board of Visitors approval at the February 2006 meeting of the Board showing the parking area to be dedicated to the South Carolina National Guard and the area designated to park those displaced cars. 4 Colonel John R. Douglas, Chairman, Athletic Committee, reported that the Athletic Committee met and received a briefing on a pro forma five year Athletic Budget. The Athletic Committee asked for an update on the athletic budget at the February 2006 meeting of Board. Colonel Harry B. Limehouse, Jr., Chairman, Honorary Degrees, Palmetto Medal and Special Recognition Committee, reported on two matters. With the concurrence of the Board of Visitors, Colonel Limehouse called on the administration to expand, in keeping with that currently in effect in front of Summerall Chapel, an appropriate permanent manner of recognizing the sacrifice of those Citadel alumni killed in action in service to their country. Regarding the matter of placing a plaque reflecting the names of all previous regimental commanders in the Regimental Commander’s Room, which was approved by the Board of Visitors on 5 June 2004, Colonel Limehouse explained that, based on the recommendation of General Poole, it was the committee’s consensus that placement of the plaque in a more public place was a good idea. The Board was interested in the views of Major General James A. Grimsley, Jr., President Emeritus, who presented the original proposal for such a plaque. General Grimsley’s views were explained by General Poole. On the motion of Colonel Harvey M. Dick, the Board voted unanimously to place the plaque in the Regimental Commanders Riverview Room. Major General Arthur H. Baiden III, Chairman, Customs, Regulations, and Cadet Liaison Committee, reported that the committee did not meet. He called attention to the Commandant’s Report, which was provided to each Board member. He announced that the Customs, Regulations, and Cadet Liaison Committee would meet in a week to 10 days to consider a cadet appeal. Colonel W. Henry Johnson, Chairman, External Affairs Committee, reported that the committee did not meet. The Strategic Planning Committee, chaired by Colonel Glenn D. Addison, had no report. The Chairman called on Mr. John R. Baker, President, The Citadel Alumni Association, for comments and remarks. There has been an increase in life memberships in the Alumni Association and the Alumni Association budget is in good shape. Mr. Baker expressed his appreciation and pleasure for the opportunity to sit as the Alumni Association representative to the Board of Visitors for the past year. The Chairman thanked Mr. Baker for his faithful and helpful service. The Chairman called on Mr. Richard L. Cook, Jr., President, The Citadel Brigadier Foundation, for comments and remarks. Bulldog Classic raised $34K. 5 The Brigadier brought 10% of its corpus (Memorial Fund) to the table in support of the Stadium Tower Project. PSL’s are expected to provide a financial boost to the Brigadier Foundation by $40,000 to $100,000 and a potential increase of $150,000 to $170,000 by not providing complimentary tickets. The Brigadier Foundation black tie dinner and roast of Colonel Dick is scheduled on Thursday of Homecoming weekend and is expected to raise $100,000. The Chairman called on Mr. L. William Krause, President, The Citadel Foundation, for comments and remarks: Two primary focii at the Foundation are: (1) to institutionalize philanthropy at The Citadel and (2) maintain the highest degree of professionalism. In light of (2) above, Frank Shannon has recruited an excellent management team, in the form of Associate Executive Director for Development, Dennis Bergvall, and new Chief Financial Officer, Andrew Castle. Highlights from the 8/31/05 management report: $140M under management, an increase of 8.8% over the previous year, year to date expenses roughly at 78% of YTD budget, and a YTD total cash disbursed to The Citadel of $6.4M, up $1.7M from 6/30. The following quote is from the auditors’ report (a fiduciary audit of investment practices). “The Foundation has developed policies and procedures to satisfy its fiduciary standard of care with respect to its investment practices, and based on our fiduciary audit procedures, nothing came to our attention to indicate a breach of fiduciary duty with respect to its investment practices.” The auditors provided 10 recommendations and the Foundation staff has created a plan of action and strict timetable to implement each of those suggestions. In fundraising, the staff has achieved the third quarter goal of $4M with a week left in the quarter, and has raised $8.75M YTD. Overall in the campaign, approximately $65M has been raised toward the $100M goal. The Foundation has set a tentative date of Corps Day, 18 March 2006, to publicly launch the campaign. The staff is at work, along with Provost Steven, to re-draft the campaign case statement. Future fundraising initiatives include a re-energizing of class and reunion giving. The Chairman thanked Mr. Krause for an outstanding report and, in closing remarks, commended Mrs. Norwood Grinalds to Board members for prayers, as she deals with pain management following knee surgery. The meeting adjourned at 1205 hours. Joseph P. Goodson Colonel, USMC Retired Secretary 6 7