82. Bulliten No.82 dt. 17-10-15

AAS Bulletin for Guntur district issued by GKMS,
RARS, Lam, Guntur-34,
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University
BULLETIN No-82/2015
ISSUED ON 16-10-2015
An amount of 31.4 mm was received in 5 rainy days during the month of Oct,15 as
against monthly normal of 130 mm in Guntur district of South Coastal Andra Pradesh.
During last four days i.e., from 14th Oct, 2015 to 16th Oct an amount of 1.1 mm
rainfall was received as against the forecast of 4 mm in Guntur district of South Coastal
Andhra Pradesh under AMF Unit, Lam.
If see the crops condition in 57 mandals of the Guntur district, good rainfall and
good crop coverage was noticed in 29 mandals, crop not good but rainfall was good in 23
mandal, rainfall not good but crops good in 3 mandals but rainfall and crops not good in
only 2 mandals out of 57 mandals
Weather forecast for next five days for Guntur district
Rainfall (mm)
Max Temperature (deg C)
Min Temperature (deg C)
Total cloud cover (octa)
Max Relative Humidity (%)
Min Relative Humidity (%)
Wind speed (kmph)
Weather parameter
Wind direction (deg)
Transplanted rice
 Present weather conditions are favourable to increase rat population and cause the damage to
rice, hence rat traps @ 20 per acre may be arranged in the standing fields
there by
manage the rat population.
 Under present weather conditions stem borer on rice may attach, if the problem is
serious this can be managed by spraying with cartophydrochloride @2 grams or
chlorostriniprole @ 0.4 ml/ per litre of water
 Due to present high temperature coupled with rains and humidity may causes bacterial
attach on rice these bacteria leads leaf drying from margins then turn to drying. This
can spread through the irrigation water. chemicals are not available for managing
this disease. Only way is to manage the nitrogen application. If intensity is more than 5
% stopped the N application
 The present weather condition leaf folding is happens it was controlled using of
cloriphiriphas 2.5 ml or esiphate 1.5 gra or cartaf hidrocloride 2 gra.
Clorastraniliprole 0.4 ml or phlobimdamide 20 wpg 0.25 gra or 48 s.c 0.1 ml spry with
one liter water.
Direct seeded Rice
Rains during last week enhance weeds and are become major problem in direct seeded rice,
hence apply namini gold 80-100 ml per acre in 200 liters of water
Present weather congenial to top dress chemical fertilizers to direct seeded rice crop. Hence
apply chemical fertilizer without loose the moisture
Present weather conditions are favourable to increase rat population and causes the damage
to rice hence rat traps @ 20 per acre may be arranged in the standing fields
Under present weather conditions stem borer on rice may attach, if the problem is
serious this can be managed by spraying with cartophydrochloride @2 grams or
chlorostriniprole @ 0.4 ml/ per litre of water
The present weather condition leaf folding is happens it was controlled using of
cloriphiriphas 2.5 ml or esiphate 1.5 gra or cartaf hidrocloride 2 gra.
Clorastraniliprole 0.4 ml or phlobimdamide 20 wpg 0.25 gra or 48 s.c 0.1 ml spry with
one liter water.
Presently received rains henhence the incidence of tarsicum blight and rust on maize due to
excess moisture these diseases can be managed by spraying with 500 grams mecozeb by mixing
with 200 leters of water in the evening.
Presently received rains are useful for recovery of crop from present dry weather condition and
also for top dressing of chemical fertilizers. Still time is there for taking the Kharif sowings,
hence farmers are advised to for Kharif maize sowings as the situation is favourable for taking
the sowings
Suggested verities for the district are DCH-111, DCH-113, DCH-115, Maandhuri &
Priya (sweet verities)
Before sowing seed treatment should be follow
Present rains wash out the sucking complex, need not go for spraying against sucking pests but
stem borer may be the problem. This can be managed by placing the trichograma nicholus 2-3
egg sheets per acre or spray chlorontriniliprol @ 60 ml per acre in 200 liters of water or if the
problem is severe apply prorate or thimmate grannels 3-4 kg per acre by mixing with sand and
placed in whorls.
Present rains are useful for topdressing of urea fertilizers. To overcome present moisture
problem adopt inter cultivation with gorru will improve the growth and reduces the weeds. But
intercultivation may not be possible due to moisture, apply 2-4D @ 500 grams/acre will reduce
the weeds
Under present dry weather condition sucking pest may attack in pegion pie but these sucking
pest naturally controlled by lady bird beetle and spiders. If it is above thresh level it can be
managed by monocrotophas 320 ml or diemithoyote 400 ml deslove 200 liters of water may spry
in the evening times.
Under present weather conditions ie, last received rains may wash out the sucking complex.
But these sucking pests are very serious on the seedlings this can be managed by spraying
with acephate @ 1gr. or monichrotophos @ 1.2 ml per litre of water during morning or
evening time.
 Adopt intercultivation if crop is at 30-40 days this will helps in reduction of weeds as well as
aeration to the crop
 Present weather henhence the stem fly infestation, it can be managed by spraying 1.6 ml
monochrotophos or 1 gram acephate or 1.5 ml dimethiate per liter of water
 Present weather is favourable for Spodoptera this can be managed by spraying 1.6 ml
monochrotophos or 1 gram acephate or 2.0 ml quinalphos + 1.0 dichlorwas per liter of
water. If intensity is more go for spraying of spinsad or 0.3 ml or amomiktin benzoate or 0.4
gram renoxyphir or 0.2 ml flubendimyde per liter of water
 Under present weather situation white fly and sucking pests population may be
reduced there by mosoic virus infestation may not be serious why because these pests
washed out by the present rains hence no need to go for control measures.
 Late sown blackgram may prone to iron deficiency due to this rains . this can be
managed by application iron sulphate and citric acid on the crop
 Under present weather conditions ie, last received rains may wash out the sucking complex.
But these sucking pests are very serious on the seedlings this can be managed by spraying
with acephate @ 1gr. or monichrotophos @ 1.2 ml per litre of water during morning or
evening time.
 Adopt intercultivation if crop is at 30-40 days this will helps in reduction of weeds as well as
aeration to the crop
 Present weather henhence the stem fly infestation, it can be managed by spraying 1.6 ml
monochrotophos or 1 gram acephate or 1.5 ml dimethiate per liter of water
 Present weather is favourable for Spodoptera this can be managed by spraying 1.6 ml
monochrotophos or 1 gram acephate or 2.0 ml quinalphos + 1.0 dichlorwas per liter of
water. If intensity is more go for spraying of spinsad or 0.3 ml or amomiktin benzoate or 0.4
gram renoxyphir or 0.2 ml flubendimyde per liter of water
 Under present weather situation white fly and sucking pests population may be
reduced there by mosoic virus infestation may not be serious why because these pests
washed out by the present rains hence no need to go for control measures.
 Late sown blackgram may prone to iron deficiency due to this rains . this can be
managed by application iron sulphate and citric acid on the crop
Present received rains will lead to excess moisture in the redgram fields this will create
wilt problem there by loss the standing population. Hence farmers are advised to
remove the excess water after that adopt intercultivation where ever possible
Present rains create excess moisture field condition; this will lead to iron chlorosis in
younger crop this can be managed by spraying with FeSo4+citric acid on standing crop.
Under present crop condition leaf folder may be attach the crop, if intensity is more can go
for spraying of 1.6 ml monochrotophos or 2 ml of quinolphos per liter of water
 Under present weather conditions ie., rain during last three days sucking complex may reduced
if intensity of these pests are more this can be managed by spraying with acephate @ 1gr. or
monichrotophos @ 1.2 ml per litre of water during morning or evening time.
Under present excess moisture conditions in cotton fields, can causes the root rot and fusarium
wilt this can be managed by sparying the copper oxichloride @ 3 gm or carbandism 1gr by
mixing with 1 liter of water and pore this chemical around the stem base near the soil.
To control white fly spraying triazophos 40 EC 2 ml per liter water.
over come present excess moisture condition top dress the nitrogenous fertilizers and
adopt intercultivation where ever possible immediately.
Under present condition sucking pests may attach the crop, for management of sucking
pests follow stem application of monochrotophos and water in ration of 1:4 or
imadachloprid and water in the ratio of 1:2 this will lead in reduction of cost of
pesticides in considerable level.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------M. Ratnam, Scientist (Agro) & Technical Officer Dr. Edara Narayana, Assoc. Director
of Res. & Nodal Officer
Grameena Mausam Seva (IAAS project), AMFU, RARS, LAM FARM, GUNTUR-520 034,
Phone no. 0863-2524017, 2524022; Fax: 0863-2524 agromet_lam@yahoo.com