IVS-Kermit / MCS-Kermit USER GUIDE 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 2.1. 9800 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 1 1 3. 1 INSTALLING IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit 4. TRANSFERRING FILES 2 5. INITIALIZING MS-KERMIT AND IVS-KERMIT or MCS-Kermit 2 6. PERFORMING THE FILE TRANSFERS 6.1. Considering VE File Structures 6.1.1. V-Kermit File Structure Parameters 6.2. V-Kermit File Naming Conventions and Conversions 6.2.1. Wildcards in File Names 6.2.2. V-Kermit Reserved Name Extensions 6.3. Considering White Space 6.4. Check-off List to Consider Before Transferring Files 6.5. Transferring Multiple Files with One Command 6.6. Examples of File Transfers 6.6.1. Job Files 6.6.2. UPDATE patches and EBFs 6.7. Checking for Proper File Transfer Performance 6.7.1. Kermit Timeouts MS-Kermit Timeouts Send Timeout Receive Timeout V-Kermit Timeouts Send Timeout Receive Timeout 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 7. 12 TERMINATING MS-KERMIT AND IVS-KERMIT or MCS-Kermit 8. IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit Error Messages 8.1. V-Kermit VE File Error Messages 14 15 9. 15 MS-Kermit Error Messages APPENDIX A CONTENTS OF KERMRC FILE 16 APPENDIX B Caveats 1. INTRODUCTION 17 IVS-Kermit and MCS-Kermit have the same functionality which is to be in the Kermit 'server' mode on NCR 9800 systems and transfer files with MS-Kermit on a PC making the files compatible with the complex NCR file structures. IVS-Kermit works in the NCR IVS environment. MCS-Kermit works with PC-Console. To transfer files, you must use the IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit file transporter as explained in this chapter. 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Before you can use the IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit file transporter software, specific PC and 9800 system hardware and software requirements must be met, and IVS-Kermit or MCSKermit must be installed on the 9800 system. For information about the PC and 9800 system hardware and software requirements and information about installing IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit, refer to the "IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit Installation Guide". Specific hardware and software requirements must be met for the personal computer (PC) and for the 9800 system before files can be transferred. These requirements are explained in this section. You must have a PC with: A floppy disk containing MS-Kermit version 2.32/A (or later). At least 110 K of available memory, for MS-Kermit version 2.32/A. The MS-Kermit version 2.32/A consists of two MSVIBM.EXE and MSKVKNIT. (Note: MS-Kermit is Kermit-MS and MS-DOS Kermit.) files, named also known as An RS-232 communications capability (either through a modem or dedicated line to the 9800 system). 2.1. a 9800 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS You must have a 9800-4 system with: VE4.0 operating system software. A dedicated TTY link available to which the PC can communicate (either dedicated or switched). The link can be established through a TTY line module, an ITTY line module (preferred over the TTY line module, a BMC line module, or a DSP communication port. The IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit software,installed as explained in the "IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit Installation Guide". A subcatalog available, if you wish to transfer files to/from the Catalog. A volume assigned to SUD DO2, if you wish to transfer files to/from disk. 3. INSTALLING IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit needs to be installed on the 9800 system only once. Once installed, IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit will be available and ready for use with MS-Kermit or SuperVision as explained in the "Transferring Files" section of this chapter. When your operating system software was installed, 3 IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit files were copied to the system CPL (volume 98004n, where "n" is a number in the range of 1-9). The names of the files are: KERM_MCS ( The MCS-Kermit load object file ) MCSKJ ( The job file that starts MCS-Kermit ) KERMRC ( An initialization file ) Appendix A of this chapter shows the contents of the MCSKJ and KERMRC files for your information. These 3 files make up the IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit software; it is through them that you control IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit. To install sequence of IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit, perform the following actions: Copy files KERM_MCS, MCSKJ, and KERMRC from the system CPL to a user CPL (volume 98003n, where "n" is a number in the range of 1-9). Check the contents of file MCSKJ. If the values specified in the file are not correct for your specific system, edit the files so that they specify values that are compatible with your system. If you wish to be able to transfer files to/from the Catalog (as opposed to, or in addition to, disk), copy file KERMRC from the system CPL to the desired subcatalog; then change the file name to kermrc. (Note: "kermrc" must be lowercase.) If you wish to be able to opposed to, or in addition from the system CPL to SUD kermrc. (Note: "kermrc" must transfer files to/from disk (as to, the Catalog), copy file KERMRC D02; then change the file name to be lowercase.) IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit is now installed. You are now ready to transfer files as explained in the "Transferring Files" section of this chapter. 4. TRANSFERRING FILES Once IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit has been installed on the 9800 system and the hardware and software requirements have been met, you can transfer files from the PC to/from disk or to/from the Catalog. The procedure steps: for transferring files involves three major Initializing MS-Kermit and IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit Performing the File Transfer Terminating MS-Kermit and IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit The remainder of this chapter explains each of the three steps in detail. Follow these steps, in the order presented, to ensure that your files are successfully transferred to/from to/from the Catalog. disk or 5. INITIALIZING MS-KERMIT AND IVS-Kermit or MCS-KERMIT To initialize MS-Kermit and IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit, the following sequence of actions: perform If you are using MS-Kermit version 2.32/A, enter: msvibm.exe -f mskvknit <RETURN> MS-Kermit will initialize itself, then execute the commands the MSKVKNIT file. The following screen will be displayed: in IBM-PC Kermit-MS: 2.32/A 21 Jan 1989 Copyright (C) Trustees of Columbia University 1982, 1989 updated 2-6-90 Parity := EVEN Local-echo for FULL DUPLEX line := OFF Send timeout := 2 At the Kermit-MS> prompt, enter stat<RETURN> to display the MS-Kermit parameters. Then check the parameters to make sure that they are correct for your PC. Specifically, check the "Baud rate", "Parity", "Local echo" (full duplex should be "off"; half duplex should be "on"), and "Send timeout" parameters. If you need to change a parameter value, at the Kermit-MS> prompt enter set <parameter name> <new value> <RETURN> Once the MS-Kermit parameters are correct, prompt, enter at the Kermit-MS> connect<RETURN> The screen will change so corner and the following screen: that the cursor is in the upper left banner is at the bottom of the (blank) Esc-chr:^]?help:^]?port:1speed:9600 parity:even echo:loc VT102... Use SuperVision to start the MCSKJ job using RUNC or RUNJ. example: For RUNC,$.NODE.KERMIT.MCSKJ [1] The MCSKJ job will ask for the LPN to be used for the communication link and will ask questions about the source/destination for the files. That sequence looks like: 0027 1921: ACCEPT DEFAULTS OF LPN=0104,SOURCE/DEST=CAT,NODE=$,VAR RECS,SEQORG,SIZE=500/BLOCKS?[Y,N] > :AN 27,'N' RESPONSE TRANSMITTED 0030 1921: SPECIFY LPN FOR MCS-KERMIT COMMUNICATION LINK. DEFAULT LPN IS 0104. 'X' TO STOP ASKING.[NNNN,X] > :AN 30,'150' RESPONSE TRANSMITTED 0033 1921: SELECT MCS-KERMIT SOURCE/DESTINATION ENVIRONMENT. DEFAULT ENVIRONMENT IS CAT.[CAT,DISK,X] > :AN 33,'' RESPONSE TRANSMITTED 0036 1921: PLEASE ENTER SUBCATALOG NODE NAME. DEFAULT IS THE $ NODE.[NODE NAME,X] > :AN 36,'$.NODE.KERMIT' RESPONSE TRANSMITTED 0039 1921: DO YOU WANT DATAFILES TO HAVE FIXED OR VARIABLE LENGTH RECORDS? DEFAULT IS VARIABLE.[F,V,X] > :AN 39,'' RESPONSE TRANSMITTED 0042 1921: WILL YOU UPLOAD FONT/FORM FILES? IF YES,ALL DATA FILES HAVE 'REL'ORGANIZATION;DEFAULT IS SEQ.[Y,N] > :AN 42,'' RESPONSE TRANSMITTED When MCS-Kermit is initialized and ready to transfer following messages will be displayed by the job: 0043 1921:34 2054 EXECUTE: MCSKERM 00/000000/0000. files the 0044 1921:31 3000 TC PROGRAM INITIALIZED. 0045 1921:5D 1101 OPERATOR INPUT PERMITTED(PBS1921 ) At this point the PC connection to the 9800 needs to be shifted to the LPN specified to the MCSKJ job. If using MS-Kermit directly, do '^]b' and select the MCSKj link ( if the MICOM switch is being used the address syntax is #nn/nnn ). With SuperVision, switch over to the virtual channel that represents the LPN selected for the MCSKJ job. Depending how fast the above switch is done, some of the ing sequence may be seen: follow- Kermit-VRX server starting. # N3 If you need to change a IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit value, perform the following sequence of actions: parameter At the # N3 prompt, hold the CONTROL key down while pressing ']' (right bracket) key followed by the letter 'c' key. the The Kermit-MS> prompt will be displayed. Enter 'finish<RETURN>' The Kermit-MS> prompt will be redisplayed. Enter 'connect<RETURN>' The IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit prompt ('IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit>' will be displayed. Press the 'RETURN' key, then <new value> <RETURN>'. Repeat enter 'set <parameter name> this step for each parameter that needs to be changed. At the IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit prompt, enter 'server <RETURN>'. Several informational messages will be displayed followed by the #N3 prompt. The # N3 prompt (towards the bottom of the screen) is known as the "server mode" prompt, and indicates that files can now be transferred. The cursor is displayed under the "#" character. Refer to the "Performing the File Transfer" section for information about how to transfer files. Doing the SHOW, SHOW VERSION, ?, and QUIT commands results in the following: MCS-Kermit> SHO MCS-Kermit, 4E(072) 06 June 90, NCR VRX/VE Communications Parameters: Bits: 7, Parity: even, Duplex: full, Flow: xon/xoff Handshake: none Protocol & Transfer Parameters: override) Timeout: Padding: Pad Character: Packet Start: Packet End: Packet Length: Block Check Type: 1 File Parameters: File Names: File Type: File Byte Size: Incomplete File Send 4 0 31 1 13 1000* Bits: 7, Receive (* = 30* 0 0 1 10 1000 (94) converted Debugging Log: none text Packet Log: none 7 Transaction Log: none Disposition: discard, Init file: kermrc MCS-Kermit> SHO VER Versions: MCS-Kermit, 4E(072) 06 June 90 MCS-Kermit Protocol Module 4E(032), 31 May 90 V-Kermit functions, 4E(054) 29 May 90 VRX/E cmd package V2(023), 06 June 90 User Interface 4E(060), 06 June 90 NCR-VRX tty I/O, 4E, 01 June 90 for NCR VRX/VE VRX/VE file support, 4E(038) 30 May 90 for NCR VRX/VE MCS-Kermit> ? Command, one of the following: close echo exit log quit server show statistics take Again> Q 5.2 help set INSTALLING AND STARTING IVS-Kermit. Move the initialization file 'kermrc' to SUD=D02 and the catalog node you wish to transfer files from/to. In an IVS session execute the Procedure file IVSKPM. Answer the questions concerning source/destination and the structure of data files. This question sequence may look something like: > IVSKPM; BEGINNING IVSKPM FOR IVS-KERMIT FILE TRANSFERS. FOR GENERIC FILE USE. UPDATED ON 6-20-90. IVS-KERMIT 2.01 NOW HANDLES: 1000 BYTE PACKETS. MOVE kermrc TO YOUR SOURCE/DESTINATION CATALOG NODE AND SUD=D02 BEFORE CONTINUING. REFER TO THE V-KERMIT FS FOR MS-DOS FILE NAME EXTENSIONS USED FOR VRX FILES. EXAMPLES ARE: FN.N3(JOB),FN.PRO(SCL PROC),FN.C(C), FN.CO(COBOL),FN.NCR(NCRL),FN.NC(NEAT/C), FN.BIN(BINARY DATA FILE). OBJECT FILES(USE FN.OBJ). WARNINGS: IF YOUR IVS SESSION USES A DSP COMM PORT, MAX PACKET SIZE IS 222. PLEASE WAIT. PLEASE WAIT. PLEASE SELECT THE IVS-KERMIT ENVIRONMENT. THE IVS-KERMIT ENVIRONMENT DEFAULTS ARE: DATA FILES WITH: - SEQUENTIAL ORGANIZATION. (THERE IS A CHOICE FOR RELATIVE(FONT/FORM) FILE STRUCTURE.) - FILESIZE OF 500/BLOCKS - VARIABLE LENGTH RECORDS FILE SOURCE/DESTINATION OF: - USER CURRENT NODE IN CATALOG. DO YOU WANT TO ACCEPT THESE DEFAULTS? [Y,N] DEFAULT IS YES. Enter value for DEFAULTS WILL YOU UPLOAD PRINTER FONT/FORM FILES? [Y,N] IF YES, ALL DATA FILES WILL HAVE THE RELATIVE ORGANIZATION. DEFAULT IS NO. Enter value for ORG_CHOICE DO YOU WANT DATAFILES TO HAVE FIXED OR VARIABLE LENGTH RECORDS? [F,V] DEFAULT IS VARIABLE. Enter value for REC_TYPE SELECT IVS-KERMIT SOURCE/DESTINATION ENVIRONMENT. DEFAULT ENVIRONMENT IS CATALOG. [CAT,DISK] Enter value for ENV D IVS-KERMIT USING NON-CATALOG ENVIRONMENT. PERIPHERALS FOR JOB# 3842 NAME 683 READER VIRTUAL VOL VIRTUAL VOL VIRTUAL VOL VIRTUAL VOL TYPE VSN 0A BA BA BA BA 525252 600001 500288 500289 VOLID STATUS SHARE CPL UP UP UP UP UP NO YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO LPN SUD FD00 0122 0141 013E 013F P11 D01 D02 D05 D06 SYSTEM CPLS VIRTUAL VOL BA 980042 CPL-1 UP VIRTUAL VOL BA 570590 CPL-2 UP VIRTUAL VOL BA 980041 CPL-3 UP PLEASE ENTER(IN QUOTES) VOLUME NUMBER AND FOR EXAMPLE ('525252/BA') OR [CONTINUE] TO USE CURRENT D02. Enter value for VSN C IVS-KERMIT USING CURRENT D02. YES YES 012E D90 YES YES 0139 D91 YES YES 013A D92 DEVICE TYPE. ENSURE THAT ENOUGH SPACE EXISTS ON D02 FOR THE LARGEST UPLOADED FILE. ENSURE THAT THE D02 DATAFILE FILESIZE PARAMETER IS BIG ENOUGH TO HOLD THE LARGEST FILE. SPECIFY FILESIZE VALUE FOR D02 DATAFILE REFERENCE USED BY DATA FILES. DEFAULT FILESIZE IS 500/BLOCKS. Enter value for FILESIZ 33 TERMINAL DEFINITIONS SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED EXECUTING LOAD MODULE WERMIT. UPDATED 6-20-90. Parity := EVEN Duplex := FULL File type := TEXT Extended-length packets requested Extended-length packets requested IVS-Kermit, 4E(072) 06 June 90, NCR VRX/VE Communications Parameters: Bits: 7, Parity: even, Duplex: full, Flow: xon/xoff, Handshake: none Protocol & Transfer Parameters: override) Timeout: Padding: Pad Character: Packet Start: Packet End: Packet Length: Block Check Type: 1 8th-Bit Prefix: '&' File Parameters: File Names: File Type: File Byte Size: Incomplete File Send 4 0 31 1 13 1000* Receive (* = 30* 0 0 1 10 1000 (94) converted Debugging Log: none text Packet Log: none 7 Transaction Log: none Disposition: discard, Init file: kermrc When IVS-Kermit is initialized and ready to transfer following messages will be displayed by the job: files the Kermit-VRX server starting. IVS-Kermit, 4E(072) 06 June 90 Type ? for help Doing the SHOW, SHOW VERSION, ?, and QUIT commands results in the following: IVS-Kermit> IVS-Kermit>SHO VER SHO VER Versions: IVS-Kermit, 4E(072) 06 June 90 IVS-Kermit Protocol Module 4E(032), 31 May 90 V-Kermit functions, 4E(054) 29 May 90 VRX/E cmd package V2(023), 06 June 90 User Interface 4E(060), 06 June 90 NCR-VRX tty I/O, 4E, 01 June 90 for NCR VRX/VE VRX/VE file support, 4E(038) 30 May 90 for NCR VRX/VE IVS-Kermit> IVS-Kermit>? ? Command, one of the following: close echo log quit show statistics Again>Q Q IVS-KERMIT TERMINATED. PRINTING IVS-KERMIT TRANSFER HISTORY PLEASE WAIT. exit server take help set LOG(STDERR). END OF PRINTING STDERR. Home catalog name is $.PBS END OF IVSKP. 6. PERFORMING THE FILE TRANSFERS Once MS-Kermit and IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit are initialized you can transfer files by performing the following sequence of actions: When the server prompt (# N3) is displayed, hold the 'CONTROL' key while pressing the ']' (right bracket) key. The banner of text at the bottom of the screen will disappear, and the cursor will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. At the cursor, enter the letter 'c' (for "connect"). The Kermit-MS> prompt will be displayed. At the Kermit-MS> prompt, enter 'send/get' followed by the name of the file you wish to transfer to/from the PC and to/from the 9800 system. The PC file name may have its path fully qualified and it may have a MS-DOS extension. The file transfer will begin, and the following screen will be displayed with information appropriate for the file being transferred. Kermit-MS: 2.32/A 21 Jan 1989 File name: RJECOMM.NC KBytes transferred: 317 Percent transferred: 63 Sending/Receiving: In progress Number of packets: 1777 Packet length: 94 Number of retries: 97 Last error: Last message: SRCFILE(NAME=RJECOMM) When the "Sending" ( or 'Receiving' ) value in this screen "Completed", the file transfer has completed. If you wish is to transfer another file to/from the same location, enter 's' or 'get' command and another file name. another Once you are finished transferring the desired file(s), you can terminate MS-Kermit and IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit as explained in the "Terminating MS-Kermit and IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit" section of this chapter. 6.1. Considering VE File Structures When uploading files some consideration should be given to the details to the file structure that will be created on the VE side. And on download, the ability of IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit to 'find' the file is based on the descriptors used. Files on the PC are only of 3 types: 'Ascii' text files ( a stream of 'Ascii' characters including CR and LF ), 'binary' files( a stream of all 256 possible characters ), and the special case of VE 'OBJECT' files that were created on a download from V-Kermit. Files on the VE side are varied and complex and 'record' oriented. V-Kermit must convert between the simple MS-DOS format and the complex VE format using the setup parameters and instructions given by the operator. Beyond this, is the added complexity that the VRX-C compiler produces code that allows for the creation of only 2 types of VE files: One creates records based upon examining each uploaded character for the LF ( 0A ), which is stripped and not written to disk. The other creates variable length records that are just a of the characters received. stream 'set file type text/binary' has nothing to do with the creation of either of the above 2 file types. This is an unfortunate misnomer. The feature should be called 'set end-of-line conversion on/off'. All 'set file type' does is add LFs on download and strip them on uploads. The means by which V-Kermit selects one of the 2 above file types is by the file name extension. fn.OBJ, fn.BIN, and fn.Bnn cause the second type to be used; all other extensions cause the first type to be used. It really does not matter whether the file contains 'binary' or 'Ascii' Both types can be written to both of the above file types. 6.1.1. data. V-Kermit File Structure Parameters Consider the following parameters and their effects when deciding how to transfer a file: File name extension. 'Set file type text/binary' Existence of and location of CR and LF characters in the PC file. FCL override parameters in the MCSKJ job. RECORDSIZE FILESIZE DATESCHEME RMS CATALOG NOCAMHEADER How 'whitespace' is treated on the PC, by V-Kermit, and by FMS. For example: the 'TAB' ( 09 ) character may be defined at various lengths by a PC wordprocessor but FMS always substitutes 8 spaces before writing to disk (if the file name extension specifies the 'text' file structure described above ). 6.2. V-Kermit File Naming Conventions and Conversions The 3 character MS-DOS extension is the method used by IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit to know what type of VE file to open. Care must be taken to select the correct extension to match the desired file. MS-Kermit 's' and 'get' commands allow for aliases. So the name on the PC does not need to match the VE file name and extension. As examples: Kermit-MS>s fn fn.N3 will create a source file on the VE side. Kermit-MS>get Remote Source File: fn.PRO Local Destination File: fn will look for a SCL Procedure file on the VE side and download it creating fn on the PC. 6.2.1. Wildcards in File Names The 'wildcard' characters '?' and '*' can only be used by MSKermit on uploads to IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit. See the section on multiple file transfers for the result when a wildcard matches more than one file 6.2.2. V-Kermit Reserved Name Extensions The extensions must be checked against the following insure that they do not accidentally coincide with one Kermit considers 'reserved';. list that to V- File types are encoded as follows: Set VRX/E File Default Type Record BIN/ on VRX/E File Type PC NAME Size Name TEXT source 1-82 fn.c VRX/E COBOL source(no ID) 1-83 fn.CO VRX/E COBOL source(6 char ID) 1-83 fn.CO6 VRX/E COBOL source(8 char ID) 1-83 fn.CO8 NCRL source 1-82 fn.NCR NEAT/VE source 1-82 fn.NVS NEAT/VS source 1-82 fn.NVS NEAT/C source 1-83 fn.NC NEAT/3 source 1-82 fn.N3 VRX/E BASIC source 1-82 TEXT fn.BAS FORTRAN/V source 1-82 TEXT fn.FV VRX/E CATJOB source 1-82 TEXT fn.N3 Control string 1-82 TEXT fn.CS SCL procedure w/num 1-82 TEXT fn.PRN SCL procedure w/o num 1-82 TEXT fn.PRO Data (variable length records) 1-160 TEXT fn.DAT or (text(ASCII) data) fn or manipulated FN_XYZ (by V-Kermit) FN_C TEXT FN TEXT FN TEXT FN TEXT FN TEXT FN TEXT FN TEXT FN TEXT FN TEXT C Data (variable length records) 1-160 FN FN FN FN FN FN FN or (CRs and CRLFs fn.xyz FN/BIN fn.DAT (text(ASCII) data) fn unaltered fn.xyz(by V-Kermit) or Data (fixed length records) TEXT fn.Dnn (text(ASCII) data) (CRs and CRLFs manipulated by V-Kermit) Data (fixed length records) BIN fn.Dnn (text(ASCII) data) (CRs and CRLFs unaltered by V-Kermit) Data (binary data) BIN fn.BIN (variable length records) Data (binary data) BIN fn.Bnn (fixed length records) Object BIN fn.OBJ (CRs and CRLFs FN_XYZ 1-nn FN 1-nn FN 1-485 FN 1-nn FN 1-490 FN The suffixes may be lower case. 6.3. Considering White Space Files that are created on the PC and then uploaded to V-Kermit need to consider 'white space' and record length. 'TAB's may be defined differently on the PC wordprocessor than by the VRX-C compiler, which generates the code that converts 'TAB's to spaces before writing to the VE disk. This conversion is always 8 spaces for each 'TAB'. 6.4. Check-off List to Consider Before Transferring Files V-Kermit Parameters 6.4.1. Communications Parameters MS-Kermit has 'set parity'. MS-Kermit has 'set loc on/off' consistent with link. If 'set loc on' for full duplex links, display 'failed' for file transfer attempts. duplex of the MS-Kermit will MS-Kermit has 'set sen pause'. Excessive retries and very slow performance will occur if this value is not large enough to allow the other side to prepare itself for input after it has sent something to MS-Kermit. In the case of SuperVision and the DSP f/w comm port, this value should be at lease 5 ms. In heavily loaded systems this may need to be increased. Of course, setting it unnecessarily high will degrade performance. This needs to be set separately for each host system. MS-Kermit has 'set speed'. MS-Kermit has 'set block-check-type'. V-Kermit has 'set parity'. V-Kermit has 'set duplex'. V-Kermit has 'set block-check'. 6.4.2. Characteristics of the file to be transferred: VE load/object file? Name = fn.OBJ 'set fil typ bin' VE source file? Name selected by type(fn.c fn.CO fn.CO6 fn.NC fn.N3 fn.BAS fn.FV). fn.CO8 Not > 81 chars between CRLFs on PC. 'set fil typ tex' VE control string or SCL Procedure file? Name selected from:fn.CS fn.PRN fn.PRO. Not > 80 chars between CRLFs on PC. 'set fil typ tex' Data file with no record structure? Name = fn.BIN 'set fil typ BIN' Data file with variable length records on VE side? Name = fn.DAT or fn or fn.xxx 'set file type tex/bin' FCL for REF=DATAFILE has variable RECORDSIZE. Data file with fixed length records on VE side? Name = fn.DAT or fn or fn.xxx fn.NCR fn.NVS 'set file type tex/bin' FCL for REF=DATAFILE has fixed RECORDSIZE. 6.4.3. Source/destination on VE side? Size of file on upload FCL FILESIZE correct if not RMS. DATESCHEME for control strings and SCL Procedure files. FCL with AGE needed if version 00 already exists on disk. Is the file going to/coming from a catalog node or disk? Once V-Kermit starts all files must go to/come from the specified catalog node or disk. V-Kermit must be ended and restarted to change this. 6.4.4. Special V-Kermit Text Manipulation Required? set send/receive add-linenum on/off(restricted for this release) set send/receive id-fields discard/keep. set send/receive line-numbers discard/keep. set send/receive renumber on/off. 6.4.5. Special White Space considerations? Does the PC file have 'TAB' characters that are not to 8 spaces? There is no parameter to control this. 6.5. represent Transferring Multiple Files with One Command There are two ways to upload more than one file with a single command. One is to use wildcards that match more than one file on an upload. The other is to use 'take' files that specify more than one 'send' command. Entire subdirectories may be uploaded by the '*.*' syntax. 'Take' files can also be used to download files by using multiple instances of the 'get' command. 6.6. Examples of File Transfers 6.6.1. Job Files The most common use of V-Kermit is to download a job file, edit it on the PC, upload it, and execute it. Care must be taken on the PC not to have records ( delimited by CR ) > 82 characters. The fn.N3 extension is used in this case. 6.6.2. UPDATE patches and EBFs Download of UPDATE patch files or EBFs from the VE system requires some care to preserve the precise structure that the VE 'boot' code needs. Use FCL parameters like:REF=DATAFILE, RECORDSIZE=80. And insure IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit has 'set fil typ tex'. Any modifications to the file on the PC must preserve the 80 byte record structure and the upload must use the above parameters. 6.7. Checking for Proper File Transfer Performance During the transfer notice the 'number of retries' that MS-Kermit is updating. There should be few. If the number is more that 1 per Kbyte of data transferred, there is probably something wrong with the setup or the system. Use the MS-Kermit 'show statistics command at the end to a file transfer or the end of a file transfer session to get a feeling for the number of NAKs that were exchanged and the overall throughput. 6.7.1. Kermit Timeouts There are four timeout parameters in the V-Kermit environment: MS-Kermit Timeouts Send Timeout MS-Kermit 'set sen tim' is valid on uploads and downloads. It is not affected by the 'send init' exchange. It should be set to as low a value as possible without causing significantly increased number of retries. It defaults to 8. The distributed initialization file MSKVKNIT sets it to 2. A value of 1 is likely to cause excessive retries by MS-Kermit. If there are more than 1 retry per 1K bytes of data, increase this value. Receive Timeout MS-Kermit 'set rec tim' is in effect on uploads and downloads. It should be set to as low a value as possible without causing significantly increased number of retries. It defaults to 13. The distributed initialization file MSKVKNIT sets it to 2. A value of 1 is likely to cause excessive retries by MS-Kermit. If there are more than 1 retry per 1K bytes of data, increase this value. It is temporarily overridden by the 'send init' exchange to V-Kermit 'set sen tim' value on downloads. V-Kermit Timeouts the Send Timeout V-Kermit does not time the results of its sends; it relies on the 'set rec tim' of MS-Kermit to do that. It forces MS-Kermit to temporarily change its 'set rec tim' value in the 'send init' exchange. It should be set to as low a value as possible without causing significantly increased number of retries. It defaults to 10. The distributed initialization file KERMRC_XXX sets it to 2. A value of 1 is likely to cause excessive retries by MS-Kermit. If there are more than 1 retry per 1K bytes of data, increase this value. Receive Timeout This value is always overridden to 30 making it (in effect) used. 7. not TERMINATING MS-KERMIT AND IVS-Kermit or MCS-KERMIT Once you have successfully transferred the desired file(s) to/from the 9800 system, you can terminate MS-Kermit and IVSKermit or MCS-Kermit by performing the following sequence of actions: At the Kermit-MS> prompt, enter 'finish<RETURN>' IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit's "server" mode. to terminate The Kermit-MS> prompt will be next. Enter 'connect<RETURN>' to return control from MS-Kermit back the terminal emulator mode. to The IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit> prompt will be displayed next. Enter 'quit<RETURN>' to terminate IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit. At this point, MS-Kermit can be used for other work as a terminal emulator. If you wish to terminate MS-Kermit, hold the 'CONTROL' key down while pressing the ']' (right bracket) key followed by the 'c' key. Then, when the Kermit-MS> prompt is displayed, enter 'quit<RETURN>' to terminate MS-Kermit. 8. IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit Error Messages Text enclosed by parentheses is replaced by program-determined data. The numbers assigned are the universal Kermit numbers with the omissions being related to functions not implemented Kermit. 2. 3. File not found No readable file to send by V- 4. 5. 6. 7. 15. 16. 17. 18. 23. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31. 32. 34. 36. 45. 48. 52. 73. 74. 79. 80. 82. 83. 84. 97. 98. 100. 102. 103. 104. 106. 107. 109. 111. 112. 113. 114. 116. 117. 120. 123. 124. 125. 126. 8.1. NONAME (for a file) Can't open file User canceled transaction Unimplemented server function Unimplemented generic server function Can't close file Can't execute command Unknown packet type Write permission denied - (file name) Read permission denied - (file name) File not readable - (file name) File not found - (file name) Please complete this field - (data field shown) Ambiguous - (ambiguous Kermit command) Invalid - (invalid Kermit command) Buffer full Your escape character is not ASCII - (number), escape (Failure reason) failure while handling failure Failed (component) Disconnected Use 'set send' or 'set receive' instead ?Unexpected file parameter Sorry, 94 is the maximum Not in ASCII control range - (number) ?File specification required ?Invalid format for debug() - (debug entry) ?Invalid format for tlog() - (transaction log entry) Missing parity Command too long for internal buffer Kermit command error: take file terminated. ?You must tell which log ?Debugging log wasn't open ?Packet log wasn't open ?Transaction log wasn't open ?Unexpected log designator - (log file name) You must specify what is to be logged ?A file specification is required ?You must specify a parameter to set ?Take files nested too deeply ?Wildcards not allowed in command file name Sorry, debug log not available Sorry, transaction log not available Bad input format Can't open (file name) Unreadable input file Can't write to (file name) Bad output file IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit VE File Error Messages In addition to these Kermit error messages, IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit will report messages specific to VE file problems. These will be sent in an error message packet to MS-Kermit for display to the operator. They will also be written to the file STDERR. OBJECT FILE VLI EXCEEDS MAX reading line > 80 char reading line > 82 char zsoutl: Maximum record length error (line truncated) ?Unable to receive data 9. MS-Kermit Error Messages MS-Kermit will generally only display errors that IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit has detected. Some of the errors that MS-Kermit will detect are: Warning - Non Ascii Char ?No response from host ?Unable to find file ?Unable to receive initiate-packet ?Word "ddd" is not usable here ?Word "s" is ambiguous APPENDIX A CONTENTS OF KERMRC FILE SET FILE TYPE text SET PARITY EVEN SET DUPLEX HALF SET SEND TIMEOUT 10 SET RECEIVE TIMEOUT 30 SET DELAY 0 SET SEN PAC 94 SET REC PAC 94 SERVER APPENDIX B Caveats This section contains warnings that emphasize points made in Functional Specification and temporary restrictions for current release. the the 4. Remember that the last line of an 'Ascii' file upload may not be written to the VE destination if the 'CRLF' ( 0D0A ) is not at the end of the PC file. 24. The MS-Kermit '^E' feature to cancel an upload in progress will result in a file fragment on the VE side. This is the Kermit designed intent for this feature. Consider using the MSKermit '^X' instead. 36. V-Kermit expects that 'source' and 'control string' files uploaded will not have records ( delimited by CR ) > 82 or 83 characters depending on the extension. Refer to 6.2.2 for the exact cases. An error message will be sent to MS-Kermit and the file transfer will be stopped if these lengths are exceeded. 31. If uploading a corrupted MS-DOS file ( for example, one that the directory size and the end-of-file indicator do not match ), MS-Kermit 2.32/A may detect this error and send a packet to IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit that will result in the 'unimplemented server function' being returned by IVS-Kermit or MCSKermit. 42. There may be needed information on the 'P' card of a NEAT/VE or NEAT/VS file that will be 'removed' by IVS-Kermit or MCS-Kermit on downloads. 43. fn.Dnn and fn.Bnn only accept fn of < 8 chars. 50. fn.Dnn and fn.Bnn display at PC 'rec size=n' if fn chars. This is a cosmetic problem only; the actual record is correct. 52. = 7 size The 'ADD-LINENUM' feature is removed. 59. Upload of fn.Dnn and fn.Bnn do not create fixed length files. The interaction of FCL overrides at file open time and the FCL in the job needs to be examined in more detail. This may end up as a permanent restriction. Use the workaround of job FCL in the interim. MCS-Kermit / IVS-Kermit "SALES BROCHURE" ADVANTAGES OF V-Kermit OVER OTHER FILE TRANSPORT SYSTEMS 1. Excellent data integrity: best reputation of all TTY file transfer protocols; Kermit is not known to have any data integrity problems; Kermit can be trusted. Reliable even on poor quality telephone links. 2. Industry standard: many users know of Kermit; they do not need to be trained; it is available on most Pc. When a file needs to be transported, Kermit will always be one of the choices. 3. Supportability: Columbia University supports it with a technical phone line. Updates are easy to get. The source code is available for customizing; many other protocols release only object or make source available only with some difficulty or have source that is not that friendly. 4. Cost; Kermit is cheap; essentially free. This is pertinent not only to us but also important in considering the popularity of various file transfer systems. If we do not have a Kermit capability, it is going to look strange. 5. Documentation Documentation is both an advantage and disadvantage. The document that comes with MS-Kermit is lengthy and fairly complete. But it is intimidating. 6. but accurate Testability: Relatively convenient to test on PCs, UNIX, and VE systems. No special hardware needed. Fully compatible with MICOM switch and STAM. 7. Compatibility: Kermit can run at any line speed (tested @ 19200/9600 baud). 8. File Organization: Kermit can accommodate any file organization via a specific implementation. Kermit can transfer any type of data including all 256 characters(bytes). 9. Implementation: One of the Kermit implementations is called C-Kermit and it is written in the 'C' language. This is suitable for conversion(porting) to the VE operating system. The 'C' language is a good language and fits in nicely with NCRs corporate language strategy. The C-Kermit implementation has some nice user features: command files, interactive commands, abbreviated commands, good command parsing, time-outs, good statistics displays, logging, debug features, repeated character compression, 3 byte CRC option, batch file transfer via name wildcards or command files, link connection facilities, control of the key parameters, server mode availability where one Kermit can control another Kermit, file name flexibility, etc.