Open House Slide Show - West Perry School District

Mr. Mike Miller
I’m into my 25th year at West Perry Middle School!
We study the world!
Some class activities
World Tour
►North Africa/Middle East Dioramas
►European Cereal Box Project
Kermit’s World Tour
Students arrange for
Kermit to go on trips.
• Kermit likes the camera!
Kermit’s World Tour
► If
you or someone you know
is taking a trip…
► maybe Kermit can go along.
Kermit in Greece
Kermit’s World Tour
Kermit at
► Kermit’s been to
China twice with people adopting babies.
► He vacationed with folks in Mexico 8 times.
► NASCAR? Yep! Races at 4 different tracks!
Kermit’s World Tour
► Kermit’s
travel companions must
take some pictures.
► Kermit needs to be in some of
► Hopefully, landmarks or famous
places are in the background.
Kermit in London
Kermit’s World Tour
► When
Kermit returns, we learn about his trip.
► We track Kermit’s trip on maps.
► We calculate how many miles he traveled.
► We look at the pictures.
Kermit’s World Tour
Kermit helps us learn
geography in a
different way.
St. Petersburg, Russia
Kermit’s World Tour
Some more pictures from
previous years.
Kermit’s World Tour
► Our
goal is to
make Kermit a
world traveler.
► Last year Kermit
traveled over
100,000 miles!
► Can you help us
top that
North Africa/Middle East Dioramas
Dioramas are
miniature scenes.
North Africa/Middle East Dioramas
Student pairs or
trios choose a
country from
the region.
North Africa/Middle East Dioramas
Student teams
research the
culture and
topography of
“their” country.
North Africa/Middle East Dioramas
Teams use a shoe
box and other
They “create” their
research 3dimensionally.
European Cereal Box Project
Students choose a
European country.
• They research that
country’s culture and
• Then, they create a
“cereal” with their
European Cereal Box Project
Students depict
their research on
the box’s sides.
They place 3
visual, cultural
items inside their
European Cereal Box Project
Students present
their “cereal” to
the class.
They will pull the
three items from
inside their box,
show the class and
discuss them.
Labels Competition
I call it Labels.”
Students collect
labels from
products made in
Labels Competition
We’ll count the
number of labels
we get…
and from what
countries these
labels come.
Labels Competition
When we study a
We’ll discuss why
we have many…
or few labels from
countries of that
Labels Competition
“Labels” will be a
between my
• The winners get
a popcorn party
at year’s end (if the
new nutritional guidelines let