1 Breeding Regulations

Breeding and Registration Regulations (BRR) [ZEB]
October 2003
1 Breeding Regulations
Teckel owners, who desire to utilize the DTK Breed Registry, are required to become members of the
DTK and acquire a kennel name.
Breeders are defined as owners and lessees of brood bitches.
Kennel Name
The kennel name is a dog’s surname and is acquired from the DTK via written application. Every breeder
or breeder group will receive a kennel name for strict personal use upon approval of the DTK.
The requested kennel name shall be published in the newsletter “Der Dachshund” (DH) and is granted if
no objection to this name is raised within four weeks of the publication. Upon receipt of a kennel name,
the breeder is obliged to report all litters to the Breed Warden. Said report shall contain a listing of all
live births, stillborn and subsequent deaths.
Kennel Name Protection
The kennel name is protected for the use of the applicant for his/her own breeding program by the DTK
(national) and, upon special request, by the FCI (international).
The applicant may also consist of a breeders group. However, all individuals must be DTK members and
the group must designate one member as signatory. The issuance of the Kennel Registration Card
signifies kennel name protection.
A kennel name may be cancelled:
 Upon request of the owner(s);
 For inactivity in the past 15 years; and
 Upon regulatory issuance of an unlimited breeding ban.
The kennel name remains dormant upon death, quitting or expulsion of the owner until eventual
cancellation. Kennel cancellation notices are published in DH, so objections may be voiced for a period
of two months.
Transfer of Ownership
The transfer of a kennel name by inheritance is permissible, provided application is made through
the Breed Warden of the Regional District to the DTK for a new registry number.
Teckel ownership may be transferred in writing upon:
Sale or Gift – signified by the former owner’s signature on the pedigree under “Change of
Lease – contractually regulated; contracts must be immediately presented to the DTK.
Litter Registration
In order for a litter to be registered, the whelping must have occurred in one’s own kennel, under
breeder supervision and in accordance with the BRR (ZEB).
Breeding permits must be secured prior to mating.
2 Breeding
Goal of Breeding
A Teckel’s appearance is a low, elongated and muscular build with a challenging head carriage. The
ground clearance should be approximately a third of the height, measured to the withers. Teckel should
be friendly and of moderate temperament as well as passionate, persistent hunting dogs with a fine nose
and robust health. Teckel are bred in three coats – smooth (K), wirehair (R) and longhair (L) - and in three
 Standard – chest circumference over 35 cm, max weight approx. 9 kg
 Miniature (Zwerg - Zw) – chest circumference of 30 - 35 cm
 Kaninchen (Kt) – under 30 cm chest circumference
Further details of the goals are found in the breed standards.
Breeding Procedures and Methods
Breeding shall be timely planned within the same coat type and size.
Types of Mating
 Out crossing – Stud and bitch are unrelated or the nearest common ancestor is seven (or
more) generations removed.
 Line Breeding – Mating among half-siblings or relatives that are more distant.
 Inbreeding – Mating among siblings or direct offspring.
Restricted inbreeding may only occur with the prior express written consent of the Breed
The customary method of breeding is the natural mating. The owner of a stud may refuse a
mating without reason. If, after a first mating attempt, the bitch is not inseminated, the stud must
be made available for a second attempt at no additional fee.
Artificial insemination is allowed by permit from the Breed Commission. A veterinarian must
verify, in writing, both the identity of the sperm donor and the insemination itself. The stud must
have a DNA test performed and the DNA profile will be put on record. The identity of the
offspring must be confirmed by a DNA test and the names on the pedigrees will have (KB)
appended. KB = artificial insemination.
Exceptions to 2.2 and 2.3 may be obtained from the Breed Commission.
Dapple Breeding
The base color is always the dark color. Irregular gray, or beige, spots distributed over the entire
body are desired.
Breeding between Dapple and single or two-color (or other) Teckel of the same coat type and size
is permissible. Breeding of Dapple to Dapple is not permitted.
Breeding Permits
Breed Registry Entry
Minimum Age
Maximum Age
Conformation result from a
DTK-accepted show
All results from DTKaccepted shows must be
Chest circumference
measurements for Miniature
and Kaninchen (those with Z
or K in the Breed Registry
Interval between litters
Eye exam with negative
results for PRA and cataracts*
15 months
10 years (recommended)
At least very good (sg) after 9
months of age; a good (g)
combined with a performance
title (except Spurlaut).
Sires, living outside of
Germany must show valid
documentation (note 1.5.1).
Determined at a DTKZuchtschau after 15 months of
age in conjunction with a
conformation result
15 months
8 years
At least very good (sg) after 9
months of age; a good (g)
combined with a performance
title (except Spurlaut).
Sires, living outside of
Germany must show valid
documentation (note 1.5.1).
Determined at a DTKZuchtschau after 15 months of
age in conjunction with a
conformation result
Prior to first breeding and
every two years up to age 7
Only healthy dogs permitted
to breed. Vaccinations
required against Distemper,
Hepatitis, Leptospirosis,
Parvovirosis and Rabies
No breeding for 10 months if
two successive litters within
12 months
Prior to first breeding and
every two years up to age 7
Only healthy dogs permitted
to breed. Vaccinations
required against Distemper,
Hepatitis, Leptospirosis,
Parvovirosis and Rabies
* Will be changed once current scientific research is completed.
Dogs with Registry Certificates may participate at all DTK Zuchtschaus and tests.
However, they cannot receive a title.
Grounds for Exclusion from Breeding
Breeding with ineligible animals and/or against the BRR.
After two Caesarian sections.
Faults and serious faults for which conformation results of good (g) or lower are received, e.g.
missing teeth in accordance with standards.
Breed excluding faults:
Bite – Overshot, Undershot, wry mouth, improper position of lower canines
Missing one or more incisors or canines
Missing more than two PM1 and one M3 or two M3 and one PM1
Knuckling over in pasterns, very loose shoulders, all tail faults (except those due to injury which
are accompanied by a statement from the veterinarian who treated the dog immediately following
the injury)
Cut off sternum, genetic eye/ear defects, e.g. PRA and juvenile cataracts
Epilepsy, spinal disorder (Teckellähme), no or one testicle (even after surgical removal), total
black color without markings, white color with or without markings
In accordance with the punitive measures outlined in Paragraph 8, breeding prohibition and
barring from the Breed Registry may be imposed for violations and/or the decision of an Honor
Breeding Documentation
Breeding documentation consists of:
 Mating Certificate – Provided by the owner of the stud to the breeder upon mating. Copy to
responsible Breed Warden within eight days.
 Litter Registration Application – Provided to Breed Warden with signature.
 Litter Inspection and other actions/paperwork by the responsible Breed Warden (further
details may be found in the Breed Warden regulations)
 Breed Registry Entry
 Creating a pedigree or registry certificate
 Entry of Conformation results, Performance Awards and Titles
 Data collection and statistics
Prerequisites for Registration
The litter inspection occurs when the litter is between eight and twelve weeks of age. This is
accomplished after the de-worming and vaccination of the litter against Distemper, Hepatitis,
Leptospirosis and Parvovirosis. Combination vaccines that include kennel cough and other protection
may also be utilized.
A correctly completed Litter Registration Application - complete with the pedigree of the bitch, a copy
(front and back) of the stud’s pedigree and the Kennel Registration Card – is required.
The Litter Registration Application must be sent immediately, in special cases up to 6 months after the
whelping, to the DTK.
The litter will be registered after the application is reviewed and the fees are received.
3. The Breed Registry
The Breed Registry is available to any Teckel breeder who is a member of the DTK and abides by the
regulations of the BRR.
It contains the following data:
Addresses of breeder, kennel name, the name of the dog, tattoo number, Main registry numbers or
the “Waiting” registry number, Working/Hunting registry number, date of whelping, litter size
and gender.
Type of coat and color, performance awards, Formwert (conformation result) (awarded at
Zuchtschau - in parenthesis.)
Titles, as well as statements concerning the suitability for breeding of the dog.
The entry of a puppy is in the same registry section as the bitch. A transfer to another section of
the registry is only possible upon special request and before the first breeding.
Entries in the Breed Registry require a fee.
Divisions of the Breed Registry
3.1 Main Registry
 Smooth, Wirehair and Longhair Teckel (Standard)
 Smooth, Wirehair and Longhair Miniature Teckel (Zw)
 Smooth, Wirehair and Longhair Kaninchen Teckel (Kt)
Requirements for Entry in Main Registry
 Puppies bred in Germany in accordance with the BRR
 Teckel from other countries which have an FCI-approved pedigree and an export pedigree
(with accompanying certified German translation of both). Sires, living outside of Germany
must show documentation regarding breeding requirements as listed under 2.3.
 Teckel of the 4th generation from “Waiting” Registry entries
Entries without breed permission (noted on pedigree)
 Puppies from parents without a breed permit
 Puppies from cross-coat matings
 Puppies from Dapple/Dapple matings
3.2 “Waiting” Registry
The “Waiting” Registry contains the same sections as the Main Registry. Entry eligibility criteria into the
“Waiting” Registry are:
Teckel with non-FCI-approved pedigrees that possess at least a “Very Good” (sg)
conformation result from a DTK Zuchtschau
Puppies from a bitch that mated with more than one stud within the same cycle and the exact
parentage of the puppies cannot be ascertained
Teckel without a pedigree that receive at least a “Very Good” (sg) conformation result from a
DTK Zuchtschau
Dogs with a Registration Certificate are permitted to participate in all DTK Zuchtschau and Tests.
In no case may these dogs be awarded a title.
3.3 Working/Hunting Registry
The working/hunting registry contains the entries of all Teckel that are eligible in accordance with the
current DTK testing regulations. These Teckel receive a running registry entry number. All titles from the
main registry are transferred.
3.4 Kennel Registry
The kennel registry contains all approved kennel names with the name of the owner and assigned tattoo
3.5 Pedigree/Registration Certificate
The pedigree/registration certificate is a copy from the Breed Registry with current data. It is a legal
document and remains the property of the DTK. The pedigree/registration certificate is issued by the
Breed Registry Office (BRO) and documents the ancestry for three generations.
Grandparents and great grandparents are listed with their name, registry number, titles, performance
awards, and conformation rating. The listing of the parents additionally states the coat color.
Performance awards resulting out of hunting tests are especially enumerated.
If the parents and five additional ancestors have performance awards in hunting the Pedigree/Registration
Certificate is stamped “aus Jagdgebrauchszucht” (bred from hunting stock). The requirements for this
distinction are: a) Vp (Versatility Test), b) St (Flushing Test) or StiJ mit Spurlaut (flushing in the field
with Spurlaut), c) the innate ability test for “Spurlaut” with SchwhK (Blood Tracking Test overnight),
SchwhKF (Blood Tracking Test Fährtenschuh), Sw (Federation Blood Tracking Test) or SchwhN
(Natural Blood Tracking Test), d) Sp with BhN (Natural Den Test) or BhFK (Artificial Den Test) . Of the
14 listed ancestors on the pedigree the parents and five additional ancestors must fulfill one of the
requirements listed under a) – d).
Registration Certificates from the “Waiting” registry are marked with a colored slash.
Upon receipt of the Pedigree/Registration Certificate, the breeder has to confirm the accuracy of the
entries by signature.
Change of ownership has to be entered and confirmed with signature by the previous owner. The owner is
not permitted to pass on the Pedigree/Registration Certificate without the entry of the new owner data.
Changes and additions are only allowed by authorized persons. Judges are obliged to seize the pedigree if
breed eligibility has changed and forward it to the DTK for registration/entry.
Entries in pencil in the Pedigree/Registration Certificate are null and void.
Lost Pedigrees/Registration Certificates are declared invalid. The loss will be published in the DH.
Replacement pedigrees are marked as such with running numbers. They are issued after a sworn
statement regarding the loss is received.
The transfer of performance awards and titles to the replacement pedigree is possible for a fee.
3.6 Teckel Yearbook (Stammbuch)
The Teckel Yearbook is produced and published annually. It contains all new Breed Registry entries from
that year. It additionally contains an alphabetical index of listed Teckel, conformation show and
performance test reports, honors and laudations for members of the DTK, listing of the hunting
champions, the conformation winners and the champions, as well as those dogs judged unfit for breeding
(ZU) for the year of issue and pictures of successful Teckel.
Any interested party can purchase the Teckel Yearbook by placing an order. Purchase of a yearbook is
mandatory with a kennel registration, for kennels with the second litter within the current business year
(key date: litter inspection date) and for Groups/Sections.
4. Breed Counsel and Breed Supervision
The Breed Commission, the Regional District Breed Wardens and Group/Section Breed Wardens are
available to all members for advice in breed matters. They supervise the breeding and observance of the
4.1 Breed Commission
The Federal Breed Warden in accordance with the bylaws, the BRR and statutory resolutions, represents
the Breed Commission.
Regional District Breed Wardens support the Federal Breed Warden and coordinate the efforts of the
Group/Section Breed Wardens under their jurisdiction.
4.2 Supervision of Breeding
The Group/Section Breed Wardens must keep track of the breeding events, the kennels and the breeding
records of the breeders under their jurisdiction.
In cases of irregularities, the Regional District Breed Warden is to be notified, who will take any
necessary measures and, if warranted, notify the Federal Breed Warden.
4.3 Verification of Lineage
The DTK conducts annual random spot checks, at no cost to owners, to confirm the identity of
dogs. If irregularities in the declared lineage become apparent, the cost will have to be born by
the breeder.
In cases where the breed documentation shows gaps or when justified doubts about the declared
lineage exist, e.g. contact of the bitch with several studs, the burden of proof for the correct
lineage lies with the breeder. In such cases the breeder must provide a DNA profile at his own
In the case of artificial insemination, paternity must be verified through a DNA profile.
5. Identification Marking of Teckel
5.1 General
The ID marking is accomplished through tattooing numerals and letters assigned by the DTK.
5.2 Tattooing
The Breed Warden shall tattoo all DTK-bred puppies during the litter inspection at the breeder’s site. The
tattoo is placed into the right ear. If the tattoo cannot be placed in one ear the left ear will be used as well.
After the age of 12 full weeks, dogs may be tattooed only under sedation by a veterinarian.
5.3 Record Keeping
Kennel Book
The breeder must maintain a kennel book, which, amongst other data, contains a listing of the
dogs’ new owners’ names and addresses.
Breed Warden Records
Every breed warden must maintain records of group, kennel and puppy numbers.
5.4 Naming and Numbering
Given Names
Every dog has a given name and the kennel name of its breeder entered in the following manner:
The given names of the puppies in the first litter by this kennel begin with
the letter “A”; the second litter with the letter “B”; the third with the letter
“C”, and so on
Given names may not be repeated within a kennel.
Tattoo Number during Litter Registration
The initial number(s) in the tattoo system represent the kennel number, which is assigned to the
kennel by the Group or Regional Districts. This number cannot be issued to anybody else.
The kennel number is followed by the Regional District and Group letters issued in accordance
with the DTK identification list and, finally, a running serial number for the puppy issued by the
Breed Warden. Every kennel starts with puppy number 1 or 01. This also applies to a transfer of
a kennel name.
Late Tattooing
Dogs without tattoos (i.e., from foreign countries) can subsequently be tattooed with the
registration number and the letters for the Regional District/Group (under sedation if over 12
weeks of age).
6. Identification Markings
(Editor’s note -- This paragraph only contains a listing of the State and Group tattoo identification
7. Entry of Conformation/Evaluation Scores, Performance Awards,
Titles and Noteworthy Achievements
1. Conformation/Evaluation Scores
at a Zuchtschau
(v), (sg)
at a Körschau
KöV, KöSg
at a Conformation Show
V, sg
2. Performance Awards
Artificial Fox Den
Natural Den Test Fox
Natural Den Test Badger
Natural Den Test (Fox, Badger, Coondog, Raccoon)
Spurlaut Test (voicing on a scent line)
Blood Tracking Test, artificial scent line, overnight
Blood Tracking Test, artificial scent line, Fährtenschuh
Blood Tracking Test, 40 hours
Blood Tracking, natural scent line
Federation Blood Tracking Test 20 hours
Federation Blood Tracking Test 40 hours
Flushing Test
Flushing Test during a hunt
Versatility Test
Versatility Test without Spurlaut
Rabbit Tracking and Retrieval Test
Natural Rabbit Bolting Test
Forest Search
Gun Shyness Test
Water Test
Companion Dog Test
BHP 1-3
Companion Dog Test Combined
Dog younger than 15 months receive the addition “J” (Youth) for each performance award, if eligible for
3. Titles and Noteworthy Achievements
Hunting Champion
Federal Tracking Champion
State Champion
Club Champion and Club Youth Champion
World Champion and World Youth Champion
European Champion and European Youth Champion (FCI and
German Champion (VDH and DTK)
Breed Recognition
Handler Recognition
Breed Recognition (Performance)
See 7.1
See Testing Regulations
See Testing Regulations
8. Punitive Measures for Violations of the BRR
Observance of the BRR is required upon assumption of breeding within the DTK. Violations of animal
protection laws, regulations, or decisions/mandates of breeding control personnel and the Executive
Board can result in warnings or reprimands, limited or unlimited breeding restrictions, Breed Registry
barring and even breeding prohibition.
Breeding of Studs and/or Bitches
without a Breeding Permit on
day of mating
Breeding of Studs and/or Bitches
prior to 15 months of age
Crossbreeding without Permit
Inbreeding without permit
Distribution of pedigree upon
change of ownership without
complete transfer data (with or
without breeder signature)
Triple litter
registration fee;
warning issued
10-month breeding
restriction for the bitch
(beginning on day of
whelping); triple litter
registration fee
Triple litter
registration fee
Triple litter
registration fee
Issuance of a warning
to all involved parties
As for 1-5 above;
Breed Registry barring
or convening of an
honor court, on a caseby-case basis
Triple litter
registration fee; honor
court (case-by-case)
Repeated violations of Items 1-5
Breeding with a previously
excluded dog
Non-registration of litter or
transfer of puppies without
Warning issued; honor
court (case-by-case)
Refusal or hindrance of a kennel
Warning issued with a
compliance date; noncompliance results in
honor court
Unauthorized changes or
additions to a pedigree or
Honor Court