2011 Workshop Conservation Basics for Museum Collections Description: What happens when museums need help caring for their artifact collections, but do not have the funds to call in a team of trained conservators? Learn basic techniques that can be used to care for, stabilize, and protect typical museum artifacts. Presenters will share helpful tips about a range of artifacts such as textiles, wood, and paper. Speakers: Leo Landis, Salisbury House & Gardens will discuss conservation in general Sheila Hanke, Conservator/Collections Manager, Iowa Battle Flag Project, State Historical Society of Iowa will discuss care of textiles Sarah Carlson, Assistant Conservator/Assistant Collections Manager, Iowa Battle Flag Project, State Historical Society of Iowa will discuss conservation concerns for exhibits Tanya Zanish-Belcher, Archivist, Iowa State University Library, will discuss paper conservation Julie Andersen, Danish intern at the Danish Immigrant Museum, has worked at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark and will speak about the process their conservators have used conserving and restoring their ships. Steve Stenstrom, conservator in private practice/ICPC board member When: June 13, 2011, 10:00 am to 4:00 p.m. Where: Montgomery County Historical Society, Red Oak IMA Member Registration: $45 (includes lunch) Non-Member Registration: $55 (includes lunch) Site Contact Information: Montgomery Co. Historical Society, 2700 N. 4th St., Red Oak, IA 712-623-2289 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registrations due ONE WEEK PRIOR TO EVENT You are registering for Collections Conservation Basics, June 13, 2011 Red Oak Name Organization Address City/State/Zip Phone E-mail IMA Member? Circle One: Yes No Mail Registration and Payment to: Iowa Museum Association 1116 Washington Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Or pay with credit card on-line at www.iowamuseums.org (click on the button to Donate and use the memo line to note what you are paying for). Questions: Please e-mail imasweet@cfu.net or call 319-239-2236