Supplemental Materials Clinical Utility of the MMPI-2-RF SUI Items and Scale in a Forensic Inpatient Setting: Association with Interview Self-Report and Future Suicidal Behaviors by D. Glassmire et al., 2015, Psychological Assessment Table S1 Item Content and Reliability Statistics for Suicide Variable Report Coding Sheet Item History of suicidal ideation % Base Rate % Both Present % Both Absent % Disagree % Agree Kappa (95% CI) 51.5 47.6 45.4 7.0 93.0 .86 (.79–.93) 6.1 4.4 91.7 3.9 96.1 .67 (.47–.87) 43.2 41.9 54.1 3.9 96.1 .92 (.87–.97) History overdose attempt 24.9 20.1 75.1 4.8 95.2 .86 (.78–.94) History attempt by cutting 19.7 17.0 79.9 3.1 96.9 .90 (.83–.97) History of attempt by hanging 11.8 11.4 86.9 1.7 98.3 .92 (.84–1.00) History of attempt by firearm 2.2 1.3 97.8 0.9 99.1 .75 (.41–1.00) History of attempt by jumping 4.8 4.4 94.3 1.3 98.7 .86 (.71–1.00) History of attempt by anoxia 2.2 1.7 97.4 0.9 99.1 .80 (.52–1.00) 13.1 10.5 83.0 6.6 93.4 .72 (.59–.86) Current suicidal ideation History of suicide attempts History of attempt by other Note. % Base Rate = % of reports with variable present after 3rd rater clarified any disagreements between the first two raters. All other columns report reliability data from the first two independent raters. % Both Present = % of protocols in which both raters rated the variable as present. % Both Absent = % of protocols in which both raters rated the variable as absent. % Disagree = % of protocols with a disagreement between raters. % Agree = % of protocols in which both raters agreed. CI = Confidence Interval. Landis and Koch (1977) indicated that Kappa coefficients of .61–.80 indicate “substantial” agreement and from .81–1.00 indicate “almost perfect” agreement. Reference: Landis, J. R., & Koch, G. G. (1977). The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data. Biometrics, 33, 159–174. Kappa (95% CI) .86 (.79–.93) .67 (.47–.87) .92 (.87–.97) .86 (.78–.94) .90 (.83–.97) .92 (.84–1.00) .75 (.41–1.00) .86 (.71–1.00) .80 (.52–1.00) .72 (.59–.86)