Creating a Plant and Animal Cell Model

Creating a Plant and Animal CELL MODEL
Teacher Notes
This project is to be done in pairs or small groups. It will take at least two days for the
students to complete it.
Name __________________________________ Date _______________ Per. _______
Unit: Cell Structure and Function
Creating a Plant and Animal CELL MODEL
Each student will need different colors of the following:
(1) sheet of 18 X 22 construction paper
(1) sheet of 8 x 11 construction paper
(1) ½ sheet of 8 x 11 construction paper
(6) 2 inch squares of construction paper
Split peas, pinto beans or corn kernels
Kidney beans
3 different colors of yarn
Cell model handout, Scissors, Glue
1. You will need the following materials to make the background for your cell model.
a. Cell Model handout containing the cell titles, name plate and key
b. One large sheet of construction paper (17 x 22) arranged landscape style
2. Cut out the four sections of the handout and glue them onto the construction
paper as shown in the example below. This will be the background for your
cell model
Name Plate
3. Now select a sheet of 8x11 construction paper that is different from the
background color of your cell model. Fold this sheet in half and cut along the fold
making two small half-sheets.
4. Cut one of the pieces into a rectangular shape and the other into an irregular
shape. Try to leave the pieces as large as possible while still making the required
shape. Save a scrap of this color paper for your key.
Cut an
shape out of
this half.
Make it as big
as you can.
Cut a
shape out of
this half.
Make it as big
as you can.
5. Glue each shape onto your cell model being sure to place the correct shape under
its matching cell title. Think: What shape are plant cells? What shape are animal
cells. What does this construction paper represent? Glue a scrap of this color
paper onto the key by the part it represents.
6. Select a color of yarn. Outline each of your cell shapes with glue and outline each
cell shape with yarn. Be sure to use the same color yarn on both cells. Glue a
scrap of this yarn onto the key by the part it represents.
7. Now select a third color of construction paper that is ½ of an 8 x 11 sheet. Fold
this paper in half. Cut the folded sheet into a circular shape. Use as much of the
paper as possible so that you end up with two identical circular shapes. These
circles will be the nucleus of each cell.
8. Glue the nucleus of the animal cell in the center of the cell. Glue the nucleus of
the plant cell into one corner. Why isn’t the nucleus in the middle of most plant
cells? Be sure to glue a scrap of this paper onto the key next to “Nucleus”.
9. Now select a fourth color of construction paper. You will use this to represent the
vacuole. Think about how the vacuole in a plant cell is different from an animal
cell and cut out vacuoles for both cells. Glue the vacuoles onto your model and be
sure to save a scrap for your key.
10. Select a second color of yarn. Outline the nucleus with glue and glue the yarn
around the nucleus. Save a scrap of yarn to glue onto your key next to the
“Nuclear Membrane”.
11. Select several kidney beans. These will represent the mitochondria. Glue the
mitochondria onto your cell model in the correct location. Be sure to glue a kidney
bean onto your key next to “Mitochondria”.
12. Now select some grains of rice. The rice will represent genetic material. Glue the
genetic material onto your cell model in the correct location. Be sure to glue some
rice onto your key next to “Genetic Material”.
13. Now make some chloroplasts from a new color of construction paper cut into
football shapes. Glue the object provided by your teacher onto the football
shapes to represent chlorophyll inside the chloroplasts. Place a sample on your
key and glue on the chloroplasts in the appropriate place.
14. Now select a third, different color of yarn. This will represent the cell wall. Glue
the cell wall onto your cell model in the appropriate place. Save a scrap for your
Name ______________________________ Date ____________________ Per. ___
Unit: Cell Structure and Function
CELL MODEL Grading Rubric
Carefully read the questions below and evaluate the project you have been assigned to
grade. Place a check on the blank if you can answer “YES” to the question.
1. _____ Is the plant cell a rectangular shape?
2. _____ Is the animal cell an irregular shape?
3. _____ Do both cells have a cell membrane surrounding the cytoplasm?
4. _____ Do both cells have nucleoplasm?
5. _____ Do both cells have a nuclear membrane surrounding the nucleus?
6. _____ Is genetic material found inside the nucleus on both cells?
7. _____ Do both cells have mitochondria?
8. _____ Are the mitochondria located in the cytoplasm and not in the nucleus?
9. _____ Do both cells have vacuoles?
10. _____ Are the vacuoles in the plant cell larger than vacuoles in the animal cell?
11. _____ Is the cell wall found only on the plant cell?
12. _____ Is the cell wall on the outside of the cell membrane on the plant cell?
13. _____ Are there chloroplasts in the cytoplasm of the plant cell?
14. _____ Are chloroplasts found only in the plant cell?
15. _____ Look at the key. Was any item used twice? If not, give them a check! 
_____ Total number of checks
6 points for each check
_____ Points they have earned so far (90 points max.)
+ ________ Points for neatness and artistic appeal
If you had to rate the overall neatness and artistic appeal of this project, how would you
rate it? Circle your answer and add this number to the point total above.
Low (messy/incomplete)
High (very neat)