chapter outline

Catabolism: Energy Release and Conservation
This chapter presents an overview of energy release and conservation mechanisms beginning with glucose
degradation to pyruvate. Fermentation, aerobic respiration, and anaerobic respiration are then examined. The
consideration of chemoorganoheterotrophic metabolism concludes with a discussion of the catabolism of
lipids, proteins, and amino acids. Chemolithotrophic metabolism follows and the chapter concludes with a
discussion of the trapping of energy by phototrophy.
After reading this chapter you should be able to:
discuss the difference between catabolism and anabolism
describe the various pathways for the catabolism of glucose to pyruvate
list the various types of fermentations and give examples of their practical importance
discuss the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and its central role in aerobic metabolism
describe the electron transport process, and compare and contrast the electron transport systems of
eukaryotes with those of prokaryotes
describe oxidative phosphorylation and the chemiosmotic hypothesis
compare and contrast aerobic respiration, fermentation, and anaerobic respiration of organic molecules
describe in general terms the catabolism of molecules other than carbohydrates
list the common energy sources used by chemolithotrophs
describe the mechanisms by which chemolithoautotrophs generate ATP and NADH
discuss the photosynthetic light reactions
compare and contrast the light reactions of eukaryotes (and cyanobacteria) with those of green (or purple)
photosynthetic bacteria
Chemoorganotrophic Fueling Processes
A. Chemotrophic microorganisms vary in terms of their energy source (light, organic molecules,
inorganic molecules), and in terms of their electron acceptors
1. If the energy source is oxidized and degraded with the use of an exogenous electron acceptor,
the process is called respiration; in aerobic respiration the final electron acceptor is oxygen,
whereas in anaerobic respiration the final electron acceptor is a molecule other than oxygen
2. If an organic energy source is oxidized and degraded without the use of an exogenous electron
acceptor, the process is called fermentation
B. For chemoorganoheterotrophic organisms, catabolism is often a three-stage process during which
nutrients are fed into common degradative pathways including glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid
(TCA) cycle
1. Breakdown of polymers and other large molecules into their constituent parts
2. Initial degradation of the constituents’ parts
3. Completion of degradation accompanied by the generation of many ATP molecules
C. Many of the catabolic pathways can also be used for synthesis (anabolic) reactions and are termed
amphibolic; reducing power is used to convert precursor metabolites into macromolecules
Aerobic Respiration - completely catabolizes organic energy sources to carbon dioxide using oxygen as
the terminal electron acceptor; reducing power derives from the glycolytic and TCA pathways
III. Glycolytic Pathways
A. The Embden-Meyerhof Pathway
1. The most common pathway for glucose degradation (glycolysis), it is found in all major
groups of microorganisms
2. Functions in the presence or absence of oxygen and is divided into two parts:
a. In the 6-carbon stage, glucose is phosphorylated twice to yield fructose 1,6-bisphosphate;
this requires the expenditure of two molecules of ATP
b. The 3-carbon stage cleaves fructose 1,6-bisphosphate into two 3-carbon molecules,
which are each oxidized to pyruvate; two molecules of ATP are produced by substratelevel phosphorylation from each of the 3-carbon molecules for a net yield of two
molecules of ATP; two molecules of NADH are also produced per glucose molecule
B. The Entner-Doudoroff pathway is an alternative glycolytic pathway used by some microbes; the 6carbon stage begins with only one phosphorylation event with phosphogluconate as an intermediate
with one pyruvate and one glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate produced; the 3-carbon stage is the same as
the Embden-Meyerhof pathway
C. The pentose phosphate pathway
1. Known as the hexose monophosphate pathway; produces a variety of 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, and 7carbon sugar phosphates
2. Has several catabolic and anabolic functions (amphibolic)
a. Production of NADPH, which serves as a source of electrons for biosynthetic processes
b. Production of 4- and 5-carbon skeletons that can be used for the synthesis of amino acids,
nucleic acids, and other macromolecules
c. Complete catabolism of hexoses and pentoses, yielding ATP and NADH (made by
converting NADPH to NADH)
IV. Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
A. Pyruvate can be oxidized to carbon dioxide by the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle (or Krebs cycle)
after first being converted to acetyl-CoA; this preliminary reaction is accompanied by the loss of
one carbon atom as carbon dioxide and produces NADH
B. Acetyl-CoA reacts with oxaloacetate (a 4-carbon molecule) to produce a 6-carbon molecule (citric
acid), which is subsequently oxidized to release two molecules of carbon dioxide, regenerating the
oxaloacetate; during this process, the following occur:
1. ATP (as GTP) is produced by substrate-level phosphorylation
2. Three molecules of NADH and one molecule of FADH2 are produced
C. Organisms that lack the complete TCA cycle usually have most of the TCA cycle enzymes, because
one of the TCA cycle’s major functions is to provide carbon skeletons for use in biosynthesis
V. Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation
A. Electron transport chains
1. The mitochondrial electron transport chain in eukaryotes uses a series of electron carriers to
transfer electrons from NADH and FADH2 to O2
a. Electron carriers are located within the inner membrane of the mitochondrion
b. During oxidative phosphorylation, three ATP molecules may be synthesized when a pair
of electrons passes from NADH to O2; two ATP molecules may be synthesized when
electrons from FADH2 pass to O2
2. Although they operate according to the same fundamental principles, bacterial electron
transport chains usually differ in structure: they may be branched, be composed of different
electron carriers, or may be shorter than mitochondrial electron transport chains; bacterial
electron transport chains are located in the plasma membrane
B. Oxidative phosphorylation
1. The chemiosmotic hypothesis postulates that the energy released during electron transport is
used to establish a proton gradient that produces a proton motive force (potential energy due to
the difference in proton concentration and charge on either side of the membrane), which can
be used to drive ATP synthesis, flagellar rotation, and transport of molecules across the
2. ATP synthesis is catalyzed by the ATP synthase complex, which is thought to behave like a
small rotary motor where the energy released by the movement of protons across the
membrane, down the concentration gradient, is used to make high-energy bonds in ATP
C. ATP yield during aerobic respiration
1. The net yield from the oxidation of a glucose molecule via glycolysis is 2 ATP
2. The number of ATP generated by aerobic respiration of a glucose molecule depends on the
precise nature of the electron transport system; mitochondrial respiration typically yields 36
ATP (plus 2 from glycolysis)
VI. Anaerobic Respiration
A. Uses exogenous molecules other than oxygen as terminal electron acceptors; the most commonly
used alternative electron acceptors are nitrate, sulfate, and CO2
B. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction occurs when nitrate is used as the terminal electron acceptor; if the
nitrate is reduced to nitrogen gas, the process is called denitrification
C. Anaerobic respiration is not as efficient in ATP synthesis as aerobic respiration because the
alternative electron acceptors do not have as positive a reduction potential as O 2; despite this,
anaerobic respiration is useful because it is more efficient than fermentation
D. When several electron acceptors are present in the environment, microorganisms will use these
acceptors in succession starting with oxygen, then moving to nitrate, manganese ion, ferric ion,
sulfate, and finally carbon dioxide
VII. Fermentation
A. Fermentation is a process in which an organism oxidizes the NADH produced by one of the
glycolytic pathways by using pyruvate or one of its derivatives as an electron and hydrogen
acceptor; thus the process involves the use of an endogenous electron acceptor and regenerates
NAD+ to act as the oxidant in glycolysis
B. Fermentation takes place in the absence of oxidative phosphorylation and ATP is only generated
through substrate-level phosphorylation
C. Many different types of fermentations are known
1. Alcoholic fermentations produce ethanol and CO2
2. Lactic acid fermentations produce lactic acid (lactate)
a. Homolactic fermenters reduce almost all pyruvate to lactate
b. Heterolactic fermenters form substantial amounts of products other than lactate
3. Formic acid fermentation produces either mixed acids or butanediol
D. Microorganisms can ferment substances other than sugars (e.g., amino acids); in the
Strickland reaction, one amino acid is oxidized while a second acts as the electron
VIII. Catabolism of Other Carbohydrates
A. Carbohydrates
1. Most monosaccharides feed easily into the glycolytic pathway
2. Disaccharides are cleaved into monosaccharides either by hydrolysis or phosphorolysis
3. Polysaccharides are cleaved into smaller molecules either by hydrolysis or phosphorolysis;
many however, are not easily degraded (e.g., cellulose, agar)
B. Reserve polymers—when exogenous nutrients are absent, microorganisms catabolize internal
carbon and energy stores (e.g., glycogen, starch); this is accomplished either by hydrolysis or
IX. Lipid Catabolism
A. Triglycerides are common energy sources; they are hydrolyzed to glycerol and fatty acids
B. Fatty acids are catalyzed by the β-oxidation pathway, which successively shortens the chain by two
carbons producing acetyl-CoA, NADH, and FADH2; NADH and FADH2 can be oxidized by an
electron transport chain to produce ATP
X. Protein and Amino Acid Catabolism
A. Proteins are degraded by proteases to their component amino acids
Amino acids are first deaminated (often by transamination) and then the remaining carbon skeletons
are converted to pyruvate, acetyl-CoA, or a TCA-cycle intermediate
XI. Chemolithotrophy
A. A metabolic process that uses inorganic molecules as a source of energy; the energy source is
oxidized and the electrons are passed to an electron transport chain; the terminal electron acceptor is
usually O2, but sulfate and nitrate also are used; the most common electron donors (energy sources)
are hydrogen, reduced nitrogen compounds, reduced sulfur compounds, and ferrous iron (Fe 2+)
B. Chemolithotrophs are usually autotrophs; they use the Calvin cycle to fix carbon dioxide; however,
the oxidation of most inorganic molecules yields low levels of ATP; therefore, in order to fuel
carbon dioxide fixation, chemolithotrophs must oxidize large amounts of inorganic material
C. Some inorganic energy sources (e.g., ammonia and nitrite) cannot donate electrons directly to
NAD+; chemolithotrophs that use such energy sources must use their proton motive force to reverse
electron flow in their electron transport chain in order to generate the NADH needed for
biosynthetic processes
XII. Phototrophy
A. During photosynthesis, energy from light is trapped and used to produce ATP and NADPH (light
reactions), which are used to reduce carbon dioxide to carbohydrates (dark reactions)
B. Light reactions in oxygenic photosynthesis
1. Oxygenic photosynthesis generates molecular oxygen when light energy is converted to
chemical energy; this process is found in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria
2. Chlorophyll molecules and a variety of accessory pigments (carotenoids and bilins) are used to
form antennas; the antennas trap photons and transfer their energy to reaction-center
chlorophylls; these special chlorophylls are directly involved in photosynthetic electron
3. Eukaryotes and cyanobacteria have two photosystems; in each, electrons from the lightenergized reaction-center chlorophylls are transferred to the associated electron transport chain
a. Photosystem I can carry out cyclic photophosphorylation, producing ATP
b. Photosystems I and II, working together, can carry out noncyclic photophosphorylation,
producing ATP and NADPH; the electrons for noncyclic photophosphorylation are
obtained from water, which is oxidized to O2 (oxygenic photosynthesis)
4. Photosynthetic electron transport takes place in membranes including the thylakoid membranes
of chloroplasts and cyanobacteria; ATP can be generated through chemiosmosis
C. The light reaction in anoxygenic photosynthesis
1. Green and purple photosynthetic bacteria carry out anoxygenic photosynthesis (they do not use
water as a source of electrons, so do not produce O 2), and they have modified photosynthetic
pigments called bacteriochlorophylls
2. Many of the differences in the light reactions of the green and purple bacteria are due to the
fact that they only have a single photosystem
3. Green and purple bacteria are usually autotrophs that use NADH or NADPH for carbon
dioxide fixation; three methods for making NADH are known:
a. Reduction of NAD+ directly by hydrogen gas
b. Reverse electron flow
c. A simplified form of noncyclic electron flow
D. Rhodopsin-based phototrophy
1. Some archaea use light as a source of energy but instead of using chlorophyll, these microbes
use bacteriorhodopsin; analogous proteins in bacteria are called proteorhodopsin
2. A retinal chromophore changes shape when excited by light and acts a proton pump; this
creates a proton gradient across a membrane that produces ATP through chemiosmosis
Place the letter of each term in the space next to the definition or description that best matches it.
____ 1.
____ 2.
____ 3.
____ 4.
____ 5.
____ 6.
____ 7.
____ 8.
____ 9.
____ 10.
____ 11.
____ 12.
____ 13.
____ 14.
____ 15.
____ 16.
____ 17.
____ 18.
____ 19.
The total of all chemical reactions occurring in a cell
The breakdown of more complex molecules into
simpler ones, accompanied by energy release and the
trapping of some of that energy
The synthesis of complex molecules from simpler
ones, accompanied by energy input
Metabolic pathways that function both catabolically
and anabolically
Phosphorylation of ADP coupled to the exergonic
breakdown of a high-energy substrate molecule
An alternative to the glycolytic pathway that may
operate simultaneously with the glycolytic pathway
An alternative to glycolysis that is used by a few
genera of bacteria
A cyclical pathway that is used by chemoorganotrophic
organisms to generate energy and to provide carbon
skeletons for use in biosynthesis
A series of electron carriers that transfer electrons to a
terminal electron acceptor and liberate energy as they
do so
Production of ATP during chemotrophic processes
using energy liberated by an electron transport system
Potential energy that exists when there is a gradient of
protons and an unequal distribution of charges across a
The postulate that ATP synthesis is driven by proton
diffusion down a gradient established during electron
Inhibitors that stop ATP synthesis without inhibiting
electron transport
A type of chemoorganotrophic metabolism in which an
endogenous organic molecule serves as the electron
A type of chemotrophic metabolism in which
exogenous oxygen serves as the terminal electron
A type of chemotrophic metabolism in which an
exogenous molecule other than oxygen serves as the
terminal electron acceptor
A process in which excited electrons from a
chlorophyll molecule return to that molecule; the
electron flow drives the synthesis of ATP
A process in which excited electrons from a
chlorophyll molecule are given to NADPH and are
replaced with electrons from water; the electron flow
drives the synthesis of ATP
Phycocyanin and phycoerythrin are examples of this
type of accessory pigment
aerobic respiration
amphibolic pathways
anaerobic respiration
chemiosmotic hypothesis
cyclic photophosphorylation
electron transport chain
Entner-Doudoroff pathway
oxidative phosphorylation
pentose phosphate (hexose
monophosphate) pathway
proton motive force
substrate level
tricarboxylic acid cycle (citric
acid cycle; Krebs cycle)
Consider the following metabolic process and answer the questions below. (Where numbers are asked for, give
the number per glucose molecule entering the pathway.)
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
At which step(s) is there an investment of ATP? How many ATP molecules must be invested?
At which step(s) is there a production of ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation? How many are
At which step(s) is there a production of NADH? How many are produced?
At which step(s) is there a production of FADH2? How many are produced?
Considering that NADH and FADH2 can be processed through the electron transport chain to produce
ATP, what is the maximum net gain of ATP in eukaryotes?
In eukaryotes, not all NADH molecules give the same net yield of ATP. Which ones are different and
At which step(s) are CO2 molecules released? How many are released at each step?
Consider the process of photosynthesis and answer the following questions:
The goal of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis is to provide two molecules for the cell. What
are they? What does the organism use them for?
Photosystem I (PS I), in the absence of photosystem II (PS II), can be used to provide one of these
molecules. Which one?
The process by which PS I accomplishes this is diagrammed below. In this process the electrons given up
by P700 are cycled back to P700. What is this process called?
FeS protein
cyt b
Cyt b, FeS, cyt f
Why can’t this process be used to provide the other molecule? (HINT: Consider the fate of the electrons
given up by P700.)
How did the evolution of photosystem II (PS II) solve this problem? Diagram the overall process. (HINT:
Use the diagram of PS I as your starting point.) On your diagram show where the two molecules referred
to in question 1 are produced.
What is the fate of the electrons given up by P680 of PS II? How are they replaced?
Complete the table below by supplying the missing information. Answers should be expressed as molecules
produced (yield) per molecule of glucose oxidized.
Metabolic Step
Number of Molecules Produced
Yield of
A. Glucose  Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
B. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate  Pyruvate
A. 6-Carbon Stage
B. 5-Carbon Stage
C. 4-Carbon Stage
Total Yield
1. Glycolysis
2. Pyruvate  Acetyl-CoA
3. Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
*Assume maximum yield of ATP from NADH and FADH2 processed through the electron transport chain
The breakdown of larger, more complex molecules into smaller, simpler ones with the release of energy
is called ____________. Some of this energy is trapped and made available for work in ____________,
which is the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones. The latter process takes energy to
increase the ____________ of a system.
____________ and ____________ are not easily encompassed by the definition of catabolism, yet both
provide ATP and reducing power (e.g., NADPH) for the organisms that use these processes.
, most reactions are freely reversible and can be used to both synthesize
and degrade molecules. The few irreversible ____________ steps are bypassed in biosynthesis with
special enzymes that catalyze the reverse reaction. This allows independent ____________ of catabolic
and anabolic functions.
In the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, two carbons in the form of ____________ are added to
oxaloacetate at the start of the cycle. Subsequently, two carbons in the form of
removed, regenerating oxaloacetate. The reactions of the TCA cycle generate ____________,
____________, and ____________, which can be used to make ATP.
In cyanobacteria and in photosynthetic eukaryotes, the most important pigments are
, but
other pigments are also important. These other pigments are called
pigments, and they
. All the photosynthetic pigments are assembled into arrays
. Within each array is a
that is directly involved with
photosynthetic electron transport.
A process often called
nitrate reduction occurs when certain bacteria use nitrate as the electron
acceptor during
respiration. If the nitrate is reduced to nitrogen gas, the process is called
The Pasteur effect is a drastic reduction in the rate of sugar catabolism that occurs in many
microorganisms when they are changed from ____________ to ____________ conditions. This occurs
because aerobic respiration is generally more efficient than
The reduction of pyruvate to lactate is called
fermentation. If organisms reduce
almost all of their pyruvate to lactate, they are called ____________ fermenters; organisms that form both
lactate and substantial amounts of products other than lactate are called ____________ fermenters.
Although electrons derived from sugars and other organic molecules are donated to endogenous electron
acceptors during ____________, or to exogenous molecular oxygen during
some prokaryotes have electron transport chains that can operate with exogenous electron acceptors other
than oxygen, such as ____________, ____________, and
, in a process called
Disaccharides and polysaccharides can be processed as nutrients after first being cleaved to
monosaccharides by either ____________ or ____________.
Fatty acids are metabolized by the ____________ pathway in which 2-carbon units are cleaved off to
form ____________, which is channeled into the TCA cycle.
Proteins are catabolized by hydrolytic cleavage to amino acids by the action of enzymes called
___________. The amino acids are then processed by first removing the amino group in a process called
____________. In many cases the amino group is removed by transferring it to another carbon chain.
This is called ____________.
Almost all the energy of living organisms is ultimately derived from the process of ____________. It
provides the organisms that carry it out with the ____________ and ____________ needed to
manufacture the organic material required for their growth. These organisms then serve as the base for
most of the food chains in the biosphere, and in addition, these organisms are responsible for replenishing
our supply of ____________.
Photosynthesis as a whole is divided into two parts. In the _________ __________, light energy is
trapped and converted to chemical energy, which is then used in the __________ __________ to reduce
or fix _________ _________ and synthesize cellular constituents.
Green and purple photosynthetic bacteria do not use water as an electron source and do not produce
____________. They are said to be ____________, in contrast with cyanobacteria and eukaryotic
photosynthesizers, which are almost always ____________.
In chemoorganotrophic prokaryotes, electron transport chains are located within the __________
__________, while in eukaryotes electron transport chains are located within the __________
__________ ____________.
Chemotrophic microorganisms use three types of electron acceptors during energy metabolism:
endogenous acceptors are used during
; exogenous
is used during aerobic
respiration; and other exogenous acceptors are used during
The oxidation of carbohydrates, fatty acids, and other nutrients generates
, which
can in turn be oxidized by electron transport chains. The electrons flow through the chains from carriers
with more
reduction potentials to those with more
reduction potentials.
Eukaryotic ATP synthesis takes place on small protein spheres, called
, which
line the inner surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane. In prokaryotes, these spheres are located on
the inner surface of the
Photosynthetic green and purple bacteria possess
rather than chlorophyll, and they only
have a single
, rather than two. Thus they are only able to carry out
Bacteria and fungi carry out a variety of important fermentations.
fermentation is used to
make numerous beverages, including beer and wine.
fermentation results in the
excretion of several acids including acetic, lactic, succinic, and formic acids. During
fermentation, acetoin is formed and subsequently reduced to
. Both of these latter two
fermentations are used to distinguish enteric bacteria and are the basis for diagnostic tests.
22. Nitrogen-oxidizing bacteria are
that are also called
bacteria. When ammonia is
oxidized to nitrate by these bacteria, the process is called
usually incorporate carbon dioxide fixation through the Calvin cycle and produce
NADH for that process by reversing electron flow.
For each of the questions below select the one best answer.
Which of the following does NOT
represent a major function of
carbohydrates and other nutrients?
a. use, without modification, as cellular
b. use, with modification, as cellular
c. oxidation to provide energy
d. All of the above are major functions
of carbohydrates and other nutrients.
Which of the following is the most
common pathway for degradation of
glucose to pyruvate?
a. Entner-Doudoroff pathway
b. pentose phosphate pathway
c. phosphogluconate pathway
d. Embden-Meyerhof pathway
The synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi,
when coupled with the exergonic
enzymatic breakdown of a high-energy
molecule, is called
a. oxidative phosphorylation.
b. chemiosmotic phosphorylation.
c. substrate-level phosphorylation.
d. conformational change
Which of the following is NOT a useful
outcome of the pentose phosphate
a. production of ATP from the
metabolism of glyceraldehyde 3phosphate to pyruvate
b. production of NADPH, which serves
as a source of electrons during
c. production of 4- and 5-carbon sugars
for amino acid biosynthesis, nucleic
acid synthesis, and photosynthesis
d. All of the above are useful outcomes
of the pentose phosphate pathway.
Which of the following statements is true about
the similarities or differences between
eukaryotic and prokaryotic electron transport?
a. They use the same electron carriers.
b. In prokaryotes electrons can enter at a
number of points and leave through several
terminal oxidases, while in eukaryotes
electrons can enter at several points but
can only leave at a single terminal oxidase.
c. Prokaryotic chains have the same or higher
P/O ratios than eukaryotic mitochondrial
electron transport chains.
d. None of the above is true.
Which of the following is NOT true of
a. NADH is oxidized to NAD+.
b. The electron acceptor is pyruvate or a
pyruvate derivative.
c. Some fermentations generate additional
ATP for the organism.
d. All of the above are true of fermentation
What does it take to reduce one molecule of
carbon dioxide into carbohydrate?
a. three molecules of ATP
b. two molecules of NADPH
c. 10 to 12 quanta of light
d. It takes all of the above.
Which of the following may serve as an energy
source for chemolithotrophic organisms?
a. hydrogen gas
b. reduced nitrogen compound
c. reduced sulfur compound
d. All of the above are correct.
Which of the following is NOT true about
a. It can occur in both aerobic and
anaerobic conditions.
b. Electrons are transferred to the
electron acceptor by an electron
transport chain.
c. It uses an endogenous electron
d. All of the above are true.
____ 1.
____ 2.
____ 3.
____ 4.
____ 5.
____ 6.
____ 7.
____ 8.
____ 9.
____ 10.
____ 11.
____ 12.
____ 13.
Pathways are either catabolic or anabolic, but cannot be both.
Glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway are mutually exclusive. An organism may use one or
the other, but not both simultaneously.
Organisms that do not use the TCA cycle for energy production usually have most of the TCA cycle
enzymes in order to provide carbon skeletons for use in biosynthesis.
The P/O ratio represents the number of ATP molecules generated when electrons are passed from a
donor such as NADH or FADH2 to oxygen.
Most of the ATP that is generated aerobically comes from the oxidation of NADH and FADH 2 in
the electron transport chain.
In anaerobic respiration, ATP is formed primarily by electron transport chain activity.
Uncouplers stop ATP synthesis without inhibiting electron transport; they may even enhance the
rate of electron flow.
In the absence of oxygen, the electron transport chain can’t be used to oxidize NADH; therefore,
NAD+ is not regenerated.
Unlike mitochondrial electron transport, photosynthetic electron transport takes place in either the
cytoplasm or the fluid matrix (stroma) of chloroplasts rather than in a membrane.
The processes of electron transport in prokaryotes and eukaryotes are fundamentally different and
use very different mechanisms to couple electron transport to ATP synthesis.
In fermentation, ATP is formed primarily by electron transport chain activity.
Chemolithotrophs incorporate carbon dioxide through the Calvin cycle; in some cases the NADH
needed is obtained by reverse electron flow.
The Strickland reaction is an interesting fermentation in which one amino acid in a mixture serves as
the energy source and is oxidized, while another amino acid acts as the electron acceptor.
The authors make the statement, “The use of a few common catabolic pathways, each degrading many
nutrients, greatly increases metabolic efficiency by avoiding the need for a large number of less
metabolically flexible pathways.” Explain the significance of this statement.
The overall yield of ATP in eukaryotes has a theoretical maximum of 38 ATP molecules per molecule of
glucose. However, usually only 36 ATP molecules are produced. Explain this apparent discrepancy.
Prokaryotes often have lower P/O ratios than eukaryotic systems. Explain the significance of this relative
to the aerobic yield of ATP.
Terms and Definitions
1. k, 2. e, 3. c, 4. b, 5. q, 6. n, 7. i, 8. r, 9. h, 10. m, 11. p, 12. f, 13. s, 14. j, 15. a, 16. d, 17. g, 18. l,
19. o
Metabolic Energy: Glycolysis and the TCA Cycle
1. Step 1, 2 molecules 2. Step 2, 4 molecules; Step 4, 2 molecules 3. Step 2, 2 molecules; Step 3, 2
molecules; Step 4, 6 molecules 4. Step 4, 2 molecules 5. 36 molecules 6. Those from step 1 must be
transported into mitochondria at the expense of 1 ATP per NADH so that the net yield is only 2 ATP per
NADH. 7. Step 3, 2 molecules; Step 4, 4 molecules
Metabolic Energy: Photosynthesis
1. ATP, NADPH 2. ATP 3. cyclic photophosphorylation 4. The electrons given to NADPH cannot be
recycled to P700, and the process would stop when P700 became electron deficient. 5. Electrons are
replenished by P680. 6. They are replaced from water.
Fill in the Blank
1. catabolism; anabolism; order 2. Chemolithotrophy; photosynthesis 3. amphibolic pathways; catabolic;
regulation 4. acetyl-CoA; carbon dioxide; GTP; NADH; FADH2 5. chlorophylls; accessory; carotenoids;
phycobiliproteins; antennas; reaction-center chlorophyll 6. anaerobic; dissimilatory; denitrification
7. anaerobic; aerobic; fermentation 8. lactic acid; homolactic; heterolactic 9. fermentation; aerobic
respiration; nitrate; sulfate; carbon dioxide; anaerobic respiration 10. hydrolysis; phosphorolysis
11. β-oxidation; acetyl-CoA 12. proteases; deamination; transamination 13. photosynthesis; ATP;
NADPH; oxygen 14. light reactions; dark reactions; carbon dioxide 15. oxygen; anoxygenic; oxygenic
16. plasma membrane; inner mitochondrial membrane 17. fermentation; oxygen; anaerobic respiration
18. NADH; FADH2; negative; positive 19. ATP synthase; plasma 20. bacteriochlorophyll; photosystem;
cyclic 21. Alcoholic; Mixed acid; butanediol; butanediol 22. chemolithotrophs; nitrifying bacteria;
nitrification 23. Chemolithotrophs
Multiple Choice
1. a, 2. d, 3. c, 4. d, 5. b, 6. d, 7. d, 8. d, 9. b
1. F, 2. F, 3. T, 4. T, 5. T, 6. T, 7. T, 8. F, 9. F, 10. F, 11. F, 12. T, 13. T